Callen glances at his clock above the fireplace. He couldn't believe how late it got.

"Alright, let's stop for tonight. There are 3 more bedrooms. Kensi and Nell; you guys can share one of the rooms. Eric you can take one and Sam, you take the other. Nate will probably bunk with Eric or Deeks." He announces.

Kensi goes to check on Deeks before she turns in. She quietly opens the door. Marty is fast asleep with Monty sleeping on the bed with him. On the nightstand, was the uneaten pizza. Nate is sitting in the chair reading a book he had brought with him. He gets up from the chair as he sees Kensi picks up the pieces and follows her out.

"How is he?" She asks.

"Quiet, withdrawn."

"Callen says you can bunk with Deeks or Eric." Kensi informs.

"I will bunk with Deeks in case he has a rough night." Nate decides.

Kensi nods and bids him goodnight.

Deeks wakes up early. He had wished that yesterday was just a bad dream but as he takes in surrounding; he knows that it wasn't a dream. He sees Nate asleep in the chair. Deeks sneaks out of the room to not wake Nate and besides Monty needs to go outside. Deeks attaches Monty's leash and heads to the door. The team will be upset when they wake up and find him gone, but hopefully he is back before they get up.

Callen hears movement and opens his eyes to take in what is going on. He sees Monty walking by and knows that Deeks is with him. He turns to see Deeks heading towards the door. He lets Deeks get to outside the door and gets up to follow him.

"Where do you think you are going?" Callen asks as he catches up to Deeks in the front yard.

"Monty needs to go for a walk. So we were going to the beach." Deeks answers quietly.

"I will go with you. Let me get my shoes and jacket on and then we will go. Wait for me." Callen orders.

Deeks nods and waits for Callen. A few minutes later Callen comes out with his shoes and jacket on.

Once they reach the beach, Deeks takes off Monty's leash and let him run around. Usually, when Monty is running around the beach; Deeks goes surfing. But not this time, besides his surfboard is still at his apartment. He didn't bring it to Callen's because there would be no point. Deeks sits down on the sand; Callen sits down next to him. Monty would run to them and then run away to the other side and then run back.

"So Marty, I have been meaning to ask you; why do you call Judge Rudolph, Reindeer?"

Deeks starts laughing. "Now that is a story. When I was 11 and living with Jacob Henry; Rudolph was interning with Jacob and his nose would get so sunburned. He really did look like Rudolph the red nose Reindeer, so one day I called him Reindeer. He didn't like it at first, but eventually accepted it. You know what is even funnier than me call Rudolph, Reindeer; Michelle has called him Reindeer since the day he adopted her."

Callen laughs at his story also glad to see Marty laughing with him.

"I've been thinking; I don't think that whoever stole the files wants to hurt me, physically anyway. I think that their more into discrediting me. Maybe make it so I lose everything like they did; especially if it is Zucker or McNaulty. Without the files it will come down to their word against mine. If either of them went to Internal Affairs, or found a cop with an axe to grind against me to back them up; I could lose my badge."

"Marty, that couldn't happen. Besides if Internal Affairs does try to take your badge, you could finally sign the application to become an Agent that Hetty gave you a while ago." Callen points out.

"Do you really think Vance or Granger would really want me as an Agent if I lost my badge because someone decided to bring up the past? For conversation sake, let's say it is Zucker and he tells IA that I shot my father and leaves at that. The only person they could question about my side of the story is me; everyone else is gone. You know that Jacob died. Amanda died in a car accident about 3 years ago and Matthew was killed in a shootout 5 years ago. With no files there is no evidence to prove that what I am saying is true. The only thing that would matter to them is that I shot my father. LAPD would wash their hands of me."

"Hetty would fight for you to become an Agent. We all will. You are not alone in this." Callen reassures.

"Yeah, but that is only because you saw the files. If I didn't have them to back up my side of what happened and all of a sudden was being investigated because of that shooting would it have made a difference? Would you guys still be on my side?" Deeks questions getting up and brushing the sand off his pants.

Callen watches as Marty goes to retrieve his dog. He follows slowly keeping Marty in his sights, but also giving him space.

Upon arriving back at his house Deeks goes to shut himself in the room again. He keeps waiting for that other shoe to drop. For whomever it is doing this to make their next move. Callen fills the team in on Deeks' theory. Sam admits it is plausible, especially with the missing files. Nate is more concerned with Deeks' state of mind if his theory turns out to be true.

The only thing anyone knows for sure is that time will tell.