This was the only thing i could think of writing about, while I'm not uploading my other stories.

At the moment, this is the only thing that i have in mind right now and if you have anything you might want done. Like pranks or one-shots, just PM or review me and i will write the story. I will put your FanFic name down ( if you don't want your name told i wouldn't tell)on each story ideas that i get from all of you.

( i know you probability want a prank now and I'm going to write them, don't worry. I just thought that this would be a good one to start with.)

Thank you and Enjoy my First One-Shot

*also there is a few swear words in here. so be prepared, okay*


Happy Easter. :)

Edit: things have been changed by the help of JadeRoseDragger with her awesome talent. I thank you again for your help.

Summary: Jack has been playing pranks on the Guardian's for the past month now. Nothing but pranks. North confronts him and tells him that he needs to stop before things get too out of hand and ends ups hurting someone. Jack tries to explain to North that he wouldn't go that far, but North think other wise. All the Guardians have been asking him to "Be more mature. Be good. Stop the Pranks.". Jack's sick of it. So Jack's going give them a taste of their own medicine. Hoping to teach them a lesson that they shouldn't want him to be someone else other than himself.

Getting Serious

"Jack!" Bunnymund shouted.

The white haired hooligan had played yet another prank on Bunnymund, being Bunnymund getting a frozen slushy shower. End result - Bunnymund being covered from ears to paws in cold, melting slush. Thinking about it, made Jack fall, dropping his staff as he hit the ground with a "thud", laughing and revealing his hiding spot.

"T-There you a-are!" Coming around the corner, shivering. "Your g-going to get it, m-mate." struggling to get the words out. As of that, Bunnymund taps his foot and disappeared into his tunnel to his warren, with his armor and gear in hand.

'Four, Three, Two, One-.' At the other end of the tunnel, the white haired boy could make out a faint shriek. Jack laughed, he had taken a whole week carving a greyhound out of a block of ice and taking it to the warren just for Bunnymund. He was wondering when he'd see it and perfect timing too. Far over to Jack's left, he heard North yelling his name, telling him to come to his room. "Didn't take you long." Jack mumbled, flying to North's room. "Yes?" He asked shutting the door behind him.

"Take a seat, Jack. We need to talk." His voice depleted.

Even though he'd been playing pranks for weeks now and the Guardians being on his back, even though, they had never asked to "talk" with him. He took a seat, to the left of North's desk.

"What is it North?" asking the unneeded question. He knew what. He just chose to act dumb, but didn't fool North.

"You know exactly what." He paused and stroked his beard. "Jack, this prank business has got to stop. It's getting out of hand. Someone could get hurt"

"Come on North. It's not that bad and I wouldn't let that happen." Jack said giving North a shrugging gesture.

"Jack I care for your safety and theirs too." He sighed and continued "And if you keep at this..." He closed his eyes for a second then reopened them, "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something bad happen to you Jack. You like a son to me."

This stopped Jack. 'Like a son?' He kind of felt guilty now for the old man. 'NO! He's asking you to be someone else, not yourself!' "NO!" Jack yelled, "I don't want to stop. I don't want to be all 'obedient, mature and no fun.'", making quotation marks with his fingers.

"Jack. I never said you couldn't have fun." He paused, "I just said to stop the pranks." He glared at North, leaving, before North could say anymore. 'This needs to stop. Stop the Pranks'. Jack has had it. If they wanted him to stop, fine if that's what they want. So be it. 'If you want me to be good, I'll give you good.' And that was the start to his new plan.


Jack decided to wait for the perfect time to put his plan in action. He thought it would be too obvious if he had walked in the next day like all well not him.

His whole plan was to fake an accident that would make it look like lost his memories then acting all you know obedient and just not be playful and not him, the loner, care free, have fun guy. You'd think that this plan would be easy like his pranks were.

Well you're wrong.

He had to stop doing his pranks like North asked only because he was more distracted about how he would pull off this stunt. It would take work and effort into it, if he ever wanted to convince them. So he waited, waited too long in fact. He couldn't find a way to pull it off and he was kinda losing interest, till North asked the elf's to put lights on the walls. 'That was it.' He would put the lights up. North rarely watched the elves and doing this would give him the opportunity to get his plan going.


"Jack, get down from there, you're going to get hurt." Tooth complained.

Jack was about 50 feet up, on a ladder. 'Operation alpha, go!' "Whoa". Jack lost his balance and fell, hitting the ground with a big 'Thud'. Tooth flew over to him.

"Jack!" Tooth shrieked as she did. That was the last thing he heard as he passed out.

Phase 1 Complete

Jack woke up, finding myself in his room. He hadn't planned to pass out but the plan would still work nonetheless. Actually Jack thought it would make it even better. He sat up and looked around, he hated this room.

North had given it to him after they defeated Pitch saying that if he needed a place to stay that he was more than welcome to stay in the room made for him. Jack told him no and that he would never use it but he didn't listened. Jack had only used this room once since he passed out.

North had over done it, everything was in blue. The room walls were painted a baby blue, the carpet was a navy blue with a circular rug on top with every shade of blue that you could think of. The four poster bed in the corner, comforters were in three different shades of blue. The pillows were navy blue like the carpet and the window curtains, the blanket was baby blue like the walls and the sheets were ice blue like the recently new furniture across from his bed and next to his window that North had added and of course in the corner, on the other side of the window was a weird blue beanbag chair.

He looked over to the door to find Tooth coming in. "Jack!" She flew over to him and hugged him.
'Remember Jack act like you don't know her.' "Ahhh" He pushed her away, giving her a 'do I know you' look.

She looked at him in confusion then seconds later her eyes widen in terror when he asked "Do I know you?" Amused by her deliberateness.

Phase 2 Complete

Tooth gasped covering her mouth, wide eyed. "Oh no." She paused trying to take this in then her face went from worried to angry. "You're playing me aren't you?" She pointed a finger in his face. He went cross eyed then looked back at her.

'Keep your composer Jack. Keep your composer.' "What are you talking about?" He asked giving her his best confused face. "Where am I?" He gets up from the bed loses his balance, wincing and gripped the back of his head. He had to admit that the fall did hurt, more than he had planned.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Jack waved his hand in front of Tooth's face. 'Maybe I went a little too far. She looks really freaked out.'

The door opened. "Hey is everything alright mate?" Bunnymund asked, walking in. He looked up and saw Jack. "Jack!" Bunnymund came over and hugged him.

'Bunnymund! Hugging me?! Okay...'

"You gave us heck of a scare, mate." Bunnymund messed with Jack's hair. "I'm glad you're alright now."

'Uh Oh, is he in for it now'. He looked over at Tooth and gave her a lifted eyebrow of 'do I know him too?'

She started to cry, she truly believe he had gotten amnesia.

"What's wrong Tooth?" Bunnymund asked looking worried now.

She went over to him and told him, what he assumed was her telling him that he had memory loss, because seconds later his eyes shot open with shock.

"WHAT!" Bunnymund exclaimed looking over at Jack. Tooth tried to quite him down she took him out of his room and Jack guessed she told him the rest of what happened.

Phase 3 Complete

Later that day Tooth and Bunnymund had told the other Guardians, as well, of his so called amnesia. They didn't believe them at first but eventually they fell for it too.

Phase 4 Complete


The next day North confronted Jack he walked up to Jack and put his arm around him. "Hey my boy." He paused." How's it going?"

"I'm doing fine." Jack said.

"Good." He patted Jack's back and walked away.

Earlier that day, the Guardians had explained to him about what his connection was with them and retold him about their big fight with Pitch, their time together, how he was the Winter Spirit and boat load more of things. He wasn't surprised that Bunnymund and the rest didn't mention about him being all disobedient as well as a pain in the ass with them. Maybe they did that because if he didn't know that he wouldn't end up being like the old him again well at less till he got his memories back.


As the next few days went by Jack decided he would help. Jack was walking along around the Pole, when he spotted North directing and demanding the Yetis to do their work and yelling at the small elves that were getting in his way, he found Jack looking at him.

"Oh Jack. The person I've been looking for." He stated facing Jack.

"I am?" Jack asked with a confused look.

"Yes, my boy, you are. Come down here will ya."

He went down there and helped North with the toys. He had only worked for an hour for North when he got kicked out. He was working on one of the robots and had no clue on how to put the thing together and only ended up messing it up. North yelled at him then of course kicked him out.

Phase 5 Complete


Jack had done the same thing with the other Guardians only to fail to help them. He had thought he had it going with Tooth but he was wrong. All he did was distract the little fairies as well as Tooth herself and ended up being kicked out of there too.

Phase 6 Complete


Jack kept at it for weeks, trying and trying to make them let him help them. That only made them madder because Tooth had to get teeth, North had to prepare for Christmas, Bunnymund was busy with his eggs for Easter and Sandy, he never asked to help him because he really couldn't help if he tried.

Phase 7 Complete

After what seemed forever, they finally started to break.

~ North's Room~ (Ease dropping on the Guardians)

"I can't stand it North!" Bunnymund shouted in an irate voice. "He won't leave me alone."

"The same goes for me." Tooth stated." He keeps bugging me."

"I understand, it hard, it hard for all of us well except for sandy but that is beside the point." He paused. "It will just take some time to get used to."

"When I asked for Jack to be like, like this." Bunnymund paused "I didn't really mean it, mate."

"I guess we got what we asked for." Jack barely could hear Tooth as she said that.

"It's nice and all having him like this, but it..." He paused and started again "But that show pony's been like this for too long it's just, just weird and unnatural."

Phase 8 Complete

Jack heard Bunnymund heading towards the door. 'That's my cue.' Jack darted off behind the couch. Each Guardian comes out and fills the lounge. "I agree." Bunnymund stated. He paused, rubbing his cheek. "I hate to admit this, mate, but I want the old brat back."

Phase 9 Complete

Even though Jack had been waiting for them to say that he wasn't expecting Bunnymund to be the one to say it first, it was even better he would never let Bunnymund forget this.
He came out from behind the couch stretching. "Finally!" Jack exclaimed, flopping onto the couch to get their attention "Took you long enough." A grin spreading across his face.

Bunnymund's face was priceless, if he could turn red that what it how it would have looked right now, Jack laughed.

Phase 10 Complete

His body started to shake with anger. "You bloody F*****g show pony!" He screamed. The other Guardians looked at Bunnymund with disbelief at what he just said.

Before Bunnymund could get to Jack he flew to the window above the globe. "You should watch what you ask for you just might get it." He said, laughing, as he flew into the night sky, satisfied.

Plan Complete

SO how was it? too long? sorry if it was.
If you have any ideas for any prank you want. Just PM or review me and i will write them. :)