"River?" gasped the Doctor. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello sweetie," River purred as she swept over to him, snapping his gaping mouth shut with one smooth flick of her finger.

"Oh don't stare so much, it's not the first time you've found me somewhere you didn't expect. Remember Alderaan?"

"Obviously not yet," she continued, interpreting the blank look on his face as a resounding 'no'.

The Doctor shook his head quickly from side to side as though trying to rearrange its contents into a more serviceable position. Strangely, this seemed to have the desired effect.

"Alright then River, since you're here, would you mind bringing me up to date with what's going on?"

"Of course dear, you need only ask. Well I suppose formal introductions are in order." Gathering up her many layers of skirts she swept over to Eragon and Saphira.

"This lovely young lady over here is named Saphira. She's the brightest one here so if you have any questions and I'm not around, just ask her.

'Eragon, on the other hand, really isn't the brightest bulb in the box. He means well and is eager to learn but make sure you don't use too many long words around him."

"Hey!" Eragon scowled, glaring angrily at River.

"Sorry sweetie, just telling it like it is."

"Be nice, River," the Doctor reprimanded, though he was secretly amused by the boy's indignant expression.

"Enough of this nonsense!" Nasuada cut in. "I understand that all this must be very entertaining for you but we are in the middle of a crucial meeting that could very well determine the future of this land while you're bouncing around like a three-year-old. Now if you would kindly GET OUT!"?

"I take it we're not just arranging a mass protest against the ban of ice-cream retail on Saturdays. No... This seems much more military. Plotting to overthrow the government are we?" asked the Doctor smoothly

Within seconds Arya's sword was back in her hand and steadily poised above the Doctor's throat. "Only a spy would feign such ignorance! If you do not wish to die on this very spot you will offer yourself up for examination immediately. Prepare for your mind to be entered."

River's call for Arya to stop came a second too late as the elf delved into the Doctor's mind.