Columbine and Honeysuckle Chapter 7

The next morning Robin woke up to the feeling of a gentle shaking. Robin slowly opened his eyes and saw Frederick beside him, looking particularly unhappy.

"Morning, Robin." Frederick said. "The scouts have come back with dire news. Milord thought it would be best if you came and heard what they have to say for yourself."

Wordlessly Robin slowly got up and stretched the soreness out of his back and walked along with Frederick. Chrom was looking out towards the sky, which was tinted an unusual shade of red. Idly Robin thought that it looked like blood, and if he strained his eyes Robin could see the outline of some kind of building in the distance.

"From what the scouts have told me all the Grimleal in Plegia are heading for that building. The Grimleal call it the Dragon's Table." Chrom said sternly. "I imagine Validar will be waiting for us there. Everyone else is ready to march. I hope you're ready for this, my friend."

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Robin said as he checked his weapons with a heavy sigh. "Let's go get this over with."

The shepherds wordlessly followed Chrom and Robin as they marched towards the dragon's table. The only sounds that could be heard were the sound of footsteps and armor clanking during the solemn march. As they marched they passed by various Grimleal slowly walking along, muttering prayers and incantations for Grima's return.

"The appointed time…we offer our prayers… and our lives…Lord Grima, fulfill the will of thy sire…"

Robin shivered at the sounds of those prayers. To him it sounded like the people speaking were… less than human. Upon closer inspection Robin noticed that their eyes were dull and lifeless. Lucina walked up to Robin and gave him a look of concern.

"I'm just fighting through the nerves playing through my stomach, I'll be alright." Robin said with a nod. Lucina smiled grimly as they continued the march to the Dragon's table. As they got close the Shepherds saw just how big the temple was. From the way it was designed it seemed like Grima itself was rising up from the Table, its wings spread wide and its jaw agape to swallow the sky above. Looking upon the Table, Chrom's face was as hard as stone. Whatever Chrom was thinking, Robin knew that his friend wasn't letting it show. But that changed once Chrom saw a rider on a black Pegasus approaching and drew his blade.

"I see a black pegasus approaching us!" Chrom cried out. "And there are risen following in front…it's Aversa! Shepherds, the time has come to put Validar's ambitions down has come! We will triumph, for Ylisse and our future!"

"Master Validar is not to be disturbed at this time!" Aversa called out in challenge. "But don't feel lonely, I did bring these 'Deadlords' you company. Just try to get past us if you can."

"Chrom! Time is of the essence here!" Robin said loudly as everyone prepared to charge. "We have to force our way through, then the others will have to hold these Deadlords back and catch up as best as they can!"

"What about Aversa?" Chrom asked. "We have to get past her first."

"I've already got that figured out." Robin said confidently. "Virion, have your bow at the ready and open fire once she's in range. Keep her distracted for as long as you can."

"This is a simple task for the Archest of Archers." Virion said with his trademark confidence as he took an arrow and elegantly strung it to his bow.

Reassured, Robin gave orders to the Shepherds to split up into several groups and open a path into the temple. They separated into several small groups and began to draw the Deadlords away with assorted projectiles. Robin, Chrom and Virion dashed their way towards the entrance of the temple. Aversa's pegasus dove straight towards Chrom, and Aversa began chanting mid-flight. But her words were cut off by the sound of an arrow passing by her face. A second arrow almost clipped her pegasus' wings and Aversa was forced to fall back outside of Virion's range. Virion tracked her movements with his arrows while Aversa resumed her chanting at an incredible pace. Before long Aversa finished her chanting and cast her spell which hurled a dark miasma of energy towards Virion. Worried, Virion leapt away before the spell came too close and erupted in a blast of dark energy which left a smoking crater in the spot where Virion was standing before.

Virion found himself on the back foot, and he jumped desperately to avoid Aversa's explosive attacks. Robin gave a loud yell of "Open fire!" to the shepherds while Aversa was in the middle of casting another spell. A sudden windstorm took her by surprise, throwing her off balance before an explosive gale of pink wind injured her pegasus and forced her to land but not before a triplet of miniature tornadoes threw her off her mount and brought her to the ground with a sickening thud. Robin let out a sigh of relief; Aversa had taken the bait he had offered. While it looked like Virion was meant to be Robin's main means of protecting Chrom from Aversa, his purpose was to distract her long enough for Ricken, Miriel and Henry to position themselves so they could unleash a barrage of wind spells against her, while Robin himself used a rare type of wind style magic to help bring her down. To his surprise Aversa slowly got up to her feet and walked towards the noble, although the way she limped along suggested she wasn't much of a threat anymore. He and Chrom calmly but cautiously walked up to her, before Chrom drew his blade and pointed it towards the spellcaster.

"Don't even think about trying anything." Chrom said sternly. "You're going to face trial and pay publicly for all the trouble you and your master have caused the world."

"Hmph. I could say the same to you sweet prince." Aversa said, mocking Chrom despite her injuries. "From where I stand you stand poised to destroy the foundations of my world as well as only thing I know about love."

"How could you care so much for a person whose actions will mean the deaths of millions of lives?" Chrom asked in disgust.

"I was abandoned when I was very young. I would have starved to death amongst the barren streets of Plegia. But Validar saw my talents and took me in. He provided for me when others would have left me to die." Aversa answered between laboured breaths. "I'm not foolish enough to think he feels the same for me, but I will gladly protect him with my life. I cannot fathom why Robin doesn't feel any shame, he's going to kill his only family…"

"Robin sees beyond himself and his father to the bigger picture. One life means nothing compared to the millions we will save today." Chrom said tensely. For a few moments Aversa stood silent for a moment before she laughed coldly at Chrom's words.

"What a pity." Aversa said haughtily. "I thought that you were something of a better man, and above such hypocrisy."

"Explain yourself." Chrom stated, unsure of what Aversa was talking about.

"Your words are easy to say when you have no affection for the one that must die… like my father... But when the sacrifice was your sister? You couldn't do it. You knew that she had to die, but you lacked the courage to let her go. She had to make the choice for you. We had hoped that by giving you a choice of two damnations Emmeryn would be forced to leap into her own grave willingly. And by the gods it worked! She died so you wouldn't have to give up the emblem! And the smile on her face as she fell was so calm and content…"

"Damn you!" Chrom said angrily, bringing Falchion millimeters away from Aversa's stomach. "How dare you trick my sister into committing suicide!"

"But what happens if you have to sacrifice your future daughter? Or if Robin must die to ensure your survival? Or the worlds?" Aversa asked with a wicked grin, glaring at the tactician. "Will you cry and cling to them desperately before they push you away and walk towards their death? You're a kid in a king's clothing, too naive to make the hard choices leaders have to make."

"Enough!" Chrom said with an almighty bellow before thrusting Falchion into the sand. "I know I'm nowhere near the kind of exalt my sister was! I… doubt I ever will be. Her death left a hole in Ylisse too large for anyone to fill in. But I'll never stop trying to pursue the ideals Emmeryn believed in. I'll never stop following the example she set for me and the rest of the world… so give it up. You won't trick me into killing you out of anger."

"Perhaps you have more of your sister in you than you think, Prince." Aversa replied grudgingly. "I've lost; do what you will with me. But don't think you'll stop my master-"

Aversa's next words were silenced by the sound of Chrom's fist striking her face and knocking her to the ground. Robin hurried over to the now prone Aversa and checked her vitals. She was breathing but unconscious. Robin looked up at Chrom in shock, but Chrom held his hand up to silence his friends protest.

"Don't say a word." Chrom said adamantly as he pulled Falchion out of the ground and sheathed it. "I know that wasn't proper for someone of my station and I doubt Emmeryn would ever approve. But that witch orchestrated my sister's death and forced Emmeryn into her grave. I... can't forgive her for that. It hurts too much to try. But she will answer for her crimes in a public trial. I'm not blinded by my anger towards her to the point of substituting justice with personal vengeance."

"Good." Robin said with a sigh of relief. "In times like this I don't know if I could show the same kind of self restraint if I were in your position."

"And I hope you never have to, my friend. You have no idea how close her words pushed me to killing her in cold blood." Chrom replied with a sigh. "Virion, could you bind Aversa and make sure she doesn't go anywhere? And get Frederick to mind her, she's our prisoner and not to be harmed."

"But of course!" Virion said with a flourish. "Such rare and bewitching beauty shall be in my good care. Most men would struggle with uncouth desire, but not I."

"Just don't let Olivia hear you say that." Robin said with a wink. "You'll make her cry with such a comment."

"You wound me sir!" Virion joked as he bound Aversa's hands and feet together. "I would never compromise my honour or bring sorrow to my love's fair face."

"You haven't done that so far, but don't disappoint us." Robin said dryly before he turned to face Chrom and forced the butterflies he was starting to feel to stop. "We have to hurry Chrom. Aversa brought Validar time, and we can't let him finish whatever he's doing."

"You're right. Let's go break his ambitions!" Chrom said as he and Robin ran towards the Dragon's table.

Despite the fierce battles raging around them, Chrom and Robin continued to run. The other Shepherds were doing their jobs so that Chrom and Robin could do theirs. Robin could hear many calls of we'll catch up soon and good luck as they ran past. Their faith in him gave Robin the courage to fight on. Within moments they had entered the Dragon's Table. Upon entering they saw how dimly lit the temple was. The few lights inside served to make the shadows look deeper and more sinister. Chanting and loud prayers could be heard in the distance. With a shiver Robin noticed that the interior looked identical to what he saw within his nightmares. The butterflies Robin was feeling solidified into a feeling of dread, and Robin forced his legs to keep moving into the deeper parts of the temple.

"Are you ready for this, Robin?" Chrom asked in concern. Robin jumped a few inches, and berated himself silently for being lost in thought.

"I am. But I have a favour to ask first." Robin said nervously.

"As long as it's not a request to be left behind I'm willing to listen." Chrom stated.

"No, that's not it. I did consider staying behind, but I need to overcome Validar not run away from him." Robin said with a shaky laugh. "And having you at my side will give me my best chance of doing so."

"Good. That's the spirit." Chrom said appreciatively.

"…But that's where my request comes in." Robin replied. "If things go wrong, if I find I'm not strong enough to fight Validar's control…promise that you'll cut me down before I can kill you."

Chrom looked at Robin in shock for a few moments, his eyes widened as he understood the request itself.

"What are you saying?" Chrom said in stunned disbelief. "How can you ask me such a thing?"

"I'll fight Validar with everything I've got. But Chrom, there are too many people that will suffer if Grima is returned to this world. You have a duty to protect all those people, as do I."

"Don't you dare think of giving up so easily!" Chrom said angrily. "You know how much it hurt me when Emmeryn died, and it will be the same thing if you die also. I can't and won't accept your death as payment for my survival."

"This isn't about me giving up, it's about giving what I-" Robin started to say, before Chrom cut him off.

"Lucina asked the same thing of you, and you refused her. So don't ask me to cut you down in her place."

"…You saw that? You know about what happened last night?" Robin asked in shock.

"I saw everything, Robin. And I heard everything that was said." Chrom said sternly, his eyes boring into Robin's. "Lucina was acting strangely last night. Once you left I told her that you wanted to be left alone and despite that she insisted on following you. I was worried about her state of mind and so I followed her from a distance. And that's when I saw her draw her blade against you, and I heard her ask you to give up your life to save me."

"I didn't know that you were there Chrom..."

"You did the right thing, talking my daughter out of that reckless act. Words can't express how grateful I am for that." Chrom said gently. " We both want you here to share our present. ...And to help create our future. So losing isn't an option. Got it?"

"I'm so sorry. I understand now." Robin said with a nervous nod. "Let's go."

Within moments they entered the deepest part of the temple, and Validar is waiting for them both. He smiled fondly at Robin, the Fire Emblem gleaming in his hands. But the smile has the warmth of a Feroxi night, and Robin found himself shivering at the sight of it.

"Greetings, Prince Chrom. Allow me to extend my deepest welcome to the Dragon's table. This is where us Grimleal have prayed for Grima's return for millennia. Here we will gladly offer our lives and our souls for Grima to feast upon to enable his return."

"How could anyone give their life to that monster?" Chrom asked angrily. "Why would you be so fanatical about letting the Fell Dragon consume yourself, body and soul?"

"Heh, don't you remember the wars your exalted father started?" Validar asked, a shadow of anger darkening his face. "He put thousands of faithful Grimleal to the sword and noose because they did not follow the path of Naga… we were murdered because of our faith, and our blood."

"Why would your blood give my father reason to start that wretched war?"Chrom said, his knuckles turning white as they gripped the hilt of Falchion tightly.

"He had an inkling of what we were planning." Validar answered. "He found out that we were grooming someone to become Grima's next vessel. And so he tried his hardest to wipe us out of existence. Anyone who had the slightest hint of Grima's blessing was burned at the stake like our ancestors before us! The blood of our men, women and children ran thickly through the sands of Plegia! We prayed for Grima through our suffering, and today he will answer our prayers!"

"There's only one dark dragon before Grima's time that had a cult of followers!" Robin exclaimed, understanding flooding his veins. "So Grima's sire is-"

"You ken quickly, my son." Validar said proudly, his voice running wild with unrestrained mirth. "Grima is Loptyr's offspring, whose return will bring righteous destruction on Naga and her followers. Our time for retribution and vindication is nigh!"

"I've heard this tale many times before! Yurius's bloodline ended with his death! Chrom objected. "And the tome of Loptyr was destroyed by Yuria afterwards, denying his return forever!"

"Most of what you hear is true, but there was one left who carried Loptyr blood." Validar said happily. "Arvis had in secret one bastard son who not only bore the Mark of Fala, and he also inherited his father's dark blood. After the holy war our ancestors went into hiding, and they discovered writings that suggested that Loptyr's offspring was one of the earth dragons sealed away by the Fire Emblem. So we orchestrated that bastard's disappearance in the hopes of using his bloodline to create a vessel for Grima. It took many generations of work, but we succeeded in creating a vessel suitable for Lord Grima. We stole the Fire Emblem and used the Awakening Rite to call Grima from the Void. To our delight Grima accepted the host and blood bonded with him."

"The act restored Grima's sanity and gave his powers focus. And with his return Grima turned his fury against Naga and her followers, in retribution for Naga's work in helping humanity destroy his father. His might reduced continents to ash!" Validar continued, his eyes full of mirth and malice in his telling of the tale.

"And that's when the First Exalt called upon Naga's aid, and he sealed Grima away once more." Chrom said before drawing Falchion from its sheath. "But I will never allow you to bring him back again!"

"My dear boy we already know how this story ends—you and I both!" Validar said, laughing wildly at Chrom's words. "And once you have met your end, I'll arouse Grima with the Awakening rite! And since you've so kindly brought along the vessel he slumbers in, the board is set for his return..."

"Oh gods, he's talking about me. I'm Grima's vessel." Robin said as he forced down the urge to vomit. "I'll die before I let Grima take control of me!"

"Hmph. The fact that your mother took you away from me years ago doesn't matter. Your will doesn't matter here. Your… bonds with your friends don't matter either. All that matters is your return today. That you are here is proof of your purpose. You survived everything fate threw at you to fulfill your destiny, to become a god!" Validar said, lightning sparkled in his hands as he readied himself for the fight to come. "Come to me my son, embrace the only thing that gives you life and meaning!"

In response Robin whipped out his prized Thoron tome and aimed a bolt of lighting at his father. Validar deflected the strike and teleported away before unleashing a stream of dark lightning towards Chrom, who rolled under the spell and rushed towards Validar at a pace far quicker than Robin thought possible. Validar worked furiously to turn away Chrom's thrusts and overhead strikes with his magic, before he teleported and showered Chrom in a rain of debris by blasting the roof above Chrom. Robin ran to his friend's side, and used his own lightning to angle Validar's attacks away from Chrom while he got up onto his feet.

Once they were ready they both charged at Validar, Robin using his lightning to distract and slow the sorceror down long enough so Chrom could get close enough to finish him off. Validar prepared to teleport again, but Robin anticipated this and looked for the sigil that indicated where Validar would appear. Once he saw it Robin unleashed a wild storm of electricity towards the spot where the sigil glowed. Validar materialized moments before the lightning caught up with him. The discharge forced Validar's arms and legs to lock into place as his muscles spasmed out of control. Before he could recover Chrom had ran up to him and stabbed Validar through the chest. Validar gasped in pained shock, but as blood poured down his chest he bared a devious grin.

"Heh heh… even this was meant to be…" Validar whispered to Chrom, who withdrew his blade in disgust and wiped it clean.

"Are you all right?" Chrom asked Robin.

"I'm fine. But that was too easy… I expected Validar to fight a lot harder." Robin said warily, looking at his father's body in suspicion.

"I feel the same, but that's the end of him. Thanks to you we carried the day." Chrom said happily, turning away from Validar's body. Purple flames covered Validar's body as he stood up again.

"This isn't over...Damn you BOTH!" Validar screamed as he cast another shot of dark energy at Chrom. In his panic Robin threw Chrom to the ground and smothered him before he felt Validar's spell detonate right on top of him. The pain of the attack was excruciating and he could feel that his back was burning. Chrom quickly pushed Robin off of him and slapped Robin's back to smother the flames, and he saw that Validar's body was dissolving in the fires that enveloped him. Chrom let out a sigh and helped Robin to sit up.

"Thank the gods you're alright!" Chrom said in relief. "Validar's gone… we can rest easy now."

Robin tried to speak, but he felt something was stopping him. He remembered the nightmares he'd been having and he knew what was coming. He felt power building up in his right hand and dreaded what was about to happen. If he couldn't stop the attack entirely perhaps he could ensure that it wasn't fatal. The image of Lucina's distraught face flashed through him and he pushed inexorably against the alien will in his mind that wanted Chrom dead.

"What's wrong? Hey, hang on-" Chrom said in alarm as he saw Robin's eyes turn red, and he tried to help Robin to his feet. But all Chrom received as a bolt of lightning through his chest.

"This is not your—your fault... Promise me you'll escape from this place... Please, go..." Chrom said weakly before he fell to the ground with a thump. Robin felt tears building in his eyes, but his body was reluctant to respond. Validar's mocking laughter filled the temple, and he materialized once more beside Robin. At that moment both Sumia and Lucina ran into the main hall of the temple and saw Chrom lying face down on the ground. They both screamed out and ran up to him in desperation. But Validar raised an arm in warning, dark lightning crackling at his fingertips. Wary of Validar's might, they both came to a screeching halt a short distance away.

"Do you see now, Son?" Validar said sadly to Robin. "For all the faith in the bonds you have with your friends, they mean nothing compared to the weight that destiny carries with it. It is time. Complete the ritual, and become everything I've always wanted you to become…"

In response Robin angrily pointed his right hand in Validar's face and blasted him with a stream of lighting, Validar's anguished yell echoing throughout the temple before he teleported to a safe distance.

"How is this possible?!" Validar yelled. "With the other gemstones amplifying Sable's might you shouldn't be able to resist my commands!"

"Did you ever think that the stones you have might not be the real thing?" A deep voice called out from the darkness.

"How is such a thing possible?" Validar exclaimed. "Fate has brought the gemstones here to me for this very purpose!"

"You still haven't realized that you've been tricked!" Basilio said as he walked in, an arrow drawn in an oversized bow and pointed towards Validar. Lucina and Sumia were shocked at the surprise arrival. "Robin foresaw this day and he knew that he couldn't allow the real gemstones to be brought here!"

"Khan Basilio! You've alive!" Lucina exclaimed happily. "We thought that you had died back in Valm!"

"Thanks to you lass, I survived my encounter with Walhart." Basilio said with a shudder. "If you hadn't said anything to me that day I would have stood my ground against that monster and died on the spot. Instead I was able to fake my death and crawl away with my life. Thanks, kid."

"What rubbish! I've had Chrom and his band followed ever since they left Carrion Isle." Validar exclaimed. "Robin hasn't been anywhere near the gemstones or the Fire Emblem!"

"True, you may have been watching the live members your men knew about." Basilio conceded. "But they weren't watching the dead ones were they? They weren't paying attention to me."

"Damn you! Damn you to all the hells! None of this matters! Chrom is dead! Your fate is sealed! Grima will—?"

"Think again!" Chrom said boldly, slowly standing up. Only a small scar could be seen where Robin had unwillingly struck his friend with lightning. "Robin was able to resist you enough to weaken his attack before the strike."

"And while you were distracted I took the chance to patch up his wounds. You've underestimated me again... father." Robin said triumphantly, holding up an emptied elixir bottle.

"GRAAAAAAGH! Damn you all, and your stones! I won't need them to kill you!" Validar screamed in outrage as the Grimleal stopped their chanting and surrounded their leader. "Come to me, my Grimleal! Smite these infidels!"

"We don't think so!" Flavia yelled as she led the shepherds into the temple, their weapons at the ready. Some looked a bit weary and others wore fresh bandages but everyone was determined to see the fight to the end. "Let's put this dastard down once and for all everyone!"

The shepherds roared in answer to Flavia's call and charged boldly towards Validar while the Grimleal formed a defensive wall. Chrom meekly apologized to Sumia before she brought him into a crushing hug of worry. Chrom assured her that he was alright thanks to Robin, and Sumia told Chrom that she would be protecting him for the rest of the battle. After that Chrom and Sumia followed the Shepherds into the ensuing melee while Lucina stayed by Robin's side as she quickly helped patch up the burns on his back.

"I'm so sorry you had to see Chrom like that." Robin said apologetically.

"There's no need." Lucina said simply. "Despite how close history came to repeating itself, you saved my father's life. You have my gratitude for that."

"I guess I shouldn't beat myself up about it." Robin admitted, swinging his arms experimentally. It hurt to move his back, but the pain could be ignored. "Will you help me take down Validar, and save our future once and for all, Lucina?"

"We've come this far, and we won't stop until we reach the end… together." Lucina said meaningfully as she presented Robin with a new tome. "One of the Deadlords dropped this once it had perished. Miriel said that I should give it to you, in your hands it might prove useful."

"I can feel the power surging from it." Robin said gratefully, recognizing the name of the legendary tome in his hands. They started to run a few steps before Validar teleported again in front Robin, his eyes wild with hatred. They took a few steps back and readied their weapons warily.

"How dare you meddle with my son's heart, impudent meddler!" Validar yelled as he unleashed a ball of dark lightning towards Lucina. "You've changed everything, you wretched whore of Naga! I won't let you take him away from me!"

"You're mad!" Lucina answered back as she dove away from Validar's attack and rolled up to her feet in one swift movement. "No true father would force his son to murder his best friend for destinies sake! Robin deserves to make his own choices!"

Robin chanted under his breath, sized up how much power he needed to put into the spell and his let loose the mana that he had readied. The spell he cast created an almighty explosion that forced Validar to teleport away as a hole was blown through the roof. Once the rubble had cleared he returned and engaged Lucina at close range, dark electricity hacking and slashing furiously at the princess. Knowing that his new tome would likely hurt Lucina if he used it now Robin put it away and drew his own blade in readiness before he rushed to provide Lucina support.

"Robin would have embraced his destiny if you hadn't interfered!" Validar yelled. "You've seduced him and corrupted his purpose! And for that you must die!"

"Fool! Robin has every right to refuse your so called 'inheritance'. Don't you see that he will never accept the fate you have planned for him? He will never willingly bring his best friend's life to an end?" Lucina countered as she deftly weaved, danced and dodged around Validar's attacks.

"That doesn't matter! Our will is irrelevant on this stage!" Validar shouted as he increased the intensity of his attacks. "We all must embrace the fate that waits for us! In the end everyone must perish to ensure Grima's return!"

"I'll never become that twisted thing!" Robin yelled angrily as he took a surprise swipe at Validar's back. His father was unprepared for the strike and Validar gave a yell of surprise as Robin's blade left a shallow trail of blood on his back.

"How dare you strike your own father, my son!" Validar said angrily. "It seems I have been negligent in my role as a father. Allow me to administer the discipline you clearly need."

With a grunt Validar knocked Lucina back with a swift kick to her stomach before turning to face Robin with a look of hatred and disappointment. Throwing caution to the wind Validar attacked Robin with a ferocity he had never seen before. Robin's defensive parries were knocked away with ease by the anger behind Validar's strikes. Robin back stepped and wove around his father's attacks in a desperate attempt to avoid being struck down But Validar's unrelenting offense gave Robin no chances to strike back.

"Do not fear my son, there is no damage I can do to you that Grima cannot undo." Validar said with glee. "You are not fated to die here, but be reborn!"

"There won't be a rebirth!" Robin countered hotly while trying to keep out of Validar's reach. "My life as I know it won't end here!"

"I have worked too hard to have our life's work to be undone!" Validar objected, striking at Robin's blade so hard that it was sent flying away. Triumphantly, Validar laughed wildly and lightning cackled from his fingertips. "It's time to embrace your fate and history! It's time for Grima to-urk!"

"You have let your guard down, Validar!" Lucina said defiantly, her own Falchion protruding through Validar's chest. "Grima will never return while Robin and I draw breath."

"No! This is… all wrong…Why would you squander your birthright?" Validar muttered before he collapsed onto the floor.

"Are you alright?" Lucina asked Robin. "I was so worried when Validar lost control."

"I'm fine now. You saved my life Lucina. Thanks." Robin replied gratefully before they turned to look at the battle around them. To their surprise the sounds of the battle had mostly died down, and those of the Grimleal that had surrendered were being disarmed by the Shepherds. It was over. They had won.

"I believe that Father and the Shepherds have routed the Grimleal." Lucina said hopefully.

"We did it! We've altered history Lucina!" Robin said before he swept Lucina up in an embrace. Lucina's eyes widened in surprise, but she gladly returned the hug.

"I can't believe it… All our efforts have paid off!" Lucina said, tears gathering in her eyes.

"You may have altered its course, but you have failed to change histories final destination."

"I know that voice!" Robin exclaimed in panic, pulling himself away from Lucina.

"It has been a long time since we met, Robin. You've become stronger in that time away." The hierophant of Plegia said as he walked out of the shadows of the temple. He wore a small confident smile that made Robin feel uneasy.

"You again? Just who or what are you?" Robin asked accusingly.

"Heh, I already told you. I am you." The hierophant said smugly. "But what I haven't told you… is that I'm your future self from Lucina's future. I am the Robin that murdered Chrom and was reborn as Grima. I am the Robin that brought the future to ruin."

"Then how did you get here?" Lucina accused. "Naga only sent my friends and I into the past!"

"Do you really think that it would be that hard for me to follow you back in time?" Grima countered in an arrogant tone. "When I learned of your plan to alter history I tracked Naga down and forced the secret to time travel from her. It was an easy thing for a a god like myself to duplicate her ritual and so I followed your party back. Occasionally I stepped in a couple of times to ensure my own survival, but otherwise I was content to let things play out. But Robin and I have more important things to worry about. Because of... Marth here, you haven't made the same choices that I did."

"And why would I do that?" Robin asked skeptically. "I see no reason to embrace Grima."

"I am well aware of this." Grima said with a roll of his eyes. "The day I came back I sought you out and tried to join us together. But you refused, and I forced you into the ritual. Your body was… too weak to handle the stress. The attempt wiped your memories clean and had some unintended side effects."

"So that's why I have all these strange memories in my head..." Robin explained. "Everything that I've foreseen, all those nightmares I had, those were because of you!"

"Yes, that's because we have become bound together." Grima explained, pointing to the mark on his right hand "We are linked by blood, sinew and soul now. We share the same heart… Grima's heart. All that remains now is for you to embrace your heritage, and join with me properly. Once that deed is done, our power will be restored."

"I told you, I will never embrace Grima." Robin stated resolutely. "I won't be responsible for bringing this world to ruin."

"Not even to bring your mother back from the dead?" Grima asked politely. "If we were properly joined it would be a simple matter to revive her."

"What about my mother? What do you know about her!" Robin said angrily, all fatigue forgotten for the moment.

"Our mother had witnessed my attempt to merge with you." Grima replied calmly. "And once she figured out what I was trying to accomplish she tried to intervene. Her powers were nothing compared to me, even in my weakened state. She paid the price for interfering, but I ensured that her passing was painless. I am not completely cruel. I felt… some remorse when she died. But such things don't matter in the face of what must be done."

"You monster!" Robin yelled as he tried to run towards Grima. But Lucina held him back with a strength that should have been impossible with her slim figure. "Let me go Lucina, I'll kill that sick bastard!"

"No! You cannot harm him!" Lucina warned.

"You should listen to her." Grima said with a menacing laugh. "No one here has the means to harm me. Especially not once I consume the bounty that you have wasted."

"You can't mean to slaughter all those Grimleal!" Robin exclaimed in horror.

"I can and I will." Grima said darkly. "My journey back in time might have weakened me, but with the life-force here I will grow strong and claim Grima's present body as my own!"


The shepherds looked at Robin in shock but as Grima's body started to glow a dark purple Chrom understood what was about to happen and gave the order to retreat. In his haste, Robin snatched the Fire Emblem from his father's body before he and Lucina started running away from his future self. As they ran towards the exit they saw the numerous Grimleal that were praying were dying around them. They all fell to the ground with a look of euphoria on their faces as their life force was drained out of them. Not long after Robin and Lucina cleared the entrance a flash of purple shone out from the temple, and a flash of light ascended into the skies. An earth shaking roar descended in return. Grima's dragon form revealed itself from the clouds; its wingspan eclipsed the sun and threw a deep shadow upon the ground. The shepherds continued to flee from the spectacle of Grima's return, putting as much distance between the dragon and themselves.

"Gods, look at the terrible size of it!" Frederick commented with a rare show of fear. "We can't face him, not in a straight battle—he'd kill us all!"

"That's Grima! That's the demon that destroyed my world, and now it is among us!" Lucina said quietly.

"If only we still had the Fire Emblem, we could ask Naga for her power. Then at least we'd have a chance." Chrom replied sadly. Robin chuckled lightly, which drew looks of confusion from the rest of the Shepherds.

"What, you mean THIS Fire Emblem?" Robin asked with a sly grin, revealing the Fire Emblem from behind his back. "I stole it from you, the least I could do is get it back for you."

A loud cheer erupted from the Shepherds, and Chrom and Lucina were eager to embrace Robin for his cleverness. Despite the fact that Grima's shadow was overlooking them all the Shepherds dared to hope that they could still put the dragon in his place.

"Hold on a moment here, Boy. Let me give you the real gemstones to put into the emblem." Basilio said with a grin, holding up a heavy looking pouch. Once the fake gemstones were removed and the proper jewels inserted into the Fire Emblem the five gemstones began to glow with a life of their own.

"Quickly now! We must leave Plegia and complete the Awakening before Grima catches on!" Chrom shouted so all the Shepherds could hear.

"It's said the first exalt paid tribute to Naga at a site on Mount Prism. There is an altar at the peak of the mountain. If milord would perform the Awakening, it must be done there." Frederick commented. The Shepherds made an orderly and swift withdrawal from the dragon's table and their caravans made a beeline for Mount Prism. Eventually exhaustion caught up to everyone, and so the shepherds had to set up camp for the night. Everyone took the time they had to rest and recover from their wounds.

Once the sun rose the next morning, Robin took the time to speak briefly with Lissa and Maribelle about their casualites. He noted that Vaike was sitting Lissa and Maribelle, his left arm and back were both patched up and his arm guard was absent.

"Lissa, how are our injured recovering?" Robin asked curiously.

"Gregor, Panne, Cherche, Stahl and Gaius are recovering from the battle with the Deadlords. Gregor and Panne have broken limbs while Cherche was burned rather badly from one of the enemy mages. But we had to knock Kellam unconscious with magi, because of how badly injured he was protecting Miriel from the Grimleal within the Table." Lissa said calmly before she took on a grumpy expression. "And this jerk right here almost died from the numerous arrows sticking out of him!"

"Hey, take it easy on ol' teach!" Vaike said as he used his right arm to cover himself from the numerous slaps Lissa aimed at his head. "The Vaike ain't gonna stand by and let the Son of Vaike die. It's not in his nature!"

"I know that!" Lissa objected hotly. "But you almost died in his place… and I don't want to lose either of you like I lost Emm! So please try to be more careful..."

"The Vaike knows how much it hurt you to when we lost Emmeryn, and your face isn't suited for tears and frowns." Vaike said in a soft tone. "Teach knows that he's got too much to live for and I ain't gonna leave you anytime soon. The Vaike swore to make you happy."

"Hey, thanks Vaike. I feel a bit better hearing that." Lissa said before giving Vaike a careful but firm embrace. "I love you so much!"

"And the Vaike loves you even more!" Vaike said with a grin. "Teach won't lose to you in a love war!"

"Your open affection for your husband is quite touching, darling. But do not forget that we have work to finish." Maribelle pointed out sternly.

"I know I know," Lissa said with a small roll of her eyes. "I suppose your own husband is waiting for us to help with our healing duties, since he's starting to learn how to use healing staves. I'll see you later Robin!"

Within moments Vaike and Robin were left to themselves. Robin started to excuse himself so he could leave but Vaike laid a gentle hand on Robin's shoulder.

"Hey Robin, could you do Teach a favor?" Vaike asked.

"You're not the kind to ask for favors. So this must be important." Robin said. "What can I do to help?"

"Ya see when I was injured Owain kinda freaked out, and he hasn't been the same since. Family talk couldn't bring Owain out of his flunk, and his friends weren't able to reach him either. This is a big one that even Teach needs help with. So do ya think you could talk to him and see if you can help him out?"

"Hmm… I suppose I can try talking to him, and see if he'll open up to me. I can't make any promises though, Vaike."

"It's the thought that counts. Teach gives you a passing mark for your generosity, thanks!" Vaike said happily.

"I have a few moments to spare, so I think I'll go see him now." Robin replied with a wave. "Get well soon, Teach."

"The Vaike thanks you for being a good friend!"

Robin walked around to try and find Owain, but his loud and brash voice couldn't be heard. He asked Cynthia if she had seen her cousin around, and she pointed him to one of the caravans that wasn't currently occupied. As it turned out Owain was curled up in a ball by himself in a dark corner of the caravan.

"Owain, what are you doing here?" Robin asked curiously.

"…Hiding." Owain said in a single word.

"Um, why would you be hiding?"

"Because I'm a creep." Owain muttered.

"I don't think that's true, you're-"

"I'm just a creepy creep who creeps around with his weirdo hobbies." Owain said sadly.

"Is all this because of what happened to Vaike today?" Robin asked carefully.

"I... yes. That's exactly it. The Father of Owain is biggest hero I've ever known. Even bigger than Uncle Chrom. His attitude gave people hope that we could win. He was always so confident that he seemed invincible." Owain replied as tears started falling down his face. "But when I saw him bleeding and hurt, it reminded me that he's only human. That anyone can die in the heat of battle. He almost died protecting me… again."

"So in the future you came from... He gave up his life to save yours?"

"Father protected me from an archer that I was too stupid to look out for. I was too distracted by my creepy hobbies to notice one lone risen." Owain answered amid sobs. "If he died again because of me… I don't know how I could cope. All I want is to be strong enough to be called the son of a hero, but all I can do is watch him get injured trying to keep me alive."

"I see. I'm so sorry that the fight brought back those painful memories." Robin said apologetically. "But if you want to get better, if you really want to stand up and become a hero across time that can change things and protect your dad I might be able to help you. I'm sure that I can teach you methods of fighting that you've never dreamed off."

"What… you'd do that for me?" Owain said curiously, his grief briefly put aside. "You'd give me a chance to train with the mysterious tactician of fate, the one who fought Walhart twice and lived to tell the tale. The one who is my cousin's chosen consort?"

"Wait what are you saying? I'm the chosen consort of your cousin?" Robin asked in disbelief. "What the gods are you talking about?"

"Well, while you've been checking in on everyone else Lucina called for a secret council sesson amoung everyone who came from the future." Owain explained. "She told us the story between you two, and that she ended up falling in love with you. She told us of how badly it hurt her to figure out that you were the one who would kill Chrom in our future. She told us of her attempt on your life, and how you apologized for putting her through everything she's been through, even though it wasn't your fault. And lastly told us that she couldn't go through with it because she loves you, and you made a promise to each other to stay together. Gerome was angry that Lucina would allow herself to make such attachments with someone from the past, but Cynthia and I kept him quiet by threatening to tell everyone about his Vertigo and nicknames for Minerva. And besides, an epic and romantic tale like this one is one to be praised and sung boldly by the best bards! Brady even sobbed a little and promised to write a song worthy of your story!"

"Does anyone not know of what happened between Lucina and I?" Robin asked with a sigh. "Actually, don't answer that. I imagine that the word will be out very soon. And I'm going to be feeling very regretful..."

"Er, according to mother rumors were spreading during the conflict with Valm." Owain said meekly. "You two became very close at that time, so that got pepole's tongues wagging. And the way you and Lucina quietly walked away from the celebration that was held for the end of Walhart's reign together only made the rumors grow. It gave people ideas that you two were up to things that would make Sully blush."

"I don't think that this can get any worse…" Robin said with a groan. "But putting that aside, if you really want to get stronger come and train with me. Sitting around in this dark corner won't help your parents or anyone else. This isn't a behavior worthy of a scion of legend! You're a better man than this and we need you to help us achieve our goals!"

"By the mullet of Ike, you're right! I can't let myself drown in sorrow and despair! The Son of Vaike is meant for greater things! I accept your offer Robin! Teach me so that I may become the hero I need to be!"

"That's the spirit!" Robin replied. "Let's get away from this dark spot, and enjoy a proper breath of fresh air."

Robin helped Owain get back to his feet and led him into the bright sun.

"By the red hair of Eliwood, being outside calms my spirit..." Owain said, feeling the sun warm his face. "But how long must we journey before we reach Mount Prism?"

"It's going to take at least a week for the caravans to get there." Robin replied.

"What do you think will be waiting for us there? Some dastardly dark scheme must be lying in wait for us there."

"I'd say you're right, but we'll be ready for them. We're not stopping until Grima is defeated. Prepare yourself Owain, our training will be more punishing than anything you've endured so far."

Well now, I never expected to finish that chapter in some time. But hey I finally got around to it and I've finished the chapter! I like tying Grima in with Loptyr and his cult from FE4 because the use of bloodlines and earth dragons makes Grima so much more enjoyable for me, and gives reason for Chrom's father to wipe out the Grimleal faithful. Also the fact that both cults are primarily desert dwellers was too good to pass up. So that's what I'm going with her

Also I think some people will question about Chrom punching Aversa unconscious in anger. Ask yourself this: If your sister's killer was standing in front of you, openly taunting you about how she made your sister die would you really be able to do so? I'd have a hard time doing so, and I think Chrom would also. Chrom's line in the boss conversation with Aversa during 'An Ill presage' he states: "A final question, witch, before you die-". This line tells me that he had no intention at that time to show her any kind of mercy, unlike later on in the game during 'the wellspring of truth' sidechapter. So that's how I see this point of the game.

There's one short fic that I want to write first, but after that I'm going to be applying myself to finish this story. I've got a fire about Columbine and Honeysuckle that I haven't felt in a very long time. Stay tuned folks!