Feel free to kidnap me, tie me up and slowly shred the skin off my flesh. I deserve it OTL I have had the dreaded 'Writer's Block'. Well... I think I have. I've got everything planned out but as soon as I started writing...it was crap...basically.
But I need to thank a friend of mine I recently made on deviantart. He's distracted me from writing so I didn't even need to worry about it. He's gone away for a bit now so I thought, 'Hmm... Let's try writing!' And guess what? I can write again! :D Thank you so much, my friend. You mean so much to me :3
I really hope this chapter was worth the wait. I'm sure everyone will be happy after this one :D
I do not own Vocaloid!
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Romeo and Cinderella ~ A Fairy Tale Untold
Chapter 7: The Start Of A New Fairytale
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I marched out of the classroom, shaking my head. The rest of the day had been so awkward! Piko wouldn't stop smirking at me and winking. Seriously, the guy was starting to creep me out. He'd keep whipping this random rose out of nowhere, insisting for me to take it. Sorry, but I wasn't touching anything he touched. I didn't know where his hands had been.
No, I wasn't implying anything dirty there.
But her was just so annoying! Gumi kept teasing me and IA laughed at my misfortune. Yeah, I spent my lunch with Gumi and IA. I still didn't know how to face Len and anyway, he'd shown no interest of coming to me to say sorry. When I left the classroom for lunch, he didn't even look up! I guess the thing we started at lunchtimes was over already. Shame...I was kinda looking forward to spending my lunch times with him. Although I was rather reluctant at first, I was starting to like the idea. Just us two under the sakura tree.
Damn it, Len. Damn it.
I skidded around the side of the school. It would be quicker than walking through it. I'd promised Gakupo I wouldn't take ages coming out. He'd come looking if I hung around, thinking he'd find me in another state. I don't want to worry him and Haku again. Gakupo even told me that Luka had asked how I was. I felt rather guilty.
But, why? It was stupid Len's fault that I-
I halted my angry march. I definitely just heard my name. I held in my breath and popped my head around the next corner. All I could see was pink. I was by the sakura tree Len dragged me to the day before. I held in my breath and quietly padded over to the spot.
I stopped again. I nodded my head. Without a doubt, I'd heard 'Rin'. Whoever was saying my name wasn't just speaking. They were making other odd sounds. They sounded slightly...distressed and in pain. I squinted my eyes and blonde hair came into view. Len was behind the tree.
Without thinking straight, I ran. I ran straight for the tree. I can't say why I did. I thought I was supposed to be mad at him. I thought I was supposed to be avoiding him. But I had to go over there and check he was alright. That feeling...it was taking over again...
I bounced around the tree and looked down. Len had his knees up against his chest and his head resting on them. He must have sensed me there for he lifted up his head and stared at me. His eyes grew wide. I observed his expression. Pain. All I could see was pain. His eyes were dull and he looked like he was about to cry.
I quickly got onto my knees and reached out to him, pulling him in. He became stiff in my embrace. I'd completely forgotten, maybe even ignoring the fact that I was supposed to be mad at him. Len was hurting, I had to comfort him. I pushed myself completely on the ground next to him and held him close. My arms were wrapped around his shoulders and his soft hair was tickling my face.
"You're...not scared?"
I drew back a bit so I could look him in the eye. His gaze was surprised. "What do you mean, I'm not scared?"
Len tilted his eyebrows. His lips looked slightly darker than usual. I could tell he'd been biting them a lot. "You...shielded yourself...when I got ahold of you, you flinched away."
"Len," I sighed and hugged him again. "I didn't mean to. You just...you hurt me yesterday. Why wouldn't I do that?"
Len finally relaxed in my arms and returned the hug. "I know, I've been trying to say sorry."
"I know that," I sighed as Len held me tighter. "But I don't understand...why would you-"
"Kiss you?"
I blushed. He'd said it without any hesitation. "Y-Yeah..."
Len chuckled sarcastically. "Geez, Rin. I'm so childish. Sorry, it's just when you suddenly declared this random love we had for each other to Piko, I snapped. That's all."
"But why did you snap?" I asked, hoping for a better answer.
"I like you."
I pulled back quickly and stared at Len in shock. What?! H-He..
Len smiled sadly and continued to gaze at me. "Sorry. I shouldn't have just said it like that. I'm guessing you're disgusted, right?"
Len's smile faded. "You, what?" His eyes went wide. "You...You like me back?"
I knew I was blushing like crazy. I looked away from Len and bit my lip. I felt sick. I couldn't say it...but I had to. This was amazing. Len liked me back! But it was all happening so quickly...why...?
"Y-Yes," I finally let out. "I like you."
Len's look of disbelief slowly grew into one of the biggest smiles I'd ever seen. He looked over the moon. I stared back at him. My hand was tugging at my collar. I was extremely embarrassed, yet relieved. My feelings, I'd... I'd gotten them off my chest.
I noticed Len had started to move in. His eyelids were slowly drooping and his was squeezing my hand with his. I gave a small gulp. He was going to kiss me, wasn't he? Was it going to be as rough as before? I was scared...but somehow I trusted he wasn't going to do that again. No, something was very wrong with Len at the time. He wasn't himself at all. This time was different. He was Len again.
It wasn't long before I found myself moving in too, to meet Len quicker. Our eyes were still in contact and my heart was starting to beat so loudly I was scared Len could hear it. He reached in more and nuzzled my nose gently with his. By now, I knew I'd put a tomato to shame.
"Rin," Len breathed out in a whisper, "can I?"
"You can."
And he went all the way. His lips were gently placed on mine and I closed my eyes. The feeling...it was overwhelming. As soon as our lips connected, something happened. Something had happened that I knew could never be reversed. But I ignored the weird feeling and concentrated on Len.
He pulled away for a moment, before chuckling quietly and going back in. He slowly moved his lips against mine, and I returned it all. My hands were on his chest, gripping onto his uniform while Len's arms were wrapped around my back. I'd completely forgotten about the bitter thing Len had given me the day before. The moment was perfect and all I could think about was how happy I was.
We gently pulled away at the same time and opened our eyes. We smiled at each other and Len pulled me into his chest.
"Rin?" he asked. I could hear the grin in his voice.
"Yes?" I replied with a giggle.
Len drew back a little and cupped my chin. He tilted my face up to meet his gaze and he asked, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
I reached up and planted a sweet kiss on his nose. "Does that answer your question?"
Len laughed and pulled me in again. He sounded so happy. Len was no longer the angry, grumpy boy he'd been since he told me his problem. Len was back and better than ever. He was smiling and laughing with me giggling along with him. I couldn't ask for anything more.
But I suddenly thought of my parents. It was quite clear that Len was now my boyfriend. Wow, in a million years I never expected I'd ever get one. But there I was, in his arms. My parents would be distraught. If they were to find out, goodness knows what would happen. I was scared. However, I decided I'd worry about the situation later and concentrate on my new relationship with Len at that moment.
"Miss Rin! Thank goodness, I was scared I'd find you...who's this?"
My grin disappeared and I looked over to Gakupo. He was panting, I could tell he'd been running. But his face was serious and he was looking at Len and I quizzically. He reached up to straighten out his jacket.
"M-My friend," I said shyly. "The one who I fought with yesterday. But it's ok, w-we're on good terms again."
"Hmm," Gakupo hummed and he lifted up one eyebrow. HOW. DOES. HE. DO. THAT. "Why are you two so close?"
I looked down at Len and I. Our bodies were still tangled in our hug. I eased myself off Len. "Uhh...make up hug!"
Gakupo gave me an odd look before shaking his head and sighing. "Alright, if you say so," he sighed and shook his head. "Come on, then. We need to get you home."
He started walking away and gestured for me to follow. I looked at Len. His eyes were full of longing. He mouthed the words, 'Don't go.' I gave him an apologetic look. I wanted so much to stay. Len and I had just confessed, for goodness sake. Why the hell would I want to go?! Gakupo had to show up at that exact moment, the bast-
'Calm down, Rin. You're losing it. Gakupo is a wonderful person. He's just worried about you."
I took in a deep breath and sighed. I sent a pleading look at Len. He sighed too, smiled and nodded.
"Coming!" I called and bounded after Gakupo. He turned around and gave me another odd look, before turning to Len and giving him a curt nod. We made our way to the car. I didn't look back. Gakupo was suspicious enough as it was. I didn't want to make it worse.
I couldn't concentrate the whole car ride. I never thought I'd be on good terms with Len again. Well, that was certainly proved wrong. Just...wow. We were a couple. I couldn't believe it and was smiling like an idiot in the back of the car. Just to think, if Len had never followed me home a few nights ago, it would never had happened. I guess him following me was a good thing after all.
Well, as long as my parents didn't find out. Speaking of which...crap. Miku knows Len and I are together. What if she tells her parents?! I don't know if...what I'd do if... DAMN IT, RIN! KEEP TOGETHER! YOU ONLY GOT WITH THE BOY FIFTEEN MINUTES AGO!
"Uh...Miss Rin, I hate to interrupt the inner war with yourself but we're home," said a sheepish Gakupo.
I noticed my fists were held up in the air and I was pulling an angry expression. I let everything soften and replied, "R-Right, ok." I got out and made my way into the house.
I was about to make my way upstairs to my bedroom, like always, but instead I was stopped by Haku. "Miss Rin, there's someone in the living room I'm sure you'd like to see."
I tilted my head at Haku in confusion but she just smiled and gestured towards the living room. I shrugged and made my way over. I didn't have the slightest clue who it would be. Miku hadn't been over for at least three years and I seriously doubted Gumi, IA, or Len would be there. I couldn't think of anyone else. I trotted in and spotted someone on the sofa with long, pink hair.
"Luka!" I cried out cheerfully and ran over. Luka looked up and smiled. She opened out one of her her arms and I ran into it. Oh, how I love Luka. She was such an amazing person. I loved it when she visited and I hadn't seen her for awhile. Gakupo walked into the room and looked rather surprised.
"Hello, dear. What are you doing here?" he asked in confusion but had a small smile on his face anyway.
"I just wanted to see Rinny," Luka replied with a laugh and let go of me.
I noticed their child was on Luka's lap. I instantly went into 'oh my goodness, so cute' mode and reached out my finger. They had a daughter named Yuki. Her hair was a dark brown, unlike her parents' colourful hair but Luka's mother's hair was brown so it was understandable. Yuki was only about three months old and was still very small. I usually don't care much for babies, but Yuki...she's something else. She is just so adorable! I really wished she was my little sister.
Yuki's big, hazel eyes opened and she noticed my finger. Her hand wrapped around it and squeezed. I giggled. I loved Yuki so much.
"Tea?" Haku asked with a warm smile.
"Oh, that'd be lovely, thank you," said Luka. She stretched out the arm that wasn't holding Yuki, sighed and brought it down to wrap around me again. She pulled me in towards her. Now both Luka and Yuki were holding me. Since being over fussed by my parents as a small kid, I wasn't much for hugs. But there was something about Gakupo's family that were different. They almost felt like my true family and I could easily hug them. Same goes for Haku.
"So, Rinny," said Luka with a smile. "How are you? Anything exciting happening?"
"I've been fine," I said, still gazing at Yuki's adorable face. Then I perked up and said with a grin, "I'm playing Juliet in the school play!"
"Ah! O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" cried Luka and dramatically threw her head back. She laughed and lifted her head up again. "They're the only lines I know."
"I've been reading through bits and pieces ever since Meiko-sensei mentioned we were doing Romeo and Juliet," I explained.
Haku came in and set the tea down. She smiled and went to sit on a chair nearby. As Gakupo stirred the tea for Luka, Luka said, "But isn't Romeo and Juliet a bit overdone?"
I shrugged. "I guess. It gets repeated a lot, I suppose."
Luka suddenly sat up rather quickly, being careful not to throw Yuki off her lap. "You know what? It needs a twist!"
"Yes, a twist!" exclaimed Luka. "To make things more exciting, you need to twist them to make things more exciting!"
"Come on, Rin! You're a writer!" encouraged Luka with a little nudge. "Ever thought that maybe on the night of the palace ball, Cinderella was really planning on assassinating the prince? How about the wonderland was really trying to trap Alice in the dream forever so it never felt forgotten? How about the wolf was actually in love with Little Red Riding Hood?"
"Yes, Rinny?"
"This is exactly why I love you so much," I said with a huge smile. A twisted fairytale (or in this case, play). How interesting... I'd have to get thinking.
Luka just smiled and put her hand on her shoulder, "Anything to help Rinny."
We sat and talked for a while. With Luka over, it didn't feel as lonely. Sure, Haku and Gakupo were great, but there was something about Luka that made you feel all warm and happy inside. She could act like a mother, yet act like a best friend at the same time. If only Luka (or Haku) could be my mother in real life...
It was nearly time for Luka and her family to leave. However, Luka suddenly asked if Gakupo could leave the room. Haku was in the kitchen making my dinner so it would be just us and Yuki.
"Aww, why do I have to leave?" Gakupo asked, a fake expression of hurt across his face.
"Take Yuki too, would you?" Luka asked and held Yuki out to him. Gakupo rolled his eyes, walked over and scooped up Yuki in his arms. Yuki smiled instantly and started pulling on her father's long hair. Luka laughed at the pained look on her fiancé's face before saying, "Now, go somewhere else. Rin and I need a girly talk."
...wait. What?
Gakupo sighed and walked out, trying to control his playful daughter. Luka then turned to me and said, "Rinny, Haku told me about what happened yesterday."
I gulped. "She...did?"
Luka nodded and put her arm around me. "Oh, I remember when I was your age. Long time ago, now." I tried to hold in my laughter. She was only 22. She wasn't that old. "I remember having to deal with boy trouble."
"Rinny, I know what's going on. You had an argument with a boy? There, there, it gets better," she said and dramatically pet my head.
"You better as hell be messing with me," I growled and narrowed my eyes.
Luka couldn't keep her face straight anymore and let out another one of her beautiful laughs. "Ok, I'm messing a little. But, Rin...just be careful, ok?"
I tilted my head. "What do you mean?"
Luka sighed and gently took a hold of my chin so she could look me in the eye. "I've told you before, I don't think your parents' rules are fair. You're a teenage girl. Of course you're gonna end up liking someone eventually! Rin, honey, I honestly don't care if you get a boyfriend. I wouldn't even tell your parents. You can trust me. Just be careful, ok? And if you're too embarrassed to talk about these type of things - as I can see from your cute, little, red face - then text me, ok?"
"T-Text you?" I asked in confusion. "But I don't have a phone! Mama and Papa said..."
I was cut off as Luka held something out to me. My eyes widened. It was a mobile phone. It wasn't extremely fancy, it wasn't a touch screen, but it was a phone. An actual little, flip phone. It was orange, too.
"L-Luka, you d-didn't have to get me-"
"I wanted to!" Luka said happily. "Don't worry, I've set things up for you. I've already added my number, as well as Gakupo's and Haku's. Don't worry, they know. It took a lot of convincing but they promised not to tell your parents. And if they do ever find out, I'm willing to take all the blame."
"Luka...I love you..." I said in a daze as I took the phone.
Luka giggled and ruffled my hair. "Love you too, sweetie. She stood up, did a little twirl and then winked. "Text me whenever, ok?" I nodded and Luka skipped out of the room.
The whole evening ,I couldn't stop smiling. The combination of the events with Len and Luka had left me feeling so happy I felt like I was going to burst. I hadn't felt that good in ages. My parents didn't seem to notice, but Haku definitely did. She kept smiling along with me.
I skipped up the stairs after dinner and danced around on the landing. I was in such a good mood. Nothing could ruin it. I pranced into my bedroom and dive bombed onto my bed in a fit of giggles. So happy...so happy...
I hauled myself up and went into my bathroom, grabbing a purple nightgown on the way. I stripped, quickly washed, and carefully put on the gown. It had small straps, was as smooth as silk and came down to my knees. I looked into the mirror and checked out my cut from where I'd fallen. It was healing up nicely. I smiled. Nothing could ruin my mood.
I walked over to my washing basket to put in my dirty clothes when suddenly something grabbed me from behind. I muffled a scream. The thing giggled before twirling me around so I could see it. I sighed in relief before my face grew dark.
"Len, you scared the life out of me!"
"I don't care."
"Well, you should."
"Fine, I do care."
"No, you don't."
"Shall I prove it?"
Before I could protest his lips were against mine.
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I really hope this was worth the wait. I really hope the confession didn't suck. I'm sorry OTL
Updates will be MUCH quicker next time. My writer's block has gone BYE BYE XD
Review? :3