And here we reach the last chapter. I am so glad I was able to do something for Gruvia week. Hope you enjoyed this little jaunt into stream of consciousness writing.


When you have friends to fight for, when you have made the choice to fight, when you have a reason to get stronger, when you have a love to return home to, when you have a dream to work towards and when you have the conviction to see it through, that is when you can actualize who you really are. This is the Self. Because in the end, you are the only one who can live your life.

A person's self is tied to the friends they keep. Friends influence the self. They mold experience. The memories you share with them are precious, so much so that they can drive you to do the impossible. Without friendship, the self is an empty husk, filled with bitterness and despair.

A person's self is tied to making the choice to do what needs to be done. Choice is very important to getting stronger. Many people can go through life without ever making a choice, allowing the winds of change to sway the self every which way. But only the truly strong make a choice to stand instead of being swayed.

A person's self is tied to a reason. In order to get stronger, one needs something to drive them. It is the drive, the reason that pushes one to greatness. Without a reason, one can become disillusioned. Why fight? Why get stronger? Without that reason, the self will always be driven by others instead of driving themselves.

A person's self is tied to love. All humans need love. Love is what sustains the self. It is a known fact that humans who have a love waiting for them are more likely to pull through whatever life throws at them. This holds true even for a mage. It is because when humans strive to protect the ones they love, that is when they generate the most power. In that moment, they truly become formidable beings.

A person's self is tied to dreams. Everyone wants something out of life, an end goal. Dreams are what make living such an ephemeral life so bearable. They make us stronger. Without dreams, life is not worth living.

A person's self is tied to their conviction. It is the will to soldier on, even throughout the hardships. Conviction allows us to fight on through the pain. Strength is intricately tied to conviction.

It is through the self that we can truly become who we are meant to be. Through the self, we become our best.

It is early morning in Gray and Juvia's home. The light was starting to peer out into the master bedroom. The ice mage could feel the sunlight beaming on his poor face. Unconsciously, he tried to block it out but unfortunately he couldn't. With a pitiful groan, Gray opened his eyes wearily. With a bit of adjustment, his eyes could see perfectly.

He noticed that he had no clothes on. This wasn't much of a surprise to him now. He turned his head to the other side of the bed to see Juvia still fast asleep. She was also in the nude. That was also not a surprise to him, especially after what they did the night before, multiple times in fact.

Because he knew he wasn't going back to sleep, Gray decided to get out of bed. He got a pair of boxers and put them on. Even though he was used to walking around their house naked, it wouldn't do if company decided to come over unexpectedly. He decided to go downstairs and make some breakfast for him and Juvia.

However, something made him pause for a moment. Gray looked at Juvia and it made him smile. She looked so beautiful with her blue hair cascading down her head like a river. Her perfect skin only had two scars from her missions. Her perfect breasts heaved with ever breath she took. God, she was perfect. How did he not notice this when first met her? She was all his now and that's what mattered.

Gray's stomach growled, wanting to be fed. He was getting quite hungry. As quietly as he could, Gray walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He wanted to make something simple. Bacon and eggs were simple enough and he had enough culinary expertise to make it. Plus making breakfast would score him some points with Juvia. Not that he needed any more, especially when he had all of the points she could possibly give, including the bonus ones. But it was these little things showed that he cared about her.

As the bacon started to sizzle and the eggs started cooking, Gray began thinking about Juvia. In fact, his thoughts never really strayed far from her. The water mage was so ingrained in him that he couldn't even think about life without her. He had no idea how he got through eighteen years without Juvia and another one and a half years (eight and a half if you count the seven years that they lost due to Tenrou Island) that they weren't a couple. He needed Juvia like he needed the air that he breathes.

"Gray." A weary voice called out to him.

Gray turned around to see Juvia standing in the kitchen doorway. She was wearing her bathroom...and most likely, nothing else. God, she looked so tempting with her tousled blue hair and her sleep weary face. But then again, she looked sultry no matter how she looked.

"Hey, Juvia." Gray replied. "I'm just making some breakfast. Grab a couple of plates."

Juvia did so and set the table. She also got some cups and a carton of orange juice. She poured the juice into the cups while Gray served the food into the plates.

The two ate in a comfortable silence. Neither needed words to convey what they were feeling. Three and a half years of being lovers will do that for you.

Gray watched Juvia as he ate. How is it that he found someone like Juvia? She was so loving and kind and deeply devoted to him. It is hard to believe that there was a time where she was so depressed that the rain always fell on her. She never had any friends. She didn't have anything worth holding onto. And yet, despite that, she transformed into a wonderful woman. Gray also couldn't believe that he was responsible for the transformation.

And Gray himself underwent a transformation. He didn't know when or how but they had become so intricately entwined that he didn't know where the self of Gray Fullbuster ended and the self of Juvia Lockser began. Then again, he loved Juvia so much that it didn't matter.

"What does Gray plan to do today?" Juvia asked.

Gray thought about it for a second. Then a sly smile crept along his face. "Nothing." He smiled simply.

"Nothing?" Juvia asked. "Gray is not going to go to the guild and pick up a mission?"

He continued to smile. "Nope. Gonna stay right here and so are you."

Juvia was confused. "Then what does Gray have planned for he and Juvia?" She asked.

Gray skulked over to Juvia and kissed her deep. His hands wandered to the inside of her robe, touching her naked body. Juvia got the message and wrapped her legs around Gray's waist so that he could pick her up and take her to the bedroom.

There was one more thing that Gray thought about as he took Juvia to bed (in more ways than one). This woman, Juvia Lockser, was an important part of his 'self' just as he was an important part of her 'self'. She was his strength just as he was hers. The ice mage knew that this woman would be the one to whom he would devote his whole life. Juvia was going to be his bride one day.

Not now, of course, but soon. He wanted to make sure that to set a very romantic mood on the day that he did propose. In the meantime, Gray was content in making sure to love Juvia and make love to her.

Because just as ice cannot exist without water, so to can Gray not exist without Juvia.

And there we have it, boys and girls. The end of the fic. I know, it is sad.

The line about Gray getting the points and bonus points doesn't belong to me. It belongs to BonneyQ from her "The Stories about You and I" fics. There was a chapter where he gets feminine pads for her and helps her through her cramps. He mentions the points and bonus points line while he is getting the product for Juvia. You should go read it. It's awesome.

Finally, loved the fic? Hated the fic? Have no opinion whatsoever? Leave me a review. I'd love to hear from you.

With this, I can finally get back to my A-Z fics. I've been sorely missing them.

With lots of love...

A. Angel