Chapter 1: Before the Trip

*This story will be told from third-person-point of view*

Warning: This story will contain disciplinary spanking of teenage vampires.

"Kids, come down here for a moment!" Carlisle called up the stairs to his five teenagers.

Immediately, four voices yelled back. "Coming!"

Carlisle raised an eyebrow in question. He ticked off the voices that answered in his head. Jasper, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie. No Edward.

At that moment, the four of them came downstairs and Edward was in fact missing. "Where's Edward?" He questioned them and watched as they all shrugged their shoulders.

"Edward? Edward!" Carlisle yelled up the stairs forcefully and after a few minutes bounded up the stairs to the boy's room.

Not bothering to knock this time, Carlisle opened the door to the young vampire's room and breathed a sigh of relief. His son was sitting on his lounge, earphones in, staring out his window.

Carlisle walked over to Edward and gently tugged one of the boy's earphones. Edward whirled around but stopped short when he saw it was his father.

"Dad… What's up?" He asked sheepishly.

"Son, I've called you three times. I've you before to keep an earphone out so you can hear the world outside you, haven't I?" Carlisle gently rebuked.

The boy dipped his head slightly and removed the other earphone as well. "Yes sir. I'm sorry, Dad I'll remember next time."

Carlisle nodded his head at his son's promise. "Alright, now come on son; I want you and all your siblings downstairs for a moment." He held out a hand and helped Edward off his lounge. Putting an arm around his shoulders, Carlisle steered the boy downstairs and into the living room where the rest of the family was gathered. He was struck with strong emotions of calm and the noise of an argument dying down.

"Jasper." He called firmly and immediately noticed how everybody was in control of their own emotions again. "What's going on here?"

Jasper's eyes widened a bit as he responded carefully, not wanting to get anyone, including himself, into any kind of trouble. "Well, Rose and Em were getting in an argument and I was sending them calming waves to get them to relax a bit; I guess I projected a bit too far…"

Carlisle nodded and looked at Rosalie and Emmett. "You two alright?" They both softened their expressions before nodding and snuggling back into each other. They were such a complicated couple sometimes. Carlisle shook his head and deposited his youngest onto the couch next to Alice.

Esme appeared suddenly and wrapped her arms around Carlisle's waist. "Alright you kids; we've called you here because we need to speak with you before we send you off to Denali with Elaezar and Carmen."

All of the teenage vamps except for Alice and Edward looked confused.

Jasper finally spoke up. "Speak with us about what, Mom?"

This time Carlisle took the floor to answer the question. "We need to establish some rules. Your mother and I will be gone for about a month or two and the five of you need to be on your best behavior. We don't want any of you giving our cousins in Denali any trouble while we're gone." He looked at each teen pointedly, his gaze finally resting upon Rosalie after giving Edward and her a longer look than their siblings.

"What?" They both shouted indignantly.

"What? You two are the ones that give the most trouble is what!" The doctor answered sharply.

Edward and Rosalie huffed and then glared at each other and at everyone in the room. Esme sighed and stepped in front of the assembled teens.

"Alright calm down you two; you are not the only ones who will have to behave." She looked at all of her vampire children individually, calling out what they need to do to stay out of trouble.

"Edward, you will have to control your temper and stay out of Eleazar and Carmen's heads -and out of your siblings' heads as well! Alice, darling, please do not spend the entire time shopping and spending their money. Jasper, do NOT control ANYBODY'S emotions under ANY circumstance; and you will have to control your temper as well. Trust me darling, I know what I am saying. Emmett, no pranks! Rosalie, control your temper as well. It's as simple as that." Esme clapped her hands together and her children stared at her incredulously. She thought it was going to be easy for them to do all of that, when that's what always gets them in trouble, because they cannot control it!

"Do you all understand what you must do? Aside from doing what our cousins tell you to do and be polite of course." Carlisle questioned them.

A chorus of "Yes sirs" and "Yes Daddy's" echoed around the room and Carlisle smiled, pleased. "Very good." He praised before growing more serious.

"If any, either, or all of you fail to behave adequately you will be punished upon our return. If I get one single complaint about one or all of you, it'll be a free trip over my knee. And if I find out that Eleazar or Carmen had to punish you, in any way, and nobody tells me about it, there will still be punishment. Is this understood?"

All the vampire kids nodded their agreement, but Jasper raised his hand as if in a schoolroom.

A bit amused, Carlisle called on his eldest son. "Yes, Jazz you have a question?" All eyes turned to Jasper as he nervously cleared his throat.

"Yes Papa, uh… You said Elaezar and Carmen were going to be able to punish us? In any way?" At Carlisle's nod, Jasper explained his question. "You mean they are allowed to spank us?"

The room suddenly grew extremely quiet, and nobody was breathing, as the patriarch again nodded his head in conformation.

After a few minutes the silence was suddenly broken by Emmett's explosive laughter.

"That's a great joke, Pops! Good one, had me thinking Eleazar was really allowed to spank us all. Whoo, that is hysterical, ain't it Pops! Pops?" Emmett's laughter began to die down and a disappointed and shocked face replaced his previously upbeat one. "Wait, you're serious?" He asked quietly.

"Yes son, I'm afraid I am." Carlisle answered gently, knowing this was probably hard for his kids to hear.

"Damn." Muttered Jasper.

After another moment of a somewhat awkward silence, Esme cleared her throat and all pairs of eyes turned to her.

"Like we said earlier, we want you kids on your absolute best behavior. Remember to have fun in Denali though, it's not every day you kids get to visit Alaska for two months." She encouraged and everyone broke into a smile.

I sure don't wanna get walloped by my cousin and then by Dad… Hell nah. That's all the motivation I need to behave myself.

Edward listened to Emmett's thoughts and nodded imperceptibly to himself. He was going to try his hardest to behave and by the thoughts of his siblings, they were too.

"Alright, finish packing then! We leave in two hours, so go, go, go!" Carlisle clapped his hands together and everybody rushed out of their seats to finish packing their items.

Jasper paused by the foot of the stairs while everyone else went around him. He turned to look at his parents for a moment.

"Jazz, honey is something wrong?" Esme asked worried about her son. Carlisle then glanced over at his young soldier and Jasper could feel the concern radiating off of them.

"Yus, Ah'm fine Momma, Ah just wanted ta ask ya somethin'." Jasper's southern drawl came out as it always does whenever he is nervous.

Carlisle seemed to notice his son's nervousness and walked over to him and gently laid a hand on his shoulder. "What is it, Jazz? Don't be nervous, son, just ask."

Jasper nodded. "Well, suh, Ah uh…" He cleared his throat and swallowed his nervousness so he could speak clearly. "I wanted to ask if… If one of us gets in trouble over there in Denali, will we all be punished since we all promised to be on our best behaviors?"

Carlisle smiled reassuringly at his eldest boy. "No, Jazz. Whoever acts up is the one that will be punished; it would be unfair to punish you all if only one of you misbehaves. But you shouldn't have to worry about that, right? Because you will behave yourself, won't you?"

"Yes sir, I'll try."

"Well, for your sake Major, you better succeed. Now, go finish packing son; and don't worry. You'll be fine." Carlisle smiled and Jasper promptly returned his smile.

Carlisle turned Jasper back towards the stairs and sent him on his way with a light swat to his rear.

Turning back to his mate, Carlisle smiled lovingly once again.

"Oh Esme. My darling, we will have a wondrous time in Europe. So many places to see, so much fun we will have."

At seeing his wife's sad smile he asked her what was wrong. "Nothing darling, I'm just going to miss our babies so much. But, I know they will behave and be safe, so I have nothing to worry about. But just so you know, we will be calling them every other night." Esme said, smiling.

Carlisle nodded, still smiling. "Of course, sweetheart. I will miss them too. But remember we need to enjoy these two months alone, as we probably will not be able to have a vacation for just us two for another long time."

Esme nodded before pecking her husband on the lips. The little peck soon turned into a full make-out session lasting a couple of hours.

"Ewwwwwww! Get a room!"

Carlisle and Esme rolled their eyes at Emmett's antics. They turned around to face their smiling children. Carlisle sighed gently before walking over to help them with their bags and get them settled in the car for the long trip to Denali.

A/N: Please review! :D