Joey woke up suddenly as a splash of water hit him, he looked around.

He was on a beach right by where the shore met to ocean next to him was Holden who was asleep, he stood up, there on the beach shore was Brian Rosenthal,,Meredith,Brian Holden, Lauren, Jeff, Charlene, Julia ,Dylan,Liam and Clark. Of which all were asleep.

He gently nudged Brolden with his foot.

"Mere I don't wanna wake up..." He said drowsily.

Joey smiled and using his best, worse impression of a female "Oh but sweetie I know you love cuddling In the morning but it's time to waky upy!"

Brolden lifted his head looking like he was going to kill Joey when his anger dropped with shock

" What the hell did you do Joey?"

Joey frowned and raised his hands " Wow it was not my fault. I just woke up on...,..." He stopped talking as flashbacks came rushing in...

Meredith, and Lauren had begged the group to take a boat to canada for their tour, and so they did. No one could resist those two combined and Jim already knew how to steer a boat and had license already (you never know what jim had up his sleeve) so they left and the ones of us who didn't want to or have a history of getting sea sick went by airplane.

He remembered last night, there was a storm they weren't expecting they had lost control of the boat he remembered the screams as they tried to keep the boat afloat he remembered the fear in Lauren's eyes, and how desperately he wanted to wrap his arms around her and tell her it's okay. He remembered the shore.

"Oh my dead god we crashed!" Bholes eyes widened as the memories returned to him as well.

He rushed towards mere falling to his knees checking her pulse as soon as he could tell that she was okay he moved her hair from her face and softly nudged her "Mere. Babe sorry to wake you but we got a problem"

She shook her head "Honey, five more minutes.."

"No babe now" he said with more force.

she opened end her eyes looking around she yelled "Where's Jaime and Denise!'

She shot up and walked around the group "Holy crap we crashed... Where's Jaime,Denise, Jim, and Walker!?" She paced back and forth Brian walked to her

"I don't know. Lets just make sure the people who are here are okay." He looked around, as far as he could tell none of them seemed to be hurt, although They all had small cuts and brushes. Brian, Mere and Joey went around waking people up, once everyone was up they started looking around

"Lolo jump on someone's back and see if you can see anything." Said Julia after tending to Lauren and Jaime's injuries.

Lauren hesitated this all seemed so unreal. She turned to Julia and took in a deep breathe then stood up "Who wants to pick me up?" She said trying to fit a smile on her face as she stood up tall and placed her hands on her hips.

."Come here Lo, I've got you" said Joey.

She jumped on his back and made her way to his shoulders looking around. She could see thousands of trees and a large hill a couple of miles away. She squinted it looked like it might have water "There sure are a lot of trees, and I think maybe a waterfall," She gestured Joey to put her down and they all gathered near to make a decision

"Okay why don't half of us go looking for the missing ones, and the others look for shelter. We will meet here on the beach at sunset." Said liam "Okay me, Dylan, ,mere, and clark will go looking for the others."

There was a shrug from everyone as they split of into two groups.

"I wanna come with you guys!" Said Lolo as the search team were just about to set off to find the missing members. "No Lauren you're staying with me!" Said Julia who grabbed Lauren's hand like a mother grabs her child's hand so she won't go running to get the candy.

"Jules I am not a baby. Let me go. I want to go. Jim, Denise,Jaime and Joe, they need me." She swallowed. They didn't need her, she needed them. She needed to tell them... Tell him...