A/N: THE FINAL CHAPTER! Wooo we made it! XD I've started writing a Starkid zombie fanfic, so if you wanna read that go here: s/9767094/1/Z-Con

If you like Sherlock then I will also be posting a Sherlock fanfic soon, so look out for that one X)

And for the last time...enjoy :)

"Brian Holden!" Caesar announced. Brian stumbled into his seat, he willed himself to smile and the crowd cheered. Everything seemed hazy. It still hadn't hit him yet, any of it. It felt like he was in a really weird dream. He forced himself to focus on what was happening. He was at the victors interview. Sitting in the victor's ornate chair. About to watch a re-run of the games. Shit. He wanted to throw up, to run away, to curl up into a ball and disappear. He didn't want to see this.

The seal came up on the screen in front of him. It was coming. There was nowhere he could hide.

The first shot was a birds eye view of the arena, show it's star-shape and the different areas of it. Interestingly there was an island at the end of the water area, but as the only tributes who could swim died in the bloodbath, no one had found that out. It switched to Brian's face on his starting podium, his concern for Meredith obvious. It switched to Meredith and Brian's heart jumped into his throat. She was so beautiful and perfect. She should be sitting there instead of him. He felt his eyes welling up and quickly blinked the tears away. He took in everything about her and vowed to remember her this way. Just as he thought that the klaxon went of and he watched himself run off of his podium. He went to look away but to his delight they had deicided that instead of showing Meredith's death, they showed his reaction to it. Even that was like being stabbed in the gut, but the next part was the worst. Brian watched himself trip on a spear then pick it up and throw it mercilessly at that innocent girl. She hadn't killed anyone and was about to, but he killed her without hesitation. When he saw it he turned to stone. It shocked him so much that he had turned so quickly, a billion emotions fought to the front of his mind and in it was too much to handle and he went numb.

He watched himself run off into the woods and go into a tree where he stayed for two days, he saw how the others died. He watched as he ran back into the meadow and over to the cave area and stayed there until the end, lifting rocks and training for when he got a chance at revenge. They showed clips of him sleeping where he'd mutter Meredith's name then wake up with a start. He remembered them. He watched the careers kill the district 7 tributes then go off into the desert as he sneaked into the cornucopia and stole all of their supplies. He watched the feast and how it all ended. He had seen all of the tributes die. All of the people he had spent those few days with. He watched it all with a stone-faced expression. They stopped cutting to see his reaction because there was none. He wasn't there.

President Snow came out and gave him his crown. Caesar rounded up the broadcast. Brian waved as they cut away. He was ushered away to the Victory Banquet where he made polite small talk with people. After a few hours of that he went back to his room in the Training Centre, the whole place seemed ghostly quiet. He slept. He had his usual nightmares. He woke up. He got changed into the outfit his stylist had set for him. He went to the interview which was down the hall in the sitting room.

Caesar was his usual charismatic self, Brian tried his best to smile and answer the questions with some sort of personality, he just about managed. Most of the questions were about Meredith and he had to keep fighting to stop breaking down, either by crying or by lashing out. After that ordeal was through Brian went back to his room. He gathered was little stuff he had and just sat there for five minutes, trying to get everything straight in his head. But there was nothing there. There was nothing and everything. He didn't even know what was going on inside his head.

Brian didn't know how long he had been sat there but it must've been a while as his mentor knocked on his door saying that they had to leave for the train. Brian slowly stood up and made his way to the door. His mentor rushed his to the elevator and then out and onto the train, not stopping for a second until they got there.

Brian stayed in his room on the train the entire time, not coming out for anything.

Finally the train arrived in District 5, many people greeted him and he pasted on a smile, acting his way through the crowd. His family was there and his fell into his mum's arms, trying his hardest not to breakdown right then and there. She told him they'd already moved into Victor's Village, so they went straight there. It was only when the door was closed behind him and he was safe with his family that he collapsed on the floor and sobbed his heart out. His whole family came over to him and consoled him until there were no tears left.

It was the end of the games but the nightmare lived on.