Here it is, the final chapter of Misery to a Good Life. I'm probably going to get a lot of complaints about this chapter but that's just what you guys picked. The majority was that I finish it now and do a sequel later. And lets just say I bet none of you saw this coming. Now read on I'll talk later at the end of this.

I slowly opened my eyes letting the light shine into my eyes. I stretched as I leaned up causing many bones in my body to pop. I released a yawn while looking around my room. Same as I left it when I went to sleep last night.

I looked over to my alarm clock and then I became confused. It was 10 in the morning. Usually Earl would wake me up at about 7 or 8 on Christmas, Weird. Oh well, he's probably just really tired after last night. None of us got to sleep until oneish last night. He was probably downstairs making breakfast right now.

I slipped on some pajama bottoms and a t- shirt then made my way downstairs. I smelled the air trying to see what Earl was cooking, but I didn't smell anything. I made my way into the kitchen and saw that no one was there. Now this was another odd thing. Maybe he was just in his bed still. It seemed that way but I've never been up before Earl in all the time ice been here. But hay, there's a first for everything.

So I made my way upstairs and turned down the hallway to Earls room. I knocked on the door… no response. This was starting to get a little scary. I opened the door and peaked in, but yet again there was no sighn of Earl. This was just all to weird. Where could he be?

I know he couldn't be over with Winston because his family always goes to this one place for Christmas Day and they don't get back until late. Plus, it's not like him to just disappear like this on any day, let alone Christmas. So again I ask, where could he be.

I left his room and made my way downstairs thinking stuff to myself. Maybe he was going to surprise me with something. But what? That, I cannot answer.

As I went downstairs I heard something. It sounded like someone was grunting and I heard banging in the ground. The noise came from the tv room. I made my way over there and peaked inside to see what was going on. What I saw shocked me.

There Earl was, but he was all tied up with his mouth also tied shut.

"Dad." I yelled as I ran over to him. He looked at me and started to freak out. He looked like he was trying to tell me something. So I took off the rope so he could talk.

"Get out of here now, before he gets you." he screamed. I was taken back by this.

"Before who gets here? Who did this to you?" I asked.

"Why, that would be me. You little shit." A voice said from behind me. I froze upon hearing that voice. I woul know it from anywhere. A voice that belonged to the man who tortured me go the longest time.

I turned around and came face to face with my nightmare. It was Phil.

"Lights out." He said as he pistol whipped me hard on the head. After that I blacked out.

When I woke up I found myself tied to a chair. I couldn't remember what happened. All I remember was getting hit hard in the head then nothing. My head still hurts from the hit. I looked to my left and saw Earl knocked out in a chair right next to me. What happened?

"Finally awake I see." A voice said. My eyes became wide and everything came back to me.

I looked up and saw Phil sitting on a couch with a pistol in his hand. I gulped I fear of what he would do.

"Wh- what are you doing here. You should be in jail." I pointed out.

"Yes, I should be in jail shouldn't I. It's funny how easily you can get out if you bribe some people with packs of smokes. That's stuffs like money." He laughed. "And I'm here to finish what you started." He said.

"Why? You tried to stop me when I tried to kill myself." I said.

"Yes this is true. But jail altered my thought of that. Do you know what they do to wolves who abuse kids in there. Let's just say it ain't pretty. I've just come back with a little pay back in mind." he told me.

Why was this happening again? I thought I was done with him. I thought I would never have to deal with him again. Why does bad stuff keep happening to me. I'm a good person. Why, just why does all of this happen to me.

At this time I heard Earl start groaning. I looked over to him and he to me. He mouthed to me that everything was going to be fine. But something told me that nothing after today would be the same.

Phil saw that Earl was awake and walked over to him. He grabbed him by the jaw and made Earl look him.

"Why'd you do it? Why'd you take in this little piece of nothing. He's not worth the time or the money. Yet here you are giving him a luxurious life. What did he do to deserve this?" He questioned him.

"I don't have to answer anything to you, you piece of white trash." He told him spitting in his face.

Phil was not to fond of his actions, in fact he was a bit furious. So he punched Earl in the gut winding him a bit. He sat there gasping for air while Phil wiped his face. It was kind of funny seeing Earl act like this. I've never seen him this way around anyone.

"That wasn't very nice Earl. But hey, neither am I." he said pointing the gun at Earl.

"No, no don't. Please don't shoot him. He's not apart of this. Just shoot me and leave. Please don't kill him." I pleaded.

He just looked at me with an evil smile. Time seemed to slow down as I saw Phil's finger squeeze the trigger. Soon I heard the sound of a gun go off and Earl slouched down in his chair. I looked over at him and saw blood coming out of his chest.

I was screaming no non stop when I saw Earl get shot. It felt like my whole life had been ripped away from me. But Phil didn't shoot him in the heart so there was still a chance for him to survive. That is if I can get out of here.

"Like I said, I'm not a nice person." Phil said. He then pointed his gun at me.

"There no doubt that others heard that. So I guess I just shoot you and hit the road before the cops show up." He said now pointing the gun at me.

My whole life started to flash before my eyes as I starred down the barrel of the gun. I remembered going in and out of sucky foster families. Getting treated like crap by the foster care woman. Then meeting McCabe and him making my life a whole lot better.

Then I remembered going to school and getting bullied but McCabe was always there to protect me. Then he had to leave and for years I was bullied again and again. Along with the bullying Phil also abused me.

I then remembered when I first met David, Andy, and Smitty and how they helped me. I remember the first time I actually met Kate. Sadly that night was also when I was raped. I remember the day after I tried to kill myself and everything changed for me.

I became friends with almost everyone even my worst enemy Jordan, also meeting someone new sometime after who was Garth. I remembered all the good times and bad times I had with them. I remember when I became a YouTube star, I remembered when Kate was almost killed by a bear. I remember when McCabe supposedly died and how miserable I was then to find out he was alive but I can't tell anyone because of that secret government thing in America.

I remember meeting Nikolai for the first time when I protected him from Alex.

I remember all the good times I have had then when my life changed again with Alex trying to tear me apart from my family. Then how everything turned out alright and I became friends with Alex and at the same time I met a new friend Ice. I remember all the time I spent in the Hospital with Jordan when he was recovering from his parents assault on him. And lastly I remember the good times I had with everyone for the seemingly last time as I flashed back into reality with a gun in my face.

I saw his finger slowly pull the trigger. I closed my eyes and waited for him to shoot me. And when I heard the loud bang I flinched. But no pain came to me. Was I dead?

I slowly opened my eyes to see what happened and what I saw shocked me. Phil stood there with a hole in his head. He fell down on the ground dead and right behind him was none other than McCabe. I sighed in relief, but then I remembered about Earl.

"Check on Earl now, please." I demanded.

He nodded his head and walked over to Earl. He looked at him and checked for a pulse. McCabe sighed and looked over at me with a look of pity. He shook his head telling me he was dead.

I sagged down in my chair, not believing what has happened. As I was processing what just happened McCabe untied me.

"I'm sorry for what happened." He said. I just nodded my head with a blank expression on my face.

"Here, give them this." He told me handing me a card. "They're going to want to know what happened. This will explain everything." Again I nodded my head.

He looked at me with a sorry expression. Then he brought me into a big hug, but only for a second.

"I've got to go now. I wish I could stay but I'm not really supposed to be here." He told me.

"Ok, see yah." I said. He just nodded and left.

That left me alone with just myself and a dead Earl. I went over to him and that's when I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I started to sob as I just collapsed on Earl and hugged him. He gave me everything. He gave me a good home, fed me , and overall gave me a good life. Now he's gone. Shot by a man that made my life miserable. But at least he was finally gone for good.

Soon I heard police sirens. They grew closer and closer until they were right outside my house. When they came in they found me sobbing into my dead father and a dead Phil.


Right now I was seated in a room with all of Earls closest family. Why we were here? Earls will was being read and apparently I was put into it. I honestly didn't know what he would give to me that he already hadn't. He gave me everything. But now he was gone.

After his death and the police found me they questioned me. I told them everything up to the part about before McCabe. At that point I gave them the card that McCabe had given me. Apparently it cleared things up pretty quickly because after that they released me after giving me there condolences for Earls death.

About ten minutes after I was talked to I was just sitting in my front lawn crying when I heard my name called. I looked over and saw Ice. I really didn't want to talk and just walked to my backyard. Usually they wouldn't let people do this but I guess they made some exceptions.

I just sat on a chair in my backyard for hours crying. I was in so much emotional pain. I kept asking myself over and over; why did this have to happen to me? After hours of just sitting there I heard my back gate creek open. I looked over and saw all my friends. They looked at me with sadness, that told me they already knew. Kate just ran over to me and brought me into a giant hug.

"I'm so, so sorry this happened to you Humphrey." She said. I just sat there and accepted the hug. I really needed it.

"What happened?" Andy asked.

David elbowed him in the chest. "I really don't think he wants to talk about it." He told him.

He was right, I didn't want to talk about it. And I still haven't talked about with anyone yet. I really haven't talked to anyone since the incident. I've just stayed in my house ignoring all the knocks in my door and the calls made to my cell phone.

I finally came out of my house yesterday when Earls funeral was held. All my friends were there and a lot of family members I met at Thanksgiving were there. I didn't talk to anyone. I just went, listened to all the speeches given about him. Then I went and saw his body lowered into the grave and it buried. I stood there as one by one everyone left. I was the last one to leave, and I only left because I was told to leave.

Now I'm here today just listening to what everyone was getting. And let me tell you, Earl had a lot of stuff. One after another a family was given something and they left. Soon it was only me. The lawyer looked at me then he started to read,

"To my Adoptive son Humphrey, with you I leave my house which I have lived in almost my whole life so please take care of it. And also I leave with you my life savings. I have never told anyone about it and am now trusting it with you. I give you a total amount of…" The lawyer stopped and looked at the numbers for a second. How high was this number?

The lawyer then started up again,"…I give you a total amount of $7.8 billion."

I looked at him in amazement with my mouth hung wide open. "Are you sure that's correct?" I asked. He nodded his head.

He handed me a piece of paper with info about where the money was stored. "Spend it wisely." He told me. I nodded my head and left. I went home with those numbers stuck in my head. How could he be so rich and keep it a secret from everyone. I guess he didn't want to have people like him just for his money. Those were his choices.

When I got home I got out of my car and just stood in my driveway just looking at my house. I looked at it for the longest time and finally something inside me clicked. I couldn't stay here anymore. I had to get away. This place just brought back memories if him. Maybe the recurring nightmares of him would stop if I could just get away. I was torturing myself by staying here. I needed to leave.

And that's exactly what I did. I packed up all of my necessities and put them in my truck. I didn't have to worry about the house. Somehow Earl got it so he didn't have to pay anything for it. I could just leave it here and no one could touch it. Plus I'm pretty sure Winston would keep an eye out for it. He was really good friends with Earl.

Speaking of friends, I hope mind would understand. I hope they would respect my decisions for leaving. I didn't know what is do or where'd I go. But I didn't care, as long as it wasn't here.

Finally I left a note on my front door explaining everything. Then I got into my car and left. I would miss everyone, especially Kate, but I just needed to leave. I could stay there anymore.

And I knew I wouldn't be back here for a very, very long while.

And there you go ladies and gentlemen. The final chapter of this story. I bet none of you expected that. Of course it would have been different if the majority choice was different but it wasn't. So the people who chose for me to end it now, you guys killed Earl I hope your happy with yourself. Just kidding, but seriously you made the choice and ended his life.

Like I said many times before, there will be a sequel. I don't know when it will come out because I already have another story I'm working on and I'm hoping to get that one done before any others. So it might be awhile.

I thank everyone who ever commented, favorited, Followed, and PM'd me on this story. You all made this possible. You were all my motivation to keep going. And for that I thank you all.

I'd like to thank Ice The Lone Wolf for letting me use his OC's even if they didn't make it that much into the story. I will probably use them more in the sequel.

I really hate saying goodbyes on stories, especially one that had do much good feed back. I never ever thought this story would get this far and this popular. But I'd like to leave this story off with a thank you and as always for the last time on this story

Peace Out