Hey guys,

I have a serious question that requires an answer; I have a story idea that does involve Ratchet but his role in this new story will not be as big. The story idea deals with Ultra Mangus and his daughter, Bianna. I was thinking of creating a story about how Ultra Magnus and his mate met, their struggle with the war and trying to start a family,possibly explain a few things that happened to him in this story (Ratchet's Family) and why he is so by the book and, at time, rough.

This story would have a lot of heart break, drama and a bit of humor.

But I'm not very sure if I should create the story or not since I'm not 100 percent sure how popular of a character Ultra Magnus is in Transformers Prime. I, myself, LOVE him and I would like to see a bit of a background on him and my OC character. But I can't speak for all the other fans.

So, what do you guys think?

Transform and Roll out, Rena Valentine