Chapter 20

Brady's POV

Today was the day I had been hoping would never come but, the circle of life had finally caught up with my two best friends. I stand looking down at the double coffin as it was lowered six feet in the ground. The year was 2098, two hundred and thirty years since they had first met. Age had finally caught up with them. They were wrapped in each others arms as Jasper took his last breath Seth only minutes later never leaving his mate. So here we were at their funeral. The whole of La-Push and half of Forks were at the funeral. Also, hundreds of former pupils of theirs from around here and the world had come to pay their respects to their former teachers. The day was one of the rare sunny days which was a good omen to us. They were going to rest peacefully.

"Grandpa, I miss Grandpa Seth and Poppa Jay," Liam my youngest grandson said holding my hand his big puppy eyes full of tears.

"Me too, baby, me too," I said picking him up and carrying him away from the grave not wanting to see the dirt thrown on my friends.

Less than a year after their wedding, Seth and Jasper became parents to a cub they named Jeremiah who I imprinted on. The day I imprinted was the happiest of my life, one I had given up on. However, Seth knew I was destined to be officially part of his family. Seth and Jasper went on to add four more children to their family. They went to college and got their teaching degrees. Jasper was a history teacher in Forks and Seth a kindergarten teacher here in La-Push. The cabin had become too small so they built a new home next to it. I was living in the cabin and became the babysitter of the cubs while they studied and went to their respective jobs. When the cubs started school, I felt lost and decided to go to college myself and studied law. I became a strong spokesperson for our people making sure we had our rightful land returned to us.

Jeremiah and I married when he was twenty one as he wanted to go to college first and experience the world away from La-Push. When he told me I thought he was leaving me behind but, he took me with him. I had given up phasing when he turned eighteen so I could finally age. The pack was no longer required so there was no need for me to hold on to my wolf. What no one was expecting was me to fall pregnant. We had a twin boys and a year later, again shocked, we had a baby girl. After that we used protection as neither of us wanted more. My body was tired. After all, I was old enough to be my childrens.. Well, I was old. Jeremiah kept me young along with my children.

Sam and Leah went on to have a boy called, wait for it, Samuel Junior. Sam got hell for not coming up with a more unique name for his son. Sam passed away ten years earlier and Leah just a year later. Cause unknown but we all knew it was from a broken heart.

Jacob imprinted on a girl from the neighbouring tribe called Meg and together they had eight children. Jacob and Meg were at the funeral and it was good to see that Jacob still carried himself as an alpha even though he stopped shifting after the Cullens had left. He was now an elder like myself ready to pass the torch to his son when the time came.

Quil didn't imprint but, he found a girl through Emmett and they were happy. Quil now lived in New York having become a finance guru. He and his wife had a daughter who was very spoilt but still managed to be sweet.

Jared and Kim stayed in La-Push having two children. Out of the pack, Jared was the one that rarely attended any gatherings. He seemed to want to forget his time in the pack even though he probably wouldn't have his mate at his side.

Paul never married but he had fathered many children each of them living in La-Push all with Paul's surname. Never had any of the women manage to keep him interested and he was known as the town bad boy. But, he was a great father to all of his children and a few of his grandchildren he got to meet. It seemed half the tribe were LaHotes. He passed away only a year ago and he was greatly missed.

Embry and Colin worked hard on the boats and travelled the world. They only came back every few years until Colin fell pregnant in his fortieth year. Their son was now dating my granddaughter Alice. Embry and Colin now owned a tourist shop and would take people on guided tours telling the visitors our legions. They were making a killing out of it. Of course, they bent the truth slightly but most of it was true. The tourists lapped it up and they were even recommended in many famous tourist books.

Everyone started leaving and only the pack stayed. I handed Liam over to Jeremiah and promised I wouldn't be late home. Even though I was the stronger one because of my wolf, Jeremiah was very protective of me. I thanked the spirit guides daily that my mate, my children, and my grandchildren didn't have to shift. The Cullens promised not to return to our lands again so that our wolves could finally rest in peace. Of course, it didn't mean they wouldn't be called upon again but for the meantime, they could rest.

We headed through the forest towards the spot where Seth and Jasper met for the very first time. We sat down and laughed at the good times we shared with them. We all knew that they wouldn't want us to grieve their departure. Instead, be happy that they were finally at peace forever in each others presence for the rest of eternity and beyond. It was getting late and everyone was saying their respective goodbyes. Only Jacob and I remained. Jacob would walk me back to my house still the over protective alpha he was.

"I'm going to miss them," I said the tears finally falling.

"They are always going to be watching over you, Brady. just like they always did," Jacob said hugging me from behind.

I looked up when Jacob chuckled. There, across the river hand in hand stood my two best friends waving at us smiling. With a kiss from Seth they turned and walked away their figures disappearing for the last time.

The end.

A/N Thank you so much for joining me on this journey. I hoped you enjoyed the ride. Special thanks to my reviewers :)

I would love to say see you soon, but this is the end of my own journey . So take care and may the spirit guides guide you always.

