A/N: Screw everbody's 'pinion. I'm writing Alissa's side of Nobody Cares.

Unwanted and Unloved

My name is Alissa St. Pierre.

I have a family, sure.

My dad is a teacher at a stupid elementary school for retarded kids.

My stepmother is a bitch.

She tells me nobody likes a bastard child.

She treats me like dirt.

My half-brothers Johnathan and Ryan tease me.

They call me names.

They hit me.

They hate me.

My half-sister Laura ignores me.

Yells at me.

Uses me as a personal servant.

My mother was never around.

My dad says she never loved me.

I never believed him.

I thought wherever she was, she'd love even if I'm different.

I'm the black sheep.

I have my dad's dark brown hair.

I have eyes like the domains of the sons of Kronos.

Blue like the sky.

Green like the ocean.

Grey like the River Styx.

I grew up hated and unloved in a small Canadian town.

When I was three, a peer tried to kill me by tying a skipping rope around my neck.

Turns out she was a monster.

An empousai.

When I was seven, my only friend moved away.

I cried all summer.

When I was ten, I got a scar from my half-sister's desk chair.

She laughed and called me a clutz.

When I was twelve, I began to babysit.

My uncle still owes me alot of money.

Atleast a hundred dollars

I'm thirteen now.

I just found a refuge for people like myself.

Not quite human, not quite devine.

A species all it's own.


Children of Greek and Roman gods.

My mother is Athena, goddess of Wisdom, Battle Strategy and Arts and Crafts.

I'm a black sheep in Cabin 6.

My maternal half-siblings have blonde hair, grey eyes and perfect grades.

I've rarely ever gotten higher then a B.

I am a rare child of Athena with the ability to control art and art supplies.

I could repaint the Big House teal or silver with minimal effort.

I sit on the edge of the bridge.

One foot off the edge.

One hand holding the rail.

If I am unwanted, I will join the souls in Asphodel.

Join my grandmother in eternsl nothingness.

I let got of the rail and plunge into the icy water.

Instead of drowning, a white light encases my body.

I now stand in front of my mother.

She is disappointed.

I am sent back to camp.

My wrists look like roadmaps.

Scissors fly through the air, slicing the skin like paper.

Either nobody notices or nobody cares.

My paperclip bracelets cover the scars like paint over a kindergarden mistake.

My days are spent learning useless facts and skills.


Ancient Greek.



Nothing I can use.

I cry into the night, a wall of soundproof popsicle sticks surrounding my bunk like a crate.

I finally find a friend.

Nico is the only son of Hades.

He has marshmellow pale skin, glossy black hair and chocloate brown eyes that almost look black

He understands my pain.

He knows how I feel.

Unwanted and unloved.

He's my age.


Mentally, he's around eighty.

I couldn't be bothered to care.

Nico doesn't tease me.

He doesn't laugh at the fact I'm different.

He doesn't try to harm me in any way.

Nico is my friend.

We laugh together.

We train together.

We learn together.

We prank together.

Nico is my first real friend.

A/N: Duh duh duh DUH! The other half of Nobody Cares... COMPLETE! QOTS: St. Pierre is of what nationality? Don't laugh at my question! Winner gets to be in my new story 'Lexi Delright, Greek Magician.'