"Everyday Routines"
Chapter I: Just the start
Hey there! This is my first fanfic. Just wanted to try it at least once. J
At first I told myself that I'll just join for me to review and all. But I wanted to take this chance and write. Also because I wanted to enhance myself so that I can join our school's paper. You know, for credits, since I'm running for salutatorian this year. Yep, I'm a senior. J
Well, hope it works.
(Tennis Courts) Early in the morning.
"Sakuno~!" was the very first thing you'll hear every morning at Seigaku specially when Tomoka; bestfriend of Sakuno; is present.
"Ohayou, Tomo-chan" said the shy long-braided girl.
"Ne, Sakuno, did you make cakes today? I just love them and I really am in the mood to have them-". She was cut in mid-sentence by..
"Yo~!" said the spikey-haired sempai which probably is the most closest to a certain guy; Momo.
"Urasen dayo! Teken, early in the morning and I can already hear you annoying and stupid voice!" said someone from behind which most likely to have a bandana.
"Ah?! What did you say Ma-mu-shi?! At least I greet girls unlike you. Your face is just brimming with a label "Bad Day"!" retorded Momo.
"A-anou, anou, Ohayou Momoshiro-sempai and Kaidoh-sempai" said Sakuno trying to stop her bickering sempais but to no avail.
"Hn?! What did you say Porcupine Head?! Want to go at it?!" said Kaidoh.
'Matake, they just don't stop. What if they hurt each other it will be even worse. Mou, what will I do?' said Sakuno but in her head of course. She can never have the guts to say that. 'That's what Ryoma-kun always tells me anyway. But I guess he's right I'm just a plain baka' Sakuno just let out an exasperated sigh. She just can't bring herself in to doing those things. Looking back at her STILL bickering sempai.
"Your on!" said Momo while grabbing Kaidoh's shirt receiving the same treatment by the other.
They have been like that ever since they've entered Seigaku Jr. High. Yes, you guessed right, they're in Seigaku High now. Seems were just like when they were still in Middle School. Just older.
"Ahhhh~! Sempai-tachi! Stop! Stop!" yelled Tomoka, still trying to separate the two but it still didn't work.
"Futari domo! What do you think your doing?" said the ever so stoic and now the current captain of the Seigaku High Tennis Club, Tezuka.
"They just never top, nya~." said the acrobatic Kikumaru while putting his right arm around Tezuka.
"Well they are rivals" said Fuji who appeared after Eiji.
"BURNING~! STOP THE FIGHTING ALREADY~!" said Taka-san who was beside Fuji when they've arrive.
"Probability of the two to have 50 laps: 75%" said the data-analyst.
"What happened to the 25%?" asked the known Mother of Seigaku.
"They will have my newest Inui Juice which unfortunately still doesn't have it's accurate name." said Inui with his glasses glimmering, a smirk and a background that says 'HORROR'.
Everyone became silent about this. So Oishi tried to ease the tension a bit. "Saa, then why don't you still have a name for , u-uhmm, that thing?" he said with much fear in his voice.
"I was thinking that this time I'll name by how you guys will react when you drink it" said Inui.
"Then you mean we will-, we're like-" Said Momo in fear.
Inui's aura suddenly became dark and fuzzy. " Ah, I was thinking that you guys drink it-"
"IHHHHHHH?!" everyone said except Fuji and Tezuka.
"Ah. In short I will experiment it with you guys." said Inui as if it was a normal thing to do.
"YADDA, NYA !" retorted Eiji which much annoyance in his voice.
"Eh? Why? I think it will be fun." said Fuji still smiling.
"SETAI YADDA!" They all said. And was about to complain more when they suddenly heard a soft giggle at their side. And when they turned to see where it came from their eye landed on a certain girl whose shyness was visible to everyone.
"What's the matter Sakuno?" Tomoka asked.
"Huh? A-oh! G-gomen! Did I say something?" said Sakuno. Completely oblivious about the stares she was receiving.
Then realization hit her"Ah! Gomenasi! I-I didn't mean to. Please d-don't mind me" she said blushing. Embarrassment clearly shown in her features.
Suddenly out of no where. "Ohayou, Sakuno-chan~! Don't worry about it. You just saved us from the horrible juice Inui was talking, nya~." said Kikumaru while hugging Sakuno. His right arm is over her head and his left around her shoulders, hugging her from behind.
Sakuno was so red and embarrassed that time but composed herself and greeted her sempais. "Ohayou s-sempai-tachi. Gomene for laughing at you earlier, it's just that you guys a-are so cute for not changing at all" she giggled again remembering the secne earlier.
At the same time they all thought that Sakuno was so cute. That made Kikumaru hug her even more.
"Haha. Of course! But we're not the only one's who didn't change." grinned Momo.
"Eh?" All the Regulars thought hard and then Fuji suddenly smirked. "Ah, I know what your talking about Momo."
In Fuji's statement and smirk they finally understood what Momo implied and smirked themselves. Even bonchou.
This made Sakuno confused and a little uncomfortable. She knows that whatever they were thinking its not gonna be good. 'Mou, what are they up to now?' she mentally sighed. Her sempais just never change. 'Ma, I guess that's alright too, demoo-'
"Hehe, you know Sakuno-chan, it's-" Kikumaru was interrupted by Tomoka's voice.
"Ryoma-sama~!" yelled Tomoka. This made everyone look to where Tomoka's looking. Specially a certain girl. This
made Ryoma look to where whose calling him and was locked to a certain pair of eyes who was being hugged by his acrobatic sempai.
'What's Kikumaru-sempai doing?' he thought a little bit irritated but soon composed himself.
"Yo! Echizen!" greeted his sempai-tachi while he's walking through the crowd that they've formed ans stopped inront of Kikumaru who was still hugging Sakuno. In short he stopped in front of Sakuno which mad the girl blush even more.
"O-ohayou, R-Ryoma-kun" said Sakuno still blushing and thinking why he stopped infront of her.
"Ohayou" said Ryoma as he stared directly who was infront of him. But at some point everyone was surprised at their rookie's action for he was not staring at Sakuno but to the red-haired sempai then to the arms that was hugging the girl. 'Tch, That is really irritating.' He thought.
Everyone was in agape. Mentally of course. Them being Japan's No. 1, their observing skills are a top notch. They all have one thing in their minds; 'Jealous'
Suddenly they heard him speak. "Ne, Kikumaru-sempai."
"Hai, nya, Ochibi?" said Kikumaru trying to act oblivious.
"Why are you hugging Ryuuzaki?" said Ryoma. This made the girl flinch and blush even more as Ryoma stated the very obvious act.
"A-anou R-Ryoma-kun. Etoo, i-it's just be-because when-. Eto, this morning-" said Sakuno trying to reason the boy but Ryoma's attention was not on her. But she still tried but was interrupted by someone. 'Mou' Sakuno thought.
"Echizen really is full of suprises ne? Inui? said Fuji.
"Ah, Ii data." smirked Inui whilre writing something on his notebook.
"Ah, Echizen really is full of surprises, this day has officialy became interesting." said Oishi while looking at Tezuka who suddenly said "He really has charisma."
"Haha! So young. So young!" said Momo. "Fsssh" said Kaidoh.
Everyone starts to laugh, well except Sakuno and Ryoma of course.
"Ne, Kikumaru-sempai. You still haven't answered my question yet." said Ryoma. His eyes reflecting annoyance.
"Nya, Sakuno-chan is just so cute~! Specially her smi-"
"You'll be my rallying partner ne? " said Ryoma while walking away from them. Then stopped. He looked over his shoulders with an evil glimpse on his eyes.
"Oh. And get your hands off her," he stopped then said "s-e-m-p-a-i." He continued with such poison and anger in his voice.
"Ja, and don't forget Kikumaru-sempai." He then left a smirk visible in his face.
'Nobody does that. Nobody can. I long as I'm here.'
His sempais felt annoyance and evil from his voice which made them shudder.
"Yare-yare. Eiji-sempai you sure had a bad timing there ne? Haha. Well good luck later, specially the part when you play with Echizen." Said Momo laughing with what he saw today.
"Hmm, Ii Data, Well I think today I can gather many data on Echizen" Said Inui smiling from his kouhai's behavior.
"Saa, this day is getting more and more interesting" Said Oishi.
"Mou, why do I have to play with Ochibi, nya~! He can get violent from time to time too, nyaaaa~! Sakuno-chan~! Help me~!"Said Eiji still clinging to his Kohai.
"Hm, YudansezuniKou" said Tezuka which made Fuji's eyes to show.
"Ah, we really can't get careless here." Said Fuji with a smirk.
"Nyaaa~! I still can't believe I have to play with him" said Eiji.
"Fsssh, it is your fault-". Kaidoh was cut.
"A-anou sempai-tachi. U-uhmm, I have to go to, classes are about to start a-and we have been t-talking aroung here fo a-a while now a-and u-uhmm m-maybe you can let m-me go now?" Said Sakuno.
"Ah~! Sempai-tachi we have to go~!" Said Tomoka trying to pull Sakuno.
"Ah! Haha. I almost forgot! Nyaaaa, Sakuno-chan is just so cute just like a flushy, nyaaa~!" Said Eiji giving Sakuno one last squeeze. Or so they thought.
"Mou, Kikumaru-sempai." Said Sakuno while pouting which made Momo and Eiji hug her again.
"Ahhh~!" Sakuno was caught off guard.
"Haha. Your just too cute~!" Said Momo. Sakuno then finally got off of his sempais with the help of Inui of course.
"A-anou, before we leave, I-I just wanted t-to ask what happened to Ryoma-kun." Said Sakuno.
But no one dared to answer, well except a certain tensai.
"Why don't you ask him yourself? And while you at it, please tell him to go easy on your sempai here; pointing at Eiji; for their match later" said Fuji smirking.
"I-I guess so. Then, Ja. See you later s-sempai-tachi.~!" Said Sakuno who was already being dragged by Tomoka who was mumbling about 'So lucky' 'Talk later' 'We'll be late' and such.
"Nya, well there's no trouble anymore." Said Eiji while leaving making the others do so.
"Why?" Said kawamura whose racket was taken by Oishi saying 'It's better this way Taka-san.'
"Nya, I know that Ochibi will listen to Sakuno-chan and if things go well for them, Ochibi might forget rallying with me, nyaa~." Said Kikumaru smiling.
"Kikumaru's reasoning is correct at some point but let's just see how it goes later" said Inui.
"Fsssh" Said Kaidoh.
"Are? Nothing else to say Mamushi?" Teased Momo.
"Urasai! Maybe you should be the one to play with Echizen to make that ugly face of yours even more ugly!" Retorded Kaidoh.
"Ah?! Want to go at it?!" Said Momo grabbing Kaidoh's shirt which made Kaidoh do the same.
"Futari domo, yamerunda!" Said Oishi trying to break the two.
"Ahhh~! They won't stop. Hoi, Taka-san" Said Kikumaru grabbing the racket from Oishi and giving it to Kawamura.
The two at the same time looked over to Kawamura and avoided the racket in time.
"Ahh. Taka-san. Stop!" "FSSSSHH!" Both of them running away from Kawamura who was chasing them with a racket.
"Taka-san! Matte! Nya!" Said Kikumaru running towards him.
"Ah! Eiji!" Said Oishi chasing them.
"Minna, let's go. They might cause a ruckus when they reach the halls." Said Tezuka chasing after them also with Fuji and Inui trailing behind.
"Eh? What happened to sempai-tachi? Said a guy with a mono-brow.
"Sooo." Said a tall one and smaller one with a coconut-cut who was just arriving witnessing the scene.
Out of nowhere (near the courts)
"Yare-yare. What a troublesome bunch they are." Said someone smiling.
"Demo, it's very rare to have kids like them these days. Ne, Ryuuzaki-sensei?" Said the principal.
"Ah. They sure are" Said Ryuuzaki-sensei. Leaving the courts smiling because of her yet troublesome but reliable team.
Then their day finally started…
Soo. What do you think? Too much? :P
If I get good reviews. Might as well continue this. J
Ahhhh. My hands hurt~!
Next Chapter: The said Confrontation.