The Uhaul sat at the side of the road, the engine still purring against the rain. Both of the occupants where getting out, the doors left open as they went to stare at the rocks they had nearly missed.

Jane put his hands to his face, trying to make his voice heard over the starting to settle rocks, "Maggots! Sound off if you're still alive over there!" He waited a bit before calling back again. "Don't tell me you're all stuck under these rocks! I'll dig you out, but you all owe me!" Soldier fell to his knees and began throwing rocks out of his path.

"Pardner, that's not going to get yeh far." Engie put his ungloved hand on Sollies shoulder. Rain was raining down Soldiers face as they stared at each other for a moment before something got their attention.

Soldier jumped to his feet and ran to the guard rail that over looked the cliff face. "AYE!" Came Sniper's voice as he shouted up to them, "We're stuck down 'ere!"

"What do you think you're doing down there you Marsupial loving Aussie? We're off schedule by five minutes without you driving off the freaking cliff!" Soldier's face was turning a deep red as he continued, clutching the guard rail so he wouldn't fall over while he looked down. "Do you know what will happen if we're late to another match? The Admin's going to be cross with us, cut our pay, something! She's already been telling us we can't listen to each other! And why would that be? Because you can't seem to listen to INSTRUCTION!"

"'Fore you go on another rant, let me talk to Engie!"

Engie showed up next to Sollie as he began just steaming. "Whatcha doing down there stretch?"

Sniper stayed quiet for a second, "Do I even have to answer that?!"

"Just messing with yah! Promise! You all okay down there?"

"Yeah, just a bunch of glass, doc's taking care of us. Yah think you can get us up there some how?"

The Engineer scratched at his neck, glad he'd decided to keep his helmet on during the drive as the rain fell around him. "I could make a teleporter, but I'd have to get down there myself... Not that I want to fall down there. Sorry Stretch, seems you're stuck down there until you either find your way out of there, or we get to base and come back for you guys."

"We'll be on time, while you num-nuts sit down there and die." Soldier snapped a salute before turning away and marching off, "Come along fellow American, we're going to be at the base ASAP!"

Engie shook his head, "Give me a sec." He left the side of the cliff and Sniper was left to shake in the cold as the rain continued to fall around him.

Stuck, stuck with the more rambunctious teammates. In the woods. Heck, if it was just him, he'd probably consider it a vacation. But six other people? They'd better hope that the Admin, or Pauline decided to look for them.

"Look out bellow!" He looked back up in time to watch something hit him in the face. It fell beside him as he tried regaining his footing. A few curses flew as Sniper rubbed his face, the sound of the Uhaul driving off was the last thing he wanted to hear.

They all huddled there in the wreckage as the rain continued. The ground around the van was mud, the tree leaves depositing more water on top the ground as both the down pour and bickering continued.

Now that the van was in a total state of stillness, each member of BLU were becoming more restless than before. Medic was at work shuffling between each merc with pliers, pulling out small pieces of glass that had found their way into each of theirs skin.

"Hey doc that really hurts!" Scout grated as the doctor pulled a piece out of the first knuckle on his left ring finger. Blood slowly rose from from the new hole. "Why don't yah get yer gear instead?" He took back his hand before another shard could become dislodged.

A long sigh escapes the Germans mouth as he tries to force the squirming Bostonian to give him back his hand. "Because, I didn't think ve vould be stranded in the God forbodden forest. Who wants to carry around a 11 kilogram bag vith them every where they went?" The two looked over to Heavy Weapons Guy as he continued cradling his mini gun in his lap.

"What a disaster," spy moaned softly to himself. He was running short on cigarettes already, having been told the next stop was the base itself, he was out of luck before even to restock. Not that it kept him from complaining. He fiddled around inside the glove compartment in case he or someone else who'd leased the van had left any in there. Finding nothing but dust, he curled into a ball and let of a quiet hiss for himself.

Demo was sound asleep, his snoring rivaling the rain drops. The only thing to get everyone's attention was the return of Sniper. "Does Mundy have good news of our situation?" Heavy asked as the Bushman ducked into their only shelter.

"Nah, seems we're stuck down 'ere until either the helmet's come find us, or we find our own way to the base." He repositioned a strap that went across his chest.

"HEY!" Scout jumped up, hitting his head against the seat he'd been sitting in, "How come he get's his weapon?"

"Aye chill mate!" Sniper unstrapped his weapon, revealing it to be his huntsmen, "This beauty is the quietest weapon we've got." He looked back up to the scout who was rubbing the back of his head. "We can't risk being too quiet out 'ere, especially if we want to catch anything to eat tonight."

"Bushman, you're not joking with us right? We're stuck in zhis forest for tonight?" Spy opened and closed his cigarette case reflexively, knowing full well he may need to save the final two sticks for whatever was about to happen.

"Possibly longer. We'll need to setup a camp tonight, get movin in the morning when we can. I don't think waitin' will do us any good."

Spy returned to the shape of a ball as the Mercs began bickering. Scout's voice was loudest, having it tested through the years with his seven brothers. "I was supposed tah call my Ma! What will she think when I'm not there?"

Medic was quite against the idea of even camping, let alone being stuck in the wild. "Ve vill all catch dysentery out here!"

The ruckus awoke the Demoman, who began screaming as both his nightmare and hangover began causing him pain and fear.

This all left the Sniper to try and calm the situation. "Now now everyone! We'll all be alright. HEY!" The demoman threw a punch at him, hitting him square in the chest.

The heavy, who was quiet the entire time, shifted himself until he had gotten out of the rear sliding door of the van. This alone silenced his team mates. "Mein Heavy, vhat are you doing out in the rain?" Medic stuck his head out before reminding himself that it was still raining.

"You are all yelling," began the Heavy, his eyes narrowing at them all. "If we want to survive, we are going to need necessities."

"Oh please," Spy grabbed the bridge of his nose, "You don't really expect our team to get even zhat done, would you."

"Wot are ye talkin' 'bout Spy?" Demo rubbed his head.

"I can't help but believe I am the only one of us who knows we're behind."

"Aye! Just cause RED's ahead in points doesn't mean we can't catch up!" Scout rubbed the back of his neck. It was true, but it didn't hurt any less for admitting it.

"ENOUGH!" Heavy's voice echoed. Whenever the larger merc spoke, it was usually quiet, rarely reaching above a growl. Each of them jumped at the sound. "I am getting wood. One of you will come with me. Sniper, you will hunt for dinner. The rest of you will make the camp."

Scout squeezed out of the van. "I'll go with yah big guy." Heavy nodded and the two walked off.

"I guess I'll be out too then." Sniper put his bow around himself and got up. A hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Do you think I can tag along with you Mundy?" Spy was already out of the van.

"Yeah, sure thing spook."

Leaving Medic, Demo, and Pyro, each stared at the others as the rain filled the emptiness. "Sooooo," Medic let the word last longer than it should have, "Who's going to help me figure out how our camp site vill look like?" Demo rolled back onto his side and began snoring. Still hanging from the ceiling, it wasn't easy to tell if the Pyro was still conscious or not. The German sighed, "I guess I vill make our camp."

Scout took a large breath of air in. Though he was soaked, the earthy smell rain brought always energized him. From his relative vantage point, he scoped the ground in front of him for twigs. His left fist held a few mangled branches while his right hand blocked the rain from reaching his eyes.

Spying a nice looking branch, he lunged at it, snatching it off the ground.

"You've been picking up wet wood Scout." Heavy stated. He took in a deep breath from his nose and moved the old dead willow tree on his shoulder to a more comfortable spot. "Kindling must be dry in order to burn."

"Yeah, yeah, like the flame can't get rid of the bit of water on it." Scout grumbled under his breath as he grabbed a few more sticks.

"Dah, but it will take longer, and may cause more smoke than we need." Heavy grimaced for a minute thinking. "You are the one that works closest to the Pyro?"

Scout gulped. He actually took his time to avoid the Pyro, going as far as possible from them on the battle field. "Uhhh, not really." He coughed out.

The two continued on their trip, picking stray pieces here and there. "But," Heavy grabbed a large multiple ringed stump, "You two are well matched to partner-"

"What are yah, craZY!" The Scout threw his hands up, sticks scattering about. "That thing's scary!"

The rain was finally letting up, the smaller man shivered as the Heavy looked over him. "Little Scout, we do not fear our comrades."

"But this is the human torch you're talking about!" Scout was having a show, exaggerating his speech with arm flails and moving around fast in general. "Have you SEEN the way everything he touches goes up in smoke? Are we even on the same team Heavy?! That... thing is a maniac. A cold blooded killer. Actually, the phrase I was looking for was, PYROMANIAC!" He crossed his arms, glaring up at larger man.

The Heavy only looked down with disappointed eyes. "You are really going to go with that? You go to work with a cowboy who creates machines and his people with wrench, a one eyed man who can barely see after drinking own weightin alcohol, outback man who throw just of his own piss at his enemies. Must I go on?"

"You make us sound like a carnival pal-ly." Scout squeezed out a small smile.

"To tell truth," Heavy Weapons Guy leaned closer to the Scout, like two girls telling gossip in a crowded high school. "I wouldn't have any other way. Have you seen other groups? I can't trust anyone who wouldn't admit to being a bit crazy, would you?"

The Bostonian scuffed his shoe on the ground, "Yeah, I guess yah right there."

Heavy laughed, smacking his large hand on the others back. "Come! We must get back in time to set up fire."

AN: Like I said before, these chapters are very sporadic. I have had trouble focussing/gaining inspiration to write/etc. However, the large gap between the first and second chapter was so long, I feel a bit ashamed. A little over half of the chapter was actually written out at least a week or two after the first chapter, I just couldn't find what to tack on at the end to meet my minimum of 2000 words a chapter.

Other than that, I'm going to make a very light promise of keeping this up to date every month. I can't wait to get a crack at some Snipe and Spoy dialog.