(My first horseland fanfiction

Sorry guys but I don't speak Latin or whatever Alma language is. Hope you understand and please review so I can know If anyone's reads this)

(Inside the stables)

It was a warm sunny day at horseland.

Sarah, Molly and Alma brushed their horse and chatted about how their weekend was.

"My weekend was fine but I missed Scarlet" Sarah said and hugged Scarlet's neck.

"I missed you too Sarah" Scarlet said, but all Sarah herd was a neigh. Sarah laughed and went back to brushing Scarlet.

"Hey girls, what's up?" Will asked walking into the barn but kept reading the papers in his hand.

"Hi Will!" The girls called all together and laughed. Will just nodded and patted Jimber's forehead. The girls eyed each other and looked back at Will.

"What you reading Will?" Sarah asked.

"Oh sorry guys forgot to tell you"

"Forgot about what coz?" Bailey asked, entering the barn.

"Hey Bailey I was just telling everyone about the new girl, coming to horseland" Will replied.

"A new girl! Is she rich? Is she pretty?" Zoey asked running up to Will, followed by Chloe.

"Dose she have her own horse?" Chloe asked. Will smiled.

"Calm down, I'll read her info out loud"

"Name: Maddison Alexander" Will was about to continue when the Stilton sister shrieked with delight.

"Why you so happy for?" Molly asked placing a had to her hip, the twins stop bouncing up and down and Zoey rolled her eyes.

"Yeah figures you wouldn't know" Chloe said raising her eyebrow.

"She like the most greatest rider at Pennington Riding Academy" Zoey said.

"Yeah she never lost to anyone in her life. Plus her mum owns the TV show called Horse Lovers" Chloe said.

"Come on sis lets blow this place"

"I'm with you sis" Chloe replied and walked off with Zoey.

"Continue Will" Sarah said.

"I'll start from the start. Name: Maddie Alexander, age: 13 (everyone 13 but Molly) Rides in: Every show" Will read out.

"Wow. She rides in every class?" Bailey asked, Will nodded.

"People are coming to drop her tack off. She comes tomorrow, her dads works with Sarah's dad. So I want this place clean" Will said and headed to the main house.

"She works with Sarah's dad?" Alma said putting Button back into her stall.

"Haven't you heard your dad talk about her?" Bailey asked, Sarah thought for a moment.

"No bailey I'm sorry" Sarah said putting Scarlett into her stall and hugged her neck, as Sarah's ride pulled up infront of the barn.

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow" Sarah yelled as she ran to the limo.

(Horses talking)

"I hope the new horse is nice" Scarlett said to the others.

"Who cares about nice. right Chilli" Pepper said.

"Yeah" Chilli replied.

"Who cares about you two?" Calypso joked. All the horse laughed.

Next day

"Hey Sarah" Molly called as Sarah got out of her limo and waved goodbye to the driver.

"Oh hey Molly" Sarah said, grinning.

"Is the new girl here?" Sarah asked as Molly and Sarah walked into the barn.

"No. Hope she gets here soon" Molly said patting Calypso.

"I got here early to see if the new girl was here and I missed out in breakfast. Want to join me?" Molly asked.

"Thanks for asking Molly but I'm not hungry" Sarah replied.

"Haha okay Sarah. Will wants us to clean the stables" Molly said heading to the main house.

"Hey Scarlet. Oh how I ever missed you" Sarah said to Scarlet.

The Stilton twins limo pulled up and they both got out. They waved goodbye to the driver and walked over to Sarah.

"Hey Sarah, is the new girl here yet?" Zoey asked, Sarah shook her head.

The Stilton groaned and walked off.

"I'll be right back Scarlet. Bailey wanted me to help him with the jumps" Sarah said to Scarlet and left.

Everyone started cleaning up the stables, house and arena.

"My back hurst Bailey" Molly complained and put a hand on her back.

"Molly my back hurts too, but you don't see me complaining" Alma said sweeping the ground.

"Yeah but why isn't Chloe and Zoey doing anything?" Molly asked.

"Because their Chloe and Zoey?" Bailey laughed at his joke.

"Where's Sarah, Nani and Will?" Molly asked.

"They said they'll feed and groom the horse" Alma said as a white limo came.

"That must be her" Bailey said, dropping the broom and running to the front of the barn, Alma and Molly shrug and ran after him.

"Hey Will, Nani, Sarah I think she's here" Bailey called. Sarah, Nani and Will smiled at each other and ran to the front of the barn.

"Hey Will why doesn't she have a horse trailer at the back?" Molly asked.

"Her horse was in a car crash on their way here. the horse is fine but the vet just wanted to make sure" Will said.

"Okay" Sarah said.

The limo stopped and a girl with golden brown hair, light blue eyes and fair skin got out. She wore white beeches, deep sky blue riding jacket and black knee high riding boots. She quickly flashed us a smile.

"Dang. she's hot" Bailey whispered.

Nani and Alma who were on both sides of Bailey slapped his arm. Sarah was the first to speak.

"Hey I'm Sarah and these are Bailey, Alma, Molly, Will and Nani"

The girl smiled.

"Hi I'm Maddison. But call me Maddie" she said and shakes everyone's hands.

Woof Woof

Everyone looked around thinking it was Shep but it wasn't. A black, brown and white Australian Shepherd dog jumped out of the limo and walked to Angle.

"This is Duchess. I hope it was okay if I brought her" Maddie said shutting the door and waving goodbye to the driver before he drove off.

"Aww she so cute" Alma said patting the dogs head, Maddie smiled.

"Sarah show Maddie around. Bailey your folks said you and I have to ride down to the store and buy some dog food for Shep" Will told Bailey. Bailey mumbled to himself and grabbed his tack, Will waved goodbye to us and ran off.

"Here they come" Molly said putting her head into her hands.

"What?" Angle asked as all the girls groaned. The Stilton sisters ran to Maddie quickly.

"Hey in Chloe"

"And I'm Zoey"

"You can hang with us" Chloe said putting a hand onto her shoulder.

"Yeah we're awesome, unlike the rest" Zoey said meanly. Molly looked like she wanted to yell at then but Alma put a hand on Molly shoulder and she relaxed a bit.

"Umm sorry guys. Sarah, Molly, Nani and Alma were just showing me something" Maddie said backing off.

"Wow nice horse"

"Nice shoes"

"I love your hair"

"Your outfit is so cute"

"Are you rich"

The Stilton asked Maddie.

"We need to help her" Sarah said to Nani, Alma and Molly. Who just nodded.

"Guys I need to show Maddie around. Will asked me to. so goodbye" Sarah said dragging Angle away. The rest followed leaving Chloe and Zoey glaring at them.

"Hey when's your horse getting ere?" Alma asked.

"After Lunch I think"

"Let's grab lunch? and then when your horse gets settles in we can go on a quick trail before sundown" Nani said

"That'll be great" Maddie said with a smile.

(Thanks for reading! Please Review and I'll updated soon. Might be hard but because I'm writing a Canterwood crest fan fiction as well. xx)