It had been months since anyone had seen Lucy, but there wasn't a day that Belladona didn't await her return sitting beside the dome that represented her prison until she was released. It was an odd site with her waiting there, but she had taken it upon herself to cater to the grounds around her that seemed to be suffering from whatever Lucy had been going through and treated it as her own personal training. Once the land was happy and the plants were flourishing she was capable of sitting in a relative peace while contemplating how to approach the person she now respected and looked up to more than she ever thought she would be able to. It had taken a couple weeks to gather her thoughts and her courage to make herself stronger and walk a path that she thought Lucy would approve of, but more than anything she just wanted to be acknowledged by her in some way. Sitting there her thoughts began to drift and she began to dream of a future that she had truly wanted for all the people she had come to care for and hoped that she could include herself in with everyone else someday. Looking down to her wrist was becoming a common occurrence to her as she watched in wonder at how such a small object could carry so much strength. However her thoughts were interrupted when a deafening crack filters through the air disrupting the peace that was once flowing through the land around her. Looking back towards the dome that appears to be disintegrating she quickly picks up the flower that she had been nurturing special for her, and a bottle of water for just in case. Nothing could have prepared her for the site before her though. As she stood there her body wouldn't allow her to move, but immediately when her eyes and mouth were covered muffling the scream she didn't know she was releasing, the hands blocking the image as voices rushing forward past her she impulsively threw herself back into motion forward in an effort to care for the person she idolized most.
Natsu heard the whisper in his mind before the deafening crack that split the air and signaled him to make his way to the beach to help Lucy with whatever was suddenly happening. In normal circumstances he would have already been there watching over Belladona who had made a personal task for herself to keep some sort of guard for Lucy, but he was needed to reinforce the barriers once again for the continued arrivals of the other legal guilds. It had only been decided a few months or so prior that they would start sheltering the other legal guilds in an effort to collaborate easier as well as protect them from the force that was now pushing forward more aggressively in response to Lucy's absence it seemed. Some of the arrivals made things easier and more entertaining, but nothing ever comforted the Fairy Tail guild when whispers of Lucy's name was spoken. These thoughts however left his mind when he arrived taking in the absolute devastation placed upon the surroundings now visible with the collapsed dome as well as his beloved lying broken off to the side. It was in reflex that his stomach curtled and he choked back the vomit from coming out. The stench that came forward to everyone's senses that swirled with a sickening sweet aroma then was immediately overwhelmed with nothing but blood. Whether it was all hers or not they would never know, but the image in front of them was enough to cause everyone to pause and dread if she was still alive or not. Rushing forward Natsu didn't know how to proceed and was oblivious to the fact that the guild members had rushed after him now realizing the circumstances in his effort to possibly help Lucy. The small circle that appeared around her kept him at bay though and he was forced to watch at a distance as she continued to bleed out into the surrounding circle only for her arm that was bent awkwardly up to begin to breakdown into nothing and then reform just to proceed to the rest of her body over and over again. The scream from her lips remained silent refusing to voice her pain, but the glazed over look did nothing to ease their wariness expressing every bit of the pain she was going through. The process continued and as it did Natsu sunk lower and lower onto his knees withdrawing into himself. The image was branded into his mind, and as she continued to bleed out his mind began slipping further and further from him. Only when his vision was interrupted by the site of legs walking in her direction did he come back to reality a bit. It was devastating once he realized who it was that was capable of taking care of her instead of himself at that moment, and since he now could see the audience around him he remained silent withholding any protest hoping that this will all end sooner rather than later. Hearing Draco softly speak out, "It's ok Lucy. We're all here for now. You aren't alone. Both Loki and I can stay till this is done, so hurry please. We don't want to see you continue to be hurt like this."
Everyone watched as he placed his hand slightly above her along with the rest of the spirits that had contracted with her begin their chant while the blood that had surrounded her began to reach for the seal that had appeared from them. Listening to their leader Loki speak this time, "Let go Lucy. We'll finish breaking the seal and you can accept them and continue living this way." Loki spoke sadly. Watching Lucy grit her teeth instead and coughed she reached her other hand over finally spotting Draco again. Catching on to what she was thinking Loki continued, "You were and always will be a celestial mage at heart Lucy. Nothing will change that to us, but let us save you now… Let us go Lucy. We're still family and we'll always be there for you."
Loki's tears didn't go unnoticed by anyone including Lucy, and Draco's smile and nod was enough to allow the seal hovering above her to finally break. All at once Lucy's entire being had dissolved and reformed scarred and tattered, but no longer bleeding out. Watching her breath in and out while a small whimper of pain escaped, Draco kneeled down and laid a hand gently caressing her cheek and spoke, "I'll come see you soon, but it's time Lucy. You need this. Do it for us… So we can come back." Leaning down he places a soft kiss on her forehead before whispering a tender farewell to her and all the spirits she was contracted with disappeared in a soft flash.
In their place stood the monsters that they had left her with originally and all the anger that Natsu had developed towards them came back with a vengeance. Lucy remained broken on the ground before them still not moving and it was only the barrier they placed up around them that prevented him from going forward and attacking. With the seal now broken and Lucy's breathing slowing rapidly Natsu watched as the dragons, or what he considered monsters, were smiling fondly down at her whispering something he couldn't hear. Once finished with their speaking they began breaking down into a fine mist of black and white that was forming a new seal combining with Lucy's blood that had surrounded her. As they disintegrated and meshed with all of the blood that had surrounded her, the seal solidified above her finally and then immediately absorbed back into her settling her erratic bleeding and healing her minor cuts leaving light scars in their place. With the barrier lifted Natsu was surprised to see that it was Belladona that made her way to Lucy first standing protectively in front of her. Raising to his feet to finally reach for Lucy she shakes her head at everyone to wait until she can bring a sense of calmness to the energy surrounding them. The familiar anger came back, but was held in check by Erza preventing him from continuing forward. As Belladona reached out her hands everyone watched as she pushed her magic to heal the surroundings around Lucy restoring the environment back to its prior state. As the energy rushed back to the area they could see that Lucy's complexion was improving the more Belladona restored. Once completed Lucy was breathing more evenly, but was still in pain from whatever she had been working through. Finally being released both Gray and Natsu made their way through the crowd sidestepping Belladona and reaching for a hand each to take account of any remaining pains that they could potentially assist with.
Lucy on the other hand was trying to remain silent in all their observations gritting her teeth as all the pain coursing through her pulsed again and again trying to adjust to her, and when the tears finally came she was surprised to find that it was Belladona and Gray that were wiping them away instead of Natsu like she assumed he would. Hearing Gray whisper out, "We got you now Lucy. Just relax and don't panic. We've got you." As Belladona pulled back and stepped aside again she felt Natsu's fingers run through her hair gently and lift her head slightly to place her head in his lap while Mira and Happy further catered to the things they would need to begin to move her. Looking up into his eyes she could see how hurt he was, but there was nothing that could be said yet between them. Looking back to Gray she tried to squeeze his hand, but barely twitched. With more tears beginning to fall Gray continues by brushing her bangs out of her face and saying, "Shhhh. It's ok Lucy. Once we have your transportation ready we'll move you to your quarters again to recover. We'll stay with you every step of the way just like we promised." Lifting her hand to his face he held it close as if she was going to disappear again, but her lips twitched a little pleasantly enjoying the feeling of his cool skin against hers. Whether she was settled or not her eyes unwillingly closed though as her body felt more weighted down and she finally slipped into a deep slumber to hopefully them all expedite the recovery of her energy.
Gray seeing her drift to sleep turned and watched Natsu continue to stroke her hair, as Happy now curled at her side after covering her with a light blanket from everyone's view. It was clear that Natsu was in pain seeing her once again saved by someone else, but that was the least of his concerns. Looking back down at Lucy his heart froze slightly at the site of her so vulnerable and in pain. He cared so much for her and she was such a good friend, and he just continued to be so far out of her reach… Stroking her face gently he whispered, "You're so far away Luce. Come back." Bowing his head slightly he missed her warm smile and kind words. He missed her bubbly laugh and annoying chatter. He missed her and he just hated himself all the more with everything that was going on. He closed his eyes again and just waited until