Title: Technicalities
Chapter One: The First Date
Rating: K
Summary: On the way back from Neverland Henry sets Regina and Emma up on a date. One Shot. SwanQueen.
Disclaimer: I don't own Regina Mills, Emma Swan, Snow White, Charming, Henry Mills, Rumpelstiltskin, Hook, Neal or anything from Once Upon a Time; they are property of Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz and ABC.
A/N: This idea popped in my head after I saw the pictures of the cast on the boat. All mistakes are mine. Enjoy!
Date (noun)
"An appointment to meet at a specified time; especially : a social engagement between two persons that often has a romantic character."
- Merriam Webster Dictionary
After 'rescuing' Henry…
Well, he didn't actually need to be rescued. Henry had convinced Neal to take him to Neverland…without telling anyone. Apparently they had thought it would be a fun adventure. Everyone was worried but after a close run in with a shadow from their past they were on their way back home.
It was a relatively quiet night. Snow and David were below deck sleeping. Hook and Rumpelstiltskin were talking and steering the ship. Neal, Henry and Emma were standing in the middle of the ship talking. Regina observed all of this from a benched seat near the bow, or the front, of the ship. Soon she got sick of the sight and turned around to watch the ocean. It seemed like no matter what she did she would always be alone.
Halfway across the boat, Emma looked away from the conversation and towards Regina. Henry soon followed her line of sight and smiled. "Why don't you go and talk to her? She seems lonely."
Emma quickly looked back and snapped, "Why don't you, kid?"
Emma regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. Henry looked down in shame he did want to go talk with his mom but that wasn't part of the plan. He continued to look down trying to think of a way to get Emma to talk with his other mother. Finally Emma's guilt got the best of her and she took one last look at Regina and sighed, "Okay, fine. I'll go and talk with her."
Henry instantly perked up, "Has she had dinner?"
"I don't think so?" Emma was surprised at the sudden change of subject but went with it. Henry smiled and raced down below deck only turning around when he realized he forgot to inform them on what he was going to do, "I'll get you two something to eat and don't worry I'll bring it to you!"
Emma looked to Neal for answers but he shrugged and headed to help Henry, "I better go help him but go and talk with Regina. She could really use you right now."
With that odd turn of events behind her Emma turned and made her way towards Regina. When she got there she stopped next to the benched seat, "Can I sit here?"
Regina barely glanced from the ocean. So Emma took that as a yes and sat next to her, "How are you?"
Regina looked at Emma then out to the ocean again, "Do you really want to know?"
"Of course I do otherwise I wouldn't have asked," Emma said with a slight laugh.
With a sigh Regina began, "Well, Miss Swan, my son won't talk to me because I used magic to help save him. He's glued to his father's hip. I wasn't invited to his birthday. I just found out he's related to Rumpelstiltskin. Oh, and the person who made me kill my mother is below deck. So, to answer you question…I'm just peachy."
Emma shifted uncomfortably and mumbled, "They were right…"
Regina raised an eyebrow at Emma, "What was that, dear."
Emma quickly looked at Regina with slight panic, "Oh, nothing."
After sitting a few minutes in silence Emma sighed and shivered. It was kind of cold traveling on the open seas. So she scooted closer to Regina…for warmth of course. She didn't like the fact that Regina was so sad so she began, "Look, I know I should have invited you to his birthday. That was really low of me but give Henry a break he's a kid and his whole world is a little messed up right now. He really does love you. Don't feel too bad about the whole Neal thing. Did I tell you that Henry stopped spending time with me as soon as Neal came to town?"
Regina scoffed and scooted a little further away, "Like that makes me feel any better? You still have the affections of our son. He's not afraid of you."
She looked down and hugged herself.
Henry and Neal watched from the doorway to the hold. Henry looked down, "I didn't know I made my mom feel that bad."
He began to sniff trying to hold back tears. Neal set the small table he had down and wrapped an arm around Henry, "You thought she was Evil. You did what was best."
Henry looked up at him with sad eyes, "But at what price?"
Henry wiped away the tears from his eyes and set a look of determination on his face, "I have to help them."
"Wasn't what this trip was for? Your birthday wish was to help both of your moms," Neal smiled down at Henry.
Henry looked down sheepishly, "Not all of it but yeah. It doesn't look like they'll realize they're each other's true love without help."
Neal looked down at Henry, "Are you sure they're each other's true love?"
"Of course I am. Have you seen the way they look at each other? It's like Snow White and Prince Charming!" Henry spoke to Neal like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Henry's smile grew as he looked back at his moms, "I want them to be happy."
Neal looked up at the pair talking. He watched as Emma tentatively put a hand on Regina's forearm trying to calm her. The look in her eyes tells it all, "…So do I. Let's go and help them."
So Henry and Neal gathered up their supplies and headed toward the talking duo.
"Hi moms!" Henry nearly ran up with excitement. He was so excited he almost spilled the food he was carrying. Regina was surprised to see her son and to hear him call her mom. Emma wasn't quite so surprised though and looked between Henry and Neal, "What is all this?"
She gestured at the table and food they were setting up.
"Oh, nothing. You just said Regina didn't have any dinner so we brought the dinner to you," Neal explained as he pulled out a candle from his pocket. Too much? He thought Nah. And set it on the table and lite it.
Henry quickly gathered both Emma and Regina in a hug then he and Neal headed below deck, "Have fun you two!"
Regina was still a little overwhelmed at her son's affections. It had been a long time since he had willingly talked with her and he even got her dinner. Her eyes began to water and she tried to hold back tears. Emma, who had already started eating, looked at Regina when she realized that she was about to cry, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to start without you. Please don't cry."
Emma went to put a soothing hand on Regina's shoulder but Regina batted her hand away, "It's not that! I just…I'm not used to this."
Emma's eyes softened when she got what Regina was saying, "I told you he loved you."
Regina smiled at her and they began to eat in silence.
After a while Emma looked up and at the tables contents, "If I didn't know better I would think that Henry was trying to set us up."
Regina suddenly stopped eating and looked at Emma, "How so?"
"I mean look at all this," Emma gestured to their surroundings which consisted of a table from below deck and a cloth to go over it, a candle, food, and silverware. "I think he's trying to have us go on a date."
Regina looked at Emma then focused on her food, "Well, I wouldn't call this a date."
"You do know the definition of date, right?" Emma leaned back and observed the former Evil Queen. Regina's eyes made contact with hers and she didn't look away, "Of course I know what a date means. It's where people gather for a professional performance. For example, our budget meetings. Surely you would know that Miss Swan."
Emma didn't say anything she simply stared at Regina. So Regina went back to eating. Then Emma began to grin, "Then we've already been on a lot of dates, huh?"
Regina blushed and stuttered out, "T-that is not true!"
Emma's grin grew wider as she leaned forward toward Regina, "But you said it was professional. It's not my fault your mind went the other way…"
Regina blushed and glanced at Emma's lips. I wonder… But she quickly recovered and muttered, "A technicality."
Emma rolled her eyes and smiled.
Regina looked up at Emma, "But if we did this again…it's not like I wouldn't mind it or anything."
"How about when we get back I take you out on a real date?" Emma asked with a smile.
Regina couldn't help but smile back, "Okay."
Henry and Neal watched the scene with Rumpelstiltskin and Hook. Henry did a little arm pump and a quiet, "Yes!"
Neal smiled and was glad that Emma was on her way to her happy ending. Rumpelstiltskin watched with renewed interest. And Hook looked away from steering the ship and smiled, "I'm glad they've found love."
The sun started to rise on the horizon and Snow and Charming came up from below deck, "Did we miss anything?"
Rumpelstiltskin looked in the direction of Emma and Regina. They had fallen asleep on the benched seat with Emma sitting up and Regina on Emma's shoulder. Henry was smiling and putting a blanket over them. Rumpelstiltskin looked back at Snow and Charming and smirked, "Oh, nothing, dearie."
A/N 2: I hope I got the boat parts right. I looked them up on Google but if I didn't please let me know and I'll change them. Also, I hope that everyone enjoyed the fic :)