Author's Note:

Main Pairing: Shane Schofield/Aloysius Knight

Title/Lyrics: Burn Bright by My Chemical Romance

Warnings: Explicit language, angst, mild slash

Disclaimer: The world and characters of Scarecrow belong to Matthew Reilly. I own nothing but the plot and make no money from this story.

Chapter One

"So give me all you've got, I can take it

We walked alone in your city lights

Did you make it?

We lit the fire and it's burning bright"

'Sneaking out, then?' Shane asked.

He watched as Knight's back tensed before the bounty hunter turned around. 'Ah...'

Shane snorted. 'You're a grown man, Knight, you don't owe me anything.'

'No, I know,' Knight nodded. 'Sorry, you just... you know, patch me up, feed me, and never ask for anything.'

Shane shrugged from where he was leaning against the hallway wall. 'It's not a problem.'

And it wasn't. Knight turned up all the time, unannounced, usually broken and bleeding, only for Shane to patch him up. And then, after a night, a few hours- sometimes even a few days- Knight vanished without so much as a "thank you". But for some reason- a reason Shane had never cared to look at too closely until recently- the marine did it and never complained. He liked having Knight over. What that said about Shane...

'I gotta go,' Knight said, interrupting the shorter man's thoughts.

Shane nodded. 'Yeah.'

'Um...' Knight reached behind himself for the doorknob and pushed the door open. 'Thanks, Schofield.'

He nodded again. 'See ya next time.'

Knight offered him a small smile before disappearing, the door shutting behind him with a click.

Shane sighed and rubbed his eyes. He was glad he was going out with the unit tonight; he always needed a drink after Knight's visits.


Shane knew. He'd always known. He'd been suspicious shortly after his twelfth birthday and Matthew Linch kissed him behind the shed, wished him a happy birthday, and skipped off grinning. He'd been confused in college when Gregory Horowitz started rubbing against him during the party Shane's room-mate had thrown. And he'd definitely known during training at Paris Island, when one of his fellow marines, Scott Jensen, had blown him in the toilets after weapons training.

But Shane had never really been good with admitting or even dealing with his feelings. He'd been raised mostly be his grandparents to be an honest, accepting young man. So he'd never, not once, had a problem with gays, lesbians, or whatever else was out there. That being said, Shane wasn't sure how to deal with the fact that he liked men; that he looked at men instead of women; that he had dreams involving people with slim hips, firm muscles, and glorious cock-

Focus, the marine told himself as he sat at the bar. It was still early on a Friday night, and the rest of Shane's unit were partying hard in the background. They deserved it after getting back from a recon mission in Africa (Shane really didn't want to think about that).

Instead he focused on the drinks before him, stacked and lined on the wooden walls. It was a nice pub; not too loud, not too bright. Music was pouring from speakers hidden around the large room, and a few people were dotted in the booths or at tables, just enjoying themselves and eating or drinking.

The marines were definitely the liveliest bunch, especially when Bigfoot and Astro challenged Mother to a drinking contest. That wasn't going to end well.

'What's on your mind?'

Shane tore his eyes away from the bottle of whiskey he was staring at. The bartender, a blonde with bright blue eyes who appeared to be in his mid twenties, was now standing beside the taps looking at Shane.

The marine tilted his head and said, 'Accent... Australian?'

'Born and bred,' the bartender grinned. 'Moved out here about a year ago. I don't think I'll ever lose it.'

He was handsome, Shane noted, and let his eyes wander down the man's fit body. He was wearing a plain black shirt and pants, both slightly creased from working.

'Can I get you another one?' the bartender asked.

Shane looked down at his glass and realised it was almost empty. 'Yeah,' he nodded, 'thanks.'

The bartender quickly poured Shane another beer and slid it across the wooden bar. He took the notes from the marine and worked the cash register before coming back.

'Sure you don't wanna talk?' he asked.

'About?' Shane questioned.

'Whatever's on your mind,' the younger man said.

Shane frowned a bit. 'What makes you think something's on my mind?'

'I work in a bar,' the blonde said, 'I've got pretty used to seeing people come in to drink their sorrows away and glare at the walls.'

Shane huffed a laugh and finished his beer before reaching for the second. 'I've been told I don't talk about my emotions well.'

'Don't we all have that problem?'

'Maybe,' Shane said and sipped his beer again.

The bartender just shrugged and grabbed a cloth from beneath the bar. He stared wiping at the wood, cleaning away the spilled drinks, as Shane stared into his drink. He glanced at the bartender again, who's eyes were focused on his task. It wouldn't be so hard, would it? Just to say the words I'm gay. It wasn't like nobody else had ever come out. And there would be plenty more after him. It was just two words.

But it changed everything. It changed the way people looked at you. Especially if you'd gone thirty odd years playing straight.

But... the guy was a stranger. He didn't know Shane; didn't know his history. It wasn't like he could bring it up with any of the marines. And even if he did, most of them were drunk and probably wouldn't remember.

I should tell someone, Shane thought. It might be easier with a stranger, someone who doesn't know me... maybe then I can tell my friends. He glanced at that marines in question, who were all laughing, joking, and pushing each other around. Astro was passed out on the table and Mother and Bigfoot were still drinking strong, knocking back shot after shot and grinning at each other. Checkmate and Book II were laughing and shaking their heads, while Sanchez and Rebound were talking about something or other opposite them.

Would they hate him after he told them? Or would it be nothing, just something to think about when they talked about partners and sex and all that? Because Shane had to tell them; he'd spent too many years keeping it bottled up inside. And now that he'd come to terms with it himself, it was time to let the people in his life know.

The bartender had just rounded the taps and was cleaning the bar closest to Shane. 'Can I tell you something?' the marine asked before he could back out.

The blonde paused from where he was cleaning a spill and looked up at Shane. 'I guess...' he said slowly. 'You kill someone or something?'

Shane snorted. 'I'm a marine.'

The bartender offered him a cheeky grin, 'Any illegal killings, then? Don't have to call the cops, do I? Or help you hide a body?'

'No,' Shane shook his head. He caught sight of Checkmate and Bigfoot dancing on a table and corrected himself, 'Maybe.'

The bartender looked up and sighed. 'Oi, get off the damn table!' he snapped. The marines coughed and giggled and did as asked, apologising the entire time. Bigfoot was clearly hammered, but Checkmate had only had a few beers and could drink her fellow marines under the table. Shane could tell the bartender didn't mind that much; he just didn't want any injuries or broken furniture. 'You were saying?' he asked Shane, turning back to the taps.

'Another beer?' Shane asked instead, having finished it while lost in thought.

The bartender nodded and Shane slapped down another note. 'Tell me what you will, dude,' the bartender shrugged as he slid Shane's beer over. 'People tell me all kinds of shit and nobody else wants to listen to me. So who am I gonna tell?'

Here goes nothing, Shane thought with a deep breath.

'I'm gay,' he blurted.

He looked up to see the bartender staring at him, one blonde eyebrow cocked in surprise. Suddenly he snorted and Shane frowned.


'That it?' the man hummed.

'Uh... yeah.'

The bartender nodded. 'DADT was just revoked a year ago; you know that, right?' he asked. When Shane's eyebrows went up, the young man said, 'My brother's in the army, Dad was in the navy, and I work at a bar near a marine base. I know what's happening in the armed forces.' He paused. 'Well, more so in the Australian armed forces, but I keep up here.'

Shane let out a small, breathy laugh. 'Right.'

'You been hiding it, then?'

Shane nodded. 'All my life,' he admitted, 'from everyone and myself.'

'Ah, closeted, then,' the man nodded. 'I had a mate in university that was gay,' he told Shane. 'Everyone could tell but him. He denied it for years until one day he realised it himself after ten drinks and a drag queen saved him from some douche bags who tried to beat him up.'

Shane snorted at the image that story conjured.

'I know, right?' the Australian grinned. 'Anyway, he said he'd always felt like he might be gay, but he just never really admitted it. Until something happened and he finally did.' He looked at Shane. 'Same thing for you, huh?'

'Yeah,' Shane nodded. 'A few experiments in my youth, a few thoughts, but... I don't even know.'

'It's hard accepting something about yourself, something that makes you just a bit different to everyone else,' the bartender nodded, 'but once you accept it, mate, nobody's gonna care. Hell, come Mardi Gras there are all kinds in here; heteros, gays, lesbians, transgender, drag queens, asexuals, pansexuals. I reckon everyone should drop the labels and just be themselves, but I guess it helps.'

'Some people don't like labels,' Shane said, 'but I've found in my case having a definite name for who I am has helped.'

'Whatever floats your boat, marine,' the bartender shrugged. He grabbed two glasses and said, 'You like whiskey?' Shane nodded and the man grabbed a bottle, pouring a bit in each glass. He slid one to Shane and said, 'A toast, then.'

Shane grabbed his glass and held it up. 'To me figuring out who the hell I am.'

'To another guy jumping out the closet,' the bartender said.

Shane laughed and they toasted before downing their drinks. Shane reached for his wallet but the bartender shook his head.

'On the house, mate,' he said.

'Thanks,' Shane said. 'Not just for the drink, but for listening.'

'No worries,' the bartender smiled.

'I'm Shane,' the marine offered suddenly, holding his hand out.

Chuckling, the other man said, 'Aaron,' and shook Shane's hand. 'Pleasure.' He grabbed his rag again and finished wiping down the bar while Shane shipped his drink. When he came back he poured himself a beer and smiled at Shane's raised eyebrows. 'What? Manager ain't here, I'm off in ten, why not have a drink?'

'Your life,' Shane shrugged.

Aaron leaned against the bar and looked at Shane with narrowed eyes.

'What?' Shane asked.

'You've told a stranger,' Aaron said, 'gonna tell your mates?'

He indicated the marines still partying behind Shane and the captain sighed. 'I suppose so, in time,' he said.

'It changes things,' Aaron nodded, running a finger through the condensation on his glass, 'but believe me, it's better to be out in the open. You can be yourself, it lifts a weight off your shoulders. If the people in your life can't except it then fuck them. You are who you are and all that jazz.'

He sipped his beer and Shane sighed. 'I will tell them,' he agreed, 'I'm just... working up the courage.'

'You're a marine,' Aaron pointed at him. 'Haven't you faced more dangers than coming out?'

'True,' Shane chuckled. He took a large gulp of beer and licked his lips before saying, 'This is different.'

'Ain't it always,' Aaron smiled. 'Want some tips?'

'You've got tips on coming out?'

Aaron nodded, a cheeky grin on his face. 'A guy at high school came out by bowing at the end of his drama class' play and shouting, "If any guys wanna give me flowers, now's the time".'

Shane chuckled. 'I'm afraid I can't act.'

'Well then...' Aaron hummed and sipped his drink. 'Maybe write a letter to them all? "Dear friends, it has come to my attention that I like cock. Hate mail should be thrown in the fire, congratulations given in person, and numbers can be slid under my door. Cheerio".'

Shane laughed properly at that and Aaron's grin widened. 'No, I don't think so,' the soldier finally got out.

'Nah, probably not,' Aaron agreed.

'How'd your friend come out?' Shane asked.

Aaron tilted his head as he thought. 'Well, the drag queen in question said she could tell. When she'd calmed him down he gave him a few shots, made him admit it, and then told him to just say it to his parents. No fuss, no tears, just state it like a fact. 'Cause it was.'

'You used she and he,' Shane pointed out.

'Well, when dressed as a woman she went by Amy,' Aaron explained, 'but when he was being his usual self he was Declan, so...'

'Right,' Shane nodded. 'That makes sense, I guess.'

'I suppose all you can do is tell them,' Aaron shrugged. 'Maybe one at a time so it isn't full on. And their opinions won't be swayed by everyone else.'

Shane sighed. He'd been planning on that. Just taking each marine aside and telling them. It was about getting it off his chest, being himself, and also making sure that the people who knew him the best knew all oh him. And he had to tell his grandparents... he wasn't looking forward to that. His grandmother, Mae, would probably accept it; she loved everyone no matter what. Michael Schofield, on the other hand...

Shane sighed again, a full-body one this time, and slumped against the bar as he guzzled down a good few mouthfuls of amber liquid.

'Easy there, Marine,' Aaron said.

'Sorry,' Shane shook his head. 'I was just thinking about telling my grandparents.'

'Ah, the older generation,' Aaron nodded, his face a mask of understanding. 'A bit harder than telling people closer to your age.'

'I'm thirty-five,' Shane said, 'you'd think I'd be able to come out to the people who raised me.'

Aaron raised an eyebrow at that but thankfully didn't say anything. Shane wasn't ready to talk about his childhood, especially with a stranger. Though Aaron now knew a part of him that even Mother didn't.

'You know, the people around you probably have an inkling already,' Aaron said.

Shane looked at him. 'Oh?'

Aaron nodded. 'My mate, the one from uni, his mum knew. Said she could tell from when he was a teenager. His dad was completely surprised. Some people probably already know, or at least suspect, while others will be completely surprised.'

'I'm in the military,' Shane reminded him.

'Yeah, well DADT's gone, like I said,' Aaron shrugged. 'No need to hide now, Marine.'

'That's the only reason I'm considering coming out,' Shane admitted. 'That and I finally admitted it to myself. I'm sick of hiding.'

'It gets to you,' Aaron nodded in agreement. 'But you'll be fine, mate. Hey- at least you have me!'

He grinned cockily at Shane, who snorted a laugh. A group of young people- probably only just of age- suddenly walked into the pub and Aaron moved down to the far end of the bar to serve them. He checked their IDs before making their assorted drinks, leaving Shane to his thoughts.

Mother suddenly slumped herself into the stool beside Shane and grinned drunkenly at him. 'What're you doin', handsome?'

'Drinking,' Shane said and gestured to his beer, 'and talking to the bartender.'

Mother twisted bodily on her stool to eye the man in question. 'Mm, lovely young thing,' she leered, her voice only slightly slurred.

Shane snorted. He could see what she meant; Aaron was tall, tanned, with a handsome face, tousled hair, and a fit body. If Aaron was his type he'd definitely consider asking the guy out.

'Have you finished drinking Bigfoot and Astro under the table?' Shane asked when Mother turned back to him.

'Bastards,' Mother groaned, 'men today can't hold their liquor.'

Shane smiled. 'You tell 'em, Mother.'

'Checkmate, she's pretty good,' Mother nodded seriously before snorting, 'men.'

Tell me about it, Shane thought.

It seemed Riley, Bigfoot, Astro and Sanchez were ready to leave. Rebound and Checkmate were still talking and drinking at their table, but the others were about to fall over from too much alcohol. Shane hadn't drunk that much, seeing as how he was Mother and Riley's ride. So he finished his beer and fished his keys from his pocket.

'Goin' somewhere, Marine?' Aaron asked as Shane stood.

'Home,' Shane said.

Aaron smirked and looked at the group. 'And here I thought marines could hold their liquor.'

'Don't get smart with me, pretty boy!' Mother said and waved a finger at him in warning.

'Pretty boy? I like that,' Aaron said. He winked flirtatiously at Mother, who grinned.

'Oh, honey, I'd wreak you.'

'That's too bad,' Aaron pouted dramatically. 'And here I was looking forward to marrying a marine.'

'Take Scarecrow,' Mother said and nudged Shane with her elbow.

Shane felt a blush threaten to spread across his cheeks and Aaron raised both eyebrows.

'Really?' he asked coyly. 'And what do you say to that, Marine?'

'I say its time to get home,' Shane answered gruffly.

'Party pooper,' Mother pouted but dragged herself off the stool. Bigfoot was supporting Astro, and the group waved to Checkmate and Rebound as they left.

Shane turned to go too but stopped at the last minute.

'Hey, Aaron,' Shane said and the bartender looked up at him. 'That story... about the drag queen and your friend?'

'Yeah?' Aaron asked.

Shane paused before asking, 'Was that you?'

Aaron blinked before a grin spread across his face. 'You soldiers are smarter than you look.' Shane laughed. ''Night, Shane.'

'Goodnight, Aaron,' the Scarecrow replied before disappearing out the door, leaving Aaron chuckling behind him.