This is a brand new story of mine. I got the idea from a weird dream I had one night. All will be explained about certain things though.

Laura was just your average 24 year old. She loved to hang out with her friends, going to concerts and chilling out at home in front of a good film.

Her world changed forever when one day Laura had been told she'd been given magically powers and a wand to do magic with. Now Laura was a huge Harry Potter fan and had wished for years that she'd have a wand, wished she was able to do spells but she just didn't believe that it actually existed.

When she got her powers she thought it was just someone playing a trick on her but it was actually true and she was given magical powers and a wand. Like the people in the wizarding world she wasn't allowed to use magic in front of none magical people, more commonly known as muggles. Laura found her magical powers extremely useful, tiding her room with a flick of the wand, summoning items that she couldn't find and various other things. Her parents never knew about her secret in the beginning but eventually she was allowed to tell them.

However there was so much more of this magical world that Laura didn't know about, or knew existed. All was about to be revealed.

In the late 1990's a huge war hit the secretive wizarding world. Hundred's of innocent people old and young, magical and non-magical (muggles) lost their lives due to the reign of the darkest wizard of all time Lord Voldemort and his loyal followers known as Death eaters.

So many witches and wizards lost their lives during the war meaning the decline of people with magical blood. In order to restore the wizarding world and ensure that people with magical blood would not run out, the Minister of magic Kingsley Shacklebolt decided to give normal muggle people whom could be trusted magical powers.

This was frowned upon by many pure blood wizards as these people would not have been born into a wizarding family or taught at the famous Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Kingsley had faith in this new agreement and set out finding suitable muggles.

Laura Jones was one of these muggles who received magical powers on January 1st 2012. Laura however was unaware of why she was given these powers or did she realise that the whole world that she knew of as Harry Potter was actually real and now she was a part of it.

Lord Voldemort had been long defeated and most of his followers were either dead or locked up in prison. However some of them who had went into hiding after the war, still lurked around, reading to pounce at any moment.

I had received my magical powers on January 1st 2012. At the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve actually. It was a massive shock to my system but I soon got used to being able to use magic.

For the first five months I was put on probation meaning my actions were being carefully watched by the Ministry of Magic as there was a trace put on me. At the end of those five months I was allowed to keep my powers but was still being watched carefully.

I wasn't allowed to use magic in front of muggles, to hurt other people or to influence people's opinions. I was able to use my magic in a positive way such as helping my family out financially and giving my bedroom a makeover complete with huge American style walk in wardrobe. I also set up my very own fashion design studio where I could design my own clothes.

As I live in the muggle world, I never had to use my magic to defend myself. I was however able to use it discreetly in the shop where I worked in to give me a helping hand with certain tasks, well as long as none of my work colleagues or customers spotted me. I was also able to stop time with a special watch I had been given which made my life a lot easier; I could have an extra hour in bed in the mornings, have extra time to get myself ready or just have extra time to do something.

Chapter 1 – Love's Young Dream
I had been dating Liam Payne, a member of the biggest boy band in the world – One Direction for about 5 months now, after meeting him on their theater tour back in January. We clicked straight away and despite the 6 year age difference, we got on brilliantly. Liam was one of the first people to find out about my magic and was totally understanding about it.

I even managed to get him some powers of his own as he was always trying to help other people and I thought they would be extremely useful in his jet set lifestyle. This made it a lot easier for the two of us to see each other as Liam could apparate to visit me in Ireland when he was on the other side of the world. We could also stop time too, so we could enjoy those precious moments even more.

I had been lucky enough to spend two amazing weeks with Liam in America while they were on tour there. We spent a week in New York and then another week in Florida. I had never been to New York before and it was brilliant. I had been to Florida before when I was 15 and loved it.

When the boys were working I got to spend time with Louis' lovely girlfriend Eleanor Calder. We went shopping or to lunch and to get our nails done, just some girl time. The boys were quite busy so it was nice having someone to hang out with, rather than be on my own. In Florida we got to go to all the theme parks such as Disney's Magic Kingdom, Epcot and Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios.

I also got to do a lot of sightseeing too, like the Empire State Building which I was a bit scared off going up at first as I'm scared of heights. The added bonus was that the weather was roasting compared to the bitter coldness of Ireland.

Liam and I were extremely happy together and even though we were apart quite a lot, we made it work. We didn't let the distance get in the way. Liam usually apparated to me as I hated the feeling of it and usually felt sick afterwards and slightly dizzy.

I was falling for Liam and falling for him big time. He was my first proper boyfriend and he was just perfect. He made me feel special and for the first time I actually felt like I was liked for being myself and he wasn't judgemental. Yes he had his immature moments, I do too but he's mature for his age and always looked out for me. Plus he is a total gentleman with a heart of gold. He'd do anything for anybody.

We were extremely lucky that the press or fans hadn't found out about us yet as that was one of my main worries. Being a One Direction fan myself I knew what they were like and how they react when a girl is linked to one of the boys. The girls in question would get sent death threats and abuse on twitter. This was where my magic came in, anytime Liam and I went out in public I put an unrecognisable spell on us so people wouldn't notice us. It worked brilliantly. We could walk down a busy street and not be spotted by one single fan even if there were a group of One Direction fans about. Liam did feel a little guilty about not being able to meet them but at the same time he wanted to protect me from their crazed fans.