
Hello fellow fans, I will work on this story soon when I'm done with my collaboration with Greymon leader and my first zelda fic, so please be patient with me.

Karycn: main character/ big fan of the legend of zelda/ gets sucked into the Zelda world/ helps link find his childhood friend Zelda

Ashlee: Karcyn`s younger sister/ a genius/ and is Pan's babysitter/ gets sucked into Zelda World with Karcyn and Mickey

Mickey: Karcyn's cat/ goes with her in to Zelda world/ turns into a remlit

Hylia: Hylian goddess/ guides Karcyn through region/ gives Karcyn hints on how to obtain more of her power

Ghirahim: After Zelda trying to revive his master/ demon lord

Jacky: Karcyn's best friend/ supportive friend/ covers for Karcyn while she's gone

Pan: Jacky's toddler sister/ loves bugs/ is a michief maker

Alex: Jacky's boyfriend/ Helps Jacky cover for Karcyn while she's gone

Zachary: Alex's best friend/ he says he's a party animal

So those characters are probably mostly going to talk or be presented. So please review how you feel about the story and check out the other two. And guest please be patient, I still have to do the other two stories before I work on this.