Okay guys, here's a new chapter. Sorry it took me so long, and that this is so short, but I had huge writers block, which is really not good enough excuse. I try to do better. Thank you all for waiting and thanks for reading the story!

"Gods", I swore again. Was this some kind of revenge? Of course father could not teleport me on the camp, but some miles away. And I haven't used my legs in so long – dancing does not count, at the time I had somebody to keep my upright. It was dark, rain pouring on me, lightning flashing on the sky. The road was all muddy and wet so it was hard for me to keep my balance. "Thanks dad", I muttered darkly. I was trying to pull my suitcase behind me on the damn road. I hoped I was going to the right direction.

After what felt like forever to me I saw the hill I had heard so much about. On top of it was a majestic tree, guarded by a Dragon. Though it didn't guard the tree, but the Golden Fleece on its branch. I had heard that Luke and Anderson had retrieved it from my brother… Oh, how proud I was of my family.

Not long, you're almost there, I thought to myself when I heard a roar. Gods to honest roar. I never had heard such a sound before in my life. I stopped and tried to see something but it was no use. The only thing announcing me that I had company was the sound of trees breaking. I didn't have a weapon with me. If this was my father's revenge, it was not funny.

Out of the trees shot a big man. Or not a man. It had horns. And a loincloth. How did I even notice such things? There was a moment when we just looked at each other, neither of us moving. Then the man/bull (I was sure I knew what it was if I had a moment to wonder) let out another roar, this one sounding victorious and ran straight at me. My legs didn't feel like they were glued to the ground anymore and I tried to run. Weight on the word tried. The Minotaur was fast – oh hey, I remembered! – and I was tired and unused to legs. I could already smell it behind me, smelling worse than a fish left in the sun. Lighting shot through the sky and I was sure it would catch me when a voice screamed in my head. Percy goddammit duck to the side! It sounded suspiciously like Apollo. I was too panicked and tired that when I heard the voice I did as it said, ducking to the side and then took fright at the voice. The Minotaur ran past me almost to the top of the hill, but managed to slow down and turn to me again.

I was breathing hard (running – not my favorite activity) when I felt the Minotaur's eyes on me. I didn't want to run anymore, so I focused on the water. Water I could do. I focused on the downpour of the water, trying to take a hold of it. I could feel the water in my bones, in my soul, and I knew I could control it. I took an imaginary iron fist of the thousands little droplets of water. First, I froze them in the midair. Then I shaped them like miniature knives and sent them towards the Minotaur. At first it seemed like it did not do anything, as the Minotaur roared and charged again. It was too close to me for comfort, when it slowed down. It looked like the half bull was drunk. The Minotaur started to sway and then I saw it. Thousands of little wounds, bleeding the monster out. It was kind of disgusting, to tell you the truth. And the sell. I would surely smell it for the rest of my life.

The Minotaur fell down on its knees, made a pitiful roar which sounded more like a moan of pain, and then disintegrated. I fell completely to the ground, breathing heavily. Good job, Princess. I heard Apollo say. But sadly it was only in my head. I laughed a little, feeling the rain give me strenght. "Thanks Apollo." I whispered to the sky and the only answer I got was a lightning.

After a while I heard voices coming towards me and decided that it was time to move. I sat up, waiting for a while before I had to use my legs again, and then stood up. I was filthy and monster dust was clinging to me like it never wanted to let go. I wasn't wet from the rain, but the mud was doing better job clinging to me than the monster dust. I was surprised when I saw my suitcase untouched and whole. I smiled a little at that taking the demanded steps to get to it. On the top of the hill faces of young people appeared, shouting, all holding weapons. I raised my suitcase from the mud and waived to them. A few started to jog towards me as I started to walk towards the camp again.

"Are you okay?" A boy shouted, a little loud, when he was close to me. I smiled the best I could and nodded. "Peachy." Not one of the looked at me funny which was a nice surprise. "New camper?" Another boy, younger than the previous one, asked. "Yeah", I answered. "Good job on the Minotaur." A girl said a little further away. I smiled at her as she clearly calculated me again. I knew I wasn't muscular and I didn't even look that strong, but you know, strength can be on the inside as well.

"Wanna come to the camp?" The older from the boys asked. The younger took my suitcase without looking at me and started to pull it in the mud with no problem. I was a little impressed. "Sure", I said as the others were already walking back to the camp. I took a deep breath and then started to follow them to my new, hopefully temporary, life.