"Repetition" for Ohhohhsimoko

Pairing: Juunanagou (Android 17) x Vegeta

Rating: R-NC17

Prompt: "I just, really need some R-NC17 Android 17, mannn! Put him with anybody"

Warning: Lewd acts, drug abuse, sex

Summary: Juunana can't escape the Prince of Saiyans, but does he really want to?

Somehow it always seemed to happen like this over and over again.

No matter how far he ran or how much time would pass, the beast would always track him down and remind him of his place in the world. Even though he had been given a second chance at life, he was still very much a prisoner, living under the thumb of his captor and anxiously waiting for the moment when he would return again to turn everything upside down.

Juunanagou did his best to steady his trembling hands as he lit a flame against the end of a thin glass pipe, taking comfort in the crackling sound of the burning rock as he inhaled. It had been many, many months since he had gotten a visit and he knew it was only a matter of time before he would show up and there would be nothing he could do to stop it.

The android blew out a plume of smoke and hurried down the city street, running late for a lunch with his only niece that he had already postponed multiple times. She was the only good, consistent thing in his life and he was always fucking that up too, cursing himself as he dug around his pockets for even the slightest hint more of dope to help him get through the day. He sighed with defeat as he found nothing, his artificial blue eyes sliding up and suddenly locking with a pair of familiar onyx orbs that made him stop in his tracks. His heart began to race, watching as the dark-eyed man smirked at him as they stared at each other on the street, wearing dark jeans and a studded leather jacket to match his wicked demeanor.

"Oh fuck…" Juunanagou began to take a few steps back, unfazed by the crowd of people that bumped and pushed past him as he stumbled into an alleyway. The larger, much more powerful Saiyan man following suit, his smirk never leaving his scarred face.

It had been like this for years now. Just when Juunanagou would least expect it, the arrogant Saiyan Prince would appear from nowhere as if he had been watching him for days. The first encounter had been unbelievably violent and degrading, Vegeta having tracked him down not 2 weeks after he had been brought back to life and beat him senselessly, hissing and spitting in his face on how just because he was alive didn't mean he was free to live. His sister had gotten lucky that she tricked one of the humans into saving her, but there would be no rescuing him from what he and his future counterparts had committed. The Saiyan shoved his bloodied face in the dirt and tore his clothes away, exposing him and violating him until he was wailing for mercy- the android couldn't feel pain, only pleasure, and it made the experience all the more humiliating. Juunana had hoped that it was just a one-time thing, but as the years went on the encounters continued without much resistance on his part. Whenever he tried to fight it, the Prince would only intensify his actions until he was mangled and broken.

"Please…" Juunana was already pleading as he reached the end of the alleyway, feeling the concrete against his back. He put his hands up in a useless attempt to defend himself, trembling with anticipation and shameful excitement as the Saiyan continued to close the gap between them. "Vegeta, please…"

Vegeta snatched the android's wrists in his hand and forced him to his knees, still grinning down at him with a twisted smile. "Already begging for me, I see…" His deep, gravelly voice gave the android chills, squeezing his wrists harder and twisting the muscles in his grip.

Juunanagou's knees scratched against the puddle-soaked ground as the Prince backed him into a corner, his heart leaping from his chest as Vegeta undid his pants and shoved his crotch in his face. The artificial man obediently opened his mouth and gagged as the Saiyan's large, hard dick pushed its way down his throat. Juunana groaned and shivered from the veiny cock going back and forth in his mouth, his nipples starting to harden and his loins began to burn, hating himself for his body's reaction every single time.

Vegeta finally let go of his wrists and took a fistful of his silky black hair, fucking his throat and growling with pleasure, turning on the doped-up android as he held onto the Saiyan's muscular hips. "Hn-n…. fuck…" The Prince cursed above him and braced his free hand on the building. Juunana's own cock was stiff and uncomfortably tight in his dirty jeans, moaning with sexual frustration and self-loathing.

Every encounter was just the same, no matter how hard Juunanagou tried to fight it.

Years could go by without so much as the whisper of his name and then from nowhere Vegeta would come crashing in.

Whether he had been across the globe doing odd jobs in organized crime, cruising through the hot spots where all the freaks liked to party, or simply trying to visit his sister and niece, the Prince would always find him and always bring him to his knees.

Juunana didn't want to like it but every sensation from the Prince set him on fire, his body betraying him repeatedly as he was rocked with one orgasm after another during every encounter. Vegeta had not only taken notice but used it against him as he teased and taunted him while beating the living shit out of him, followed by a round of intense fucking until the Prince was satisfied at the trembling mess he made.

This time was no different as Juunana's face was pressed against concrete building, sticky cum already clinging to his hair and cheeks from Vegeta's first release, covering his own mouth to silence his wailing moans as the Saiyan's thick dick pounded into him from behind. Just a few meters away the bustling residents of the city went about their business, unaware of actions in the alleyway. Vegeta hissed in the android's ear as he fucked him, ramming against his engorged prostate until Juunana could no longer take it, convulsing against the Saiyan's rigid cock as he climaxed. The artificial man's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he came, crying out against his hand as his own white pearly essence shot against the concrete, shoving his body back against the Prince. Vegeta continued to thrust into Juunana, putting his hands between his pale legs to take some of his cum and shove his fingers into the android's mouth, thrilling as the blue-eyed male sucked every bit away. The Saiyan shoved Juuanangou to the ground, fucking him on his hands and knees until he blew his load into the whimpering male below, growling in completion.

Juunanagou had little time to collect himself as the Prince pulled out of him and pushed him over as he stood up. The android rolled over onto his back and looked up at the Saiyan, unable to take his eyes off him as his body convulsed with the aftershocks of their encounter. Vegeta brushed the dirt off of his leather jacket and peered down at him with his sharp, onyx eyes, his scarred face smirking once again in victory. Juunana scowled at him and scrambled to pull his pants over his hips, feeling hot with humiliation, embarrassment, and excitement, wondering when the Prince would come storming into his life again.

"Until next time…"

Author Note: I just love Android 17, I really should write more of him!