Hey all, I know, this is the longest I've gone without an update, I'm sorry. I was gone for most of the summer and then school started and yeah…life happened. But I'm back now.

Disclaimer: All newsies are property of the Disney Company. Prankster, Ramble, and Marbles belong to me. Any others belong to themselves. I am not making a cent off this story, and this is just for fun.

Thank you to all my readers/reviewers/supporters. You make this story.

And now, not without further ado here his the 14th episode with Les

Episode 14: Les & Eye Liner

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Riot: After a few month break, it's now time for the 14th episode of 'The Left Shoe Show'!

Ramble & Headlines: (sings) I ate a watermelon….and all the seeds fell out and when I went to pick 'em up, they all began go shout.

Ramble, Boys & Headlines: (Shot) YOU (YOU'SE) ATE MY (ME) MOMMA!

Prankster: Sorry for the delay in episode, our author went on strike.

Marbles: yeah, the hussy! (we see her wearing a shirt that says "my-creator-went-to-Europe-and-all-I-got-was-this-stupid-t shirt.")

Ramble: Calm down it wasn't that bad.

Prankster: Anyway! She's back now, so we can now do the episode. Today is a good day, we have Les, and I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of Davey bashing. But not anymore then our Spot bashing.

Spot: hey!

Marbles: Ah cram it, you know it's true!

Spot: Did you jist tell me ta cram it?

Marbles: What are ya deaf too?

Spot: Why I outta….

Ramble: Here Spot, (places something in his tied up hand)

Spot: What's this?

Ramble: A stress ball, the crew pitched in to get you one.

Spot: ahhh, thanks guys, (squeezes stress ball)

Prankster: And without further ado…here's Les.

(Les fanbase applauds, as Les is wheeled out on stage.)

Prankster: Ok Les, I'm sure you're wondering where all your buddies have been.

(Les nods)

Ramble: Well they've been here, so now you know.

Prankster: We just want to ask you a few questions, and if you're reallllllllly good, we might give you a job.

Les: Would I be untied?

Prankster:…….(thinks) hmmmm…….yes. Alright! Lets start with the questions. This is from klover, "don't you get annoyed at David not letting you see anything fun at all like this fight and all that stuff?"

Les: I guess…but I am pretty young.

Ramble:….I guess.

Prankster: This is from Klover too, "how do you feel having your brother in charge?"

Les: I guess he's not THAT bad.

(Dutchy starts coughing uncontrollably from behind his drum set, fellow band mates rush to help the coughing Dutchy)

Racetrack: What's wrong?

Dutchy: (between coughs) I like the kid…(cough) much more funnier then his (cough) brother.

Prankster: ok Les, I'll level with you, if ya don't want to be tied down after this episode, you're gunna have to do some David bashing….and a few Spot bashing if you wanna get on our good side.

Les: oooooohhhhh Ok.

(Spot starts squeezing stress-ball)….(A/N Wow that's an alliteration if I ever wrote one…back to the show)

Prankster: Ok, this is from Galaxy, "Do you have a thing for Jack?"

Les: Well, I need an older brother figure that isn't horrible, you know David.

Ramble: (takes a crayon, writes on the paper, holding it up it shows a '5.2') I give it a 5.2 on David bashing.

Marbles: Really? I gave him a 7.1 (holds up her score)

Ramble: you know what? You're right

Marbles: No you are.

Ramble: I change my vote

Marbles: Me too.

Prankster: O.o….. I am SO not related to you two right now, again this is from Galaxy, "How is Sarah dealing with Jacks disappearances?"

Les: Well, after the funeral she started going out with this guy, but that didn't work out, so she took her life savings and bought some stock in….'AT&T' We're afraid she threw her money away. ….

Spot: No more, I can't bare to hear anymore.


Prankster: ok this is from Sureshot Higgins, (everyone looks at Racetrack)

Racetrack: NO RELATION!!!

Ramble: (sings) Race and Sureshot, sitting in a tree, F-U-C-

Marbles: (interupts) RAMBLE!

Ramble: (points to Spot) He taught it to me.

Marbles: he's impotent….but just 'cause I need an excuse to hit him. (smacks Spot upside the head)

Spot: Ow! I hate you people!

Prankster: Ok, as I said, from Sureshot, she wants to know, "Why don't you have a newsie nick?"

Les: 'cause I haven't been around long enough.

Prankster: Ok this is from Rhapsody, she wants to know, "Does David abuse you when you're at home?"

Les: no

Prankster: Again, Rhapsody, "Would you like to tie Sarah's hair up in knots and chop it all off?"

Les: no

Prankster: Rhapsody, "How come you don't do any pelvic thrusts like the other boys?"

Les: I'm Near 10!

Ramble: Well, that's no good, if anyone asks, just say you're 7!


Ramble: yes it was, It's my turn to read, (takes questions) ok, this is from Drama-Queen, "Who would you rather have as a brother, Racetrack, Mush or David?"

Les: Racetrack.

Racetrack: ahhh….

Marbles: Why?

Les: So I can swipe his cigars…(looks at Racetrack, he's STILL wearing parachute pants) Actually, I'd like to change my answer…I want Mush.

Prankster: That's probably the best choice.

Mush: (smiles) Ha! I'd be the best older brother ever.

Marbles: yes, I'm sure you would.

Ramble: ok these questions are from…..CARDS!!!!

Cards: (enters) you called?

Ramble: You get to read your questions.

Prankster: I'm gunna watch Shark Week, don't worry Dutchy, I won't get too cuddly with Specs.

Dutchy: (fumes)

Cards: (sits in Prankster's chair) ok this question is from….me, I wanna know, "what is your favourite colour?"

Ramble: ohh funky 'u's

Les: Red

Cards: Why is it that David is the only newsie who doesn't have an accent even though he's lived in New York his whole life?

Les: He's trying to be all hoity-toity

Cards: What is the picture on a tootsie roll pop that gets you a free lollypop?

Les: ummmm what's a tootsie roll pop?

Cards: What is an Emu?

Les: a small elephant?

Cards: Have you ever disobeyed your parents?

Les: I don't think so….

Cards: Is David a good leader?


Marbles: correct!

Cards: Are you Jewish?

Les: yes

Cards: Should Dutchy and Specs get together?

Les: It would be best for them.

Dutchy: Hey Spot! Can I have that stress ball?

Spot: Hell no! mine! (squeezes stress ball)

Dutchy: ohhhh sad!

Cards: Do you have a pencil handy?

Les: (looks at tied hands)…ummmm….no

Cards: What's the capital of North Dakota?


Ramble: Correct!

Cards: Should I actually get back to my job?

Les: please.

(Bookie the intern drags Prankster back in)

Prankster: Thank you Bookie, you (points to Cards) out of my chiar.

Cards: (Salutes) bye Les.

Prankster: (sits down) Ok new questions.

Ramble: This is from "Sita-Chan" "The sword, kid. Why?"

Les: I wanna be a pirate.

Marbles: A pirate?!?

Prankster: Is that his big secret?

Les: I guess.

Ramble: Ok this is from Sita-Chan, "You know that you're so tiny and adorable that I could shove you in my purse and steal you away to Nigaragua where people don't object to other people doing that, right? And I WILL do it, if I ever get the chance."

Les: Was that a question?

Ramble: (shrugs) again Sita-Chan,) "What's wrong with your hot dog? It looks weird."

Les: it wasn't eaten.

Marbles: Gross.

Race: What, you one of them peoples that won't eat meat?

Marbles: no I'm one of those, 'I-need-to-know-what's-in-my-food-people'

Prankster: Amen!

Ramble: "Who do you hate more, your brother, or your sister?"

Les: ummm brother?

Ramble: "Do your parents ever get on your case for the newsies being a bad influence on you?"

Les: Not since the newsies' started to disappear.

Ramble: ok these are from Kawaii Julie Sama, "Do you have any real friends outside of the newsies?"

Les: (hangs head) No

Ramble: "Does Davie have ANY friends?"

Prankster: He doesn't have any friends. Moving on. (grabs questions) Ok these are from, Seraph2, "Who do you like better, David or Jack?"

Les: Jack

Prankster: "Do you know how obnoxious you are?"

Les: …..no…

Prankster: Ok, these are from Legs, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Les: A Pirate.

Prankster: (sighs) "Racetrack was supposed to take care of you when David followed the carriage to rescue Jack. Is he a good babysitter?"

Les: Oh yeah, we played poker allll night. An' then he gave me some money and I had to go to Kid Blink and get some gold coins.

(EVERYONE looks at Race)

Race: What?

Ramble: You let a kid help you support your chocolate coin addiction? (hits him with Spot's stress ball)

Race: Ow!

Spot: (starts laughing uncontrollably)

Prankster: "What is your favorite thing about going to Irving Hall? Is Medda as nice to you in real life as she was in the movie?"

Les: I like getting the candy, and she is very nice.

Prankster: Ok this is from Splash Fate, "Does your brother have a 'thing' with Denton?"

Les: I don't think so…maybe.

Jack: He doesn't have a 'thing' for me!

Prankster: Again Splash, "Who have you been hanging out with since Jack left and was assumed dead?"

Les: Well, I was hanging out with Boots, then he got kidnapped, and then Snipes, but he got kidnapped, so now it's just me.

Prankster: Last one from Splash, "You seem like the closest one to normal out of your family...were you adopted?"

Les: No I wasn't.

Marbles: Ok these are from SapphireO'Riley, "Do you think Medda is hot? Do you know how old she is?"

Les: No

Marbles: "Are all the guys just a bunch of hormonal chumps?"

Les: I guess so.

Marbles: "Was David dropped on his head as a child?"

Les: Yeah he was, but don't tell him that.

Marbles: "Would you ever want to lead the newsies?"

Les: Not after seeing my brother's failed attempt.

Ramble: Ok these are from Sheridan Quest, "If you could have one superpower, what would it be, and why?"

Les: I would want to fly, That way if my ship ever sinks I won't die.

Prankster: there we go on the pirate thing.

Ramble: "Have you ever tried to beat your brother senseless with that sword of yours?"

Les: no

Jack: can I?

Ramble: "Have you ever had to eat a newspaper?"

Les: No

Ramble: "Why do you have an accent, and your brother doesn't?"

Les: ummmm he was born on Vacation.

Prankster: ohhh

Ramble: "Dogs or cats?"

Les: Dogs.

Ramble: Ok this are from Inquisitive, "Has David ever threatened you life? because he looked pretty mad when you yelled STRIKE!"

Les: No, he just didn't want to work at a strike.

Prankster: Ok these are from Bookie, our own loveable intern, "Why don't you go to school?"

Les: Because I have to work.

Prankster: "Can you get me a date with Racetrack?"

Les: Hang on, (leans in to see Race) Hey Race

Race: What?

Les: would you go on a date with Bookie

Race: (shrugs) yeah.

Marbles: No dating on the set.

Les: But for the record I did it.

Ramble: (pats his head) yes you did.

Prankster: Ok these are from Technicolor DreamGirl, "If Jack likes you so much, why did he take Boots and your brother to Brooklyn and not you?"

Les: (shrugs) it's a long walk to Brooklyn and Jack wanted Spot to scare David.

Spot: Jack, did ya really do that?

Jack: yeah.

Prankster: "How did you manage to fall asleep during a riot?"

Les: I was tired.

Prankster: ok.

Ramble: What's the next question?

Prankster: There are none.

Marbles: So Les wants to be a pirate.

Ramble: Oh my goodness, I think we should make him look like Johnny Depp.

Prankster: Ramble, that has to be one of the smartest things to come out of your mouth. GLITTER, LISA.

(Glitter and Lisa come out)

Prankster: Can we make Les look like a pirate.

Lisa: like Johnny Depp.

Prankster: Yep.

Glittler: ok, but we may have to buy some more eyeliner.

(they wheel Les out.)

Ramble: Who's next?

Prankster: David. MUHAHAHAHA!

Ramble: oh my goodness.

Marbles: he gunna get ripped, hahaha, well send in your questions.

Ramble, Band and Guys: (sings, & Plays) I ate a watermelon and all the seeds fell out, and when I went to pick them up they all began to shout. YOU (YOU'SE) ATE MY (ME) MOMMA!

Prankster: Bye

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Ok, so there it was, If you have questions for David. Please review. Thanks, have a great day, and bye.