Author's Note: It's Easter; forgive me.

"You're kidding," Dean Winchester muttered, glancing down doubtfully at the adorable ball of fur currently residing at his feet. Somehow, the idea that the fluffy creature staring up at him was actually a celestial being wasn't quite clicking in his mind. Sam appeared to have fallen on his face with mirth. His laughter legitimately shook the Earth. Evidently, he had no problem with the fact that Castiel had been turned into a bunny rabbit.

Dean stared down at the tiny animal.

And stared.

And stared some more.

And stary mcstarison stared.

Is stared beginning to sound weird to you?

What had happened was this: Dean, Sam and Cas had gone after a witch. A witch with a thing for Easter (or Rise of the Guardians, they still weren't quite clear on which) and Cas had made the mistake of pointing out that the Easter Bunny was not a creature that existed. So, she kind of, um, turned him into a bunny.

Yeah, they didn't see that coming either.

So there they were. Two grown men and a bunny. The jokes practically write themselves. They were completely at a loss. So they called Bobby.

"Go away," a surly voice greeted them through the phone.

"Bobby, we need some help,"

"Who screwed up this time?"


"How bad?"

"He's, well, he's kind of a, uh. He's a, you know, what you might call a-,"










After considerable thought, and even more considerable amounts of alcohol, Bobby came up with the solution. According to the lore, the correct way to cure oneself of one's furry affliction, one had to pull a Disney princess and kiss the metaphorical Prince Charming. Sam, by this point, was rolling around on the ground with tears in his eyes.

The delightful creature who was the source of all the trouble gazed up at Dean with it's eyes, eyes as blue as the sky, blue as the sea, blue as a, uh, a really blue thing. Against his will, Dean found the creature too adorable for words.

So, Actual Disney Princess Dean Winchester (patent pending) kissed the cute little bunny that was actually Cas and he turned back into an angel and they got married and lived happily ever after.

Wait, this is Supernatural.

The lore was wrong and Dean ended up making out with a bunny. He awkwardly backed up and kicked the still-laughing Sam. They conferred and went with the next best option.

"Hey, Chuck,"

"Are you laughing, Sam?"

"OhmyGodit'ssofunnyyouhavetoseethisheyD eanwhat'supOUCH-"

"Hi, Chuck,"

"Dean, what happened to Sam?"

"I whacked him on the head, he'll be fine,"

"Why are you calling?"



"Cas is a bunny,"



"I know,"


"Have you tried turning him off and on again?"


"Feed him chocolate; he'll be fine,"


So they fed Cas the chocolate. He turned back into an angel and they got married and lived happily ever after.

No wait, still Supernatural.

He didn't turn back and Dean started to get desperate.

"GABRIEL," he shouted.

"Gabe," Sam said.

Gabriel turned up just behind them munching in a chocolate bar.



"Calm down, Dean,"



"Will you turn him back?" Sam asked through his giggles. (The reality was actually closer to "Will snort you turn giggle him back? Oh my God, Gabe, Dean made out with a bunny and I have the pictures, just wait till you see them-," Dean whacked him once more on the head. He collapsed into further laughter.)

Gabriel arched an eyebrow and shrugged. When he disappeared, the bunny was gone and a confused trench coat wearing angel stood in its place. Dean began to laugh hysterically.

"From now on, the Easter bunny is real, got it?" he said.

"But, Dean-,"

"Trust me, it's real,"