July 26th

Sorcha sat, fuming, in her second home. Mabel Pines had escaped from her a third- no. A fourth? No. She couldn't even count how many times! She would get her someday. She needed her. The fatalis' power was too strong for herself.

She had told Mel the truth then shot her. Sorcha stared at her reflection in a hand mirror. Her eyes were so evil, so dark. Mabel's brother was dead. That wasn't good. Waving her fingers over the mirror, an image splayed across the reflection. It was people. People grieving under a tent in the Piedmont cemetery. It was Dipper's coffin they lowered into the ground. Sorcha hissed. Mabel would need Dipper to even go on in life. Much less give herself up to Sorcha. She waved her fingers again, and snapped. There was no longer a body in that coffin. A low chuckle formed in Sorcha's throat. The dead body of Dipper Pines laid in front of her. Pale with arms crossed. Blood and scars no one could wipe off.

Sorcha walked to the body and sat down in front of it.

"Venite. Consurget enim vos a morte in vitam. Surge, cadaver. Consurget," she whispered quietly. She did this repetitively for hours. Finally, at midnight, the dead boy's color returned. He wasn't alive. Not in the least bit. She wasn't even sure if he would ever be. It definitely would take a while. Sorcha smiled and carried him away into the case.

Mabel would come back. Sorcha didn't know if she would come next year, the next, or even when she was twenty. But Sorcha would be waiting. Mabel had ruined her life.

Sorcha kept that attitude the rest of the summer. She kept it the rest of the year.

She never forgave.

And she never forgot.

Oh. My. Gosh. Wow. What a big finish! I had so much fun writing for you all! I'd like to thank YOU! The reader, the audience. Even if you haven't reviewed, followed, or favorited, that's okay, because you've read my story and that's amazing!

I'd like to give some special thanks to gravityfallsmd, without whom my story would not have the inspiration it has today. Thank you soooooooooooo much for your support and help! Your reviews kept me writing and not giving up. You followed my story from the beginning to the end and I could not have asked for a better friend. Also check to read her newish story "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" which is really awesome!

Next I'd like to thank CatherineHarris, who read an ENTIRE 35 chapters in one setting on "Of Hopes and Fears"! She reviewed on every single chapter! It was really amazing! Thanks!

Lastly, I'd like to thank lil ol gravity falls, who wrote lots of really nice and cool reviews that helped me a TON. Thank you thank you thank you!

And I'm certain there's a billion of you who I haven't mentioned, but please know without my 3,000 or so views, this story wouldn't be here. Thank you so much my friends and check back soooooon for a sequel! Stay classy!