Title: Technicalities

Chapter Seven: When I Went Home

Rating: K

Summary: They may have escaped the clutches of Peter Pan but the group faces their next challenge: getting back home. SwanQueen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Regina Mills, Emma Swan, Snow White, Charming, Henry Mills, Rumpelstiltskin, Hook, Neal or anything from Once Upon a Time; they are property of Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz and ABC.

A/N: This is pretty much the 'Holy crap we survived now let's get out of here' chapter. From this point forward none of this happens in the show (besides 'Shadow Peter Pan'). All mistakes are mine. Enjoy!

As Regina began to wake up she slowly opened her eyes and saw a blur of blond again. As her vision focused the blur sharpened and turned into Emma who wore a look of concern. They silently stared at each other until Henry ran over to them throwing his arms around the both of them, "Moms!"

Snow and David quietly stood back and watched the scene with smiles on their faces. The trio seemed so happy. Emma hesitantly looked away from Regina and Henry and turned toward her parents, "What happened?"

Snow opened her mouth then closed it in thought, "Well, we don't exactly know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Regina's calm demeanor instantly vanished as she hissed up at her. Henry felt his mother tense beneath his embrace and buried his head in her chest to help calm her down. It seemed to work when she began to relax. Meanwhile Emma could feel Regina's magic, although weak, come off of her in slow waves. So she did the only thing that came to mind; she reached over and gently rubbed Regina's back, "Let them explain."

Snow barely hid her look of shock when Regina backed down. David simply smiled as he spoke up, "All we saw was Emma jumping in front of you and then a flash," he emphasized this with a movement of his hands, "When the flash died down Peter Pan was gone. He just disappeared and you and Emma were on the ground."

Regina looked around the cavern in suspicion. Peter Pan wouldn't have let them go if he didn't get exactly what he wanted. Emma saw her look and rested her hand on her shoulder, "C'mon Regina relax. We got Henry back and that's what matters."

Regina took one last look around the cave and sighed, "I suppose you're right."

Emma smiled down at her and Regina couldn't help but smile in return.

Neal weakly struggled against Milah's hand on his chest but she was not going to let him get up from the makeshift bed, "We aren't letting you move. You are in pretty bad shape."

"You have to rest Bae. Get your strength back up," Rumpelstiltskin said as he looked down at his son. Milah was able to lay Neal back down but he squirmed under his parents gazes, "I have to warn them."

"About what, mate?" Hook asked as he sat next to Milah. Neal's head snapped in the direction of the pirate and sneered, "You."

Hook held up his hand and shook his head, "We don't have time for that. What do you know?"

Neal glared at him one last time before he sputtered out his explanation, "When I managed to get the Lost Boys off my trail I found a spot to hide for a bit-"

"You can skip the theatrics and get to the point," Hook said as he took out a nail file, courtesy of Red, and began to sharpen his hook. Neal growled lightly before leaping past Milah's hold and grabbing Hook's shirt, "If you have something to say then say it."

Hook looked Neal in the eyes and smirked, "By all means continue on with your story."

Neal slowly let go of Hook and laid back down. Milah leaned over and whispered in Hook's ear, "Try to be nice darling."

He simply shrugged and went back to sharpening his hook. Rumpelstiltskin turned his attention back to Bae, "What happened next Bae?"

"While I was hiding I overheard them talking about Emma…and Regina," Neal said with his voice full of confusion. He looked around the small group, "They only kidnapped Henry to lure them here. He wants their power to get to Storybrooke."

Regina, Emma, Henry, Snow, and David made it back to the beach in a swirl of magic. While still standing on the beach Henry looked up at the group of adults, "Did you guys find my dad?"

Emma reached over and ruffled his hair, "Yeah kid, we found him. Now we can take both children back to Storybrooke."

Henry smiled up at Emma and laughed, "Dad's not a child!"

"He sure acts like it," Emma mumbled as she started walking. Regina raised an eyebrow at the comment and fell into step next to her, "Pot calling the kettle black?"

It was Emma's turn to smile as she playfully bumped into Regina, "You know I'm not a child."

Regina stared at Emma as she walked away, "You definitely are not."

As they were walking they spotted the other half of their group walking their way. Neal ran up to them nearly shouting, "Emma! You have to watch out Pan's-"

Emma waved him off, "We don't need to worry about Peter Pan anymore. We took care of him."

Rumpelstiltskin looked over to Regina and instantly knew something was off. Peter Pan would never be beaten that easily. Snow broke up the tension with a clap of her hands and a big grin, "Let's go home."

Emma sighed, "Yeah, I need some coffee."

With that they headed back toward the ship. Henry carefully watched his mothers and he smiled it seemed like they were closer. He ran in between them and grabbed each other their hands. When they looked down towards him he simply smiled and said, "I love you."

Regina sniffed as she tried to hold back tears. A smile grew on her face as she squeezed Henry's hand, "We love you too."

For the rest of the trip back it was unusually quiet but that didn't bother the group. They were each caught up in their own little world glad that they survived the infamous Neverland.

When they finally reached the ship Henry eagerly ran up on the ship, "This is so cool!"

Everyone slowly walked onto the boat and they soon set sail. As they sailed further out into the water Henry walked up to Neal, who was talking with Milah, and tugged on his sleeve, "How are we going to get home?"

Neal furrowed his eyebrow then shrugged. Henry then looked around the ship at each one of his family members and watched as they each began to think. Just as hope was beginning to wane Milah grabbed a pouch she had been carrying and smiled, "I think I have an idea."

It turns out a little pixie dust and a lot of believing can get you far in Neverland. They flew the ship through the stars and back to their world. The only problem was they were two days away from Storybrooke. That didn't change the demeanor of the crew as they went about their usual routine.

Henry went back to watching his mothers and ran up to Neal as he got an idea.

~The Events of Chapter 1 take place here~

Snow and Charming looked at the sleeping forms of Emma and Regina smiled. Rumpelstiltskin looked at them in surprise, "You're okay with this?"

Snow opened and closed her mouth then after glancing at the sleeping couple again said, "Whatever makes my daughter happy."

They made it to Storybrooke's harbor faster than they anticipated. It was near nightfall the next day when they began to pull into the harbor. When Hook announced the news that they were close everyone came up to watch as the town came into view.

Milah stepped up next to Hook and watched the peaceful town, "So this is Storybrooke…"

Hook began to answer but was interrupted as Henry ran up the stairs and around them. He touched Hook's arm and screamed, "You're it!" before running back down the stairs. Both Hook and Milah watched with curious gazes as Henry ran.

"It's called Tag….it's a game," Neal's voice came up from behind them, "When you're it you're supposed to chase someone and tag them so they become it."

Hook smiled then quickly reached out and tapped Neal on the shoulder, "You're it."

"Hey that wasn't fair!"

"Yes it was!" Henry yelled from the stairs as soon as Neal saw him he took off after him. Hook and Milah smiled at father and son but Milah's face fell, "Do you think he'll ever forgive me?"

"I don't know," Hook answered truthfully. He wrapped his arms around her and smiled, "But we will be there for him."

Milah smiled and kissed him. As she looked back at the town she noticed something odd, "Is that a smoke cloud?"

Hook squinted and that was indeed a smoke cloud. That was when Rumpelstiltskin spoke up from the main deck. He too was looking at the town they were slowly approaching, "It's probably someone throwing a bonfire."

Henry stopped and jumped up and down as he looked to his moms, "Can we throw a bonfire? Can we please?"

Regina chuckled at his enthusiasm and Emma smiled as they made their way toward Henry, "Of course we can kid."

"We'll invite everyone from town. It'll be quite the party," Regina said with a smile. Emma reached over and grasped Regina's hand, "You have quite the change in attitude, Madame Mayor."

Regina raised an eyebrow in Emma's direction, "I'm not mayor anymore, remember?"

"You'll always be my mayor," Emma sweet talked Regina as she leaned in gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. Henry playfully whined, "Moooms!"

They both reached out and brought him into a hug and giggled as he tried to squirm out of the affectionate hold. Rumpelstiltskin watched the group, especially Henry; it seemed the prophecy was wrong. The boy wasn't his undoing but a new start. A chance to start a new relationship with his son, have another chance with Belle, mend his relationship with Milah, end the feud with Hook. He was healing Rumpelstiltskin. He smiled and faced the town. He couldn't wait to get back and get Belle's memories back.

As they sailed closer to Storybrooke it was apparent that something was off. It was in the air. Regina and Rumpelstiltskin instantly tensed and looked toward the town. Emma looked to Regina, "What's wrong?"

Regina frowned and glared at Storybrooke, "There's something wrong with the magic here."

As soon as they docked the boat they made their way into town. It was apparent something had happened while they were gone. The buildings and streets were damaged and the town was in shambles. Everyone jumped as a laugh rung throughout the empty streets. They faced the source of the noise and saw Peter Pan atop Storybrooke's capital. His smile wide and his eyes shining.

What had happened and where had everyone gone?

A/N 2: I am sorry this took so long! I ran into major writers block but I think that's gone now.

What do you think happened to Storybrooke? And why is Pan there? You'll find out in the next chapter of Technicalities!