Once in a kingdom long since forgotten, a child was born with skin the color of snow, and abandoned in the woods. That night a strange woman that lived in the forest, only known to the people of the kingdom as Obsin the astrologer, found the child and took him in. Obsin's young apprentice, Aluxia, named the boy Sendaer upon seeing him.

Now for those of you whom haven't heard this tale before I'll tell you about Obsin and Aluxia. Obsin has the apperence of a woman of twenty-two years, dispite being well over three hundred, her eyes are silver and her hair blacker than night hung lose around her head. She wore a red blouse with long sleaves that had open cuffs and a high neckline, in fact it wrapped around her neck snugly covering it. She, unlike most women of that time wore pants, hers were dark black simple pants. Her shoes were black leather boots that went up to her knees. Aluxia, was a young girl and at the start of this story only six years of age, her hair was the same red as an Autumn leaf and always tied back, and her eyes were the same shade of blue as the sea. She wore a violet mens tunic and dark blue pants, she would often go without any footwear, though when she did wear shoes she wore basic brown leather shoes.

It was no easy task for Obsin and Aluxia to raise Sendaer, as for the facts were that he had no eyes, ears, nose or mouth. So, using a spell that borrowed energy from the constellations, Obsin gave him sight, smell and hearing, as so that he could learn to live without being dependent on others. "Lady Obsin, why did you not give him a mouth?" Aluxia asked her teacher. "Because, my dear, the stars can only do so much." Obsin told her. "I simlpy asked them to help Sendaer, they chose what they did to assist him." "He won't live very long without food." Aluxia lamented. Obsin walked over to a large pot and placed it over the fire in the hearth, proceeding to put many strange things in the pot, the last of which she slit her hand with a knife and let seventeen drops of her blood fall into the pot, counting aloud each one. "What are you making?" Asked Aluxia tipping her head to the side in curiousity. "A special bath for Sendaer." Obsin answered as she stirred the contents of the pot. "What makes the bath so special?" Aluxia wondered aloud. "In return for me giving up my immortality," Obsin began. "Sendaer will gain immortality, so long as he remembers the name you've given him." "But Lady Obsin!" Aluxia began to protest. "You've been the magic leader for over three cen-" "And that's plenty more than enough time." Obsin calmly innerrupted. "This is why I took on an apprentice, Aluxia. No one should truly live forever." "But if you give up your immortality, wont all the years hit you at once? I can't learn from you if you're dead." Aluxia stated. Obsin laughed. "That's a myth, Aluxia. I became immortal the day I turned twenty-two, so once I relinquish my immortality it shall be as though it were but a day after my twenty second birthday. So I will have plenty of time to teach you of the magical realms. Now bring Sendaer here, the bath is ready for him." Obsin said and motioned for Aluxia to bring Sendaer over to the pot. Aluxia ran over holding Sendaer and gave him to her teacher, whom then bathed him in the potion.

Ten years later, when the leaves had all changed color, a young man named Renval, who had golden hair and emrald eyes, came to Obsin's. "Hello." He said as he opened the door. "Lady Obsin?" "Yes." Obsin said as she came out from behind a bookshelf. "How can I help you?" "I was hoping to see what a certin girl is up to," Renval started then looked sheepishly at his feet. "And who she likes." "Ahh, so I see." Obsin said with a nod then walking over to a table that had a crystal ball on it and sitting down, motioning for Renval to sit across the table from her. "So, what is the girls name?" She asked. "Umm, a-actually, she's A-Aluxia, y-your a-apprentice." Renval stuttered out turning his head to the side looking away from Obsin. "Oh?" Obsin said raising her eyebrows. "Well then, lets see what she's up to." She said leaning in towards the crystal ball and wispering to it. An image came into view in the crystal ball, Aluxia was walking backwards talking to a tall man, that was wearing a black long sleved silk shirt and dark brown pants with black cloth shoes, whom followed her. "Come on Sendaer! How are you so slow when your legs are so long?" Aluxia teased Sendaer. "Sendaer? Who is that? No one in the kingdom is named such." Renval asked looking confused. "Sendaer is my son. I took him in when I found him in the woods, he was just a newborn, abandoned for dead." Obsin answered. Renval nodded and turned back to the crystal ball. "Woah!" Aluxia yelled when Sendaer reached out with his long arms and grabbed her, placing her on his shoulders. It was then that the crystal ball changed the view it had of Aluxia and Sendaer, so it showed the front of Sendaer and his face,or lack there of. "Ahhgh!" Renval screamed. "What is that monster!" He yelled as he fell over out of his seat and scrambled away from the crystal ball. Obsin wove her hand over the crystal ball causing the image to dissapate, and she stood up. "That is my son, and he is no monster." Obsin said sternly shooting Renval a look. "And you can leave if you don't like that fact!" She yelled at him. Right then, the door opened and Sendaer ducked to enter and then put Aluxia down. "Oh, hello Renval. What are you doing here?" Aluxia asked then saw how Obsin was standing at the table with the crystal ball. "Came to get your fourtne told? Or have you fallen for some one?" "Monster!" Renval yelled scrambling to his feet and running across the room from Sendaer. "Monster? What do you mean? Obsin, Sendaer, you and myself are the only ones here. No monsers, just people." Aluxia said. Sendaer tilted his head and then raised a hand to his chest. Aluxia looked at Sendaer with concern. "No, you're not a monster." Obsin said. "You are my son, and I love you." She said as she walked over and hugged Sendaer. Sendaer returned the hug. In that moment Renval fled from Obsin's house running back to the kingdom.

Three years passed and it was Autumn once more, there was a chill in the air. "Lady Obsin, when do you think it'll snow?" Aluxia asked as she sat by the fire watching Obsin sew a winter coat for Sendaer. "Soon, judging from the cold." Obsin replied. Sendaer looked up from the drawing he was working on and pointed out the window at dark clouds that were rolling in. "You think it'll snow tonight?" Alexia asked Sendaer. Sendaer nodded. Obsin finished sewing the coat and looked out the window and gasped turning pale at what she saw. Jumping to her feet she wrapped the black coat around Sendaer and turned to Aluxia. "Take Sendaer and run out the back door head across the ravine and cut the bridge. Do you understand?" Obsin said as she ushered the two of them towards the back door. "Why? What did you see out the window?" Aluxia asked. "Quite a number of people from the kingdom, and they don't look happy. I'll hold them off. Now run!" Obsin said and shoved them out the door. "I guess we should go then." Aluxia said and then grabbed Sendaer's hand and started running, a few minutes later as they were running they heard some one yell. "Run! Whatever you do, don't let them find yAhh!" It was Obsin's voice and the way she cut off made Sendaer freeze, he knew that she was no more, but she was the only mother he ever had even if she acted more like an older sister, she was family. "Come on!" Aluxia said pulling on Sendaer's arm. "She wanted us to get away, so lets go!" Aluxia had tears streaming down her face. Sendaer nodded and ran with Aluxia. They soon reached the ravine and started across the narrow bridge, Aluxia made Sendaer go in front of her. "There you are, monser!" Renval yelled as he ran to the bridge, his clothes were stained with blood, he held a knife in his hand which he used to cut the bridge while they were on it. The bridge gave way and Aluxia and Sendaer fell, Aluxia closed her eyes, not wishing to see death himself, and suddenly she realized she wasn't falling anymore. "Huh?" Aluxia opened her eyes and looked down at the depth of the ravine and then at her waist where she felt something holding her, black tenticles. She looked behind her to see what it was attached to, and saw Sendaer hanging onto the wall of the ravine with his hands, tenticles coming from his back. Sendaer was struggling to hold both of their weight, nearly slipping as he tried to climb the wall. He went nowhere, if he gained a foot, in a minute he would lose one. "Sendaer." Aluxia began. "There's no way you can climb that wall carrying me. Let me fall." She said calmly. Sendaer shook his head violently, he already lost Obsin, he couldn't lose Aluxia too. "Obsin may not have always acted like a mother to you, but you were always her son. I was a friend to her, but you were her son. She loved you and wanted you to live" Aluxia said as she managed to free her self from Sendaer's tenticles. As she fell she called out to Sendaer. "Whatever you do, don't die!" Aluxia hit the ground with an echoing thud, a sound that just like Obsin's dying yell, he would never forget. Sendaer climbed up to the top of the ravine, only to find he was on the wrong side. "I have you now, monster!" Renval said walking torwards Sendaer. The word echoed in Sendaer's head, monster monster Monster, if that's what Renval, what the kingdom wanted, then they should be happy now. They created a monster, by taking away all that he loved and held dear, they turned a little boy who was afraid of the dark, into a monster. Sendaer walked towards Renval, raising his tenticals. Renval's survival instincts kicked in and he started running, when Sendaer suddenly appered right in front of him. "AHHhGGhhH!" Renval screamed as Sendaer came upon him. The forest fell silent after that, everyone who had come from the kingdom to kill Sendaer froze, then ran in different directions. Not one ever came back to the kingdom.