~ Shiro: Hey there again! Thanks to all those sticking with us! Well, here's the next chapter. So...enjoy!

Sylvia: Sorry that's it's shorter than the others... ~

Safe At Last

Senji looks up at the two who just walked in, eyes widening when he sees Ganta. "Wo-Woodpecker? You actually came back..."

"Yeah..." Ganta replied quietly. He slowly crosses the room to where Senji is. Senji stands as Ganta walks closer to him. "Is something wrong?"

Ganta doesn't reply. Instead he climbs into bed with his back facing Nagi and Senji. Nagi watches the two, worried about the youngest on the bed while wary of the other man beside the bed. Senji crosses his arms and scowls. "Fine. Don't tell me. It's not like it matters to me anyways."

Ganta shifts so he's facing Senji. "So Mockingbird was right...you really don't care! " he said in a shaky voice. "J-just fucking leave then!" He burst out.

Senji flinches back slightly and Nagi leaves, feeling out of place. "What the hell? I thought nothing was fucking wrong! Why the hell WOULDN'T I care?! And what the fuck do mean Mockingbird was right?! What the fuck did he put in your little head?!" Senji shouts, angered that Ganta would even consider what lousy lies Toto must've told him.

"I..I don't wanna talk ...okay?" He said quietly. He rolls over on his stomach and covers his face with the pillow. Senji grumbles for a moment. "That's it!" He said before grabbing one of Ganta's arms and pulls him up in a sitting position, keeping him in place. "What did Mockingbird do to you?!"

Ganta's eyes water but no tears spill. He proceeded to tell Senji the events that transpired from when he ran out of the room to when he came back, not leaving anything out. "Well..that's all." Senji stares down at Ganta for a few seconds, regret in his eyes. Regret for not following Ganta. Regret for no being there to stop Toto and help the younger Deadman. He suddenly wraps his arms around Ganta in a protective hug.

Tears slowly fall down from the younger boys eyes as he wraps his arms around the older man. Senji grits his teeth as he fights back the urge to leave Ganta to track down Mockingbird and beat the shit out of him. But he would stay until Ganta was stable again, no matter what. So, he just continued to hold the younger Deadman close.

~ Shiro: Thanks for reading. Please review!

Sylvia: Until next time! Bye-bye! ~