Alright... Sorry, this is all I have. Tell me what you think! ^_^
Thank you for all the reviews! Especially to Merpppx33, Dotchi13, suicune4ever, Rose101226, Fher34, and Aki Horuzumi
I love you so much! You're all AWESOME!
"Omygod! Isn't that Neji?!"
"Yeah, that's him!"
"He's so handsome!"
"I love hiiiiiim!"
"Kyaaa! Hi, Sasuke-kun!"
"Isn't he a freshman?"
"Yeah! But he's already as popular as Neji!"
"He's really handsome!"
Sasuke Uchiha snorted as he walk towards the Soccer field where his target is playing. What he REALLY hates the most is girls talking, giggling, screaming, squealing and swooning because of him.
They're too loud.
And they seemed to not get it that he doesn't like any of them even a single bit. Why can't they just be quiet? And gentle? And meek? And shy? And adorable? And smart? And humble? And caring? And courteous? And really, very nice. And most of all... BEAUTIFUL, inside and out.
Wait... He's just describing one girl here.
Sasuke stopped near the benches where the players started resting on. The captain stood in front of him while drinking on his water bottle.
The two stared at each other with equal intensity as other players and insignificant students, especially girls, were watching out.
Well... Why the hell would Sasuke Uchiha seek out Neji Hyuuga?!
"I accept."
The Hyuuga's face contorted to a confused reaction. "What?"
"I accept being a good father to Hinata's child."
This time, Neji's eyebrows knotted and his temper was slowly raging. "Excuse me?!"
"You asked me last night." Sasuke's face remained impassive. Sasuke Uchiha is NEVER nervous.
Except when he's about to talk to a certain shy Hyuuga girl.
"What the hell are you talking about?! Don't come near my cousin, you hear me, Uchiha?!" He can sense that Neji is becoming enraged in every second. He is truly overprotective of his angel of a cousin.
"You just gave me permission last night!" Sasuke started becoming anxious. Neji just approved of him for Hinata. He can't take it away now! He formulated too many plans to get Hinata!
"I did not!"
"Yes, you did!"
"Fvck you, Uchiha!"
"What the fvck is your problem?! You just told me to be a good father!"
Sasuke has never been this frustrated and desperate in his entire life. Neji is definitely cutting out all of his life line. "Fine, I did! But that's in the future, you dumb-ass!"
And the Uchiha has done what the Hyuuga had never expected him to do in front of the Hyuuga genius. He smirked. Well, that was a slight smile.
But still... Neji smirked inwardly. The things his cousin can do to Sasuke. Neji laughed in his mind.
"So you approve my relationship with your cousin?"
"Not too fast, Uchiha. You still have to prove yourself worthy of the Hyuuga heiress.
Sasuke smirked. "Hn. Not a problem."
'Challenge accepted, Hyuuga.'
The boy called was hesitant to turn back but he had no choice when the suddenly popped in front of him.
'How do they do that? Are they part of a gang too? Hn.'
"What?" He said an bored facial expression and uninterested voice.
"We just want to tell you something." The pink-headed pleaded.
"I'm busy." He was about to walk ahead when the blonde caught his wrist. He shook her hand off and send her his deadly glare.
"I-It's about Hinata!" The blonde looked scared, but fought it.
The Uchiha suddenly paid them attention. "Spill."
The girls giggled which annoyed Sasuke. Again. These girls better be serious.
"I'm going to be the President of yours and Hinata's love team!" The blonde cheered.
"Hey! We're co-president!" The pink one glared at the blonde and looked at Sasuke again. "As Hina-chan's friends... We think you're perfect for her!"
Sasuke's left eyebrow raised. So the two thinks him and Hinata looked good together?
'Hn. Interesting. We do look perfect together.'
"Buuuuut! You better be serious about her! She's a great girl, and she deserved ONLY the BEST!" Ino interrupted his thoughts.
"That Naruto seemed to be undecided and so we don't like him for Hina-chan."
The Uchiha nodded inwardly, he agrees. Naruto will never be good enough for the Hime. "Whatever."
"Go, SasuHina!"
'Che. SasuHina, huh?' The Uchiha secretly smirked as he turned back on the girls.
He walked away from the two and went to finish some things.
"Hinata-chan! C'mon, let's get our lunch!"
"Okay, Sakura-chan! But what about Ino-chan?"
"She's still busy with her cakes and cookies. Let's eat first!" Sakura pulled Hinata towards the cafeteria.
They started ordering and when they were about to pay, the cashier said her food was already paid.
"Uhm... Excuse me? I-I haven't given you money, Miss."
"Yeah, but the handsome man paid for it already. I think he is our boyfriend." The woman smiled at her with a teasing look. She thanked her and they sat to their usual table
"Wow, Hina! Maybe he will start treating you to lunch everyday!"
"Who could it be, Sakura-chan?"
Sakura just shrugged and smirked, then started eating her lunch.
After the two ate their lunches, they went to their respective classes for the rest of the day. At dismissal, the three decided to have some shopping first to unwind.
Hinata agreed and just started remembering what she did in the bar.
"Oh, Hinata! You should have seen your face!" Ino laughed.
"Yeah! You were so seductive, and really wild! You pouted at Sasuke-kun! And you totally got him! You're so awesome!"
"And you're sizzling HOT! I swear, Sasuke wanted to take you home that night!"
"Mou~ Sakura-chan... Ino-chan..." She blushed and looked down, emarrassed.
"Hey! That's an advantage! You got THE hottest freshman's attention!"
They went inside the Konoha District Shopping Centre and looked for clothes and shoes. Hinata went to a cheaper boutique to buy her new clothes. Although, she doesn't really like to buy, but the two insisted. When she was about to pay for her chosen dresses and shirts and jeans, they cashier said it was already paid for.
"U-Uhm... What? I... haven't..."
"A handsome young man went here and gave me a picture of you. He said whatever you take, I should charge it on him. So it's okay, Miss. Your purchases are already paid." She smiled sweetly. "Oh, and by the way... He's so sweet. You must be happy to have a good boyfriend like him." The lady said with envy in her voice.
The three bestfriends went out of the boutique and though about it. It probably was the same person. Every boutique Hinata went and buy, her purchases were already paid for so she stopped buying. She is not accustomed to making someone pay for her bills, and she didn't want to trouble him anymore. Even if he is probably VERY RICH.
"Oh, hey, Ms. Hyuuga!"
Hinata turned around and faced the woman. She is the head for the school organization. She is the one to get approval of when they need to build another club in the university. "Hello, Mrs. Tachibana."
"Your request for a Garden club is already approved. Congratulations." The old woman smiled at her gently.
"R-Really? B-But I thought you still have to t-think about it?" She was overwhelmed. Neji told her that if she needed help about the club, she must seek for him so that he could pull some strings. She never wanted to use the Hyuuga name for it. She was just too happy right now to know that it was already approved.
"You should thank your boyfriend. He never stopped until he made me agree. You are one lucky girl."
"I should go now, Ms. Hyuuga. See you for the documentation of your new club!" The woman bade good bye and turned to the corner.
She was really confused. Who would do all of these?
"Hey, you! What are you doing in this class?!" The Intro to Inorganic Chemistry class curiously looked at who their professor was pertaining to.
They saw a normally looking young man standing by the door of the laboratory. Holding long red stemmed rose. "Uh... I'm looking for Hinata Hyuuga?"
Everyone looked at the petite girl with bluish hair.
"Hinata-chan, you have a secret admirer!" Sakura squealed and shook her friend's shoulder.
The boy started to walk towards her and gave the rose. "You will know the name of your admirer after the last rose, Miss." He smiled at her and went out of the lab.
"Well, well, Ms. Hyuuga. I must say, your admirer must like you a lot." Their professor teased her as she turn crimson. "Okay, class! Back to the experiment!"
Her classmates, mostly girls, teased her and told her she is so lucky. While her pink-haired bestfriend nudged her and told her she knows who her admirer is but she will not say who it is.
Lunch came and another guy walked to her and gave her another stemmed rose. Everyone was looking at her, she was so embarrassed because Ino and Sakura continued on teasing her.
She wonder who it is.
Her face felt very hot when that name popped in her mind. Why did she thought of him? That's too impossible! Why would Sasuke Uchiha, THE Sasuke Uchiha give her roses?! She's NOT his type! And... oh, no! Does she like him?!
"Hinata! What are you thinking?" Ino distracted her with her sly voice and sheepish smile.
"N-Nothing, Ino-chan! I-I was j-just... Uhm..."
"Aw! She's so curious who her secret admirer is!" Sakura chuckled and nudged her.
"Don't worry! Before school ends, you will know!" Ino assured her.
"And you will be surprised! Omygosh! I'm so happy for you, Hina-chan!"
"You two will look good together!"
Hinata sweat-dropped and just smiled at her bestfriends.
After lunch, she went straight to her Advanced Physics class and saw Sasuke Uchiha. He was walking straight to her, and then he... smiled? So she smiled back.
She was ALMOST hurt when he didn't greeted her. He just went straight to Shino and Shikamaru. She didn't know why she felt bad at his actions, but she struggled to hide her feelings. He wasn't really smiling at her. And he wasn't really walking towards her so why is she assuming that he will walk up to her?
Another guy walked to her and gave another rose. She was really becoming anxious. Who is this admirer? Does she know him? Is he her friend?
'Stop thinking already, Hyuuga! He's not who you're thinking!'
"Thank you, Mister."
"Oh, and he says you look really pretty today." The guy smiled and walked away.
She went inside their room and sat at her usual seat. She began reading the book she borrowed from the university's library. But her thoughts keep going back to what happened yesterday, and earlier.
Who is paying for her purchases? Her food? And who is giving her these roses?! And why is Sasuke ignoring her?
'What? Why am I thinking of him? Argh!'
"Are you alright, Hinata?"
She looked up a her fellow med classmate and smiled graciously. "O-Oh! Y-Yes, I'm fine. T-Thank you, Anna-chan."
Her classmate smiled back and proceeded to go back to her seat. After their class, she went to her locker to put her books back when she noticed a note sticking at her letter sloth. She opened her locker and saw another red long stemmed rose with a note:
Hinata Hyuuga,
Meet me at the University Main lobby.
See you.
Is she going or not?
Who is he? Is this just some prank or should she consider him? Why does her heart beat faster?
"Hyuuga." Her heart almost jumped at the hear of that voice.
"S-Sasuke-kun!" Her face felt hot, and her heart seemed to skip an awful number of beats.
"I'm sorry."
"N-No! I-It's fine! Why are y-you here?"
"Shino asked me to give you this. He went home early." He handed her an embroidered handkerchief.
She smiled at him and took the handkerchief. "O-Oh! Shino-kun's mother made it. T-Thank you, Sasuke-kun."
"No problem. I should go."
"O-Oh... O-Okay. T-Thank you again, Sasuke-kun." He walked away and left her alone in the deserted hallways.
It took a lot of guts to make Sasuke leave that girl alone. He has something very important to attend to so even if he really wanted to be with her, he couldn't.
"Hinata! Where have you been!?"
"We've been looking for you!" Ino held her wrist and pulled her along.
"W-Where are we g-going?"
"To the main lobby!" The two yelled in unison.
The three arrived at the lobby and saw many students already gathering around. It seemed like there is an important event going on.
Hinata was pushed to the center of the sea of students. She was confused of what was happening but she looked at the lobby entrance and saw...
None other than Sasuke Uchiha walking towards her holding a red long stemmed rose. She gasped when she noticed it has the same blue ribbon as the roses she received.
Wait... Is he... Was he... Did Naruto asked Sasuke to give him rose too?! Is Naruto her secret admirer?! What?!
"I like you a lot, Hinata Hyuuga. That's what I meant with 5 roses. I know I'm lacking effort. I've never done this before but I... I'd really like you to be my girlfriend. So... Will you accept me? Be my girlfriend."
Everyone gasped, some squealed, some groaned in defeat.
But Sakura and Ino clapped and whistled.
So... It was really him. He did all that. For HER.
Sasuke Uchiha...
Hinata Hyuuga didn't know what to do.
But she's relying on her heart's beat.