Gajeel, the iron bunny slayer.

A sigh, filled with unkempt stress, escaped his lips. A screw balanced between his teeth with expert precision. Gajeel Redfox, the iron dragon slayer, was not in a good mood. Not that he ever was, mind you. But, today especially. Crimson eyes danced around the guild hall. Briefly, he paused on the blue haired 'Shrimp'. Giving a moment to the gentle bookworm. He felt his gut flip once or twice, and heat rise to his cheeks just slightly. Dammit! He was a ruthless dragon slayer! Well, at least, you pretend to be. Growling, he shut off the voice in the back of his head, it sounded to much like Lily for his liking. However, his crimson eyes didn't miss what was placed upon the top of the shrimp's head. Bunny Ears. In fact, even the bunny girl, as ironic as it sounded to him, had similar bunny ears upon her head. He felt a shudder run down his spine, perhaps, for the first time in...many years, Gajeel Redfox felt fear. It wasn't the same fear he had felt when going toe to toe with Acnoglia almost seven years ago, a mere few months for him, no. It was fear. His fist tightened. He had been spending far to much time around the shrimp. 'Social Fear'? Who said that?! The weight upon his head shifted slightly. A little paw coming down, patting him roughly on his head. The same way he did with the shrimp. Pantherlily.

"'Aye! Knock it off, Lily, would 'ya?!" he could feel the small cat's smirk from here. The muscles in his shoulders tensed, glaring upwards, as if, somehow, glaring at the ceiling like a baka would help him. It didn't. That is, if Lily's chuckle held any indication.

"Something's has you troubled, Gajeel. Your head isn't as comfy today." Another growl emitted from his chest. Once more, he tried, without success, to glare up at the cat. Offering a grunt, he turned back to his screw, popping it into his mouth like a candy treat, gnawing on the metal. It didn't taste anywhere near as good as the Shrimp's iron. Once again, he felt heat come to his cheeks. He had long admitted, to himself, that, somewhere along the way, he had fell for the little shrimp. Well, fell was a tad of an understatement. Perhaps, more like fell off a cliff, into a valley, and then into an underground cave. He couldn't get the small woman out of his mind. The way she grinned, the taste of her iron. Heck, even the feel of her hand-bag smacking him, with more force than Salamander's punches, right across the face. Let alone her scent. Something which, without even knowing, he had memorized. It was strawberries, mixed with a touch of something he could only describe as...sweet. Because, unlike him, she was smart, she didn't have to destroy everything around her to work out a problem, she didn't have to hurt others to let her vice be heard. He wasn't quite sure anymore. Offering a tch to himself, the 'Ruthless Dragonslayer' shuffled again, almost causing the cat atop his head to fall..again. "It's Levy, isn't it?" His mouth felt dry, and he could practically feel the blood leaving his face.

"Since when?" How had his cat even found out? In fact, how long ago had his cat even found out? He heard the deep chuckle of his cat, rumbling through his long mass of hair.

"Well, considering how you whisper her name at night, oh, and how you can never sleep.-" he growled at the cat's teasing manner. However, he did feel a drop or two of relief for his hushed tone "-I would say, since a week before you set off to Tenrou Island." If possible, he felt his mouth go dryer. When his training with Levy had began. It had been that long? He felt a shudder go down his back. After all, his sleeping problems had begun just before they had set off for the exam. Perhaps he had blamed it on a wariness of being so close to the S-rank exams. Lily patted his head once more, gaining the attention of the Iron Dragonslayer with ease. "So, what are you going to do about it, Gajeel?" The dragonslayer simply offered a grunt. Popping another screw in his mouth, seemingly ignoring the question all together. He felt like kicking Lily all the way to Edolas and back. This wasn't turning out to be a good day at all.

"Hey! Gear-head!" His head whipped around, with enough speed to knock Lily from his perch, coming face to face with none other than the Salamander himself, a wicked glint in his black eyes, seemingly challenging him. Gray wasn't to far behind, already braking a chair on Elfman. He couldn't help but let his wicked, trademark grin spread across his features like wildfire. Maybe beating flame-brain's head in would do him good.

"Gihi! You're on, Flame-brain!"

Levy sighed, looking the rabble surrounding her. Natsu lifting Elfman, throwing the man half way across the room, only to be tackled by Gray, who, as usual, was not wearing much in the way of clothes. This was the Fairy Tail she loved. They didn't have to be in some big fancy guild hall, but, she supposed, some better building foundations would be nice. I mean, with the boys causing such a ruckus, the building really needed it now. With an amused smirk, she watched Lucy get pulled into the fray. Natsu, quite literally, dragging her into the 'fun'. She even spotted Laxus, keeping both Jet and Droy as footrests. She smiled to them, waving her encouragement. There was no way she was going out there to help them. No-siree. Quickly, she ducked, subconsciously dodging the flying body of none other than the Iron Dragonslayer of himself, victim to the unprecedented power of the 'Lucy Kick!'. She giggled unashamedly, watching the scene with glee. She felt her heart flutter as the giant Iron Dragonslayer, once more, got up, not even a scratch on his already scarred and pierced body. Okay, she would admit it. Somewhere, in the depths of her heart, she had a 'thing' for Gajeel Redfox. Well...perhaps calling it a 'thing' was a tad of an understatement. Just a tad. Well, that's what she liked to believe. Her mind would always take her back, back to the moments when Gajeel had been there to save her. When Laxus had wildly thrown his lightening around, he had blocked the attack. Then again, on Tenrou island. Even just today, he had stopped Natsu from going to wild, stopping him from, almost, crushing into her table where she was reading. She could only ever smile back to him.

"Brats!" the entire guild hall, spare from Natsu and Gray, went silent. Hearing the booming voice of the Master. Soon, the stil arguing pair of idiots found themselves crushed under the Titan's hand of Master Makarov, wheezing out their apologies. She had stifle a giggle towards their actions, covering her mouth with her hand. Even after all these years, she still found it funny. "As most of us know-" he spared a sideways glance to Natsu "-the grand holiday of eater is upon us!" a short round of cheers went around the small guild. "And, as custom, we will have the 'Fairy Tail Two Day Easter-egg hunt'!" a new, more renewed round of cheers went around the guild hall. It seemed, some of the others hadn't even celebrated it over the time they were frozen. That made her heart sink a little in her chest. One the cheering had calmed somewhat, the wizard saint spoke once more "Alright! Get into pairs!" her eye brows shot up. That was different. Usually, they were in teams of three. Meaning that: Team Shadow-gear had always gone together. Briefly, she watched Master's eyes dance across the three dragonslayers. His powerful gaze seemingly judging them "I almost forgot...The three Exceeds can only pair with each other, and none of the dragonslayers are allowed to pair with each other." To this statement Gajeel, who was stood next to her, grunted, if only momentarily, before he threw out an insult.

"As if I would go with Flame-brain anyways, he would probably melt the eggs." it was in this statement that she saw her ticket out of having to choose between her friends. As much as her heart begged her not to, she turned to the looming dragonslayer with a gleam in her eyes.

"But, you are going, right, Gajeel?" Turning around to meet the conversation with the Shrimp, Gajeel could honestly say: He wasn't prepared for what he was getting himself into. Her large, innocent hazel eyes...looking up to him with such a...pleading look. He felt his mind go blank, his lips go dry and his throat seize up. His brain, seemingly, slowing to a crawling speed. Gajeel Redfox had, offcially, become the next victim of the 'totally (not)innocent pleading eyes of Levy Mcgarden' Her lips curled up slightly, giving him a gentle smile. "Because, I need a partner, and I can't choose between Jet and Droy!" all he could do was momentarily stutter, looking down at the small mage with wide eyes and a hung-open jaw. This girl...she could make Metallicana run for the hills.


She snickered bashfully. Watching Natsu take off with Lucy, claiming that 'Lucy's mine!', a particular gleam in her eye that even made him, an S-class mage, wary. But, he noted her gleaming eyes were fixated specifically on a certain Iron Dragonslayer and his little bookworm. He chuckled to himself, watching the crowds himself. Erza was practically dragging Gray away, kicking and screaming. Evergreen had, almost, got away with sneaking off with Elfman, even if he was the only one who saw them. Wendy and Romeo were set together, Lisanna urging to the two younger mages together, before sending a wink and a thumbs up their way. Quickly, they youngest take-over mage found Bixslow, smiling kindly to the man when he offered her a bow, albeit his tongue was sticking out as his 'babies' repeated his greeting. His eyes scanned the crowed once more, of course, Alzack and Bisca were already off, Master taking his opportunity to look after their child. The smallest upturn of lips found its way onto his face. It was nice to see some of the members who were left behind getting a chance to enjoy themselves again. His small smile quickly turned into a smirk, his large muscular arm snaking around the, somewhat, smaller woman's shoulders.

"Yo, Mira, I still can't believe you planned all of this." Looking down, he didn't miss her blushing features, but, nor did he miss her practically evil smirk. It was enough to make every dark guild this side of Fiore run for the hills. In turn, it only made his own smirk wider. Since when did he start getting involved in Mira's crazy romance schemes?

"Don't forget, it was you who pointed out Gajeel and Levy, Laxus.-" her beautiful smile was wide, her eyes strangely happy and joyful "-I can't take all the credit!"

The Easter-eggs were spread across Fiore, each one sealed with runes that stated that: Only a member of Fairy Tail could touch the egg. As such, Freed sat out. However, Gajeel's smirk grew. He had the shrimp. The only other one who could both write, and change, runes. Looking up, this time, his crimson eyes glared at the..thing on his head. Unbeknownst to him, Lily had slipped on a pair bunny ears, most likely while he was to focused on eating in the guild. The cat was going to get it this time, he swore. But, despite it all, his smirk grew wider. Him and the Shrimp, their purpose wasn't getting first place. Well, that would be an added bonus. This time, it was time to have some fun with the others.

He was grumbling again. Grumbling about the fact that he has to wear 'stupid bunny ears' or how he wants to be his cat all the way to Edolas and back, or how he would do the same to 'Salamander'. She felt her eye begin to twitch. She would of never known...but Gajeel Redfox was very talkative. Somewhere, she had to wonder why? He wasn't this talkative in the guild, or when he had, very occasionally, come on a mission with Shadowgear. Heck, he hadn't spoke much during their brief time on Tenrou island.

"Hey, shrimp-" her eye twitched again. And there was the source of her anger, she felt her bunny ears flop.




"Small-fry" she could see it now. That grin. Spread across his pierced features..


"Munchkin" She snapped, swinging around, basket, currently empty of eggs, swinging around in a high arc. Aimed for his damned cocky, arrogant, stupid, incessant, damned pierced face. She hadn't expect to make contact, let alone to send the looming Dragonslayer stumbling a few feet, making him trip and stumble, headfirst, right into a tree. She winced, immediately running to his aid. Apologies spewing from her mouth like Juvia's rain. The iron dragon simply chuckled, using his large muslces to dislodge himself from the tree. A large smirk going across his face. "Man, Levy, you hit like a tank." A blush spread across her cheeks. Not only had he said her name, with that gruff voice of his, but, he had also given her a compliment. Suddenly, her blush dimmed, her mind thinking over his compliment. He...He compared her to a tank! Gajeel realized his mistake far to soon, find that, once again, he was on the receiving end of one of Levy Mcgarden's killer swings. His head, once more, embedded in a tree. Although, despite it all, a smirk found its way onto his features, hidden from sight by the tree. This was fun. Pulling out his head, once more, he looked to the retreating woman, stomping away in a blind fury. "Gihi...didn't know you had that much iron in 'ya belly, Shrimp."

Neither the bookworm, nor the dragon, could contain their snickers. Just simply thinking of the third Easter-egg they found was enough to send them both into a fit of snickers. Because they had left it behind...and changed the runes a bit. Just a tad. Her hazel eyes looked to the man, half balled over in laughter, next to her. Dare she say that, under it all, Gajeel might have a subconscious romantic side? A side that resembled Mira, far to much for her liking. Because he was the one who came up with the idea for the runes. 'Whichever pair that picks up this egg must kiss for, at least, two minuets'. He had claimed that, He hoped that 'Salamander and the bunny girl would pick it up'. If she was honest, a part of her perhaps, just maybe, felt a little bit sorry for Lu-chan. After all, did Natsu even know what kissing was? Let alone how to do it? She felt her lips curl up wickedly. Or, perhaps, Lu-chan would get a surprise. She snickered, thinking back to the time Lucy had told her about her feelings for the Fire dragonslayer. Maybe she would be doing more good than bad.

Numbly, she poked the embers, her legs brought against her chest. A small frown upon her features. Her mind was, once more, concerning the Iron Dragonslayer. Her shoulders twitched slightly, the way he had ruthlessly beat her, the way he had strung her up from the tree. A shudder ran down her spine. She still struggled to walk by that tree. Yet, had show not saw a brilliant ray of hope? A shining light among the darkness? Because, he had saved her. He had took a direct hit from save her. He had been hurt afterward, she knew it. She could see it in his muscles, yet, her hazel eyes looked to the flames. Why? Was it simply to pay his debt? It didn't seem like that. After all, he had offered to be her partner in the S-class exam, and, even before that, he had always stood up for her in the guild, always made sure the ruckus didn't interfere with her reading. That didn't sound like a man who was simply playing back his debt. The trees shuffled across from her, the iron dragonslayer himself coming into their small camp. A large pile of wood carried in his arms. She offered him a small smile. His features were kept blank, but, in turn, he nodded back to her. Briefly, she looked around, following the man with her eyes. Two small tents, situated next to each other, a fire, which she currently sat by, and then, of course their basket. With five eggs in it. There was another three booby-trapped eggs out there. She noted that Gajeel, like herself, hadn't taken off his bunny ears. Perhaps he had forgot about them? She knew that he could be incredibly cunning and smart, but, most of the time, he had a one-track mind. Which was often on the track of 'fight'. The dragonslayer, roughly, sat down, letting himself, quite literally, fall beside her.

He stoked the flames some, using the same stick she had previously. Crimson eyes, just barely, glancing to the shrimp next to him. Keeping close to the fire to stay warm, letting her hands rest on her feet to warm them further. He frowned slightly. She was cold. He sighed, indeed, it was a cold night. Even he was beginning to feel the sting of the cold, and he was a dragonslayer! Huffing slightly, he decided the best he could do would be to, at least, distract her from the cold.

"Say, Shrimp, about Shadow Gear..." he paused, taken aback by the way her head snapped around, anger gleaming in her eyes. What did he do this time?

"Have Jet and Droy been bothering you again?!" he almost felt the need to squeal and back up sever feet. The shrimp did have a temper to her, he knew that much. He also made note that she didn't comment on the nickname. Instead, the iron dragon simply chuckled, shaking his head in the negative

"I was just 'gunna ask about the name. Where did 'ya come up with it?" she blinked several times, before offering another small laugh. He felt his face begin to heat with that, and not because of the flames. It was just. So. Damn. Cute.

"Why, you thinking about joining, Gajeel?-" She laughed jokingly. Although, she missed his slightly embarrassed gaze. If he was honest, he had thought about it a few times. Or rather, forming a second team, with Levy and Lily. "- But, anyways, there was this one time, a few days after I joined Fairy Tail, when I found a book about some of the older guilds. Some of them even older than Fairy Tail. In fact, 'Shadow Gear' was the guild that, originally, raised Mavis Vermillion, our first master.-" his crimson eyes widened slightly at that. 'Shadow Gear' was Mavis' guild? "-Supposedly, she left because the guild didn't match her ideals, and, eventually, came to form Fairy Tail.-" he noted her smile was particularly bright at this point "-So, I thought it was only fair that we named our team in honor of Mavis and Shadow Gear." the iron dragon smirked. He had never thought there would be so much behind a simple name. However, he liked the way her fact lit up when she spoke of things like that.

For a while, they settled into a comfortable silence. But, he could feel it. The air was getting colder. A bitter chill beginning to scratch at his rough skin. Although, crimson eyes darted to his left, he wasn't so sure about the Shrimp. She must be freezing. He could practically feel her shivering. Sighing, he reached his arm out, pushing down the blush that was threatening to creep up his neck, and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. She gave a slight 'eep!' before going silent. Looking down, he didn't miss her furious blush, but, under it all , he spotted a slight, kind smile.

"T-Thanks...G-Gajeel." he chuckled lightly, pressing her smaller body closer into his side. Crimson eyes glowing in mirth. Briefly, he glanced to the basket, a question coming to mind. Anything to take his mind off their current sitting arrangement.

"Hey, Levy, did Master say anything about a reward?" She paused for a second, still shivering finger coming to her chin. She had to stifle a giggle at the look in Gajeel's eye. He was going to win, and there was no helping it. She did briefly remember Master mentioning a reward for first place.

""I think, Master mentioned something about a reward, and, also, I think he mentioned a punishment for last place." He huffed, his large chest rising against her head briefly. Why didn't he remember anything about this? Levy, once again, seemed to have his answer. "-I think, you were to busy glaring at Natsu to hear Master." She laughed playfully, despite her teasing nature, he couldn't help but chuckle along. Briefly, his mind went back to Metallicana, the damned dragon had never been one for fun. Heck, he was lucky if the dragon even let him sleep somewhere warm. Yet..Levy. Levy was different. She was kind, she could laugh. Although, most of all, she could be somebody precious. He sighed, Fairy Tail had made him soft.

Her hands were shivering...again. She couldn't think of anything else to do. It was to cold to get to sleep. Yet, she found herself missing him. Even though he was only a foot or two away, in the tent next to hers. They had talked for, what she could only guess was, hours. Striking up different conversations with each-other. What was Metallicana like? What were her limits in creation magic? Why did he get piercings? When did she join Fairy Tail? Yet, despite it all,and despite her exhaustion, she couldn't find sleep. Maybe it was the cold. Maybe it was the hard ground. But, she had never had a problem before. In fact, she never had a problem sleeping when out in the field. Perhaps she didn't feel safe? No, that couldn't be it. Gajeel was just a foot or two away, and he's one of the strongest mages in Fairy Tail, not to mention somebody who she considered,at least, a good friend. Perhaps. Her face turned red with the simple thought of her own suggestion, her hands balling together under the thick sleeping-bag. Perhaps...perhaps she missed Gajeel. She missed having his, much stronger, arm around her shoulders, she missed feeling the warmth of his chest. Heck, she even missed the way he smelled. His very own unique scent. A taste of iron, obviously, with a hint of something spicy. She could, almost, laugh over how well it fitted him. There was the smell of iron, of course, which symbolized his status as the iron dragonslayer. Then, there was the hint of something spicy. Which suited his personality perfectly. He was aggressive, protective. And, always, always loud. Not to mention he had a wicked sense of humor, something which, much against her conscious, she enjoyed to no end. Huffing lightly, she decided there was nothing else to do in this situation. She was going to see Gajeel.

He grumbled, flipping over from one shoulder to the other. As if he was getting any sleep tonight. He was a much more..simpler man. His tastes and interests weren't overly complex. He liked iron, he liked to tinker with gadgets, and, he liked Levy. It was a logical stretch for him. That didn't mean that he liked it. No-siree, he didn't like it one bit. Was he not meant to be Gajeel Redfox, the infamous dragonslayer? The man known for destroying and entire guild? The infamous Iron Dragon? He sighed shakily. No. He wasn't. He didn't even want to be that person anymore. He was Gajeel Redfox, the iron dragon of Fairy Tail. That was a title he much preferred. Yet, despite it all, he still had to admit it. He missed Levy. Even in the hour or so they had been separated. He missed her scent, a mix of strawberries and something sweet, that was so perfectly unique to her. Grumbling, he shifted his shoulders again. If only in time to hear the Shrimp hold the tent flap open slightly, peeking her head in. She looked absolutely freezing. The gears in his mind worked, analyzing the sight before him. Although, in his half sleep state, they weren't working extremely fast.

"...Shrimp?" his crimson eyes spotted the almost furious blush spread across her cheeks, down her neck, and, even, across her ears. He sat up slightly, using his own weight to force the zip on the sleeping bag to open enough to allow him to sit up, resting his weight on his elbows.

"D-Do you m-mind if I-I sleep with y-you, G-Gajeel?"" his brows raised sluggishly at her stuttered comment. Mixed with the cold, and her embarrassment, which he now understood, he could hardly blame her for stuttering. For the first time since, what he could only guess, he met Metallicana, he smiled. A true and honest upturn of his lips, curling upward in what Levy could only describe as: A handsome smile. Gajeel Redfox had a handsome smile.

"'Ya don't have to ask, Levy." Pulling the zipper down more, he held the sleeping-bag, which had just enough space for her to fit in. With a dubious amount of hesitation, she climbed in. He reached over, the scars on his right arm coming close to her face, pulling the zipper back up. He chuckled slightly, wrapping his arms around her shoulders once more, pulling her close to him. She smiled gently, just barely managing to turn around to face him. Hazel eyes looking up to the crimson ones.

"Thank you, Gajeel." she could practically feel his smirk. Yet, already she felt sleepy, his powerful arms encircling her shoulders. Her eyelids felt heavy, her head drooped into his collarbone. This felt...nice. She felt safe, warm, relaxed. Slowly, sleep began to slip into her mind. Before her eyes fell, she managed one last mumble. "I love you...Gajeel" Crimson eyes went wide. Yet, he could only smile once more. His free hand moving to hold her waist, pulling the Shrimp closer to him.

"The feelings mutual, Levy.." half-consciously, she smiled, snuggling closer to the iron-dragonslayer. Somewhere, she knew that things would change, but, if she was honest, she didn't care. They would make it through, after all, they were the perfect team.

If this were any other situation, she would of stopped to admire that she, Levy Mcgarden, was holding hands with Gajeel Redfox. Yet, this was far from being an ideal situation. Considering she was, quite literally, being dragged behind the iron dragonslayer. They had...slept in. To say the very least. So much so that, the sun was beginning it's decent when they woke up. They had, quickly, gather as many eggs as they could find, and, now, Gajeel was, quite literally, sprinting back through the streets of Magnolia. She was left to be dragged behind, far from being able to keep up with the Dragonslayer. Because niether of them wanted to receive master's, supposed, punishment. They neared the small guild, Gajeel charging at speeds she wasn't sure existed. Somehow, he was able to dodge the various people of Magnolia, weaving his way through the crowds despite his blistering speed. Bursting through the doors, they came to the worst sight possible... A full guild.

They all looked with wide, staring eyes. Most likely looking at their conjoined hands, and their disheveled look. Making the obvious link, she tried to pull her hand away, but, alas, the iron dragon kept it held. Glaring right back at the guild. She noted that Jet and Droy, who hadn't even noticed their arrival looked mortified. Master soon walked up to them, braking the trance of silence. He looked rather...smug. Casually stepping over to the basket held in Gajeel's hand, he peered in. Shaking his head disapprovingly. She felt fear creep up in her chest. Briefly, her eyes were cast across the room. She spotted Lu-chan and Natsu. They were holding hands. Perhaps, at least, her plan had worked. Maybe there could be some good from this after all.

"And, with five eggs and being two hours late, we have our losers!" suffice to say, the guilds laughter was loud, booming throughout the small guild. Even Gildartz, who had just sent Gajeel flying by clapping him on the back, intending to give his congratulations to the Iron dragon slayer, was amuck with obnoxious laughter. It seemed that himself and lucky were the last to get in, before them, of course. "Of course! There is the punishme-"

"Levy-chan!" her head snapped around to the other members of Shadow Gear, tears streaming for their eyes, instantly on their hands and knees at her feet, screaming their apologies to the roof. She looked down at them, completely puzzled. Gildartz, once more, laughed loudly at her confusion.

"you know, Jet and Droy here had to do some pretty nasty stuff to get their eggs." he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Instantly, guilt welled up in her chest, as well as a blush creeping across her face, neck and ears. She questioned the legendary mage with her eyes, he nodded, barely able to contain his mocking laughter. "Every one of the eggs these two picked up, just so happened to be one of your traps, Levy" Somewhere, embedded in the walls of the guild, she could hear Gajeel's hysteric laughter. It seemed to echo all around the guild. Yet, despite it all, she couldn't help it.

"Gihi, I can't believe you guys fell for that! I'm so sorry!" Gildartz didn't miss her laugh. Oh, he was going to have something to tease the bookworm with for a long time.

Seven different types of shame ran through his body as he hung his head, looking to the cover of the weekly sorcerer. Oh''s horrible. Below the title stood two people. One with crimson eyes, a glare so deadly that it could kill in an instant, years of hatred being poured out at the cover. Another, with hazel eyes, was hidden behind his arm, every part of her head as red as Erza's scarlet hair. He looked back to the man. A large, fluffy pink bunny suit covering his body, with a similar fluffy tail. The man's bunny arms crossed across his chest. The female, who's was half hidden behind his arm, was forced to wear a much more..scandalous bunny suit, which left little to the imagination.

The headline of the weekly sorcerer read: 'Gajeel Redfox, the iron bunny slayer!'


Thank you for reading this Easter special! Personally, I would like to dedicate this little bit to an awesome friend, and artist, of mine 'Poki'! If you're a fan of 'Once A Monster' and 'Brave New World' then you most likely already know her art! Because she's the one who drew 'Sibling rivalry'. Either way, thank you for the inspiration, Poki-chan!

The amazing cover art for the piece, which was my first piece of fan-art ever, might I add, was done by the amazing Piranha-pk on DeviantART! Make sure to check her out, her art is awesome!

Don't forget to review! It helps, I swear!