Hey I'm back! So I was drawing Young Justice stuff and I suddenly decided to draw Robin as a girl and Zatanna as a boy! Then I had an idea why not write a fanfic about them being gender bent but then I had a (hopefully) better idea why not swap them around. So here's my sorta AU 'swapped' story.

So basically here's the 'low-down': Zatanna and Robin (Dick Grayson) are each other, make sense? No, ok well Zatanna is Robin the Girl Wonder! So she was a flying Grayson, Zatanna Grayson, and her parents were killed so she was adopted by Bruce Wayne and found out he was Batman and became Robin; she's best friends with Wally and Roy and Bobby Gordon (Barbra) and soon Artemis when she joins. Zatanna along with the first members of Young Justice broke Superboy out of Cadmus and basically she's been on/done all the Robin missions in series one. Richard 'Dick' Zatara (I know it doesn't sound that right but it's for the story) is a male version of Zatanna, the overprotective dad who ends up being Doctor Fate. I changed his age to 14 (same as Zee's) Dick ends up being best friends with Wally as well as Robin who he doesn't know her identity until further on in the story. In the story I will use a few of the missions from the series but I might change some of them as well as before and after them. Their outfits are on the cover image.

Hopefully I've explained it well enough but if you have questions I'll be happy to answer them.

Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice – obviously!

And now on with the story…



"I'm sooo bored!" moaned Wally flopping down on the couch.

"Yeah me too but Bats said we gotta stay here," said Robin who parked herself next to Wally.

"Whyyy?" questioned Wally.

"I think Zatara's bringing someone or something like that," replied Robin.

"Ok but can't we do something like play video-" Wally trailed off as he saw Artemis coming over to them.

"Hey Robin," said Artemis.

"Hey Arty," said Wally.

"Shut up Baywatch, don't call me that and I was talking to Robin!" snapped Artemis.

Zatanna rolled her eyes behind her mask and looked at Artemis and asked, "What d'ya need Arty?"

"What I need is a girl to talk to."

"Ok, about what may I ask…? WAIT! Is it INTTAMSCOWWN! [1]" suggested Robin.

"INTTAMSCOW…," muttered Artemis, "WAIT! What?"

Robin smiled innocently and said, "You know… I Need To Talk About My Secret Crush On Wa-mmph"

Artemis placed her hand over Robin's mouth before she could finish, "yes that now can we go?"

Wally just sat there with a confused face as he tried to understand the girl talk but he got lost halfway through so he gave up. It made him and Roy laugh, how until Zatanna met Artemis and M'gann she was like an almost full tomboy- even though she still is one (kinda) she's gone girly.

As Artemis and Robin proceeded to walk away the zeta-tube came to life; "Recognise Zatara 11" Zatara materialized out of the tube and all the team came over to him and Black Canary to see what was happening; Zatara walked over to the 'keyboard' and typed something

"Access granted Richard Zatara A-03 authorization Zatara 11"

Out came a boy about the same age as Zatanna in a school uniform. Immediately Zatanna thought he was cute.

"Team this is my son Richard, Richard this is the team" said Zatara

"Hi I'm M-," began M'gann but was interrupted by Robin jumping in front of her.

"Robin!" Zatanna winced at how high her voice went so she coughed, "I'm Robin and that's M'gann, Wally, Artemis, Kaldur and Conner. Ar-are you joining the team?"

Zatara replied, "Now let's not get ahead of ourselves," Zatara turned to Black Canary, "Sorry we missed training it's something Dick could benefit from."

Dick rubbed his arm and sighed. Zatara noticed this and said, "Team, why don't you show Dick around the cave?"

"Sure!" exclaimed M'gann.

The team, not noticing that Dick wasn't with them, were in the kitchen. Then out of nowhere Dick appeared now wearing a blue hoodie, black jeans and converse.

"How did you? When did you?" stuttered Robin.

"So this is the cave?" asked Dick, "cool."

"Yep, so why don't you tell us about yourself?" asked Wally.

"Wally," said Robin with a stern look.

"No its fine," Dick smile a Robin, "Well as you know I'm called Richard but for some reason I prefer Dick, I'm fourteen, son of Zatara, I would love to join the team but obviously with my dad that won't happen."

Conner spoke up, "Do you have any powers? I mean you know if u wanna join the team you've got to have powers.

A chorus of "HEY!" came from Robin and Artemis.

"In fact I do I'm a-" Dick was interrupted by a loud crash coming from where Black Canary and Zatara were.

"Team!" yelled Aqualad.

The team plus Dick rushed to the hangar to see Red Inferno, Red Torpedo holding BC and Zatara tied up by water.

"DAD!" Cried Dick.

"Dick get traught - he'll be fine ok we just need to stop these guys-err-robots-androids- or whatever they are ok?" said Robin with a soft smile.

"Ok," said Dick returning the smile.

"Ok w-,"

"AAAHHHHHH!" Aqualad was cut off by Miss Martian screaming. The team turned around to see her being pulled into a cage made of fire.

"M'gann!" shouted Superboy.

Not long after another shout was heard coming from Aqualad as he was pulled into the fire cage.

"Ok guys we need to erm… we need to stop these guys and quick! Any ideas?" asked Robin.

"How about RUN!" shouted Kid flash he pointed to the advancing robots then he began to speed off with the others following. But before Kid Flash could reach the kitchen Red Torpedo caught him in water along with Superboy (who was the closest to him) and dragged them off to the middle of the training room where 'he' wrapped them up with twisted chunks of metal leaving Artemis, Robin and Dick to stop the robots.

"Follow me," whispered Robin.

And the other two teens did. Silently the made their way out of the hangar into the kitchen where Robin was already unscrewing the vent cover.

"How'd she do that?" whispered Dick.

"She's a ninja remember," replied Artemis.

Zatanna had got the vent open and motioned them to go in, she went in last so she could close the vent.

Once inside the vent Dick asked, "what are we gonna do?"

"Erm, Robin?" hinted Artemis.

Zatanna thought for a second… "I got it! All we need is an electro-magnetic pulse to deactivate the androids!"

"Cool, ok one question. How do we do that?" exclaimed Artemis.

"KF'll know but I've got no way to contact him," replied Robin.

"Robin do you have a communicator?" asked Dick.

"Yes I can use one of my batarangs but how can you-."

"-just trust me ok," he smiled.

"Ok here you go," Robin passed Dick a bird-a-rang.

Dick held the bird-a-rang then uttered a spell, "dnes eht gnar-a-drib ot diK hsalF tuohtiw eht stobor gniciton." {ssend the bird-a-rang to Kid Flash without the robots noticing}

Suddenly the bird-a-rang made its way out the vent and to Kid Flash.

Robin and Artemis sat with their mouths hanging open.

"You're a Homo-Magi," states Robin.

"Yep. Just like my parents," said Dick.

"A homi-what?" asked a rather confused Artemis.

"A Homo-Magi, basically like a sorcerer," explained Dick.


"Anyway, KF can you hear me?" requested Robin.

"Yep, yep, yep! So what can I do lil sis?" responded Kid Flash.

"All we need is an electro-magnetic pulse to deactivate the androids but that's not my area of expertise but it's yours so can you walk me through it?" asked Robin.

"Of course ok so here's what you need to do…" started Kid Flash, "…then all you need to do is plug it into the Cave's main generator in the hangar."

"Ok thanks KF, so I've got to sneak past the robots and plug it in and you guys stay here," said Robin.

Before the other two could object she was gone.

Zatanna made her way over to the hangar by sticking to the shadows but just as she was about to plug the electro-magnetic pulse in until she realized she needs additional metal to complete the circuit but as she started to look for one she was spotted by Red Inferno and was forced to run away from the generator whilst flipping out of the way of fireballs.


Artemis and Dick heard Robin shout and got worried.

"Should we got help her?" asked Dick.

"Yeah lets go but you have to be quiet, got it?" said Artemis.

"Yes ma'am."

"Shut up and let's go," said Artemis as she began to crawl out of the vent followed by Dick. "Stick to the shadows ok and follow me we've got to help Robin and the team, Black Canary and your dad."

Dick nodded and followed Artemis.

As they reached the door of the training room they saw the rest of the team and the adults.

M'gann and Kaldur looked almost dead from the heat of the fire cage; Conner and Wally looked tired as did BC and Zatara. Dick spotted Robin so he nudged Artemis, as Artemis looked over she saw Robin unconscious in a 'tube' of water with a big hole burned into her cape, Artemis looked at Dick "We've got to do this now!"

They saw the electro-magnetic pulse in the generator but saw that it wasn't working. So Dick shouts to Kid Flash, "What do we do- it's not working!"

Realizing what he'd just done he covered his mouth with his hand but it was too late the robots were advancing on them.

"Dick," Artemis shouts, "MAGIC!"


"EZEERF!"{FREEZE!} Dick shouts and the robots froze on the spot.

"Guys I think you need some additional metal to complete the circuit!" shouted KF.

Artemis grabs her bow, draws the arrow and shoots the arrow underneath the electro-magnetic pulse, completing the circuit and shutting off all the machines.

The cage disappears and all the water evaporates leaving Zatara to say a spell to release Superboy and Kid Flash who rushes off to Robin.

Dick rushes up to his dad and hugs him, at the moment he doesn't care that he may look weak but he was scared and he didn't know what would happen.

"You did good my boy," praised Zatara.

"Good enough to join the team?" Dick asked with puppy dog eyes.

"We'll see…" Zatara replied.

"Come on Robin, wake up please," choked Wally shaking Robin.

Dick and Artemis both ran over to Robin.

"Is she ok?" asked Dick.

"I DON'T KNOW DO I? I'M NOT A DOCTOR!" screamed Wally.

"Wally calm down ok, shouting at Dick's not going to help," said Black Canary

"Dick I'm really sorry for shouting at you."

"It's fine Wally don't worry, you're worried about Robin I get it," Dick replied.

Batman appeared out of nowhere and cleared his throat; everyone turned to look at him

"What happened to the robots? And where was Red Tornado when all this happened?" asked Conner.

"The robots have been collected and are being taken care of by the league as for Red Tornado he was on a mission," replied Batman in his usual gruff tone.

Batman walked over to Robin and took her out of Wally's arms and carried her over to the med-bay. He set her down on the bed and his mind went blank he couldn't think all he could see was Zatanna lying there unconscious; lungs probably full of water and his minds gone blank! Dick noticed and ran over and began a spell,

"Dir eht retaw morf reh sgnul. Tel reh ehtaerb" {rid the water from her lungs. Let her breathe}

Suddenly Robin sat up coughing and spluttering, Batman turned and faced the young magician.

"Thank you."

Dick nodded and caught Robin's gaze and smiled.

She smiled back.

"Come on my boy I think it may be time to go home," said Zatara.

Dick turned and followed his father to the zeta-beams.

"Recognize Zatara 11"

"THANK YOU!" shouted Robin.

Dick smiled.

"Richard Zatara A-03"

[1] INTTAMSCOWWN! = I Need To Talk About My Secret Crush On Wally West Now

So this story was a mix of Homefront and Humanity. Ok I know it wasn't fantastic but I promise that the next chapters will be better (when I update) (which will hopefully be tomorrow). I hope you liked it. Chalant-writer3