I've had this idea in my head for awhile but I didn't really know what I wanted to do with it, IF I wanted to do something with it, it didn't feel exactly right so we'll see how it goes. Slightly inspired by "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol, and the lyrics belong to them. And Jack is a bit older here when treehouse incident occured, I always pictured him pretty young at the time, but I made an exception this time.

I don't own Four Brothers or the song.

Jerry was pissed. No, pissed was an understatement, he was downright furious, and the only thing that kept him from leaping across the room to Bobby was Evelyn's stern gaze in front of him.


Her gaze demanded attention, and he looked back at her. Those kind eyes, they never failed to make him do what she wanted. With a sigh his shoulders dropped from the tense way he'd been holding them. Evelyn smiled sadly at him. She knew how much he'd worked on that treehouse and how proud he'd been. She turned to her oldest son, her gaze sharpening into something Bobby could describe as weapons.

"Bobby Mercer. I can't believe you. You knew how hard your brother worked on that project of his".

Bobby resisted the urge to laugh. "Come on Ma, it was a deathtrap waiting to happen".

"Uh I think that's kind of what you turned it into two hours ago Bobby" Angel piped up from where he was seated on the couch next to Jack.

"Oh please" He turned back to Jerry. "I did you a favor Jerry, what if Jack had climbed up there, he could have broken every freaking bone in his body".

"I'm not 5 Bobby" Jack was 13, something Bobby appaerently had some trouble understanding.

"Whatever" Bobby waved off his youngest brothers protest. "It could have happened".

"Well look at him now" Jerry accused, making all eyes turn to Jack where he was seated on the couch, ash all over him.

"That's because you were shrieking like a f-" he cut himself at Evelyn's glare. "like a woman, and he wanted to stop the embarressment".

"So he ran to get water and then proceeded to try and put the fire out, all because I was pissed at you?" Jerry scoffed.

"I'm sitting right here" Jack tried to cut in, but nobody listened. He had tried to put out the fire, but not because he really cared about the treehouse, other than that Jerry was sad about it's demise, but because when there was fire the police tended to come, and when the police came they usually hauled one of them off to the station, usually Bobby. Jack really didn't want that to happen again.

The argument was interrupted by the phone ringing and Jack got up with a sigh to answer it as all the others were busy with their staring contest. Way to be ignored.

"I don't want any fighting while I'm gone you hear me. We'll talk about this tomorrow. Behave". Evelyn gave them one last stern glare before closing the door behind her. The tension was thick as Bobby waited to see if Jerry would jump him or not, and Angel prepared himself to but in if need be. Altough he would most likely only be drawn into the fight.

"Look Jer I'm sorry bout the house, but honestly it wasn't that much to look at, maybe you can start again? Get it, fuck I don't know, straight or something?"

Jack rolled his eyes. Bobby had a way of apologizing that usually didn't sound much like an apology at all.

"Fucking bastard" Jerry glared at him before turning and walking towards the stairs.

"Oh come on Jer..."

"You should apologize" Angel mumbled, head halway in a game on the TV.

"I already did, get in the game Angel"

"A better one" Jack offered.

"Hey don't be like that, I did this for you too Jackie-O, you could have gotten hurt up there" Bobby mocked.

"I'm not a kid Bobby, get that through your thick skull"

"Aww he's just protective of his little brother" Angel grinned and reached out to ruffle Jack's hair but Jack swatted him away and stood up and stomped off towards the stairs and his room.

"Oh for the love of... Jack!" Bobby dragged his hand through his hair as he sighed frustrated.

A low "fuck off" was the only sound coming from the youngest Mercer before the door to his room slammed shut.

"What's up with him?" Angel looked up from the game to glance at oldest brother standing with a furrowed brow and gaze trained at the doorway.

Bobby dragged a hand over his eyes slowly. Fuck he wasn't made for this, didn't know how to handle a teenager that acted like Jack did. He just wanted to slap some sense into him, but that wasn't really an option here. "He hasn't been sleeping" He mumbled after a few seconds.

Angel nodded, no more explanation needed.

We'll do it all. Everything. On our own.

Jack strummed his guitar lightly, trying to ignore the chill trying to creep under his skin and into his soul. He'd barely slept this week and those nights when he'd finally fallen asleep he'd woken up with a scream muffled in his throat. He'd blink and then Bobby was there. Sometimes before he'd even woken up, and sometimes he'd barely had time to understand where he was before his door was opening and his brother striding across the small room to the bed, taking his place on the chair next to it. Jack was grateful. That didn't stop them from fighting though.

"Such a stupid boy this one, look at him Frank. Where the hell did you find this one?"

Frank laughed a little before pulling on the boy's blond hair harshly, but getting no reaction. "Well you know, they practically hand them out nowdays. Just fucking with ya, was the missus that wanted one, thought it could be good with some extra cash and I thought you know, why the hell not right?"

"Speaking of, where is Susie? Haven't seen hear for awhile"

"Out fucking around I suppose" Frank laughed before gripping the hair underneath his hand tightly before giving him a shove so he fell to the floor. "Don't care either".

"You sure this is it Frank?"

"Yeah. That little fucktard squeeled like a fucking pig so aint no chance he's lying. This is the house alright".

"Good" Billy massaged his hand with the other, trying to avoid touching what was left of three of his fingers but failing, causing his grin to slip a little. "Let's get to it then".

Hey just realized as I was writing that this is gonna be dark. At least some, so continue at your own risk. Gonna be short, probably just 1 or 2 chapters more, maybe 3.