Warnings: Implied Suzaku/Euphie, non-graphic smut.

Disclaimer: No.


a code geass ficlet

ϗ Ꭶ φ ϖ

The table burns his back, as he skids up down up down and the wooden legs creak under the pressure. Their movements were relentless, and Lelouch clumsily grabs for purchase as his clawing hands slide down the sweat-slicked back of the young man above him. Their breathing was quick, harsh, yet low, interrupted only by the muffled moans and pleads for more, harder, there oh yes there, faster

Lelouch's eyes, dark and clouded with lust, snap open as a particularly hard thrust hits his prostate. His toes curl and he arches his back, his head lolling to the side as he groans into his shoulder. He dazedly registers that Euphy's kitchen had several windows, though each one had been covered with clean lines of blinds. A flash of an image of his own kitchen springs up in his mind, with a window that was never opened anymore now that he had no time to cook (No, his mind whispers, you just don't have anyone to cook for—), and a tight grip on his left hip brings him back to the present and—oh, what was he thinking about again?

"Suzaku," Lelouch whimpers, and Suzaku understands. A large, calloused hand firmly holds a pale, slender one. Suzaku laces their fingers as he dives down and captures Lelouch's glistening lips with his own. He loops his other arm around the slighter man's back and holds him up and closer, and Suzaku pounds unhesitatingly into the pliant body beneath him.

Lelouch opens his eyes once again, never realizing when he'd closed them, and suddenly wishes that there was light to illuminate Suzaku above him. He wants to see, wants to trace with his eyes what the brown-haired young man looks like as he fucks his best friend and his girlfriend's brother. There was only darkness to cocoon them and protect them from unwelcome eyes, and stolen moments in the middle of the night; moments that are strained with caution and limited time. No choice, he bitterly thinks, and a sudden surge of desperation brings his other hand into Suzaku's curls and yanks him crashing down.

Lelouch mouths against Suzaku's lips what he cannot say yet out loud, and maybe Suzaku understands, again, because his vibrant green eyes fly alert from hanging half-lidded and pierce Lelouch's own violet ones. His look was intense; warm with something that they both comprehend, and Lelouch finds himself coming, wave after wave of pleasure racking his body. Suzaku soon follows with a long groan, giving some last hard thrusts before coming down from his high and pulling out.

He lays Lelouch down the dining table, kissing the flushed man's cheeks before engaging him in a sloppy lip lock. They both laugh breathlessly as they pull apart, tired but sated to the bones. Green locks with violet, and Lelouch's lips pull up into a radiant smile to match the affection in Suzaku's grin that was exclusively his.

The emotion in Suzaku's face appeases the monstrous green-eyed beast inside him (and possibly the insecure young man hiding behind his great confident facade).

Euphemia may hold Suzaku hers in public. Euphemia may hold the title of being Suzaku's girlfriend. But she'll never hold Suzaku's heart.

For Lelouch already had it.
