
NCIS: Los Angeles and characters do not belong to me.


In this story Kensi was never sent on the classified mission and they were never separated. I started writing this before those episodes aired.


Kensi and Deeks are hanging out on another Friday after work.

"Tick tock! Tick tock! Goes Kensalina's biological clock," Deeks teased with a laugh, from the corner of the couch he was sitting on. "Oh, my God, Deeks...I swear you're the one with the biological clock running out!" Kensi yelled glaring at him.




"This has been a long day." Kensi said with a groan as she sat down on the couch and Marty sat down beside her.

"I know, Princess..."

Marty said as he sat down next to her and then put an arm over her shoulders, his other hand landing on her adomen as the baby started to kick.

Marty just smiled and shook his head in disbelief at how much was changing.

So much was happening and at times Marty wondered if he was dreaming as he had in the past or if this was his life now.

Of course if it was a dream...

"Marty..." Came a voice sounding far away and when Marty looked at Kensi again she had her eyes open and a look of worry on her face.

"What?" Marty asked still smiling. "Are you okay?" Kensi asked. "I'm good...but sometimes I wonder if this is real or just a dream." Marty said as his smile faded a little bit.

"Should I pinch you so that you know it's not a dream?" Kensi inquired. "No...I just never imagined we would finally get where we are now. I can't tell you how many times I have dreamed of this since we met." Marty replied.

"Since the day we met; even before you found out I was undercover for NCIS?" Kensi inquired.

"Yeah, I thought you were hot from the day I met you." Marty confessed. "You can not think that I look 'hot' right now. I look like a fat whale." Kensi said with her hand landing on her adomen as Ray gave another kick.

"You do not look like a fat whale to me, Kensi. You look beautiful; I mean not that you were not beautiful before because you were...are, but just watching our child growing inside you is so incredible..." Marty said as he gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

After a moment he pulled back and noticed the tears starting to stream down Kensi's face.

"...Are you okay?" He asked reaching up to wipe away the tears and all Kensi could do to respond was nod her head yes.

"You really think I d-don't look like a fat whale?" Kensi asked with doubt in her voice.

"Yes, I think you are the most beautiful, kick ass person I know. I love you, Kensi Marie Blye." Marty said as he leaned over to give her another kiss, but she pushed him back.

"You would not just say that I do not look like a fat whale because I could kick your ass, would you?" Kensi asked staring right into his eyes.

"No, I would never lie about how beautiful you are or how much I love you. If this baby is a girl she will be as beautiful as you are." Marty told her.


Sorry for such a short chapter and a long time since my last update on any of my stories.

I have been busy...I now live with my boyfriend and I have been busy taking care of my little Ally Cat (my daughter.)

Hope everyone is enjoying these stories and I will update when I can.

I think the next chapter may skip ahead a little bit and at this point I am not sure how many chapters is left to this story.

Hopefully breaking the writer's block on this story, unlocked ideas for my others.