Days passed. Weeks.

The world moved on, barely touched by the events that unknowingly occurred deep under Cheyenne Mountain.

Time adjusted itself accordingly, all the pieces fitting into their appropriate places. Daniel tried to figure out some explanation – somehow the alternate timeline had been adjusting and preparing for the collapse, a twisted version of fate eliminating anything that wouldn't allow easy cohesion. He tried to get Sam engaged, working to get the science out of her. But eventually he backed off.

Her heart just wasn't in it.

As great as it was having friends returned to them, there was still a missing piece…

It didn't make sense to any of them. They could still remember losing Janet and Martouf, could still see the explosion caused by the Asgard. Obviously, their timeline was the primary, everything else extra.

The slow collapse had allowed everyone who was meant to come in, come in.

Ellie…she'd come and gone. But everyone still remembered.

They remembered a time she wasn't there, and then a time she was…

Janet Fraiser had returned from the dead – not too unusual for SGC, but enough to throw them for a temporary loop.

Martouf insisted on remaining with the SGC, after fighting by their side for so long – he felt it was his place.

The new threat of the Unknown loomed over the command, but until the Asgard proved themselves truly returned…there were other things to be coped with first.

What-ifs becoming real tended to take precedence over unknown Unknowns.

Teal'c came stomping through the gate, a few days after the excitement evaporated, concern emanating off of him. It seemed he had been "calling", but could not manage to connect with Earth's stargate. His concern grew when he found himself, suddenly, with memories of a young girl; one who used to play with his own grandson.

Mitchell filled him in as much as he could, Daniel assisting. The former Jaffa took it all in stride, as he always did. He asked after his other friends, but got nothing but sad shakes in response.

Jack and Sam had known there'd be questions. But at the moment, they didn't care.

It had hurt, watching her walk through that gate. Remembering the last time she'd left, they knew she had to come back. But this time…

This time seemed more final. Just without the explanation they needed.

The worst was when little Jon had asked where his friend was.

They'd all gathered at the generals' house, a celebration for returned friends.

A farewell for another.

Daniel had arrived with Vala and Jon, and the little guy bounded in calling out for her.

"Ellie! Ellie! Jon-Jack here! Come play!"

He'd stopped in the middle of the den, looking around expectantly. When she didn't pop out as expected, he looked up at Jack with curious eyes.

"Uncle Jack… Where's Ellie?"

Jack bent down to tousle his hair.

"Ellie's not here, little man. She…she had to go away."

The three year old looked back at him and just patted his leg.

"It's okay. She'll be back. She always comes back."

They'd left for the cabin the next daie.

Sam stood at the kitchen sink, rinsing the dinner dishes. She glanced out the window and wasn't surprised to find Jack out on the dock.

He'd spent most of the last week just sitting on the dock, staring out at the water. At night, his gaze would shift up to the stars, like it was tonight.

She sighed, shifting her sight back to the dishes. She knew he was hurting. But she knew him.

There weren't words. She just had to be there. Just like all she needed was him there for her.

She reached down for a glass, and found herself humming.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star…

She stopped – glass in one hand, soapy rag in the other.

A pale figure drifted past the window.

Sam looked over at Bongo, expecting a reaction. The lab simply lifted his head, sniffed, then laid his head back down and resumed his relaxed guard of the back door.

That was enough for her. She smiled and turned back to the dishes, humming quietly away.

Jack sat, enjoying the soft breeze blowing off the water. His head was aimed at the stars, but his eyes were closed.

Not that it mattered. He still saw them.

Damn stars. Nothing but trouble…

The breeze shifted slightly.

"Was wondering how long it would take you to show up," he said, not bothering to open his eyes.

"You…were expecting me?"

He cracked one eye open to peer up at her, finding a questioning gaze staring back.

"Sure. I mean, you coulda followed ole Danny's routine – only show up when all hell's breaking loose to stand around being all-powerfully-unhelpful." He peered over at her again. "But I prefer nice, calm, peaceful visits best." He paused again, thinking it through. "Unless, of course, you've come to tell me all hell is about to break loose. Then, I must warn you…I'm retired."

Ellie stood, blinking down at him, mouth agape in shock.

"You…you think I ascended?!"

"Sure" was his mumbled response. To which she returned a slap across the back of his head.

"Hey!" Jack exclaimed as he sat up in the chair, rubbing the back of his head. "What was that for?"

"For thinking that I, of all people – Jack O'Neill's daughter! – would up and ascend to a higher plane of existence!" She looked honestly insulted. "I mean, seriously?! I know we've only had a few years, but come on!"

He just sat, rubbing the back of his head.

Daniel sitting on a bench…a shoe passing right through him…

Beings on a higher plane of existence can't slap you on the back of the head…

"Not ascended?"

"Most definitely not."

"Then where the hell have you been?!" he scolded, hand falling back to the chair. The look he got back faded from insulted to embarrassed.

"Um…well…hiding…?" He just glared. "I…uh…I…was trying to work something out…"


"It's just…I wasn't sure…I mean…I just wanted to…" she sighed. "I wanted to give you what you'd lost. Like you gave me. I honestly didn't expect to be…well…living! I thought that walking through that gate would be it. The last thing I'd ever do. Done. Nothing. Kaput. Bupkis." She threw her hands up for emphasis. "'N then I woke up, an Asgard poking my arm. Emergency beam-tech kicked in and beamed me to the closest ship."

"So the Asgard are back?"

"Hmmm? Oh…yeah…Thor says hi. They're headed to the SGC. Mom'll probably get a call in the morning."

Jack just nodded, patiently waiting for the rest of her explanation.

"And…?" he prodded when she didn't continue.

"Oh…right…well, I was here, when I didn't expect to be. It just made me want to put everything right. I had my parents back… It just seemed fair to… We tried everything! I think I started to aggravate the Asgard after awhile. Nothing I could think of would work. No matter what we came up with, the need for the advanced aging was still there. The years…all those years lost… I just…I just wanted to give them back…"

She turned away from his gaze, embarrassment coloring her face again. Jack stood up and took the few steps he needed to close the distance between them, turning her around with a pull.

"Ellie," he said, hand under her chin to raise her eyes to his, "you are what we lost. Not years. It doesn't matter how old you are or how far you've grown, you are you." He bent down and softly kissed her forehead. "And you're home."