The leaguers woke up to bright lights that hurt their eyes. They all realized they were strapped to the sideways tables in cells. Outside Batman's sat Dick with his legs crossed watching him.

"Richard?" Bruce called seeing the boy tilt his head.

"Why do you know my name?" the boy asked looking him in the eyes.

"I'm your dad Richard, that's why I know your name and even the others" Bruce answered seeing the boy cross his arms.

"Oh yeah, then what's Kid Flashes real first name?"

"Wally and his dad's Barry" Bruce said seeing the boy's eyes widened.

The boy then turned his head to the door. He got up quickly going towards a vent and opened it. Giving one last look at Batman he crawled through closing it behind him. A second after he left the lord versions of themselves came in.

"Having fun?" lord's Flash asked with a smirk.

"Let us go and give us back our kids" Flash ordered struggling to get free.

"Shut it now" lord's Superman ordered.

"What did you do to them?" Aquaman asked with anger.

"That's something you don't need to know about" lord's Aquaman spat.

"Please just give us back our kids" Batman begged seeing the lord's Superman laugh.

"Your kids are now ours and you will be able to do nothing to reverse what makes them ours"

With that the lords left going to wake their kids up. As they made their way up to the living area of the house, they smiled. The lord's Batman went up to a room to see Dick fast asleep. Walking over he placed a hand on the boy's hair to have him roll over.

"Time to get up" he smiled lifting his son into his arms.

"I can walk on my own" Dick informed as he was set down.

"I know, but you know I love carrying you around and you've always loved it"

Dick just nodded and followed the man out of his room. As they walked they saw the other teens getting their breakfast. Wally and lord's Flash zoomed by them almost tripping over Artemis and lord's Black Canary.

"Watch it" the two yelled.

Dick felt uncomfortable and decided to go outside for a walk. His dad didn't seem to mind and allowed him to be alone. As he walked he took a device out of his pocket and pressed a button. Seeing the light change to green, he made his way towards the back of the house. Opening a vent he crawled through it till he reach the cells to see the leaguers watching him.

"So you guys are telling the truth" Dick said crossing his arms.

"Yes, how did you figure it out?" Superman asked confused.

"I was listening to when you guys were talking of course" Dick answered as he went to a control panel.

"What are you going to do?" Green Arrow asked.

"Letting you guys go and for that your going to help me reverse what they did to us" Dick explained as he typed.

"We'll definitely help reverse it. We promise" Black Canary said.

Soon the binds holding the adults opened letting them land on the ground. After a second the doors to the cells opened. Flash ran stretching his legs and started trying to open the door.

"I'll bring the others down to the room that they used on us" Dick informed. "Try to figure out how to reverse it and hurry"

Dick went back to the vent crawling out to hear his name being called by the others. Closing the vent he ran over jumping on Roy's back with a laugh.

"Found ya" he smiled seeing them laugh too.

"Yeah, should've know you were hiding on us" Kaldur said with a smile.

"Come on, I found this cool place for us to hang out in" Dick started pulling Roy with him.

They followed him through the house and down to the basement. As they walked Megan gave the youngest confused look. He soon stopped outside a room and opened the door.

"Come on you have to see what happens when you go inside" Dick instructed running in.

The others followed shaking their heads at his excitement of going into the room. As they all got in the door closed behind them and they looked at Dick confused. He just put a hand to his head looking at them confused.

"What's going on?" he asked and fell over unconscious.

Roy caught him seeing he was just weak for some reason. Conner then started banging on the door with all his strength.

"This was a trap set by those look a likes" he informed seeing their shocked faces.

Outside Batman started to activate the room as they heard banging. He gave a smile as the room soon started and would reverse what it did to their kids.

"What are you doing loose?" the lord's Black Canary asked.

"Getting back our kids" Black Canary answered glaring at her opposite.

"How do you plan on doing that?" lord's Flash asked.

"It's already been done" Batman informed taking out a batarang.

"What?" lord's Flash said before he was punched in the face.

As the door opened they saw the teens getting to their feet. Each looked at the adults confused on what just happened to them.

"You'll pay for this" lord's Black Canary growled before running away.

"Where are we?" Artemis asked as her mom came over to her.

"We can't explain now and must get out of here quickly" Martian Manhunter instructed.

The teens were helped out of the basement and outside the house. When they got out they saw the lords waiting for them.

"Give us back the kids now" lord's Superman ordered.

"Not happening" Superman said glaring at him.

Before the lord's could attack they were stopped by a smoke pellet. This gave the leaguers the chance to escape and they made it back to the closest Zeta Tube. Once they all reached the mountain the parents all hugged their kids.

"You have no idea how scared we were" Ollie told his children as he hugged them with Dinah.

"We're just happy to be back with you guys" Roy whispered to them.

"Lets not tell your mom about this okay Wally" Barry suggested with a smile that his son returned.

"Definitely" he agreed.

"Where not telling mom about this either" Clark said and his son rolled his eyes.

"She's going to find out anyway" Conner confirmed.

"Yeah, but I at least want a head start to the Arctic" Clark added.

"Are you okay my prince?" Orion asked looking Kaldur over.

"Yes, father I'm fine" he said hugging him.

"I was very worried about you" J'onn informed his daughter.

"And I was the same about you" Megan laughed.

"You are one good detective" Bruce told his son while ruffling his hair.

"I learned from the two best" Dick smiled as his dad hugged him.

"I think your better than me" he added as his son laughed.

The family reunion seemed to last forever, but nothing could make it sad. As everyone started to leave, the teens gave each other separate good byes.