Author's Note: This looks like my last chapter, so I hope you guys enjoy it. Took me a bit longer to get this up because I had several scenarios in my mind and had to pick which one. I also had to rewrite part of it to follow the Fire Emblem history. Sorry if it's not completely accurate.

To the anonymous reviewer, (If you're reading this.) I looked into Archanea as you requested. Thanks for the info. I never played Shadow Dragon (wish I did), so the only info I had on Marth was from his trophy in SSBB, (which is wrong.) and bits of his character from support conversations between Tiki and Lucina. I did know about Caeda, but I didn't mention her. Because like most legends, women were sort of left out most of the time. My only question, what happened to Archanea afterwards in Fire Emblem?

And I'll end this some-what lengthy author's note by saying I don't own any of these characters.

Marth knew he had to find Lucina, and fast. Eventually, when he heard a scream, he knew he was too late. He ended up finding Lucina on the ground gasping and not looking so great. Ganondorf was smiling and pointing her out to Wario and Bowser.

Marth drew his sword, and was about to charge, then he saw Lucina and froze. Her very appearance was pure black. A dark aura surrounded her. Wario looked terrified, but Ganondorf stood there smiling.

Lucina then pointed to Ganondorf. "INSOLENCE!" she shouted in a voice that didn't really belong to her. "YOU THINK YOU COULD USE ME FOR A DEMONSTRATION?!" she then started laughing like a maniac. "WELL, PERHAPS I COULD DEMONSTRATE, ON YOU!" she then started to slowly walk up to him.

Now Ganondorf was panicked. He tried to cast a spell, but it was nullified. He tried to run, but Lucina extended a dark rope from her hand and wrapped it around Ganondorf. No one is sure what she did to him, but something happened that no one had heard of, or ever again. Ganondorf screamed for help. That's right. Screamed.

Even Link was concerned. He turned to Marth. "Marth! Talk some sense into her, and quick!"

"Lucina!" he shouted. "Please, stop it! This isn't you!"

Lucina red eyes flickered with amusement. "REALLY, THAT'S IT?" she slowly walked over to Marth. All the sudden, she took a blow behind her back and fell unconscious. Master Hand was standing behind her.

"What happened here?" he asked angrily.

"Ganondorf attacked her with magic. She turned into...that." said Marth slowly.

Master Hand turned to see Ganondorf looking pretty pale, (which was a rather queer sight.) Looks like Lucina gave him a proper punishment. Maybe he'll think twice before doing something like that again."

Then Master Hand picked up Lucina and carried her to the infirmary. Marth quickly chased after them.

Lucina woke to see Marth leaning over her looking quite concerned, then he sort of smiled and said, "Is this going to be a regular thing with you?"

"Marth...what...what happened?" she said slowly.

"You don't remember anything?" asked Marth. When Lucina shook her head no, he explained. "Ganondorf hit you with some dark magic of his. It kind of back-fired. You turned into an evil entity, lost control over yourself, and shouted random things. Everyone was in a panic. Especially Ganondorf."

Lucina tried to sit up, but immediately slumped back down again. "Oh no! Is anyone hurt?"

"Could've been worse," said Marth. "But I don't think we have to worry about the villains anymore."

"One question, what sort of random things did I say?" she asked.

Marth paused to think. "The first thing you said was 'insolence'."

Lucina started laughing. "I know someone that loves that word..."

"Something tells me I don't want to meet her..." said Marth. "But Lucina, I would like to know more about your past. If you don't mind me asking."

Lucina nodded. "I will tell you everything there is to know." So Lucina told Marth the whole story about her past. When she got to the part where Chrom was betrayed he sighed.

"Sorry," said Lucina. "Forgot that happened to you too."

"It's fine. What happened next?"

So Lucina told the rest of her story. When she was finished, a nurse walked in and told Marth he had to leave. Lucina was discharged from the infirmary the next day.

After that, Lucina was officially a regular and well-liked, although the villains stayed away from her. Just in case. For the next couple of months, there were brawls and things like that. Win or lose, Lucina didn't care. As she had stated earlier, their bonds were strong.

Eventually, the sad time came when it was time for everyone to leave. Mario waved to Ike saying, "See you next-a year!"

Ike managed to smile. "Yeah, you too..."

Marth looked at Ike. "I would be surprised if you didn't come back."

"Yeah, you're amazing!" Lucina chimed in.

"Thanks. I hope to see you guys next year too. There are a lot of rookies that don't come back though..."

Peach ran up to Lucina sobbing. "*sniff* It was nice to have another girl come here. *sniff* I hope you'll come back." Lucina gave the princess a little hug.

"Me too Peach. Me too," she replied.

When everyone finished packing up, they all went into separate buses according to their homeworld. So Ike, Marth, and Lucina ended up being in the same bus. After a couple hours the bus stopped and the driver said that they were in Lucina's world. The driver also said that Ike and Marth could leave for a couple minutes, but not run too far.

When Lucina walked out of the bus, the first thing she heard was yelling. She turned to see Inigo running for his life. "HELP! NOIRE IS CHASING ME!"

The trio looked to see a girl with short white hair aiming her bow at Inigo. "INSOLENCE! KEEP STILL! I CAN'T MISS YOU IF YOU DON'T KEEP STILL!"

Marth smiled. "I assume that was the girl you had mentioned earlier?"

Lucina nodded. Then Noire ran by Lucina. "EKK! Oh, hey Lucina. Welcome home."

Marth and Ike looked at each other confused. The girl's behavior changed in two seconds.

"So, what are you doing Noire?" asked Lucina.

"Following your father's orders. Last girl he invited over stole half our gear. So he asked me to keep him away from the hyenas."

Ike looked at Noire. "Hyenas?"

"She means girls," said Lucina.

Noire smiled. "He picked the right person too. For I am my mother's daughter. Tee hee hee..." Then she ran after Inigo.

"I don't want to meet her mother..." said Marth.

Lucina smiled. "I don't blame you."

Ike looked around. He was kind of bored. Then he saw a young man walking around. He was tall and strong looking. He also had blue hair, and that sword... "Could that be?" thought Ike. He walked over to the man. "Hey, I couldn't help but notice your sword."

The man looked up, looking quite surprised to see Ike. "Um, yes. It's the Ragnell. May I ask who you are?"

"My name is Ike."

The man looked up at Ike and gasped. "Like the Ike?"

Ike nodded.

The man started smiling. "I can't believe it! You're Ike! Is this real? *slap* Ow! Yes, this is real..."

"Wild guess, is your name Priam by any chance?"

"Yup, that's me!" said Priam proudly. "Wow, the real Ike? My ancestor?"

Ike smiled. "The one and only!" Then the two men sat down and started to chat.

Marth looked over at them and smiled. "They do share a lot in common." Lucina smiled also.

"Lucina!" shouted Tiki. "I heard you were back and I came running! And I..." she trailed off seeing Marth. "It can't be..."

Marth gasped. "Tiki?!"

Tiki started to tear up. "Marth...Is that really you?"

Marth nodded.

Tiki ran up sobbing. "Oh Mar-Mar! Mar-Mar!" then they hugged each other for a while.

Tiki tried to calm down. "It's been far too long. I went to sleep for a long time afterwards. When I woke up, I knew you passed on ages ago. I had given up any chance of seeing you again."

"Well, I won't be able to stay here much longer I'm afraid..." Marth said slowly.

"Lucina!" Robin shouted. "Good to see you home!" she gasped when she saw Marth. "Is that..."

Lucina nodded. "The Hero-King? Yep."

Chrom ran up behind her. "Lucina! You're home!"

"Father!" said Lucina happily running up to Chrom. "There's someone I want you to meet."

Chrom then looked to see Marth. "Tell me my eyes are playing tricks on me..."

Marth gave a little bow. "No. I'm Prince Marth. The um, Hero-King."

Then Chrom started laughing. "This is unbelievable!"

They all talked for a little while, then the bus driver walked up and said that it was time for them to go. Priam sighed. "Well, it was cool to actually meet you Ike."

"Same here," replied Ike.

Tiki started crying again. "Mar-Mar...You can't leave me..."

Marth put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry Tiki. My world needs me."

Tiki nodded and tried to hold back tears.

Lucina walked up to him. "*sniff* I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but..." At that, Lucina burst into tears. "I will miss you! It was an honor to meet you!" she said tearfully.

Marth hugged her. "It's okay."

Lucina composed herself. "Just so you know. I am always proud to say that I'm your descendant. Always."

Marth smiled. "I am really pleased to have met you Lucina. I hope we will see each other again at the next Smash Mansion gathering."

Then the bus driver said they had to leave now. Marth and Ike sat in the bus, talking happily about what had happened. They talked about Priam and Lucina until they arrived in Ike's world, Tellius. After exchanging good-byes, Marth was left alone to thoughts.

"I wonder how things have been holding up in my world. And thanks to Lucina, I have an idea of my future. She said she didn't know who my wife ended up being, but I think I know." He smiled to himself. "But Lucina said my kingdom ends up being destroyed. When Ike asked if it was dangerous mentioning that, Lucina said it seemed fine to tell me. Does that mean that I could change that? Lucina changed almost everything in her world. Could I too?" Then he slept until they arrived at his world.

When he arrived, Marth walked outside and took a deep breath. "It's good to be home..."

"Prince Marth!" he heard a familiar voice say. Marth looked to see Caeda.

"Hey Caeda." He said smiling. Then the two of them heard footsteps.

"Mar-Mar!" he heard Tiki yell. "You're home! So how did it go this year?"

Marth smiled, "It was quite interesting. But now is not the time for celebrating. There is something we have to do!" he then ran off to start getting his plan together.

Caeda sighed. "Nice to see you too..."

Lucina sat around her room at home and sighed. Everything was so boring now compared to her days at the Smash Mansion. She decided to do a little reading. "I think I'll read about Marth. His story is intriguing, and I know how it ends!" She quickly grabbed the book and sat down. She began to read the story. When she was near the end she gasped.

"I've read this story so many times, and I don't remember this!"She continued reading.

"...The Hero-King didn't settle down when the peace came. Instead, he shouted about something that had to be done... There were more battles, but Marth was prepared. Few casualties were on his end. But those few deaths still haunted him. Then, he ended up settling down in Archanea and lived happily with his wife Caeda..."

Lucina gasped. "He changed his fate! So I was meant to tell him?" She turned the page and continued.

"...When others asked him how he knew that the war was not won, he would tell them about an oracle that he met along his travels. No one knew what he meant. Marth was especially insistent about his wife being put in all the stories and ballads about him. When asked why, he would smile and say that the legends always left out women..."

Lucina smiled. "Me? An oracle? Cool! So his wife was a lady named Caeda? Marth must have loved her very much..."

"In his final years, he would occasionally mumble in his sleep the name Lucina. No one is sure who he was referring too. He wrote a letter addressed to this 'Lucina' and he requested that it would be preserved through time..." Lucina looked at the bottom of the page and gasped.

"Lucina, even though I will be gone when you read this, I just wanted to let you know that I thank you for telling me what the future held for me. Just remember that if you return to the Smash Mansion, I'll be there. Marth, the Hero-King."

Lucina started tearing up. "Oh Marth..."

The End!

I hope you guys enjoyed this story! I am sad to end it, but I did everything I planned to do and I didn't see any point in dragging it out. Thanks to Ignitious, SkyWriter2012, amberprimrose3906, Yoru95, KrazyKat12, lucarmarthike, and the anonymous reviewers SkyMistral, Hylian Knight, and Guest(s?) for reviewing! Your support was greatly appreciated!

I'm not sure when my next Fanfiction story will be up, but I might take a break. I kind of prefer reading to writing. But if I have any good ideas, you'll see them!

So, for now, Total Nerd Girl out!