Surprise! Baka deshi is still attempting to write fanfic! (cue shock and amazement here) ^_^ Here's another quick ficlet for those of you out there who like these silly things, and hopefully it will help me get the ol' creative juices flowing again…

He hadn't meant to hurt her.

It was the only thing he could think of, the sole thought running through his mind as he lay there, face down in the soiled grass. He was still panting from the exertion, covered in mud, and he knew he was completely spent. He just lay there, breathing in her scent and tasting the blood, and wondering how long he would burn for his sins.

Animal. Base. Monstrous. He shut his eyes against the words swirling around him, but it did little shut out the horrible images. He could still see her, screaming in front of him…he could still remember the thrill that spread through his body as he chased her down...

I didn't mean to do it. he whimpered, tearing at the grass. I just couldn't…

Couldn't what? his conscience mocked back, throwing her panicked face at him. Couldn't stop yourself? That's a poor excuse for taking advantage of someone who trusted you. Do you remember how she looked at you? Did you like smelling her terror? She gave you her trust, and you ran it into the ground.

But it wasn't his fault, he whimpered. The pain was upon him again, pressing down on his chest oppressively, and he let the tears come. He hadn't meant to, but dammit, it was his nature! There were…urges…he got when he smelled her, urges he couldn't exactly control; dark instincts that forced him to drool when he looked at her, and impulses that made his legs twitch in yearning. She was too close to him, too tempting, it was her fault for looking and smelling so perfect, it was her fault for…

No. That was nonsense. That was no excuse. Tears leaked out of his eyes, and he threw back his head and howled to the empty, empty sky. He'd done what he'd done, and now he had to pay the price.

Kirara growled and pressed Shippou harder, twisting him into the dirt as hard as she could without breaking him. She flexed her paw slightly and let the very tips of her claws slide out onto his chest.

"Kirara! I already SAID I'm sorry!" wailed the fox kit, gasping for air. "I swear I'll never, EVER chase you again! NOW WILL YOU LET ME GO!?"

If you like it, review.