[Born To Die]: Vampire Diaries/NCIS

Here's the new NCIS/Vampire Diaries crossover I'm starting. This one will be slightly different than my other NCIS/Vampire Diaries crossovers as Gibbs is aware of the supernatural in this.

Gibbs was friends with Miranda and Grayson, and learned about the supernatural from them and they named him Jeremy's godfather. He told Elena about him being her biological daughter after the sacrifice. Elena is close to the team, and Kate didn't die in this fic.

Chapter 1:

Gibbs was looking through the file he had on Petty Officer Daniels, the desk lamp his only source of light in the darkened squad room. On the outside, he appeared perfectly normal, file open, the trademark cup of coffee he occasionally reached for, blue eyes squinting at the small print. No sign that anything was bothering him like something had been for the past couple of hours.

It was one of his famous gut feelings. It told him something bad had happened, something that was going to change everything. What, he didn't know; only that it was personal.

It was eerily similar to the feeling he'd had moments before the bastard Ari had tried to kill Kate, and just like the feeling he'd had when his old friends Miranda and Grayson Gilbert had gone off Wickery Bridge, leaving his daughter Elena and godson Jeremy as orphans. He smiled as he thought about Elena and Jeremy, though it turned bitter as he remembered that they were now caught up in a world they were barely ready for, a world that had taken almost all of their remaining family. A world full of things that went bump in the night.

Gibbs had been blissfully unaware of the supernatural until he came across some old files of Miranda and Grayson's one day while visiting them. Elena would have been about to turn five, and he wanted to be there for that important milestone since Isobel obviously didn't give a crap about the life they'd created.

The file had been on some mysterious murders. When he'd confronted them, refusing to believe their lies, they had finally told him the truth that vampires existed. Ever since then he'd always carried a stake and a sprig of vervein with him.

He shook himself out of those thoughts and glanced up at his teammates. They looked half dead as they searched feverishly for any information on Daniels or who may have killed him.

He had just opened his mouth to tell them to go home and get some rest when his phone rang. He pulled it out and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he recognized the number.

"Hey Jeremy." He greeted, ignoring the way his teammate's heads popped up at the name. They had all meet Jeremy and Elena before, and easily considered them family.

"Gibbs?" Jeremy answered. He immediately grew concerned at the tears in the boy's voice. His mind flew automatically to Elena, and he remembered the feeling he'd been having.

"Has something happened to Elena?" He demanded, standing up. He ignored his teammates once again and waited for his godson's answer.

"She's dead, Gibbs. Elena's dead." Jeremy said, his voice breaking at the end.

The world slammed to a halt as the words sank in. Not again was all he could think. Not after Kelly. He slowly sat down and put his face in one of his hands.

"How did it happen?" He finally asked. He felt a burning sensation behind his eyes, but forced it to go away.

"Her and Matt were leaving town. They were driving over Wickery Bridge… and Rebekah stood in front of them, purposely running them off."

Gibbs resolved to fashion one of those White Oak stakes and kill the blonde Original with it next time the two crossed paths. "What about Matt?"

"He's fine. Stefan managed to save him in time. He had a choice between Matt and Elena, and Elena…"

"Begged him to save Matt first." He finished, sighing. He should've known Elena would gladly drown so her old friend could live. "Where is she now?"

"Mystic Falls Hospital. Stefan brought her there after he'd made sure Matt was alright. Why?"

"I'm going to arrange for her to be brought here."

"I think she would have liked that." Jeremy said. "There's something else you should know. I don't know if anyone's already told you, but Esther turned Alaric into an Original, tying his life to Elena's…" He trailed off, in which Gibbs filled in the blanks. Alaric was dead, along with Elena, leaving Jeremy without any family.

"You're staying with me. Meet Ducky and Palmer at the hospital." He automatically said. There was no way he was going to let Jeremy go to some orphanage.

"Thanks. I should probably be going. I'll see you soon." The boy said gratefully.

"Yeah. And Jeremy? I'm sorry." He said. He knew he'd just broken one of his rules, but he didn't care at the moment. Hearing your daughter had just died was more than enough reason to break your rules.

"I am too." His godson said before hanging up. Gibbs closed his cell phone and ran his hands over his face, not looking forward to revealing the news to the team. They were all close to Elena, and would take the news hard. Hell, he could barely handle it!

"Boss? Is everything ok?" He heard McGee ask.

"Get Abby and Ducky." As all he said. Without another word, McGee and Kate had gone to find the two mentioned people. A few minutes later they returned with Abby and Ducky, all four were looking confused.

"Is everything alright Jethro?" Ducky asked. In all honestly, the Scotsman was worried about his friend; Gibbs looked like he was trying not to lose it, a thing that was foreign where Gibbs was concerned.

"Elena's dead." Gibbs said bluntly. He didn't bother to sugarcoat it, or beat around the bush.

There were collective gasps of shock and stunned faces. Six pairs of eyes followed him as he sat down.


Tony felt knives tearing his heart into tiny shreds as the words sunk in. Elena was dead. Elena's dead. Elena's dead. Elena's dead. Kept repeating over and over in his head, and he felt the world ground to a sudden and shattering halt.

He slowly sat down, feeling what remained of his heart shatter into tiny fragments, realizing he'd never be able to tell Elena about his feelings. How just being in the same room as her, just seeing her, made his day go from dull to bright. How her voice sounded like heaven to his ears. How her compassion and kindness drew him like a fly to honey… and how she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever laid eyes on.

Of course, he never would have admitted it before, knowing Gibbs would kill him for falling in love with his daughter, but that didn't stop him from having those feelings. And now he'd never get the chance to tell her.

He glanced up to see how the others were reacting. Abby had her hands over her mouth in shock, tears forming in her eyes. Ziva looked stunned, like she was having trouble grasping what Gibbs had just said.

Kate looked stunned too; her mouth open, trying to get words out but ultimately failing. McGee just stared, like the words haven't sunken in yet. Ducky looked taken aback, sadness and shock etched on his face.

Gibbs was what shocked Tony the most. Gibbs stared at the ceiling, looking defeated and like he'd aged ten years in the minutes since he'd gotten the news. Never, in all of his years working with Gibbs, had he seen his boss like this. Never.

Tony watched as Abby soon rushed off towards the bathrooms, no doubt trying to prevent her crying from being heard. He could see wetness in Kate's eyes, and knew it was a matter of time before she joined Abby.

Ziva and McGee just looked sad, there eyes and faces saying everything. For once, he noticed Ziva didn't hide her feelings. Tony just sat there and put his face in his hands feeling his eyes burn with unshed tears. He hoped vainly that this was just a horrible dream, but knew deep down inside that it wasn't.

"How did it happen?" He heard Ducky ask. He glanced up at Gibbs, wanting to know what happened exactly.

"She was leaving town with a friend when they ran off the bridge. She was unable to make it out in time and drowned." Gibbs replied. "Duck, I was wondering if you couldn't arrange for her to come here. I think she would have liked you to perform the Autopsy." He continued.

"Of course, Jethro. Let me grab Mr. Palmer and we'll be on our way." Ducky said.

"There's something else you should know before you go, Duck. Jeremy will be there. He's going to be staying with me from now on, as their guardian just died and he has no one else." Gibbs added.

"I can only imagine what the poor boy must be going through." Ducky said before leaving to go down to Autopsy to get Palmer.

Tony put his head back in his hands as silence descended on the bullpen. He was glad for the silence; that way he could grieve and mourn the loss of the person he'd loved in peace.


Jeremy grabbed a duffel bag and threw some clothes and bare necessities in it before slinging it over his shoulder. The only thing he could think about at the moment was getting to Elena.

He literally ran down the stairs and out the door, not looking back. It would have been too painful to do so, knowing that everyone who'd ever lived in that house was dead now.

He walked the whole way to Mystic Falls Hospital, reminiscing on some of the better memories with Elena, before their parents had died and everything had gone down-hill.

Jeremy remembered how when they were kids, at Christmas time they would race each other down the stairs to see who could get to the presents first. He remembered how they used to tease and fight like other siblings, but also how they'd laughed together, and how they were always there for each other, especially when all the supernatural drama began.

And now all of those moments would never happen again; Elena was dead and he was left alone, with only their friends and Gibbs for company. He felt hate for the Salvatore's rise up, and anger at Elena's continuous need to be around them. If it hadn't been for them, Elena would still be here, along with Alaric, Jenna, Vicki, Anna, John, and probably countless others.

Dammit, Elena. Why couldn't you leave them alone? He thought. He couldn't help the anger he felt towards her, and he felt bad about it, but if she hadn't gotten involved with them most of what had happened wouldn't have.

He was pulled out of his hate and anger with the hospital appearing in view. He walked inside looking for any sign that would lead to him to the morgue or even Meredith, since she would probably help him find Elena. He spotted Meredith talking with some nurses. She must have spotted him because she motioned for him to follow her.

Jeremy did, knowing she knew why he was here. He felt his chest constrict when he spotted his sister's lifeless body on the autopsy table, still slightly damp from the lake.

"Thanks." He managed to say, walking slowly towards Elena.

"Wait, Jeremy, there's something you should know-" He heard Meredith begin, but whatever she was going to say was cut off by one of the nurses.

"Doctor Fell? There's someone here who says he's needs to speak with you. Something about releasing someone's body?" The nurse said before walking away. He heard Meredith sigh before leaving the room.

He pulled up a chair next to Elena and sat, beginning a silent vigil to the sister who'd been his only remaining family. He didn't bother to wipe the tears as they began to fall.


Ducky waited for the nurse to return with the doctor he needed to speak to. Next to him, Palmer was silent, having just heard the news.

"Someone said you were looking for me?" A female doctor in a white coat with dark brown hair and brown eyes asked.

"Yes. I am Doctor Mallard, and this is my assistant, Mr. Palmer." Ducky introduced. "We were looking for someone to release Elena Gilbert's body to us." He continued, struggling to keep his voice in check when he said Elena's name.

"Doctor Fell, and I'm sorry. I can't do that, only a family member can. Though why are you guys so interested in her?" The doctor questioned. Ducky pulled out a piece of paper Gibbs had given him and handed it to her. He watched as Doctor Fell's eyes widened as she read it.

"What does NCIS have to do with this?" She asked, looking between the two of them.

"Elena is the daughter of one of our agents, and a former Marine, which gives us full jurisdiction to Autopsy her." Ducky explained.

"I can take you to her brother." She said, setting off down the hall.

"Thank you, Doctor Fell." He said before following her down a series of hallways to the morgue where he was greeted with the sight of Elena lying lifeless on a table and Jeremy keeping a silent vigil next to her.

"Jeremy? There are some people here who need to talk to you." Doctor Fell asked. Jeremy's head popped up at her voice and Ducky noticed the drying wetness on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, my dear boy." Ducky said after Doctor Fell had left. Jeremy nodded.

It didn't take him and Palmer long to load Elena into the back of the ME van. They offered to let Jeremy ride up front with them, but he declined and climbed in the back with his sister.

Ducky glanced at him in the review mirror. He stared down at his sister, grief clearly etched on his face. He remembered what Gibbs had told him, about how Jeremy's parents had gone off the same bridge Elena had, and how he had no one else with the rest of his family dead along with their guardian.

No one deserves to go through this much pain. Ducky thought angrily as they left the hospital and began the drive back to Mystic Falls.


A few hours later, Ducky was alone in Autopsy with Elena's body. Palmer had offered to stay and help, but Ducky declined, saying he had to do this by himself.

"Oh, my dear. I am so sorry." He said, remembering the times he'd met her before. The team had only met her a couple of times, but she had already left her mark on all of them and had them consider her family. He distinctly remembered how she'd been particularly close to Abby, Kate, Ziva, and Tony. "You were too young for this. You had a whole life ahead of you." He continued.

"It's truly amazing how much you affected us with only two meetings. I want you to know that Jeremy will be fine; Gibbs is taking him in." He added. He could easily imagining the smile she would give, knowing her father was taking care of her brother.

"Well, we should get this over with." He said to himself, picking up the scalpel and preparing to start the Autopsy.

Suddenly, Elena's eyes flew open and she gasped for air. Ducky stumbled back into one of the other tables in shock and dropped the scalpel. He placed his hand over his heart and leaned on Autopsy table for support. He felt like he was going to faint from the shock.

"Ducky?" He faintly heard her ask. He could only stare at her, wide eyed with shock.


So there's the first chapter of my new NCIS/VD crossover. I have some other crossovers and Vampire Diaries fanfictions I plan on starting soon. Which one sounds better?:

Harry Potter/Vampire Diaries: On Elena's 18th birthday, the magic in her Doppelganger blood is unleashed. She also finds a letter left for her by John, saying her real dad is Mr. Granger. She goes to Hogwarts where she meets Harry and her newly discovered half-sister. Elena/Harry.

Harry Potter/Vampire Diaries: Draco and Luna find out they are related by their Veela blood. When Luna goes to stay with her cousin Caroline, Draco reluctantly tags along. Draco/Elena, Damon/Luna

NCIS/Vampire Diaries: Alaric gets a call from Gibbs, who asks him to help out with their latest case. He decides to help out, and brings Damon, Bonnie, and Elena with him.

Vampire Diaries: Jeremy/OC. Alaric's niece comes to stay with him after her parents deaths, and she meets Jeremy, also recovering from personal losses. *Possibly Jeremy/OC/Damon*

Iron Fey/Vampire Diaries: Elena finds a strange necklace among her birthday gifts, which turns out being a Fey necklace. Ash comes to Mystic Falls looking for the necklace, knowing whoever has the necklace is his soulmate. Ash/Elena

Iron Fey/Vampire Diaries: Meghan is forced to move to Mystic Falls after rescuing Ethan from the Iron Fey. Ash follows her there. Meghan/Damon, Ash/Elena.

Vampire Diaries/Vampire Diaries: Show/Book crossover. Meredith Sulez moves to Mystic Falls to get away from Fell's Church. She finds out she's just run into what she tried to escape. Show!Damon/Meredith S.

Vampire Diaries/Vampire Diaries: Show/Book. Damon leaves Fell's Church and winds up in Mystic Falls, where he meets another Elena and two brothers who share the same name and him and his brother. Book!Damon/Show!Elena/Show!Damon.