Makoto Naegi and Byakuya Togami were terribly different.

Togami was not only much taller and possessed more authority than Naegi, but he came from a wealthy Japanese family. Rumors abounded about their amount of money. Some say that they bathed in yen, others claimed that they sun-bathed in the light that radiated from pure gold. Naegi could hardly hope to ever match Togami in wealth…

Togami was also smart. No, not just smart. He was an absolute genius. He earned straight A's with ease in all his classes, even the most difficult ones, and occasionally corrected his own professors. He often would mumble to himself, saying that the school work was too easy.

Naegi was a B student, at best.

So, Naegi and Togami seemed to be entirely different individuals. But, if it could be believed, they were going out.

Shocking, isn't it?

Anyone could tell you the two were complete opposites, but…they complemented each other so well. Naegi helped to tone Togami down; he was awfully, er, well….pompous. The poorer boy also humbled the rich heir in every way.

And, likewise, Togami helped Naegi. The former had brains, after all, and tutored Naegi in everything from math to economics.

Yes, both boys balanced each other out well. But there was something Togami could never get used to.

Naegi's kisses.

Not that Togami hated them; he loved them, in fact. But Togami simply couldn't believe that he was dating such a cute guy (which he would never admit). As a result, every adorable little kiss set Togami's face on fire and made him run away in embarrassment. Naegi knew this full well…and he exploited it anytime he could.

And such a time had arisen today.

Togami and Naegi were in the school library, furiously browsing the shelves for books for their science research paper. They had decided to write about the rainforest, a topic Naegi was immensely interested in. And, if Naegi was interested in it, then Togami was willing to write about it.

The only problem with gathering information was that, well…Naegi couldn't quite reach the books high on the shelves.

The boy was currently standing atop a pile of thick dictionaries; elevating him at least three feet higher than normal. He still had to stand up on his tippy toes, however, to just reach the book he wanted.

He set his face in grim determination as he continued to reach, his body shaking. Finally…

"It got, Togami-san!" Naegi exclaimed victoriously, his face beaming. He plucked the book from the shelf and settled back down upon his dictionary stool.

Togami, who was standing next to Naegi as he studied a book, looked up towards the other boy. His green flickered to the book in Naegi's hand and he smiled gently.

"Good job, Naegi," he replied.

Naegi continued to grin as he gazed at Togami. He then raised his free hand and lifted it to his forehead. "Look, look, Togami-san, I'm taller than you!"

Togami nodded. "Yes, you are."

"That means I can do this!"

Before Togami could react, Naegi leaned over and planted a quick kiss on his lips. Togami was too shocked by the action to do anything, and force as Naegi pressed his lips upon his. Naegi finally pulled away, his face full of self-satisfaction. Togami's cheeks erupted into a blush, blossoming bright red. He nervously adverted his eyes from Naegi.

"Y-You idiot...," he mumbled.

Naegi chuckled. "But I had to take advantage of this, Togami-san!"

Togami flushed a deeper shade of red and blinked. He then promptly turned around and dashed from the library.

"Togami-san!" Naegi shouted after the boy.

Ah, but it was no use. This happened every time Naegi kissed him.

Naegi sighed. "…We're never going to finish this paper, are we?"