If you enjoy this please see my other story involving the 'new' Lara "Rebirth of a Saga" that I wrote before the new game was released

The ruby sky bled into the horizon as hordes of iron clad Oni jumped from the wooden turrets, running towards her. She knew that this was it, there were too many of the vicious fighters for her tired body to fight off. Firing arrow after arrow into the oncoming mass, she turned and ran. Just run, run and survive. She could hear her heart thumping between her ears as a hand grabbed her arm, peering down she saw a sword embedded into her stomach.

"Excuse me...Miss Croft, Miss Croft?" A female voice came from somewhere in the distance, "Are you okay? We are about to make our decent, could you please put your seatbelt on?"

Lara flickered her eyes at the increasing light, trying to split her dreams from reality. A cold sweat trickled down her back and her fingernails dug into her palms drawing a drop of blood. Returning to the present was a shock to Lara's system, she had no idea long she had been asleep, though she knew it had not been long enough.

Arriving into Heathrow airport was something Lara thought she would never do again. Yamatai was not just a struggle physically but also mentally, she really thought she would die there like thousands of others before her. Looking outside the window she saw the familiar runway lights and cold British rain thrashing down on the tarmac. A small tear welled up in the corner of her eye, though she didn't have the energy to let it fall any further.

"Miss Croft, would you mind waiting for the other passengers to leave the plane? We'll organise you a wheelchair to the arrival lounge." The effortlessly smiley flight attendant was back again grinning her orders.

"I don't need a wheelchair. Thank you." Lara stated as she unclipped her seatbelt.

"I believe you had one from Tokyo? It has been written on my notes that you need assistance."

"I'm fine, honestly; just let me get off this plane." A sudden sense of claustrophobia flooded through her body.

"Miss Croft, I can't let you do that."

"Why not?" Lara winced as the scar on her stomach pulled due to the tightened skin.

"The press are gathered at the exit, we have had orders that you need security." The flight attendant was growing weary of Lara's protests.

"Security? I'm not a celebrity. Just let me off this plane please." Lara had no baggage so making a quick escape, in her mind, was easy. Pushing past the flight attendant, she limped down the tunnel and into passport control. A letter from the British Embassy replaced her passport lost on the Endurance, the only possession she had with her. People stared at her as she walked through the airport; a mess of a woman hobbling with bruises and scars covering her body. Lara could feel the fellow passengers' questioning glances as she stood in line with nothing but her A4 sheet of paper. The security officers didn't care who she was after scrutinising the pass, motioning her to move on after they were ensured it was a real embassy letter.

"Finally," Lara sighed as she wandered through the 'nothing to declare' corridor.

"There she is!" Came a voice from beyond the exit followed by a charge of footsteps and blinding lights. Covering her face from the flashes, she was faced by an onslaught of people running towards her.

"Lara, is it true you found the mythical land of Yamatai?" Came a voice from the right.

"Are you going to accept the television deal? I hear the BBC are eager to have you." Another voice cut in, interrupting the young man chirping from the right.

"Lara! Over here! Let's get a picture of your wounds!"

"How do you feel knowing you caused the death of your fellow crew mates?" Lara turned to see who dared to say such a horrible statement.

"I didn't do anything," Lara shook her head trying to push herself through the crowd.

"That's not what I heard, you should be locked away for mass manslaughter," The reporter shot back, the words twisted in her stomach.

"You don't know half of what I have been through you ignorant bastard!"

"See, she's lunatic. Come on Lara what are you going to do? Kill me like you did Dr Whitman?"

"I didn't kill him!" Lara protested as more cameras were thrusted into her face eager to capture the moment that a young woman snapped in front of the world's press.

"Do you think your father would be proud of you acting like a savage?" The reporter goaded further.

Lara couldn't stand this any further, there was no way out of the vicious pack. Just run, run and survive. She could hear her heart thumping between her ears as a hand grabbed her arm. Turning around, Lara witnessed a burly man pick her up and place her into a car waiting outside.

"Miss Croft, we have been looking for you. You were supposed to be under strict airport security." The burley man said as the car drove out of the airport.

"I just wanted to get out of there."

"I understand, but you shouldn't behave like that in front of the press. They are animals and will pick on any weakness you have. Once you get home someone will meet you to discuss what further action needs to be taken."

"I don't think I have a home anymore," the thought of returning to an empty mansion filled Lara with dread. Being at university gave her the sense of normality that she had craved all her life, now she was back to rattling around a building that reminded her of a past she wanted to escape. She had a house, not a home.

"Of course you do Miss Croft, unfortunately I am unable to stay with you but as I said someone will be with you soon."

"Who are you?" Lara questioned the gentle smile who filled her with a tiny hope that everything would be okay.

"Sorry, I never introduced myself did I? I'm Graham, Heathrow security. I look after royalty and notoriety who travel through the airport."

"Of which I am neither." Lara said, slumping into the leather seat.

"Not royalty no, but you are very popular in the press at the moment; ever since your ship sank."

"How can I stop all this?" Lara asked, eager to be an invisible entity, like she was before Yamatai.

"You just have to let it all calm down; don't worry you'll be tomorrows chip paper soon enough."

"I hope so," Lara noted as the car drove into the circular drive of Croft manor, a place Lara hadn't stepped foot in for three years.