Chapter 6: Jealously

Hey guys, sorry if I took forever to update this chapter. I didn't know what to write an then it hit me when I went with my mum to her friends house. I got bored so I spent some time thinking and here it is. Hope you like, Review please, love you.

Five days later

Angle's PVO

I stared dully at the stall wall. Everyone was out practicing and I usually looked out my small window and watch the others practice, so that when I get out of here I could learn the steps. But now it kills me to watch the others. Mainly because Maddie was having fun with Southern Bell. When practice was over she was always smiling and patting Southern Bell, she sneaks her apples, carrots and sugar cubes all the thing she used to sneak me. Maddie only give me a carrot in the morning when she comes. She goes trail riding with the others and come back by the time the sun was setting. Sure she checks on me, but I snap from jealously taking over me. She would get scared and then a few tears would fall and I start to fell sad. She would close my stall door and rush to hug Southern Bell for comfort. Every since the day Maddie rushed into her limo, crying and I snap at her, I really hurt her. She doesn't sneak me treats anymore, she wouldn't hug me in the morning, only night and no more kisses or saying I missed you. I really hurting her but the worst part was when I kicked Maddie on the back, near her shoulder.

* Flashback *

I watched Maddie hug Southern Bell. I grew angry, she would usually hug me in the morning and then hug Southern Bell. I would roll my eyes when she grabbed an apple out of her pocket and Southern Bell gobbled it all up. Maddie laughed and I really felt a mix motion of sad and mad by now. Maddie kissed Southern Bell's muzzle and then walked over to me, she opened my stall door and try to hug me but I rose to the air and Maddie tried to rush out but it was too late my hoofs hit her, causing her to fall to the floor. She whacked her face on the floor, blood pour from her nose, she didn't move only letting out a huge scream followed by crying.

* end of flashback *

Maddie's face is healed from that fall, but the memory remain. I could tell by how Will walks me after practice to stretch my legs, grooms me, feeds me. That was all Maddie the day I got hurt but now it's Will, Bailey, Nani or Sarah. For some reason I trust those guys but I will snap on Molly, Alma, Chloe and Zoey. My trust for Maddie is slowly lagging but that was probably my fault.

"That was a great practice" Sarah said snapping me out of my daydream.

"Yeah" the other say and start removing there tack.

"Hey Angle" Sarah said to me. I neigh back and Sarah smiled. I then look at Maddie, who was untack Southern Bell and then grooming her.

"How was practice?" I asked Scarlet.

"Good, the usual" Scarlet replied, I just nodded my head. I stayed silent as the humans talk about the show while grooming their horses but then they start talking about something interesting, Which was about me.

"So Maddie are you going to ride Angle in the show when she gets better?" Sarah asked, Maddie remained silent probably thinking.

"I'm not sure. I mean she snaps at me now and I haven't practice with her, only with Southern Bell" she replied, still brushing Southern Bell who was smiling. I would roll my eyes but can't.

"Yeah but you only practice on Southern Bell for a few days and the show is like a few weeks away. Angle will be ready by then" Bailey said.

"Yeah but um... I don't know when I can start riding her" Maddie said, quickly, before putting Southern Bell in her stall.

"Oh just remember the doctor said that you can start riding Angle in two days" Will announced. I watched Maddie's face drop.

She really doesn't want to ride me I thought.

"Cool" Nani and Molly said.

"There plenty of time to practice" Alma said.

"Yeah..." Maddie said quietly before walking out of the barn I notice but the others didn't.

Maddie's PVO

I really do want to ride Angle, but she frighting me now. I mean she kicked me in the back, which was still healing. She bruised my nose, she snaps at me, wont let me hug her. I'm so scared of her that I asked Sarah, Will, Bailey and Nani to do all the things such as feeding, grooming and cleaning, walking her and setting her out in the paddock. I would make up excuse saying I was busy so could they do it and they don't quiet believe me but still do it. My parents are saying as soon as she's healed that I should start bonding with her and if I don't do that in one week they'll sell her and I will have Southern Bell. Don't get me wrong, Southern Bell is an amazing horse but I still loves Angle more. I think.

One hour later

I sat on the fence, staring at the woods.

"Hey" someone says softly, I turn to see Will. I smiled and patted the fence next to me as to tell him to have a seat.

"Hi" I say once Will us sitting on the fence.

"Where did you go? We didn't notice you were gone until we finished grooming the horse" Will said, I held tears back.

"I just needed to think" I said, quietly.


"The... Show.."


"And the horse" I said, Will smiled.

"So tell Will what's wrong" Will said, I laugh.

"We'll, I just don't know what to do...I want to ride Angle but what If she's not ready? She snaps at me Will. She's hurting me!" I whined, a few tears slide down my cheeks.

"Do I ride Southern Bell?" I asked, Will smiled softly.

"We'll, you could try practice with Angle and once she gets the hang of it you can chose who's better, Angle or Southern Bell But if Angle keeps hurting you well there's something Sara, Nani, Bailey and I can help you with. Even Alma and Molly could help" Will says softly and places a hand on my shoulder, I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks" I say.

Sorry if it was to short for some of you. And that it took a while for me to updated. My computer crashed or something like that and I couldn't get on. Forgive? I'll try o update more sooner I promise. Plus I'm busy with school and once I come back home I'm to tired to do anything. Review.