[In the dorms]

"So, that's pretty much the whole tour. Not much to see though, which is probably why they closed the Dorms off in the first place." It was the ground floor, out of 10. InuYasha simply didn't want to show her the other identical 9. There was no point in it, they were all the same.

"But... We just got here. I want to see the whole building, especially since I might be staying here as a student." Rin began walking towards the spiral staircase to the 2nd floor. "You do know that you might be living in this place too, right?"

All that could be heard was the young Hanyō's irritated sigh, as he followed the human with his flashlight. "Not a chance. I'd rather move in with my dad than stay in this dump. Every floor is the same, boring and dull, thing. Absolutely nothing is different."

"So? All it really needs is a proper living arrangement system, and a little personal touches by the students. 10 floors in the dorm, and 10 elective subjects." She smiled back at InuYasha. "Depending on elective a student chooses, each floor could be personalized for one of the 10 subjects for students to choose, Yashie."

His eye twitched. Did she seriously just call him Yashie? "Whatever, Idiot. I still ain't living in this dump!"

She rolled her eyes as they came to a stop at the top of the staircase. Turning on her own flashlight, her eyes scanned the floor entrance. It looked exactly like the 1st, just like InuYasha had said. But something didn't feel right. "What was the official reason the dorms were sealed?"

"How the hell should I know? All I heard was that some kid fell on the stairs and had to get stitches." He knew that wasn't the real reason, but it was the official and publicly released reason. "Anyway, we should probably get back."

"Why? Is the Hanyō afraid of the dark?" Rin continued down the dark hall, not bothering to wait for him.

"Shut up! You do what you want, I'm waiting by the exit... Don't take too long." With that, InuYasha went back downstairs to the exit. Where he met his father and Sesshōmaru.

"Where is Rin, InuYasha?" Taisho asked with a small smile towards his son.

"She went upstairs to look around some more..." He was clearly tired, due to the lack of sleep after having come with his father.

Sesshōmaru, hadn't stopped nor looked at his half brother. He passed InuYasha, and made his way towards the staircase to head upstairs. He knew Rin's scent best, and found it pointless to ask where she was rather than to simply follow his nose.

Rin had somehow made it all the way up to the top floor, and gone up onto the roof from there. She wanted to see what the large campus looked like from up high. It shocked her to see just how large it really was. It was absolutely breath-taking.

"It's a lovely view, wouldn't you agree, Rin Yūki?" It was a female voice. Soft yet low and sharp.

Rin quickly turned to spot the source. She knew the woman was a Demoness, and so she warned herself to be careful due to being addressed with the last name of her parents. "It's absolutely beautiful, Miss...?"

A sneer crossed the face of the Demoness, studying the small human. "Kagura Kaze no On'na. Lady Kagura to you, Miss Yūki."

"Mrs. Ao-Mikadzuki... Actually. I'd greatly prefer it, Lady Kagura." Kagura...? Rin had heard many stories about her being one of the most aggressive Anti-rights Member. She knew that the Demoness was also known for taking down many Rights Activists who gained too much influence. This woman had even tried to kill Rin and her parents once.

"A pets name, nothing more... I am only going to say this once, so listen. I will never acknowledge you as an Ao-Mikadzuki. You're a human. Trash. Nothing more than a pet." Moving closer to the human as she spoke, stopping inches from Rin, who had become pressed against the railing. Kagura's tone was turning cold, harsh, and even hateful. "You shouldn't even be here at this school. I could get rid of you, so easily. Just one gust of wind..." The Demoness began to raise her fan, the tool she used to manipulate and control the air. But just as she began to swipe the fan in front of her, to send the human flying... A very firm hand grabbed her by the wrist.

"If you ever intend to harm my mate again, I will not hesitate to remove your arms from your body, Kagura Kaze no On'na" Sesshōmaru had calmly hurried to the rooftop when he picked up the scent of the Demoness with Rin's, and apparently made it barely in time. With his grip tightening on the Demoness' wrist, he pulled her back and released his hold on her. Thus, she stumbled to the side without his notice. "You will leave. Now." Without bothering to wait for a response, he stepped forward to his mate, placing a hand gently on her head.

Summoning her large feather to ride the wind, Kagura left without a single word. Thoughts in abundance, rebuttals, arguments, even justifications. No. Those would be rather pointless. Even as her red eyes peered back at the rooftop, there wasn't a damn thing she could do against him. Next time, I wont be alone. And you, Rin Yūki, will finally be out of our way...

Without any hesitation, Rin wrapped her arms around Sesshōmaru's waist, burying her face into his chest. She hadn't even realized she was trembling. She only knew that she had been too terrified to move of speak.

"Are you hurt, Rin?" His arms carefully embraced his wife, unsure if she was injured or not.

All she could do was shake her head. She completely believed that she'd be dead if Sesshōmaru hadn't arrived when he did.

Lifting her into his arms, Sesshōmaru carried Rin bridal style, as he began to head back to his father. He was frowning, furious that his mutt of a brother had allowed her to go off on her own. He held her close and tightly in his arms, with no intention of letting go of her. At this very moment, it was decided. Sesshōmaru and Rin would be moving into the Ao-Mikadzuki Mansion. Regardless of any objections.

[Dorm Library]

"Ya just gonna sit there and mope all night?" Annoyed by the drastic shift in Rin's behavior and demeanor, InuYasha was trying to get some kind of reaction from her. He had no idea what had taken place up on the roof. Sesshōmaru had waltzed in, set her in the largest chair, and left with the Head Master, scowling all the while. "You and the prick have a fight or something?"

"... That isn't funny." It was short, faint, and audible only to InuYasha's special ears. Calling her husband a prick, or any other rude name, irritated her. "You'll hear about it later..."

"Ah, geeze... And stuck babysitting til their meeting is over and they're back. Great." He was being over dramatic, naturally. Plopping back into another chair, he kept an eye on the human. He could smell it, she was covered in it. Fear.

Yes, fear. That's what she felt. It had been such a long time since she had feared a Demon. She wanted to return to the hotel. She wanted to leave. But she couldn't. She couldn't allow Demons like Kagura win control by using fear. She chose to stay. Even despite Sesshōmaru's strong urges for her to leave with his Father's mate, she stayed. "At least you don't have to worry about me, as if I'm a child."

"Keh! Go to sleep, idiot. You're clearly tired." She irritated him, god knows why, but she did. He wanted Sesshōmaru to hurry up and come get her already. But still, something about her, felt so familiar. Just who in the hell is this girl? Why do I find it so natural to bicker with her? It's like I know her somehow.

"With my luck, as soon as I fall asleep, it'll be time to leave." Finally, she had managed to get a hold of herself. So embarrassing. Losing my composure to that woman. I'm no coward. I refuse to let it happen again. One could say, she was mentally scolding herself. However, she was merely reminding herself, that not all demons were very happy about the human rights. I am still the chairwoman, and spokeswoman... I'll always be a target, regardless of where I am, or who I'm with.

[Board Room Meeting]

"I do not believe the decision should be made without Lady Kagura!" It wasn't a yell, as much as it was a desperate plea. Kagura had left, and she wasn't coming back to the meeting. It wouldn't be wise after what she had attempted to do, while alone with Rin.

"We cannot wait any longer." Inu Kimi sharply replied. "We have wasted too much time, already. We must come to a decision, now." Mumbles filled the room, acknowledging Kimi's validity in her statement.

Taisho cleared his throat as he stood. "We shall take the vote now." He was tired, and sounded it, as well. "All in favor, say aye."

8 out of the 13 said aye.

"All opposed, say nay." This part, a formality. It was clear, the outcome.

5 grumbled out nay, irritated at their obvious loss.

"Very well, then. The ayes have it." Relief was obvious in the tone of the Head Master. It wasn't perfect, but his students would be safer. "Meeting adjourned. Please, be safe on your way home."

Sesshōmaru was already leaving the room, inpatient. He'd left his mate with that imbecile, he was in no mood to be kept busy any longer.

Note from TheSeaChelle:

Short, I know. And way, way, way... Over do. I apologize.

Highly rushed, and I didn't proof read as well as usual. For that too, I apologize.

I promise not to post while half asleep again.

Personal life kinda drained me of my creativity to muse this story.

As always, leave feedback, reviews, opinions, and such.

This chap was fairly rushed. It'll get better, I promise.

I did some edits, with a more awake mind.

Sadly, I don't have the files to edit the previous chapters. They got deleted when I was getting rid of some old notes. Again, I apologize, and ask you to overlook previous mistakes.

Your feedback & reviews are awesome and extremely helpful. Especially when y'all help me notice a mistake that I didn't catch. And point out other derp moments on my behalf.

Y'all are awesome, and help me get better, more than you know. :)

Thank you for reading, & waiting!

