Chaos emeralds of harmony chapter 1: the journey begins.

In deep space, was a space craft. Inside the spacecraft, the scientist was running tests on the subjects. A woman with white skin, her hair was light green, purple, and pink. It was moving in the air like clam waves. Her dress was white, her shoes were gold, she wore a gold necklace with a purple diamond; the same with her crown. On her hip was a sun. She had a horn and wings. This was Princess Celestia. She entered a room that had a large computer in it. Standing in front of it was another girl with dark purple skin, a night time dress, bright blue shoes, she wore a black necklace with a moon on it. She also had a small black crown on her head. Her hair was dark purple and was moving like Princess Celestia's. She also had a horn a wings

Celestia: Luna, what it your plan when they wake up?

Luna: Simple. We go home.

Celestia: But what if he had already taken over?

Her younger sister fell quite. She hadn't thought about that.

Luna: I don't know…

Celestia: Let me help you.

Luna: I don't need it.



Celestia: I never said I didn't believe you. If you wish to be alone, fine.

She turned and walked out of the room, leaving Luna feeling bad for herself. She entered another room that seven pods in it. The pods had names on the bottom. The girls in them were in deep sleep. Their names were: Subject R.D, Subject F.S, Subject A.J, Subject P.P, Subject R, Subject S, and the one in the middle was named: Subject T.S

Scientist # 1: Princess…!

Scientist # 2: Celestia!

The two didn't see where they were going and bumped into each other and hard. Sending papers everywhere. She used her magic to pick up all the papers and stack them in a neat pile on a desk. The two bowed and thank there princess. He let out a small chuckled and walked towards the pods and placed a hand on the middle one. Her smile disappeared. She hated to think what would have happened if they arrived a minute later.

Scientist # 1: My lady?

Celestia: Hm?

Scientist # 2: We have the test results.

Celestia: Good. How are doing?

Scientist # 1: Pretty good. But…

Celestia: But what?

Scientist # 2: Subject R.D 's are higher. Should we worry?

Celestia: I don't think so. Even though she was the most wounded one, she's the strongest girl I know. Now come, let's have something to eat.

As soon as they left the room, a beeping noise went off. Subject R.D, was waking up.

R.D: Where… where am I?

She placed a hand on the glass and began to push. She lifted her leg up and kicked the glass, to her surprise, it did some damage. She gave it another good kick and it broke a little. When it broke, it out some of the air. Meanwhile with the princess and the scientist, they were enjoying some lunch when one of the scientist's watch began to beep. He looked at it and spit out the sand which he was eating. When he did, it hit the other scientist's face. Princess Celestia looked at him with a surprise look.

Scientist # 1: What was that for?

Scientist # 2: R.D'S AWAKE!

Scientist # 1 & Celestia: WHAT?!

Scientist # 2: WE HAVE TO HURRY!


The scientist took out two guns from the closet and ran to the testing room. Back with R.D, she was slamming her body against the glass with all her might. She was in a tight space so it wasn't very easy for her. She finally was able to break the glass and fall on the floor. She pushed herself up to her knees and looked around, nothing looked familiar to her.

R.D: Where-

Before she could finish her sentence, the two scientists entered the room and looked down at her. Telling by the fear in her eyes, she wanted answers. Before one of them could say anything, she got up, jumped in the air and gave them a good kick to the face. When they were down, she quickly made her getaway. She must have been running very fast cause she didn't she the two maidens come out of their rooms. The two looked at each other and nodded. They opened their wings and followed her outside he landing board. R.D looked over her shoulder to see the two sisters flying towards her.


The two looked at each other and back at R.D, they saw she had a lock on her wings.

Celestia: R.D, LET US HELP YOU!

For some weird reason, she began to slow down. Something about her voice was familiar. Before she could completely stop, a laser shot one of the engines, sending the ship to lean to the left. R.D tried to grab something, but was slipping too fast. The princess tried to use their powers to save her, but found they could use it. So they flew down to try and save her, but got shot by the laser. Luna was able to grab something and her older sister's hand.

Luna: Are you okay?

But Celestia wasn't listening. She watched as R.D grabbed the edge of the ship. She tried to pull herself up with all her might, only to get shot by the laser. Celestia watched in terror as she let go of the ship.



As she entered the earth's atmosphere, her eyes began to close. What she didn't know was that the new world was holding something very important to her. Meanwhile in the warship, a fat man with long black legs, wearing a red, yellow, and a white suit with white gloves, a bald head, goggles, black sunglasses, and a long orange mustache was laughing his head off.

? : Now that is taken care of, I can put my plan into action! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

To be continued…