Dustchu: Hello all :) and welcome back to Trail of the Damned.

I just want to say thank you all for your support, your patience, your awesome reviews and just for being there with me. I know I suck at keeping up with updating but, I lazy and suck as a person ;-;

So… I bring to you, the conclusion to Trial of the Damned… so prepare yourself for the longest shit I have ever written for a chapter… and I AIN'T STOPPING YET!


"If you have the will, and determination, you can do anything."

Location: Umbrella labs beneath the city

Time before detonation: 2 hour and 59 minutes

Point of View: Dustin

"Ooooo sweet jumping baby Jesus what have I stumbled in on." I thought as I gazed in the armory, a bit of drool leaving my mouth. I was at awe.

The armory hadn't been cleaned out, thankfully. I saw a good assortment of weapons lying around and all looked just perfect, but at best I can carry two handguns and an assault rifle maybe, if I wanted one that is, I wouldn't know how my shoulder could handle the recoil of automatic fire.

Looking around I spotted a rack of handguns ranging from Berettas to Smith and Wesson's, even a couple of revolvers and that monster of a pistol the Deagle.

But two pistols caught my eye, a Jericho 942 F and an H&K USP Match with a silver barrel. "Ooo pretty~" I sung as I walked over and plucked them out, they felt somewhat heavy but I was used to it. I found the holsters for them and discarded my own as they were starting to show tear, I don't need it falling apart when I needed it most. I put the other holster on and felt how heavy the pistols were. "Not too bad, alright, now a primary." I told myself, looking through the shelves for a good primary weapon.

Looking around I potted Sig Sauer rifles, Colt M4s, and what looked like a grenade launcher. I chuckled to myself, reminded me of Ellis from L4D2. It looked good to have, but I would not be able to handle it, my body's frail enough as it is, so I continued looking.

I was about to give up and go for an M4 when I spotted one of my favorite assault rifles in existence, the L85A1. "Sweet business!" I went over and grabbed it and feeling how heavy it was, saw that it weighed almost the same as the shotgun but with two more pounds to it. The clip was empty so I grabbed some full ones and stuffed them in my pocket, about seven. The added ammo made me feel slower, I hated being so weak. If I knew I was headed for fucking Raccoon city I would have worked out, something I don't really do.

Walking out towards the door, I spotted some grenades and figured why not and grabbed two of them, they looked dangerous, but then again I am handling Explosives. Shoving them in my pocket I continued outside, ready for battle once more.

Opening the door I stepped out and began looking for the key needed to unlock one of the doors, and the code which I hoped I would find soon.

Most of the doors in this hall were all heavy steel and locked sadly, no telling what was behind them though, and I didn't want to know either.

While I walked I took the time to reflect on what happened to me while I've been here. I've killed some zombies, don't know how many though but I knew it was quite a few. I've killed actual human beings and, well, it didn't bother me. I've almost been killed like five times, or six. I drove for once, and I fought against nemesis. I met my hero Red and Pika, I've seen Pokémon, I've seen Pokémon Eggs that look freaking familiar, and I'm about to die unless I find those damn keys and the code. "Swell, just swell."

I do wonder what else will happen?

Location: lab 34, near Dustin's location.

Point of View: Unknown

"Almost got it… there! Finished at long last!" I yelled in triumph.

I had been working on the final strands of the BTV for several hours now, and those damned assistants of mine did not make it easy for me with their leaving the facility. "Fools!"

I managed to get it done without their help, I don't need anyone except my precious BTV. I hugged the capsule close to me as I loaded up the rest of it and the prototype I started into a case to protect it from harm, no one will take this from me!

Location: back with Dustin

Point of View: First

I sighed, I was hating this to the max. I just started climbing some stairs and was headed up to another level, and I was feeling weird. Normally I'm optimistic like 24/7, I never lose faith and I always push past the bad things that happen… but now, I was starting to think that finding those keys along with the code was going to be pointless. "Why the hell am I thinking that?" I asked myself, I've been acting weird ever since I came to this damn city, I've been feeling weird to, like I'm sick.

My thoughts were cut short as I heard laughing, maniacal laughing. I held my gun high and looked down a corridor and saw an Umbrella Employee carrying a case, a big case. His lab coat was stained with blood and his hair was disheveled, he was slightly twitching and held a MP5 in his right hand.

"Who the hell is that?" I wondered as I stepped out and pointed my gun at him, I slowly made my way over to him and cocked my gun, forcing him to turn around. His face was insane looking, his eyes were wide open and crazy looking, and his mouth was contorted into a wicked smile. On his coat was a lab ID that identified him as one Dr. Richard Malcolm.

"Hello there my little test subject!" he yelled before charging at me, gun raised.

"Well fuck!" I tried to open up on him but my gun jammed, at all times now's the time. I turned around and started running like hell!

"Where are you going? I just want to ask you some questions!" he growled, chasing me down the halls.

"Shit! This guy's nuts!" I kept running and turned left where I spotted two zombies, both of them lab workers and hungry for flesh. I held my rifle in one hand and grabbed my Jericho with my other and shot them both, the sweet sound of the bullets hitting their mark made me grin. I jumped over their bodies and kept running as Richard stumbled over them but managed to keep running.

I kept feeling the weird feeling over and over and it was pissing me off, it felt like something, like I was sick. I was about to try and shoot the guy but he beat me to the punch, shooting off his MP5 in my direction and grazing my side and causing me to stumble till I tripped on a conveniently placed arm and headed straight down some stairs, lucky me. I swear I hit every damn step on the way down, and every one hurt like a bitch!

Once I stopped my little tumbling spree I managed to get back up but not before I got tackled by Richard, we fought and ended up tumbling down some more stairs as his case ended up flying.

"NOOOO!" He screamed, reaching for it as I pistol whipped him in the face, he yelped and let go of me as I hit the case causing it to break open for whatever reason making the contents spill out.

I rubbed my head and saw that the contents were black/purple vials of fluid, and another was a familiar glowing Orange/Black color. My eyes locked on it as I felt an unfamiliar fear start to show itself, I started shaking as I stood up to the best of my abilities.

"I would suggest moving Dustin." A voice told me, I agreed and started running.

"Where the hell have you been!" I asked him, hearing Richard gather up his stuff and begin running after me again. "I haven't heard from you in forever!"

"I have been… busy." He replied in an odd tone, like he was feeling… remorse?

I scoffed as I dodged a zombie hand. "Busy? With what, laundry?!"

He scoffed in return, "While I sadly live inside your pathetic body I still have things that need doing Dustin, like keeping your, again pathetic body Functioning!"

"Well you're not doing a good job of it buddy." I told him, dashing past another zombie that tried to grab me. "I've been feeling weird ever since I woke up in the sewers after that whole 'being inside of me' thing where it turns out, you're a fucking Latios… Tidus." I said, rolling the name around my head.

"So you still remember?" he asked, some fear in his voice. Why was he scared? "What happened in your inner self?"

"Course I do, but when I was, what stabbed? I couldn't hear much of what was going on, but now I know ya'll are all hiding something, and I'm going to find out one way or another… I don't like being kept in the dark, Tidus." I told him, the more I said his name the more it felt like I knew it aside from FFX.

"…" he said nothing as I kept running, hoping to avoid Richard and possibly lose him.

Richard had caught up surprisingly and once he did he opened up with his gun again, nearly hitting me instead of the zombie next to me. Damn this guy is not letting up, I can't get a shot off!

I ran down another corridor and near the end I saw Alan, he was looking through some of the door. "ALAN RUN FOR IT!" I screamed to him, waving my arms.

He looked over at me and once he did he started running, Richard had started to open fire again. I ducked past the bullets seeing them hit the walls and the floor in front of me, I'm surprised he wasn't hitting me. Luck perhaps?

I managed to knock over a plant and that actually tripped his dumbass, he fell forward onto his face losing his gun and his case as I disappeared around the corner, and right into Alan. "What the hell man?" He asked in a harsh whisper, pulling out his Glock. "Who the hell was that?"

"Some crazy doctor guy, name's Richard Malcolm," I told him, followed by asking, "ya know him?"

Alan shook his head, "Not really, we met briefly during our work but I don't know anything about him other then… he works in lab 0, the one we're looking for!" He exclaimed, his eyes wide.

"We have to get him to either open the door or get the keys from him, any ideas?" I asked him, contemplating what to do.

"We can try and get the keys from him if he has them, which he might not mind you." Alan suggested, peeking out from behind the corner at Richard. Richard was twitching as he walked around, his gun hand shaking as he searched for the two.

"Okay then," I said, handing him my L85A1 as I held my Jericho in my right. I prepared myself to take him down so we can get the keys, if he had them. Looking peeking out of cover I looked around his body for a good place to shoot, I could go for his legs as that seems to be the best bet. Taking aim as he turned around, I aimed just above the back of his knee. Just as I did I started feeling weird again, my finger hovered just above the trigger and without thinking I pulled it.

Richard fell to the floor with a yell as he dropped his case and gun, his leg spurting blood and quickly pooling on the floor. I could smell the iron from here, gross.

Walking over to him I trained my gun on him and kept it pointed as I grabbed the MP5, it felt light as a feather, and I would use it but I hate MP5's. Looking down at Richard as Alan came over I asked. "Where are the keys to the lab you work in?" Before he answered I added, "and you best tell me now because I AM NOT PLAYING AROUND!" My tone and voice was angry, I was angry and pissed off right now. I want the hell out of this city.

Richard laughed, his eyes locked on mine. "You want to go down there huh? What for? The BTV?"

I rose an eyebrow, "Maybe, maybe not. Why do you ask?"

He looked over at the case, it was opened again and the vials of BTV were visible, he smirked. "It's right there~"

I looked over at the case, those did not look like the T-Virus. I knew something was off about them! "Destroy them, isn't that why we came down here?" Tidus asked me.

"Yes it is, but something seems of, this is a little too easy if you ask me." I started looking around, my eyes scanning everything as I felt my heartbeat quicken its pace. "Something isn't right here Tidus, can't you tell? This is way too easy."

"Maybe you just got lucky, we can get this done a lot faster and get the hell out of here." he told me, trying to reassure me.

It didn't work, "Seriously, you don't feel something wrong here? He has the BTV with him! Isn't that a little convenient? " I questioned him further, holding my gun tight.

Richard giggled madly as blood gushed out of his leg. "You think just by getting rid of that it's the end huh?" He kept glancing around."This, will spread! It will consume the world!" he then looked back to me. "If you think by getting rid of the BTV you'll save everyone, you're wro-" he didn't finish as I pulled the trigger, blowing half of the top of his skull off. He flopped to the floor as blood started gushing out of his skull and creating a puddle, his eyes lifeless as they stared at the wall.

Alan looked at me, shocked at what I did. "Dustin, what the hell!"

I didn't answer as I walked over to the BTV and put the fallen containers back into the case, I locked it and picked it up before walking away from Alan and the body of the now dead Richard. Alan followed, after giving Richard a few glances.

We walked, not saying a word to one another. I could fee Alan boring his eyes into my back, he probably didn't approve of the way I handled Richard. Stopping, I turned around. "Do you have something to say?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

Alan sighed, crossing his arms. "Why did you shoot him?" he simply asked.

"Cause he was pissing me off, and he was responsible for working on the BTV… what more do you need?" I don't know why but I sounded different, like… this wasn't me.

"And that justifies killing him?" Alan asked me, his tone was bewilderment. "We could hav-"

I cut him off there. "Could have what Alan!? Carried his ass out of here?" I demanded, I was starting to lose my temper, which was somewhat hard to do. "He along with you I might add, are the ones responsible for the death of a hundred thousand people!" I yelled, feeling my anger growing. "You are the ones who will be responsible for the death of the whole fucking world! And if this gets out, the whole damn universe!"

Alan took a step back, guess I scared him a little. "Do you think I'm proud of what I did here? I'm not! I hated every minute! I wanted out, but I didn't leave. Because the last guy who left without telling anybody, he ended up being one of Umbrella's little experiments." He looked away, down the halls. "I was scared, so I stayed here despite my hate for this damn place. Me and Richard's death wouldn't have made any difference to them, not in the slightest." He turned back to me, his eyes glaring at me. "We are just their pawns, they would have continued regardless!" he yelled back at me.

I turned around and began walking away, "Are you coming or not?" I asked him, my distaste of this place growing.

He scoffed before following me, his hand fiddling with my L85A1.

We walked until I felt the halls get hotter and hotter, I knew where I was headed. The room filled with magma, I was planning on throwing this container into it. That will destroy it completely, after this we all get the hell out.

Location: Back with Green

Pov: Third

"I hope he wakes up." Green thought, watching Red's sleeping form. Pika sat beside her doing the same. Green was worried about Red, she knew that the Anti-Virus could help, but she didn't know if they were too late or not. She prayed they got him the cure in time, "Pika, what are we going to do after this?"

Pika shrugged, keeping his eyes on his trainer's body.

Little did the two know, something was about to make an appearance. Standing outside the room, was Dr. Hursh. He stood just outside the door contemplating things, he hadn't gone in yet because he was planning on what he should do should the human he was after was in here, he had to make sure to capture hi alive if possible.

Walking closer, he raised his hand and gripped the handle and turned it.

Green and Pika heard the door open and figured either Dustin Alan or Blue had come back, Green getting up walked over and asked, "Have you guys fou-" she was cut off as a hand shot out and grabbed her by the neck, she found herself lifted off the ground and found her air way cut off. In front of her stood the man who was known as the leech! "You!" She choked out, she clawed against his hand but it proved futile as he was too strong.

Pika whipped around and unleashed a thunderbolt intent of helping Green, but as the thunderbolt neared him he thrust Green in front of him like a shield. The Electricity coursed through her and caused her to yell out in pain, Pika was pissed now, using his own friend s a shield?! With blinding speed he charged at Dr. Hursh and readied an Iron tail, suing his agility to try and confuse him he swiped as his legs, only to find himself kicked hard in the stomach and flying back towards the wall.

"Pika!" Green choked, trying to fight against Hursh.

He tightened his grip on her neck and surprisingly, he spoke, "Where… is… Dustin?"

Green's eyes went wide, Dustin? What did he want with him?! Before she could ask she fell as Hursh was sent sprawling to floor, she looked up and saw Red! "Red!" she exclaimed, shooting up and embracing him.

Red returned it as he looked over at Hursh's unmoving form, soon the two teens let go of one another and Red jogged over to Pika. Pika was just now getting up as Red picked him up and cradled him in his arms as he walked over to Green, she embraced him once more. "Arceus, I thought you were done for!" she cried.

Red brought his arm up and put it around her and pulled her close, both closed their eyes and enjoyed the contact.

Next to them, Hursh was getting up slowly, and nether of the two knew it.

Red and Green pulled away as Hursh stood up behind Green, Red saw him but he looked different, his skin was bulging and his eyes started to glow a more ominous red, and for the first time in years Red spoke… sadly, Green was hoping for something besides… "Run!"

Location: With Blue

Point of View: Third

"Damn, is it hot or is it just me?" he asked no one as he walked through the halls back to Red and Green. The halls he walked through were starting to get hotter, and it felt like an oven in here. He grabbed the cuff of his shirt and tugged on it a couple of times to try and relieve the heat but it didn't help that much.

"I wonder how Red is doing." He pondered silently, he hoped with every fiber of his being he would be alright. Granted the two didn't get along all that well most of the time but they're still friends.

AAs he walked he heard running footsteps coming from behind him, looking back he spotted Red, Green and Pika. Pika was in Red's arms as the sprinted up to him, and before he could ask Green yelled, "RUN!"

He didn't hesitate to and followed as Red shot pat him with Green in tow.

"Why are we running!" Blue questioned, pulling out his pistol.

"No time, just run!" Green replied, not turning back to look.

Location: With Dustin and Alan

Pov: Third

"Did you hear that?" Alan asked, cocking the Rifle he had. He swore he heard someone yell something.

"Yeah… I did." Dustin replied, holding the handle of the MP5 a little too tight, "doesn't sound good."

Before either of them could do anything a loud crashing sound came from behind them, the two whipped around… and loe and behold, there was something Dustin was not expecting… in the slightest.

Standing there behind them, holding his trademark chain-gun and rocket launcher, was none other than… "Nemesis." Dustin breathed out, a sudden pang of fear he had not felt in a while snuck up on him as he started to shake slightly.

"What the fuck is that?" Alan asked, backing up slightly as he trained his gun on the creature that was once human.

"Something that warrants this action, GTFO BITCH!" Dustin piped up as he bolted and started running, Alan followed mere seconds later.

Location: Magma chamber

Pov: Third

Time: 1 hour before Raccoon City is bombed

The Magma Chamber, the heart of the Raccoon Facility, the magma flows through and powers the facility day in and day out, none stop.

It is also the place where a certain cop had just finished up with a Tyrant.

Leon S Kennedy fired shot after shot from his gun, all hitting the head of the tyrant and confusing and disorienting until it stumbled onto the railing and fell into the magma, its bellows of pain from the intense heat echoed throughout the chamber as Leon looked over the railing before breathing a sigh of relief.

"That takes care of that," he voiced, relief in his voice after finally killing the beast.

He turned around and faced his partner, a girl he had just met named Ada Wong who saved him from a Licker he encountered when he arrived in the labs. "Nice job."

He smirked in reply, "Thanks, now will you tell me what the hell is going on here?"

She was about to answer but several gun shots as well as thudding sounds and wailing, this prompted both survivors to pull out their guns, Leon and his M1911 and Ada and her Beretta. Both listened to the sounds and feeling of dread that hit them like a ton of bricks, what was that?

Suddenly, down the catwalks two of the giant doors alarm had started to blare, someone was coming.

The doors opened and out of one came two people, one had a case in his hand and both carried rifles. Out of the other door came three teens dressed in street clothes and wielding pistols, behind them was a shirtless man with glowing orange eyes.

Leon held his pistol and was about to question why they were here when he saw him, stampeding in from behind the two coming from his left was Nemesis! "Damn!" Leon exclaimed, taking aim and firing.

Dustin saw Leon and needless to say he was relived, but when he spotted the bullets coming at him he instinctively ducked, the bullets whizzed over his head and impacted right into Nemesis's side, leaving not so much as a dent in the monster.

Alan spotted Red Blue and Green coming from the other side, "Look! Its Red!"

Dustin spotted them, Red made it after all, "Yeah!" he exclaimed, his mouth curved upwards and his eyes set in a determined expression.

With Red, he spotted Dustin and a corner of his mouth curved up a bit, "Looks like he's alright." Red thought as he pulled out his Barrett Rifle and flipped the safety off, he then reached up and turned his hat backwards.

Green and Blue smirked, shit was about to get real now. They readied themselves, checking their guns as they ran.

Dustin spotted Ada Wong and he was surprised, but nonetheless pleased. He skidded to a halt next to Leon and flashed a smile, "Sup!"

"Who the hell are you?" Leon asked, his eyes locked the Nemesis.

Dustin shook his head, "Name's later, fight now." he aimed his gun at Nemesis as he kept a firm grip on the case.

Alan stood beside him, checking the L85A1 and aiming it at Nemesis.

Red Blue Pika and Green came to a stop next to the group, everyone's guns aimed either at Nemesis or Hursh.

Nemesis stopped moving, and stood as still as a rock. His eye staring at the group as a list of his targets flashed through his mind. Leon was a top priority target, Dustin was a Minor target. He raised his Chain-Gun and Rocket-Launcher, and with a guttural roar he bellowed, "Leon! Dustin!"

Dustin trembled, Nemesis knew his name?!

"I am as surprised as you are." Tidus piped up.

Hursh stood still as well, his orange eyes taking on a demonic glow as they scanned everyone. He cracked his knuckles, his mouth opening and showing a row of razor sharp teeth that weren't present before.

Tensions were high as everyone tried to keep their trigger fingers steady, wondering who was going to make the first move.

Dustin's hands trembled as he stared down the beast in front of him, his gun's loose parts making a slight shaking noise.

Alan was the same, he trained his sights on Nemesis and his finger grazing the trigger and beads of sweat running down his brow. The gun was visibly shaking in his hands, "What's the plan here guys," the former Scientist questioned, "we're stuck between a rock and a hard place here."

The Black Hat wearing teen grit his teeth, he came here to get rid of the case, toss it into the magma below. Glancing left, and arching his back he tossed the case towards the magma, but imagine his luck when it bounced off the railing. "Fuck."

Then the bullets started flying.

Location: Magma Chamber, Viewing Platform

Pov: Third

Time before Explosion: 55 Minutes

"Isn't that the Cop?" A tall man decked out in jet black armor questioned, his lenses to his helmet were blue and lightly hummed. In his hands he held a Juggernaut shotgun, an automatic 12 gauge monstrosity. His name was Beltway, Demo.

"Looks like him," a Brown haired woman confirmed, her mask was light blue and see through so you can see her eyes, her name was Lupo and she was the team leader of Wolf Pack, "but who are the others with him, and why is Nemesis here?"

A man next to her wielding a precision rifle peered through the scope, he wore no helmet but he did have long goggles with blue lenses, "One of them has one of the creatures that attacked us," he spoke, his voice indicating him as Russian, "several of our targets are down there." His name was Spectre, Recon

A hooded man standing next to Spectre named Vector was looking around area below, and once he spotted the case he said, "Look, isn't that the BTV case?"

The one woman not wearing a full face mask peered over to the platform and her name was Four eyes, a Viral Specialist, "Looks like it, but what are they doing with it?"

"Better yet," Bertha, the team medic started, "how do they even know of its existence?"

"We should kill them, and get out of this damned city!" Beltway suggested, flipping the safety off his shotgun and preparing to move, but he was stopped when Lupo held out her hand, "what?"

"This is command, your orders have been changed Delta. Observe the fight and do not engage under any circumstances, confirm." a voice ordered them through their earpieces, his voice sounded strained but Lupo didn't question it. After their failure at the Umbrella Facility she wasn't surprised he sounded that way, the admins were probably breathing down his neck.

"Command this is Lupo, confirmed." She replied, "all right wolfpack, get comfy cause we're going to be here for a while."

Beltway was obviously pissed, but Spectre and Vector did as she said, Four-Eyes kept her eyes on the BOW's below while Bertha stood antsy. Lupo crossed her arms and watched, awaiting further orders from command.

Back down below, shots fired.

Both Hursh and Nemesis attacked the group of survivors, between Nemesis Chaingun fire and Hursh's sudden speed it was too much and they all had to split up if they had any hope of surviving.

Dustin Alan Ada and Blue split left while Green Red and Leon split right, each of them firing their guns at both of the undead monstrosities, and not doing much.

The bullets from both handguns and assault rifles, along with Pika's Thundershock didn't do much to slow down the massive creature and former doctor, or even hurt them.

Nemesis growled in anger as the bullets penetrated his leather armor and burrow into his mutated frame, but none were hitting any fatal areas. His skin was too tough, and he wasn't going to be felled by mere bullets.

Hursh was, surprisingly dodging the bullets, his movements a blur and his speed superhuman as he maneuvered his way over to Leon Green and Red. His eyes glow intensified as he swiped his hand at Leon.

Leon barely managed to roll out of the way to his left, when he recovered he raised his pistol and aiming at Hursh's skull he fired two shots, both flew through the air and hitting their mark caused Hursh's head to snap violently to the right as he let out a grunt.

The Rookie Cop quickly got up onto his feet and fired three more shots into Hursh's temple, blood spattering out and covering the front of Leon's chest armor, some small blood droplets hit his face as well.

Green had her revolver out and had it aimed at Hursh, Red and his rifle aiming at the doctor as well.

He looked to be down and out, but they were mistaken as Hursh shot up and bringing his leg up he swung his leg in a wide arch and kicked the three, sending them sprawling to the ground.

The Legendary Pokémon Trainer lost his rifle as it slid out of his grasp and ended up under some boxes, he growled as he pulled out a pistol he had in his jacket and aimed it at Hursh before firing off several shots.

Green had been knocked back into a stack of crates situated near a door, her revolver flying out of her hands and off into the magma below.

The Rookie officer fell back but managed to recover by rolling backwards and once he was in a kneeling position he aimed his gun and fired.

As that was going on, Dustin Ada and Alan were facing off against Nemesis. It wasn't going well.

Bullets from the beast impacted the floor in front of them, along with several metallic crates and the tower.

Ada fired her pistol, three shots hitting Nemesis just below the incision mark over his eye. He shot back with a roar before retaliating, he charged towards her causing the platform they were on to shake under the combined weight of them all.

Dustin's thoughts were on the case, he had to destroy it because if he didn't the whole world, maybe even the universe would be in peril.

He charged for it dodging the Massive beast and grabbing the case, he swung it and just as he was about to let go he was grabbed by Hursh, the undead doctor tried to yank the case out of the young man's grasp but Dustin kept an Iron grip on it.

The two fought for it as an alarm sounded, a very loud one that several members of the group knew all too well.

"Self destruct sequence, activated! Facility wide purge will begin in T-Minus ten minutes."

"Oh god." Alan muttered, looking away long enough for Nemesis to smack him, he grunted in pain as he was knocked back.

"LET'S GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Dustin bellowed, feeling a surge of strength he clenched his fist and clocked Hursh in the face surprisingly causing him to stumble back but not before tearing the case open. "FUCK YOU HURSH!" The prototype BTV that was inside flew out and rolled onto the floor, Dustin didn't see that however and chucked the case into the magma below.

He followed up with his punch and heel dropped Hursh in the stomach as everyone started to run, minus Alan who had suffered some injuries thanks to Nemesis. Dustin saw Nemesis was distracted and quickly made his way over to the former Umbrella lab worker and helped him up, Hursh had also gotten up and once he spotted the vial of the BTV he picked it up and fled as fast as he could.

The massive group of survivors quickly made their way out of the magma chamber and down the halls, the undead lab workers and security personal followed, their deadly moans of hunger echoing throughout the empty halls and through the vents of the massive complex.

The group hurriedly ran through the halls, shooting at any undead they came across or blocked their way. But the horde closing in behind them was too many for bullets, they were starting to run out and once that happened… curtains close for our heroes.

They weaved through the halls, flew up stairs and barreled down passages as the time count being ebbed away by the computer voice, "Eight minutes left till facility wide purge."

"To the elevator!" Leon yelled, spotting the massive cargo elevator up ahead but also spotting several undead lab technicians. Aiming his firearm he downed them one by one in quick succession with several well placed shots, "get on, hurry!"

Everyone got on and aimed their weapons at the growing horde of undead before opening fire, different calibers of bullets soared through the air before finding their place in the skulls and blowing a good amount of brains across the walls.

Alan quickly hit the button for the top floor and the gates around the platform closed, cutting off the undead from getting onto the elevator as it started to ascend. Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief as the still growing mob of undead soon faded away.

"Okay guys, looks like we're getting out of this shithole," Dustin breathed, falling back against a small crate, "finally."

"Now where?" Blue asked, checking his pistol.

"Either the collage or the Police department, or city hall, either has a way out of here." The eighteen year old teen explained for what felt like the hundredth time. "I would suggest the Collage, it looks like it's closer than the other two."

The rookie officer inspected the rag tag of kids and one adult who appeared not too long ago, four teens, one of which who looked and acted like the leader, and the Adult who carried a large backpack. Leon was a bit suspicious of Alan, and he saw the Umbrella mark on the bottom of the bag and wondered if he was one of theirs? If so, he could prove to be a threat. But everyone seem to trust him, he would remain wary… for now.

Location: Outside Umbrella Raccoon Facility

Pov: Third

Time before Explosion: 48 Minutes

The moans of the undead were never ceasing and maddening to anyone who listened to them for prolonged periods of time, It was enough to drive anyone crazy after a while.

And yet for this group, it was not enough to break them.

Walking along the outside of the facility of the umbrella facility walked five individuals, It was Kyle and his squad. Maria followed close behind him, Stucky, Mark and Carl held the rear. They were moving slowly due to Carl's injury, he was walking with a rather noticeable limp in his right leg.

"Sir, we've had no contact with HQ since the power grid went down." Carl told his superior, holding his pump shotgun close to his chest, his uniform was badly damaged like everyone else's and he was running out of ammo.

"I know Carl," the leader told him, he had refrained from calling anyone by their rank. They had been through a lot in the past few hours, fighting undead monsters and BOW's, to crazed civilians and umbrella security forces, "I know."

"Sir, contact left." Stucky said, raising his pistol towards the side of a building where he saw several lights come on. He had lost his rifle when they ran through the a warehouse to escape Umbrella soldiers, he had cursed them loudly before dropping his gun.

Everyone reacted, raising their guns at the side of the wall as it suddenly raised up and revealed the symbol of Umbrella, and an Elevator with a large group of people on it. Kyle looked closely and he spotted a familiar face, "that's the kid from before."

"You mean Dustin?" Maria asked, tilted her head as the group started to sprint out of the elevator and towards them.

"RUN AWAY! SHE'S GUNNA BLOW!" Dustin screamed, pushing his legs as fast as they would go as he and the others sprinted away from the elevator.

The squad of Spec-ops Soldiers saw the worried looks on their faces and quickly turned tail and ran away from the area heading into one of the many clogged alleys pock marking the city's interior. Dustin and his group followed closely behind them as the facility behind them imploded, fire shot out of the entrance as plumes of flames exploded out of the top of the massive smokestacks built on top of the underground lab. Bricks and debris rained down from the sky, pelting the undead with embers and charred ceramic stones.

As the now bigger group of survivors came to a stop in one of the empty and conveniently blocked off streets they all rested, the ones who were underground breathing in the fresh cold air of the city and letting the wind wash over them like a wave.

"God I'm glad to be out of that hell." The leader of the teens, Dustin groaned as he fell to his knees. "I just want to fucking sleep right now."

"We can't rest yet," Leon told him, putting a hand on his shoulder, "we got a long way to go before that."

Dustin murmured several curse words as the rookie officer walked up to the spec-ops, "Officer Leon S Kennedy," he greeted holding out his hand to the Sergeant, "pleased to meet you."

"Sergeant Kyle Baker," he returned the gesture with a firm handshake, "United States marine corps."

The group took the time to rest in the street as both sides were blocked off by thick barricades and vehicles, the windows were all but barred and doors the same, save for one leading into a warehouse. The road was littered with trash and piles of random junk set ablaze from riots.

Green sat beside Red and Blue, the three talking for the first time in six years since Red stopped speaking to anyone. They kept their voices low so they wouldn't disturb anyone, they talked mainly about personal things.

Alan clutched the bag he held in his hands as he sat beside Dustin, the latter clutching his head and his eyes clenched shut. "What do you mean, the BTV wasn't destroyed?"

"I mean, your pal Hursh snagged the vial as it was torn open. Meaning possibly the most dangerous virus is now in the hands of a zombie, who knows what he's going to do with it." Tidus told him, sighing heavily, "he must be long gone now, or maybe he was killed when the facility exploded."

"I would hope so…" Dustin moaned silently, "Tidus… I want out of here so much… I want to cry right now."

"We're going to get out of here, only a little longer… just hang in there." The Latios reassured him, giving the human a mental pat on the back.

"Dustin... you alright?" the Umbrella lab worker asked, looking down at him through his somewhat cracked glasses.

"Yeah," the teen replied, "just tired."

Some minutes passed before everyone checked their ammo reserves, a little over sixty rounds all together. It wasn't looking good for this group, so they made it a priority to loot any ammo from bodies of dead soldiers they come across. They packed p what they had and started moving, going through the warehouse and out the other side.

They quickly made their way down streets, dodging rogue Umbrella soldiers and undead monsters. They went about using hand weapons to take down most, saving ammunition for when it was actually needed most. Most of the group had pipes or combat knives of some sort. Alan and Dustin, being the only two without knives held onto two thick lead pipes they found in the garbage. Red had Pika and Blue and Green had some knives hidden away on their person.

Far behind the group walked Wolfpack, the Delta team of Umbrella led by Lupo. They followed closely behind the ragtag gathering of survivors with their weapons armed and ready, command had given them orders to follow them and when the time called for it, open fire and kill them all.

The collage wasn't far now, just a mile away now.

"Kill them all!" Someone screamed from one of the buildings, followed by gunfire.

"Shit, get down!" Kyle yelled as he holstered his knife and drew his M4 and returned fire.

Everyone put their handheld weapons away and grabbed their guns before taking cover behind what they could, an overturned car or a news bin. Something to block the oncoming rain of bullets, "who are they?!" Green yelled over the gunfire.

Stucky had taken out his scope and looked into the windows of the building, "Civilians packing some heavy firepower," he told her calmly, "LMG's M4's and shotgun, maybe some sni-" he didn't get to finish as a bullet hit him in between the eyes, his head snapped back violently before his body fell to the ground.

"STUCKY!" Maria screamed, seeing her friend killed so easily caused her to tremble.

"YOU BASTARDS!" Mark bellowed, pulling a grenade off his chest and pulling the pin he tossed it into the building's window, an explosion followed by screams sounded later but it wasn't over yet. Even though a couple may have been killed by the grenade there were plenty of people in the apartment building, on the left side was a store and the right side was a gas station. All filled with angry citizens armed with military grade weaponry and a determination to kill anything that moved, living or not.

"There's too many of them!" Blue yelled, he didn't dare fire back. There was too much gunfire from the other side he couldn't risk exposing himself without getting cut into like Swiss cheese.

"We have to get out of here!" Dustin added as he fired off one round before the gun was shot away from his hand, a stray bullet hit his gun knocking it from his grasp and landing somewhere in the line of fire.

"Guys! We have incoming!" Carl cried, pointing to a pair of lights coming from down the road.

Alan followed his gaze and his face suddenly turned white, it was a tanker truck and behind the wheel… was a damned zombie! "oh god." He muttered in fear as he realized its path. The truck was headed this way, but the broke down cars positions would direct it into the gas station!



"Ah fuck me."

The tanker closed in on the gas station, first it hit the blockade of vehicles producing a loud metallic scraping noise before speeding into the pumps. What happened next, was too fast for anyone to process.

The tanker hit the first pump, causing the metal to spark and ignite a fire which made the tanker catch, and then the second and third pump exploded tanking the truck with it. Soon the fire spread and the whole station exploded, sending massive chunks of concrete and fireballs in every direction. The explosion was enough to knock everyone off their feet, or send them flying along with some of the cars which also caught fire or imploded from the intense heat.

Screams filled the air, along with smoke and the moans of undead closing in.

Location: unknown

Pov: Third

Time before Raccoon City Detonation: 5 Minutes

Fire… death… smoke… moans… undead… explosions… fireballs… wake up.

Coughing and wheezing sounded from under some debris, a thin body coughed up blood before weakly pushing off chunks of flaming wood and concrete. It sat up and looked around with a blurred eyesight, the sight of a burning street and several building filled its eyes as it stood up.

It was Dustin, "Guys?" he choked out from in the smoke, he struggled to keep his stance but it was hard. All of his energy was sapped and he was having trouble breathing, "guys?"

He looked around, and everywhere he looked he saw intense flames and smoke. Along with walking charred bodies of the undead, stumbling into the buildings where the people who killed Stucky were, no doubt feasting on their bodies.

He spotted one body near him and limped over to it, he fell to his knees to get a good look, spotting the cracked lenses of Alan he nudged him, "Alan?" he asked, hoping he was still alive.

Thankfully the Umbrella worker coughed before opening his eyes, "what happened?"

"Gas station went boom boom," Dustin groaned, holding his head, "we need to find everyone and get out of here, now!" he coughed, trying again to stand and finding it extremely difficult to do.

As he tried to stand a body rose up out of the rubble, donning the United States Military uniform and clutching a burned gun in its hands. It turned its head, glancing to the right and spotting Dustin, it growled deeply before limping towards him with a light moan.

The teen sadly did not see him in time and was grabbed, and he had no time to react as the undead soldier sank his teeth into his neck with a guttural roar.

"Ah fuck!" Dustin screamed, suddenly getting a surge of adrenaline and knocking the zombie off. The zombie fell back and hit the ground as Dustin turned around and saw it was Kyle, and figured he must have been killed by the explosion. "Kyle?"

Kyle got back up off the ground and locked his gray eyes with Dustin's brown ones, he moaned in response and started forward. His limping nature suggested his leg was damaged, and possibly broken. His uniform was burned and singed, charred black remnants of a proud military service.

Dustin slowly pulled out his H&K gun, and aimed it at the sergeant before pulling the trigger. The body fell to the ground with a heavy thud as small bits of fire that was on his body started to spread and consume his half charred remains.

The teen then gazed at the wound on his shoulder, blood was slowly seeping out of the bite mark where he was bitten. He frowned before looking back over at Alan, he had closed his eyes again and wasn't moving. Dustin kneeled back down and checked him… no pulse was to be found. He bowed his head as he looked for the pack, seeing it under a piece of wood he went for it, knocking the wood off he opened the bag and checked it, the eggs inside were undamaged still.

He stood up with a now burning pain in his arm, he looked at his watch. "five minutes left…" he muttered, a dark feeling soon crept over him as he started working. He looked into the distance and saw the collage, smoke pillars rose from several parts of it, and he saw a good chunk of the building was gone and replaced with fire.

Fire… nothing but fire and darkness, two conflicting things slowly consuming the city inch by inch… no, it was already consumed.

He started walking, where? He had no idea. He looked all around him and saw nothing but charred bodies and fire, he wondered if Red and the others ran for it minutes earlier? He didn't see them, but then again maybe they were buried.

He had no idea.

The conclusion that he was going to die soon hit him, he was bitten and the only thing that could have saved him was in smoke. The collage if he recalled had something called Daylight, which was the cure to this damned plague. It would have helped him and the others, but now it was gone. Everyone he knew was either gone or dead, or turned.

And he only had five minutes left before the city exploded from the nuke that was no doubt nearing the city remains.

He laughed darkly, a bitter taste was in his mouth as he said, "well… looks like this is the end for me baby." He then wondered about Tidus, was he gone? "Yo, Tidus… you there?"

"…" no response could be heard.

"You left me then?" he asked, chuckling as a shiver ran down his spine. "I don't blame ya, I'm a dead man now."

He must have been walking for a while before he spotted a hotel, not the Apple inn but a different one. He shrugged and went to the front door, it was broken into and blood trails led into one of the darker rooms, down the hall. He paid it no mind as he ascended the steps to the second floor, he spotted some half eaten bodies down the stairs leading into the basement and one hanging off the railing from above.

He held the pack in one hand and his pistol in the other as he arrived at the second floor, he looked left and right, seeing nothing he walked too one of the nearest rooms and opened the door. Inside he smelled the faint aroma of some kind of scented candles, looking at one of the tables revealed said candles, along with half eaten food and roses.

Also on the table, a small box with a rather bland design. He picked it up, opened it and inside was a ring. He guessed someone was going to propose today then this happened. He dropped the box and closed the door and locked it before going over to one of the beds and sitting the bag on it, unzipping it he grabbed the eggs and placed them on the pillows and covered them up so only the tops could be seen.

As he sat on the opposite bed he took off his shirt and tossed it aside before getting up, walking over to the bathroom he opened the door, it swung open with a creak and inside he saw the mirror, a sad pathetic and beaten bloody down person stared back at him. He went inside and looking at the shower he saw two bodies, one male and one female. Both dressed nice and both holding hands, the male held a gun in his hands and they both had holes in their temples. The gun was empty, as evidenced by the slide being held back.

"Went out together eh?" looking back at the mirror he turned the faucet on, lukewarm water came out and he held out his hands, cupping them he got a good bit of water and splashed it on the wound before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around the bite. He spared one last glance at the couple before going to grab the box, he opened it and went back and looked at them.

Kneeling down he gently grabbed the female's hands, she was cold to the touch and her skin was deathly gray. He opened the small box and took out the ring, a small glimmer could be seen reflecting from the light as he put it on her ring finger. He pondered why he did that as he exited the bathroom and walked back to the beds.

He crumbled down onto the bed and sighed heavily, his eyes staring at the ceiling as fire raged outside in to the city, along with the collective moan of the undead and the one stray bullet being fired off from somewhere in the distance told him just how useless this all was.

He slid off the bed, falling to the floor and his eyes locked with the eggs. He wondered what kind of Pokémon they were.

Were they water types?


Maybe Psychic?

"Maybe they're Digimon." He chuckled darkly, his head starting to hurt.

He couldn't think straight and leaned back, letting his arms fall limp as he swallowed a lump in his throat. The virus in his system must be moving fast if its making him feel like this, he pondered it wasn't too long now. Soon he'll turn, become one of the undead and probably destroy the eggs.

Or… maybe he didn't have to turn. He looked at his gun, the Heckler & Koch USP Match with a silver barrel and black handle. He stole it from Umbrella's Armory before it exploded… It reminded him of the pistol from Hot Fuzz that the bad guy used during the car chase near the end of the movie, heh.

He weakly brought the pistol up, and looked at the barrel. He could faintly make out his reflection in the silver, what he thought about doing now brought a sense of darkness to him. All he had to do, was hold the gun to his head, and pull the trigger… simple as that.

He held it to his head.

He would never see his family again.


He would never see his friends again.


He would never get to see his Pokémon teams again.


He would never get to become the very best like no one ever was.


He would never get to live the rest of his life with the one… never have kids, grow old… never see the conclusion to Pokémon, never go to the world of Pokémon and live out his life there… he had wasted his whole life believing that maybe one day… he could live out his life there…

He closed his eyes as a tear fell.


And now… it ends here.


He opened his eyes and he looked at the pistol, the slide was locked back signaling the gun was empty… it was empty… "Its empty…" he smiled, though it was a dry smile. He laughed weakly before throwing the gun towards the window, it smashed through and shower the street below with glass. "Well fuck me." He couldn't even have the decency to kill himself before turning.

His laugh soon turned to silent sobs as he held his knees to his chest, his body trembled as he realized his fate. He would soon turn into one of them…

His watch beeped, he saw it read twenty seconds left. He looked out the window, and saw the sun was rising. "Fire… an appropriate way to end my life I think."

He counted it down, soon he reached the ten mark.










"One." He muttered as his watch beeped several times, he had set it to tell him when the bomb was to go off. He waited… and waited… but no explosion was to be heard or felt. He furrowed his brows as he slowly stood up, he walked over to the crashed window and looked out. The sun rose up over the tall buildings to the west bathing the city in red sunlight, "what?"

He looked below, the undead still walked… and they were all crowding outside the building he was in, no doubt drawn by the window shattering.

The teen skulked back down and went back to his spot by the bed, gun empty, the missile wasn't fired… and now the undead were swarming the building he was inside of… great. He banged his head against the side of the bed, this was just great. He soon heard a pounding at the door, one of the undead must be inside and trying to get inside to feast on his flesh.

Soon the door flew open, and his eyes felt heavy. They closed but not before something grabbed him, and shook him slightly? He slowly opened his eyes, and found a pair of brown eyes looking back. he also could make out the blurry uniform of the RPD, "Kevin?"

"Dude what happened to you?" he asked, it was Kevin, and he was still in the city?

"Too much shit man," he told the officer in reply, "too much shit."

"Well come on," Kevin started, helping Dustin up and adding, "let's get out of he-"

"I'm done, Kevin." Dustin cut him off, "look," he gestured to his wound and the bite mark, "I got bit man… I'm through."

Kevin sat him on the bed and the teen noticed the other Outbreak members were in the room as well, most of them armed with different weapons. Mark still had his pistol but he held a MP5 in his hands, Cindy held a combat knife, Yoko and Alyssa both had small pistols, David had a heavy looking sledge hammer, Jim had a pistol as well and George had a shotgun.

"Why aren't you guys out of this city?" Dustin questioned, feeling sicker than before.

"The helicopter came," George started, "but the Tyrant destroyed it before we could board, so we're stuck here until we can find another means of escape." He then laid his shotgun on the other bed with the eggs and pulled out a small clear vial from his pocket, inside was a dull glowing white fluid.

"Is that… daylight?"

The Doctor nodded, "we managed to make plenty of this for ourselves, and we have a extra one to spare." He told him as he put it into an injector gun he pulled out of his pocket, he placed it against Dustin's arm and pressed the trigger injecting him with the antidote which hopefully would rid him of the virus. "This should do it."

Dustin looked at his arm, seeing the small hole with the antidote went in, he looked back at the doctor and said, "…Thanks doc."

"No problem."

"Okay now that this is done, shouldn't we try and get out of here?" Jim asked, once again fidgeting where he stood.

"Is there any other way out of the city?" Cindy asked the teen on the bed.

"There's the Police station, and city hall." He told her, the antidote Daylight he was injected with moved through his system and he could feel it working. His body felt more energized and he felt less sick.

"The Police station is closer I think," The RPD officer told everyone, looking out the window at the faint outline of his place of work.

"Hey… how did you guys know I was here?" Dustin had to ask them, did they see him go into the building? Or did they follow him?

Yoko walked over to him and pulled out the gun he had previously tried to kill himself with, "we saw this fly out the window, and figured someone must be in here."

"Why'd you throw the gun though?" Alyssa asked him, staring intently at the injured young man.

He looked down, a bit of shame crossing his features, "I was… going to kill myself, before I turned…"

That got most of the group's attention, but they understood why. Any fate is better than that of the undead, who would want to walk around aimlessly, hunting for the living.

"Well, you're okay now right?" Cindy asked, sitting down beside him and helping with his wound, "the daylight should wash away all traces of the virus."


As the group conversed, Dustin couldn't help but wonder why the missile did not hit the city. Was there one to begin with? Did Umbrella decide not to fire on the city, what about the US government. They should know what's going on here by now, if they didn't… then… Nothing was making any sense to him, everything has changed and he was getting more confused the more he stayed in the city.

Soon the group left the building… by roof of course, the street was filled with undead and the only way out was across the rooftops. It was tough but they made it across them and eventually into the street where they proceeded to the police station, Dustin snagged a shirt from the hotel room and put it on before leaving and grabbed the eggs. He was questioned about them, and only gave them a short explanation.

He just wanted out, that was all he desired right now.

They lightly jogged down the street, the outline of the police station growing the closer they got. As well as gunshots, meaning survivors! Hopefully the police officers were still alive, and could help them out. Kevin was eager to get back, eager to see his fellow officers and hopefully figure out a way out of the damn city.

Once they closed in on the station they spotted two officers finishing off several undead with pump shotguns, once they spotted the survivors closing in one of them yelled, "Hey, Kevin is that you?!"

"Yeah!" he yelled back, "and I got some survivors!"

The group closed in and came to a stop, the two officers in front of them both wore their hats and had name tags, the one that yelled was a tall lanky looking man named 'Franklin' and had brown hair and green eyes, the one next to him was a short women with a name tag that read 'Jo' she had long blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

"Come, let's get inside before anymore of those things show up." Franklin told him as he walked over to the door.

"How many?" Kevin asked him.

"At least sixty, most of them civilians. Some of them are the marines, and the rest are what's left of the police station's forces."

"Sixty… out of a hundred thousand… wow." Dustin grimaced, that was depressing.

As they moved inside, they walked through one of the halls and ventured to the main hall where they were greeted with the sight of many survivors. Most keeping their family members together and holding loved ones tight. They all stayed as far away from the doors outside as possible, fear the undead may break in at any given moment.

They also noted the officers, they all moved throughout the station carrying whatever could be found from the armory and keeping an eye outside, most of them on guard and helping the survivors. The soldiers were helping as well, barricading parts of the station with whatever boards and junk they could use. Were they preparing for a siege?

"So here we are… last of the city's survivors all crammed in here." Jo said, gesturing to the massive interior.

"This is what's left?" Cindy asked her, she saw so many people, but it couldn't even be considered a fraction of what the original population number was.

"Yeah… sadly." Franklin replied as he went about helping with everything.

Dustin looked around, sixty out of a hundred thousand… "so many and yet… so few."

Kevin nodded with a frown, it was sad.

The group decided to try and help the best they could, helping with wounds or consoling the survivors from losing their loved ones. It wasn't much but people were grateful for it.

As they helped Dustin noticed one of the civilians in the back wearing a bright red hat, and had a yellow bulge on his shoulder, "Red?" he muttered, he pushed passed some people and once he got closer he saw it was indeed Red! Standing next to him was Blue and Green as well. "Red?"

The trainer turned around, and spotting Dustin he looked mildly shocked yet relived to see him. Green and Blue looked the same, "You're alive!"

"Well, yeah…" he said, thoughts about what he was trying to do before kept hitting him, "what happened to you guys?" Dustin asked the three.

"Once the station exploded we ran for it," Blue told him, "Me Red and Blue, along with Leon and the others ran until we came here."

"Wait, Leon is still alive and the other soldiers?"

"Yeah, we couldn't find Kyle though." Green added.

Dustin turned away for a second, looking at the window before saying, "Kyle's… dead."

"Oh…" The blue eyed trainer Green muttered, looking away.


As the four conversed Kevin had left the other and went into the offices of the station, he was opening up his desk when someone knocked on the door frame, looking up he saw Leon, "Hey Leon."

"Kevin," The rookie officer said, walking into the offices, "how is your group holding up?"

"Pretty good," the RPD officer replied, finally remembering his code he unlocked the desk and opened the drawer, inside was a file and his other firearm. A Deagle 50, he picked it up and checked it before putting it into a holster on his hip, "how about you?"

"I'll be fine once we get out of this damn city," he told him, "I think everyone will be."

"If we can find a way out that is."

"We will… we will."

Back in the main hall Dustin had asked one of the officers if there were any weapons he could snag, after some direction to the armory he went inside and was somewhat displeased at the state of it. Inside were a couple of pistol and about six boxes of ammo, "well shit."

"All of our ammo supplies were wasted on the undead when we were called out to deal with the riots, so we don't have a lot left." An officer told him leaning against the door frame.

"Well this bites." He sighed, looking out the window he spotted several bodies wearing the tale tale uniform of Umbrella, "did you check those bodies outside?"

"No one has been outside for a while, so no."

"Well shit, there might be ammo on them or something." Walking out of the armory he went over to the door, and after telling several officers what he was doing they readied their guns should any stray undead make their way inside.

He breathing in a couple of times then burst through the door, outside it had started to storm and rain was falling down in sheets. He quickly made his way over to the dead USS troops, climbing over the fence and passing a burning cop car. He saw they were shot to hell, their armor was useless but he saw their guns, two MP5's and a M4. He grabbed them and whatever ammo he could find and quickly went back to the station's front door.

He went back inside and laid the guns out on the front desk and claimed the MP5 for himself, he then went into the armory and grabbed the ammo and filled the empty clips, the nine mil bullets fitting into the MP5 clips perfectly and soon he was ready once more. He exited the room and started to walk down the halls, he came to one of the offices and went inside, he was assured the place was cleared out but he wanted to be sure.

He decided to rest in the office, and as he looked around he spotted something on the far wall. A dull glowing object pained a solid gold, curious he walked over to it. Up close he saw it was a sphere of sorts, colored a solid gold color and on the front was the number eight. Then he remembered the riddle the device gave him a while back, "Hurry now time awaits, find the golden piece of eight." Was this what it was talking about?

He reached for it and upon touching it, the orb started to glow slightly from his touch. It then started to levitate much to his surprise and started to spin as straight lines going up and across appeared on it, followed by a light being emitted from them. Soon enough the orb disappeared and a long crystal appeared in its place, it was about the length of a flashlight and as thick as a broom handle.

"Whoa… that is… interesting." He reached for it, once his hand touched it he felt a slight coolness coming from it, as if he just pulled it out of a cooler or plucked it from the snow. He had no idea what it was, but shrugged and pocketed it before sitting down on one of the chairs. He placed the gun on the desk safety off and took off his pack and opened it once more before taking out the red egg. He held it close to his chest and wondered when they were going to hatch, if they were going to at all.

"What are you guys anyway?" he asked, looking down at the small orbs.

The teenager got his answer when the egg shook slightly in his grasp, he gasped slightly when a crack appeared on the top, "uh oh." The egg was hatching, right now?! The egg shook and shook, bits of shell popping off and then it began to glow and shimmer. More cracks appeared and soon enough the egg hatched, the shell pieces falling out of his hands as something warm and much larger than the egg found its way into his hands.

Once the glow vanished he saw what was in his hands, and his eyes widened as he saw what lay against his chest. Colored red/white, two short wings and very small feet and a pointed tail… was the legendary Pokémon, Latias.

"Holy… balls." He exclaimed, he was holding a Latias in his hands, a freaking baby Latias!

The Latias stirred in his arms and opened one of her eyes to look around, once she looked up at Dustin she smiled, "La~" it cooed silently.

Dustin couldn't help by smile back at the small Pokémon, "hey there," he greeted it, bringing up his hand to softly pet her head, "Latias." The small Latias in his arms felt warm to the touch, and he could faintly make out a feathery down like feeling covering her body, "feathers? I thought they would have scales or something like that?"

"La~" she moved into his touch, breathing lightly as he ran his hand over her.

"Whoa, wait… what about the oth-" he started when he saw a blue head poke its head out of the back pack, Crimson red eyes stared back before the Latios floated out of the bag and over to him, it was a baby as well but significantly bigger than its Female counterpart.

The Latias was about the size of a folded up pillow and the Latios was akin to the size of a folded up body pillow. In short, "they are both big ass babies."

"La~" the Latios cooed, timidly flying up to the human and nuzzling him in the arm. The human responded by putting his arm around the creature, "La."

"Well… I never thought my first Pokémon would be two legendaries." Dustin voiced, looking at the two Pokémon he had next to him.

"Hey Dustin where did yo-" someone started but was cut off when they spotted him, Blue had looked for Dustin all over the place and decided to try his luck here, he found him along with two new companions.

"Hey Blue… looky." He said, gesturing to the Pokémon.

"Are... are those… the eon dragons?!" he exclaimed, his face both shock and minor jealousy. Green saw his face when she walked through the hall and hurriedly came over.

When she saw the Eon Dragons she went into the room and said, "Awww, what cuties~" she said, looking the two baby Pokémon over.

"You seem less shocked, Green. Unlike your color counterpart over there," Dustin chuckled as he saw Blue's extremely shocked face, "but for reals though."

"It is really shocking, that those eggs were Eon Dragons… and that bares the question, what was umbrella doing with them?" Green voiced as the Latios floated over to her and nuzzled her, Green responded by giggling lightly.

Dustin smiled, it was nice to see something normal happening, besides all the death and carnage they're surrounded by.

Blue came over and smiled as well, "I wonder why they did have them?"

Dustin looked to the two trainers, "you know… I've always wanted a Pokémon my whole life."

Green giggled lightly, "really?"

Dustin nodded with a genuine smile, "Its… always been my dream to become a Pokémon trainer, and live in your world… but in my world Pokémon was fictional, and it wasn't possible… but now I wonder… will I be able to do what I always dreamed of doing?"

"Maybe," Blue said, "who knows, maybe you'll get transported there next."

Dustin looked down at the two Eon Dragons, "would you two want to be my starter Pokemon?" he asked.

They responded by glomping and nuzzling him, "La~!"

"I'll take that as a yes!"

The three smiled at that, but it was shortly lived as one of the officers barreled into the room and yelled, "We need you! The undead have broken in!"

Looks of pure dread and fear soon replaced the innocent smiles they had not five seconds ago, "Damn it all!" Dustin said as he got up, the two baby Pokémon suddenly looked scared, the Latias hiding behind her blue counterpart as Dustin grabbed his gun and readied it. "Let's go kick some ass!"

"What about the Pokémon?" Green asked, pulling out her revolver and loading some bullets into it.

Dustin turned to them, they both looked terrified and he could feel their fear. He knelt down by them, and put his hands on their heads, "okay guys, I'm not sure if you can understand me… but I need you guys to do exactly what I say… alright?"

They both to his relief nodded, and so he continued, "Okay, something bad is happening right now and I need you two to follow Green here, she'll keep you safe while I help out the station… alright?"

They both looked to Green, and with a timid nod they agreed to his terms.

"Green… can you take care of them for me?"

"Of course," Green nodded, and the two Dragon/psychic types followed Green, "I'll take them with me to Leon, he's on the roof."

"Good, me and Blue will help out in the lobby. Let's move out!"

With that Blue and Dustin along with the other officer ran to the lobby as fast as they could, the sounds of gunfire sounded and they quickened their pace. Once they burst into the lobby, they saw the horde. At least thirty undead were inside, with who knows how many outside the front door trying to break it down.

Dustin and Blue split up, one going left and the other right.

Dustin raised his MP5 and opened up on three, incapacitating one and killing the other two, he shot the downed one before moving up and killing another with a bullet to the head. He followed up and slid over the front desk and rescued a women from being bit by slaying the undead with a good roundhouse kick, causing it to fly over the desk and smash its head on the statue.

The Kanto trainer Blue had found another pistol lying on the floor and was duel wielding them akimbo style, pulling off headshots left and right. He downed one after the other and was significantly lowering the amount inside the station. A loud boom sounded from above followed by the spray of blood, Red had his rifle and was blowing apart the undead, sending entrails across the floor and painting the wall with blood.

Red smirked as Pika Thundershocked many of the undead, sending intense electric currents coursing through their bodies and actually making one's head explode in a shower of gore.

Kevin and his group were faring well, taking care to place their shots in the heads of the undead to effectively kill them. Blood was flying, as well as body parts as the massive group of survivors fought of the undead to the best of their a abilities.

"There's too many-AHHHHHHHHHH!" One of the officers yelled before he was brought down by four undead who tore into his neck and ripped him apart, it wasn't fast for him.

The battle was just starting to look good, until that happened. Along with the windows breaking followed by the roar of something massive coming inside, "what the?"

"TYRANT!" Alyssa screamed from on the second floor, pointing to the second floor window that had burst open, revealing a Tyrant. Donning its black cloak covering a deathly gray body color, dead gray eyes looked around the stations occupants until locking on two in particular.

The civilians looked on in fear, trembling before the sight of this massive behemoth that broke into their safe haven. Many tried to run away, opting for the doors leading into the garage or morgue. Most of them were bit and didn't tell anyone, now they moved deeper into the station sealing their fates.

Dustin Red and Blue opened up on the beast, only to find their bullets bouncing off the bullet proof cloak it wore. "Aim for the head!" Blue yelled, aiming for the shaved dome of the T-Virus infected. Once he fired the bullet not only did some damage but it caused it to stumble back!

The red eyed trainer took aim with his Barrett Rifle, once he got a bead he pulled the trigger and soon a loud explosion sounded followed by some rather aggressive recoil. The bullet found its mark, hitting the Tyrant in the head and making it snap back violently.

Red grinned as a massive hole appeared followed by a death roar, it fell to its knees but not before roaring once more and smashing its massive fist against the front door and causing them to fly open letting in the undead monsters.

"Shit, get to higher ground!" Kevin yelled to everyone, aiming his Deagle and firing at the incoming undead, he saw several red skinned zombies and they were running!

"Crimson Heads!" Dustin yelled, firing at them with his MP5, he shot two in the knees causing them to fall forward tripping the mob behind them. "Kill them!"

"There's too many!" Someone else yelled, firing off a gun.

"Damn it all to hell, we're all gunna die at this rate!" Dustin thought as he ran over to a ladder and quickly ascended it to the second level, he darted over to the Outbreak crew and said, "we need to get out of here, it's not safe anymore!"

"No shit!" The security guard Mark shot another one of the Crimson Heads, putting a good amount of lead into its chest.

"To the roof!" Kevin decided, the cops downstairs were holding them off the best they could but they were quickly overwhelmed and killed, the RPD officer frowned at seeing them killed but moved anyway. He led them across the second floor over to a door leading to the roof, and they ran down the empty halls dodging some stray undead that somehow found their way up there.

They soon arrived outside on the emergency stairwell, outside the streets were filled with the undead… all of them it looked like, there wasn't a clear spot down there. All of the undead in the city had converged on the police station and were pouring in through the broke door, each of them pushing past the other to get inside to feast on human flesh.

"Oh god," Cindy put a hand over her mouth at the horde of undead, there were so many down there, "all of those poor people."

"Come on, let's not stop here." The dark brown eyed teen Dustin said, jogging up the stairs but not before sparing a glance at the ever growing horde below. There were too many even for them to take on, and there wasn't enough ammo. He pondered maybe using the Pokémon to their advantage, but he didn't want to risk using them.

The group made their way up the fire escape and soon they arrived at the rooftop, Green along with two officers were firing at several Crows that had become infected by the T-Virus. The Blue eyed trainer spotted the group of people and yelled, "Guys!"

"The ground floor is lost, everyone's dead!" Yoko told them.

"We can get out over here," An officer by the name of Brian suggested, pointing to another fire escape leading down the opposite one they came up.

"Let's go! We can head to the train yard," Leon told everyone, "The Spec-ops have a chopper waiting there."

Dustin wasn't listening to any of this as he was too busy looking around for the two Pokemon that had just hatched, "Where are the Pokémon?" he asked Green. To the right of his two shimmers in the air told him they were invisible, "interesting… already they can cloak themselves at such a young age?"

They came up to him still cloaked and cooed, "La~"

"Okay guys, we're getting out of here."

The group quickly ran down the fire escape, the undead trailing close behind them as they found a way upstairs. As soon as they hit the streets they followed the rookie Officer Leon past the burning wreckage of vehicles and bodies, sprinting past grasping hands and open maws.

Dustin had told the two eon dragons to stay high above the ground and to stay close, he didn't want to risk them being seen by anything or getting grabbed by undead.

Behind them the horde had completely taken down the station, killing all inside and gaining new members to their ranks. They soon followed after them, the undead slowly stumbling after their pray while their Crimson brethren ran after them. In the skies flew a murder of crows and leaping across the walls were Lickers, all of them chasing the last group of living humans in the city.

The howling moans of the undead was the only thing in the air right now, no gunshots… no blood curdling screams… only constant moaning of undead. Screeches and roars of Lickers, and the cawing of Crows soon followed.

"God I hope we survive this…" Dustin thought grimly as the sun rose into the sky.

Time Skip: one hour

An hour later after running past wreckage and through tight alleyways, and away from the undead they arrived at the train yard. Train cars were sitting on the tracks unused attached to rusting engines, sitting inside of one was a train operator, his face torn off and eyeballs ripped out.

The group had managed to make it there in one piece, though they used up most of their ammo thinning out the undead horde they came across. Up ahead gunshots rang out, followed by yells and small explosions.

"Must be the soldiers," Leon suggested, taking cover by a forklift as he and Kevin along with Mark and the other two officers cleared the way for the civilians.

Jim decided to ask, "How many are here again?"

"At least fifty of them, well armed and fortified within the train yard," Leon explained as he vaulted over a bunch of crates, "I have a radio and I let them know we were coming."

That seemed a good enough answer for the Subway worker.

Dustin's thought drifted as he walked alongside the group, the train yard they were in looked an awful lot like the one he was in when he played one of the Resident Evil games, he forgot which one though. He kept his handgun raised, as his MP5 was emptied and he had to rely on his pistol now.

"Are we finally getting out of here?" David questioned the two police officers who seemed to have taken charge of the group as a whole, he was all for helping but he was skeptical about the train yard.

"Like I said, there's a chopper coming to pick up the remaining soldiers, as well as us if we can get there." Leon explained once more, checking out the route ahead, he could see the wall near the train yard as well as the white uniform of the Spec-ops soldiers, "we're almost there."

Once they passed a large train engine they saw the building, a massive concrete structure for turning the trains around and maintaining them. Occupying it now besides train workers were the highly trained soldiers of the United States Marine Corps, decked out in their white uniforms and wielding heavy weaponry, M4 assault rifles and M3 shotgun, grenade launchers and even some RPG's they were not going to give up this area without a fight.

Leon and the group moved forward, over the blown apart undead bodies of the T-Virus infected. The rookie officer then pulled out a hand held radio and pressed the button, "we're coming up to the front of the train yard's main building, don't fire on us." He spoke into the device.

"Roger, we see you now." Someone on the other side replied, the voice slightly garbled from static.

With that they quickly ran over, the soldiers spotted them and opened up a small gap for them to cross over to. Cindy went first then Yoko, Alyssa and George then the rest, Dustin took up the rear as the two newborn Pokémon flew over secretly. Dustin wondered if the soldiers had heat inferred goggles, if so would they be able to see them? But then he remembered the Heroes movie, the eon dragons in that had no body heat and the two girls needed special glasses to see them.

As soon as everyone was in the safety of the train yard they breathed sighs of relief, finally somewhere they could possibly rest. Leon had left some time after they got there to go speak with the leader of the surviving Spec-ops members, he said something about talking about the chopper and if it could hold everyone.

Everyone had gone about doing their own thing, mainly getting more ammo or helping out around the yard.

Kevin stood on the second floor overlooking the yard below where most of the soldiers were, they were checking their weapons and looking out in the 'killzone' at the bodies. The officer sighed, he hoped that chopper would get here soon. "It has been a long two days… I need a cold beer." He chuckled, right now if the city wasn't in turmoil he probably would have been waking up now after a good nap, get to work and do his beat, then go to J's Bar at the end of the day and challenge the barworkers to a game of darts when he got drunk, he missed that already.

Thinking back at the people he met, he wondered how far he would have made it on his own if not for them. He's always considered himself the lone wolf of the RPD, taking on cases on his own and taking down criminals by himself. He quickly built up a reputation as the jackass of the Raccoon Police Department, he never had a partner until the zombies hit.

He had teamed up with the patrons at the bar, six other people he had come to know. He didn't think he would like them as much as he does now, six random people he didn't even know he told himself he was going to leave them and find a way out of the city… but something in his gut told him to stay with them.

He had fought alongside them, helped them and they helped him right back. Hell they even voted him as the leader of their ragtag little group, it was a lot on his shoulders but he did his best to steer them to safety. Slowly he had come to trust them with his life, hell if he didn't know better he would have thought they were like family.

"Heh… family…" He muttered as he sat down and laid back, his thoughts drifting as he stared into the morning sky.

Down below Cindy was helping out an injured soldier with his leg wound, binding it with gauze she had kept when they were in the hospital. She had pondered becoming a nurse at one point, but she lacked the courage to actually do it so she settled for a job as a waitress at the bar. It was a pretty decent job at first she got good pay and her coworkers were all very nice and helpful, it was also the hangout of the survivors and the people she now called friends, Kevin and Mark, David and Yoko, George and even Alyssa and Jim.

She smiled to herself, she never had any real friends until this virus hit the city. She didn't know if she could trust them at first, but after they saved her on several occasions did she slowly come to trust them. She had proved her usefulness with her skills at mixing herbs and creating useful medicines on the spot.

After finishing up with the leg she stood up and dusted her skirt off before walking over to the loading dock of the train yard, a smile on her face at the thought of her friends.

Sitting in the loading dock was Jim, and in his hands he held a small puzzle book and pencil. He was good at solving puzzles, one of his more useful talents in life. He was never a brave sort, nor courageous and he trembled in fear when the undead attacked. He was about to call it quits when the people in the bar helped him, Cindy helped him stay strong throughout their battle in the city and he was grateful.

If it wasn't for them he probably would have died, or become one of the undead.

Mark was equally thankful for being a part of this group. When he lost his best friend Bob he wanted to give up, and just put a bullet in his brain. He had already gone through one war, and there was no need to go through another one. But after he saw how much they needed him, and after being consoled he stayed.

He sighed heavily as he looked out the window he stood by, "seems when one war ends, another begins."

George and David were both outside on the rooftop, watching the fires from the city continue burning it to ashes.

The doctor was thankful for being a part of this group, he knew he wasn't a fighter or a leader. He was content with who he was. After the fall of Raccoon he thought about holing up at the hospital and waiting for help to come, only after he learned of Umbrella and what they planned on doing did he stay with the bar group.

He didn't know what to think of them at first, just random people thrown together to survive in a city filled with undead monsters and other frightening things. It was thanks to his medical knowledge and resolve was he able to help the group in many ways.

David was a mystery, no one knew he past or even his age. He looked to be in his early thirties but spoke and acted like he was a seasoned war veteran. He had a 'don't fuck with me' face demeanor, but under that he was friendly and not afraid to help out everyone in the bar. And thanks to his skills with a knife he proved to be a useful fighter to the team, and to Yoko her first crush.

Speaking of the girl she stood next to the reporter Alyssa, her hands intertwined together as she thought about what they would do once they escaped the city. If she hadn't met them she surely would have been killed, or worse. She was timid but willing to do what it took to survive.

When the city fell she hid in the bathroom and awaited her death at the hands of the undead outside, it was only cause of David that she's still alive. She liked him for that, and after a while she started to crush on him. She hasn't told him yet though.

Alyssa was jotting down notes in her notebook, this whole thing to her was the story she had been looking for. Undead monsters attacking the city, it was astounding, and so unbelievable. She would win an award or something she figured. But if she wanted out of this city she had to team up with the people from the bar, they weren't so chummy at first, but after a while she grew to like them.

She wondered if they will get out of the city… she sighed "I hope so."

The Kanto Pokémon trainers Red Blue and Green stayed together, standing on the rooftop as well staring out into the city as smoke continued to fill the sky and rain down ash. Once this was all over they decided to go back to Kanto for some much needed rest, but first they had to inform Arceus of what happened, as well as what's to come.

The dark brown eyed teenager Dustin sat on top of a train car, his eyes drifting aimlessly across the landscape as the two Eon Pokémon sat behind him, holding onto one another and staying close to the human.

Thoughts of wither or not he was going back home drifted into his head. He was just a normal teenager in some regard, living a dreary day to day life. Spending most of his time playing video games or eating, or his favorite sleeping the days away or writing some random drabble.

Now he was thrust into a fictional city, forced to fight off zombies with people who shouldn't even exist or be in the city to start with, and protect two newborn creatures from a childhood game of his with a demonic Latios voice in his head, and he had something to do with all of this... It was a ludicrous idea for anyone to believe him assuming he got back, if he got back that is.

"How am I going to explain all of this?" he wondered, leaning back on his elbows.

"La~" The Latias cooed, nuzzling the human in the arm with a cute look in her eyes. She tilted her head at him, as if asking a question. She had become visible once more so he could see her.

He looked down at the amber eyed creature and smiled as he rested his hand on her head, "No clue what you said little one," he said, "but… I'm just wondering… will I go home after this?"

The Pokémon laid her head against his side and cooed softly, answering his question through physical contact.

"I just realized you two don't know anything about me," at this Latios made himself known and perched himself on the other side of Dustin, Dustin sat up and rested his other hand on him, "well… this isn't your world, and it isn't mine… I know that sounds kinda confusing but… that's that truth… your world is, a fantastic place, filled with hundreds of different Pokémon like yourself."

The two perked up, and listened closely as he kept talking.

"Your world is a vast place, with all kinds of different places to see and amazing Pokémon to meet. You're called the Eon Dragon, you're a Latios," he gestured to the blue Pokémon, "and you are a Latias." The to its red counterpart before he looked up into the sky, "your kind hails from a land called Hoenn, its near the Johto and Kanto Regions, Kanto's my favorite region… it's where I began my Pokémon trainer career back on my world, it was a game but I always thought there was something more to it… looks like I was right."

"I never thought… in all my years would I ever see a real life Pokémon… cause technically they're not real… you two shouldn't be real and yet, here you are sitting next to me like a couple of puppies." He laughed lightly with a smile, but then it disappeared as soon as it came… "but…"

"CONTACT!" Someone yelled from below.

Dustin shot up and looked out into the train car area, he saw one of the undead and nearly had a heart attack… he thought there was more than one, he was about to sit back down when another appeared… then another, then four more… "Oh no."

The horde had followed them to the train yard, several explosions from mines went off in the distance taking tanker cars with them and sending fire plumes into the sky. Lickers had climbed up over the train cars and leaped across the area, only to get shot down by snipers and fall to the ground with a new hole in their head.

"Several contacts left and right of the cars, they're converging on our location what's your status Orion!" someone screamed into his radio.

"We're a few miles away from the LZ," a voice replied, "ETA is ten mikes, over."

"WE GOT TEN MINUTES PEOPLE! HOLD EM OFF!" Leon bellowed from the rooftop, going prone and using his sniper rifle to pick off undead, "OPEN UP!"

"Shit's getting real!" The teen told both Lati to fly over to Green as he hopped off the car, he grabbed his MP5 turned the safety off and ran over to the battle.

The Outbreak group had armed up and was on the second floor balcony, they had rifles of some sort and were firing at the undead, taking headshot after headshot and downing undead as fast as they could. With all of the guns they fired over the span of time they spent in the city after it fell they were good shots.

Red was on the third floor, he was saving his bullets for more high value targets such as Lickers or other hard to kill T-Virus infected. He spotted a pack of Lickers making their way over to a blind spot, "getting smart are we?" he pulled the trigger and fired a bullet at a small tank of gasoline, the bullet ignited the gas and doused them in fire, killing them slowly and painfully.

Blue was with the Outbreak crew, firing off a hunting rifle he got from a soldier. It was shoddy but it had a mean kick and a good scope. He smirked as he brought down two crimson heads with one shot.

"Tango down!" a soldier yelled, reloading his rifle.

"More Whiskey Delta incoming from the east!"

"I need more ammo over here!"

"Where are the flamethrowers?!"

Dustin had slid to cover by two Spec-ops he didn't know how much ammo they had but he hoped it was enough, he jumped up out of cover and fired, "drop dead bitch!"

"This is Orion, we're seven mikes… over."

"Copy that Orion," Leon replied, reloading his rifle.

The battle raged on in the train yards, none of the survivors giving up just yet. The undead poured in and the soldiers and survivors took them out, but for every one they killed another ten took its place. Behind this horde stretched thousand undead, all of them hungry and drawn to the fire and smoke from the tanker explosion.

The walls they had built were only temporary until the chopper came, sandbags and wooden planks and a small trench in front with wooden spikes coming up out of them, barbed wire was also thrown about, anything to impede the progress of the zombies.

Leon looked through his scope at the battle below, he was glad they were thinning the number but looking beyond these he saw the true number… and a pang of fear struck his heart like thunder, he gulped lightly. "Claire… where are you?"

The red headed girl he spoke of, she was venturing to the train yard but she was not alone. Beside her ran one Sherry Birkin, daughter of William Birkin. "We're almost there Sherry!" Claire reassured her young partner.

The young girl was breathing heavily and did not respond, she only nodded to the best of her abilities as they ran towards the gunfire.

"We got two contacts coming in from the south!" a Soldier yelled up to Leon, pointing to the two figures running towards the train yards.

"Those are survivors!" The rookie officer yelled back, "Open the gate!"

They did so wordlessly and opened it, Claire and Sherry barreled inside and quickly over to the building where someone had opened the door, once they were inside the soldier closed the door and the two girls ran upstairs.

"Leon!" Dustin screamed to him, once the teen got his attention he said, "we got a tyrant behind the Engines!"

The Red eyed trainer spotted the Tyrant, but it was crouched thus not letting him get a good shot off. "Damn it!"

Claire had made her way to the roof, and when she saw where the Tyrant was she pulled off her back a grenade launcher and aimed it, "hi there~" she said before firing it. The small baseball size projectile flew through the air and landed in between the two engines causing the massive gray skinned beast to stand and look at Claire, sadly it didn't notice the small red dot on its head before it was too late.

A loud boom echoed and the creature's head imploded into a shower a gore, the body soon fell producing a small tremor before pooling black/red blood.

"Good to see you Claire," Leon said, smirking her way.

"Ditto," she winked, "oh, I found Sherry." She said, gesturing to the girl behind her.

"Good," he replied as he fired his rifle again, killing another undead dressed in umbrella garb.

As the fight continued six individuals dressed in pitch black armor watched from another building adjacent to the train yard, it was Wolfpack. They had followed the group from the station to here and had informed command of what happened, they were given orders to kill them all and extract Sherry.

They were still somewhat angry with Umbrella after leaving them in the dark for a full thirty hours, leaving them alone to fight against the hordes from their hideout in the more infected part of the city but agreed to the job anyway.

They moved in, Spectre taking the lead with Lupo at the rear. "Damn you Umbrella… after leaving us and putting my team in danger, you better hope this girl is worth it." They ran across the streets until they came to a back door, no doubt forgotten judging by the lack of any guards inside. Once they converged on the door, they opened it.

Back at the train yard Dustin had run out of ammo for his MP5 and ran back into the building to get more, he made it to the stockpile of ammunition and was about to grab several clips when the door in the back opened, he looked over and upon seeing the blue lenses he dropped his MP5 and quickly grabbed his pistol and fired it.

Spectre just barely dodged the bullet as he rolled into cover, everyone else stayed outside as Dustin took cover.

"So, you guys here for us huh?" he asked them, taking aim and firing at what he thought was Spectre's back only to find it was a box, "well you're not taking us down without a fight!"

"You better drop your gun kid," Beltway warned the teen, "its healthier for ya."

"Fuck you Beltway!" he yelled back, firing again and missing Lupo's figure just barely.

"Someone take this kid out," she ordered.

Victor pulled out a flashbang and tossed it in, Dustin saw it and kicked it back before leaping into another room. An explosion of white and an intense ringing noise soon hit Wolfpack as Dustin ran deeper into the station.

"Shit! Get him!" The leader of Wolfpack yelled as several large explosions went off outside, she grinned as she knew what it was.

Outside the walls exploded and the undead took advantage of it, surging through all the debris and killing the Spec-ops as they fought back. The reason for this, two teams from Umbrella sat on the train cars just out of reach of any snipers as they fired mortars on the area, not only killing several soldiers but opening up the walls and letting the undead in.

"THEY'RE INSIDE!" Alyssa yelled, firing off her gun and trying to kill as many as she could, but it was hopeless! The wall was the only thing keeping them out, now they were getting in!

"Get everyone inside and close the gates!" Kevin yelled, dropping his now empty rifle and going down the stairs, followed closely by Mark and David. They had come so far, and he would be damned before he lost everyone now.

As they fought against the undead Dustin had led Wolfpack deeper into the station, finding himself in a warehouse full of steel crates and cranes. He turned around just as they fired at him, bullets missing him by mere inches as he ducked behind a box.

"You're not going to win you know!" he yelled to them, firing his gun blindly into the darkness.

No answer, he trembled. He didn't exactly think this through, running into a dark warehouse that probably wasn't cleared out, there was probably a bunch of fucking lickers in here for all he knew. He soon got up and ran, taking cover by a stack of steel cargo boxes.

"Ya'll running scared?" he asked, grinning as something clanked near him. He didn't have time to react as an explosion of white hit his senses followed by a ringing. He soon felt something hot hit his stomach and chest and then he fell, he struggled to stand by could only crawl. He made his way over to a box and fired off his gun as his eyesight was taken from him, then the white slowly faded.

He blinked his eyes clear and got a good look at what hit him in the chest, he saw his shirt was covered in blood and it was pooling around his quickly, he also saw a long trail of it going from where he sat over to the box he took cover by... he was shot once more.

He looked up and saw the six members of Wolfpack looking down on him, he laughed bitterly in their faces as Four-eyes questioned, "what's so funny punk?"

"You don't fuc-fucking g-get it do you?" He asked, coughing violently as he spat up blood, "you really think you'll get out of here alive after all you've done? You think Umbrella gives a shit about you?"

"We should go find Sherry, Ma'am." Victor told Lupo, looking around the warehouse they were in, the lights had come on somehow and everything could be seen.

"You th-think Umbrella will let you l-live after this?" He asked once more, "Really think about what y-you've seen… really think about all the monsters you fought, all that shit is c-classified stuff the public will never know a-about." He coughed, clutching his stomach.

As he continued speaking seven USS troops came into the room, armed with M4s and grenades. They surrounded Wolfpack and aimed their guns at Dustin, "Wolfpack, your main objective is on the second floor of this building." One of them said, "go retrieve the subject, and get to the Extraction Point."

"These bitches a-are probably going to kill you once you get h-her to the c-chopper," Dustin added, "y-you k-know too m-much…" he could feel the life seeping out of him, too many times he's had close calls with death. "Umbrella ca-can't be trusted."

"Lupo… we should go." Spectre told his commanding officer, he couldn't help but agree slightly with the dying teen's words though, he had seen and listened in on Umbrella communications and they have seen some stuff that was classified even for them…

"You'll regret k-kidnapping h-her… its n-not too late to become the good guys… you k…know…" his head fell, and his eyes closed…

"He's dead." One of the USS troops said, kicking his body and turning around.

Wolfpack had turned around, and left the body of the deceased teen behind as they proceeded with their mission, but not without doubts as to Umbrella's intentions to kill them after this mission.

As they left the body of Dustin lay, blood pooled around his body from the gunshot wounds he received. His hand clutched the grip of the pistol and his other his stomach.

On the other side of the warehouse room ran in Leon, Claire, Sherry, the Outbreak and the Kanto crew, they had abandoned the topside and ran down below, to grab both ammo and make one last stand on the rooftop. Once they ran further in they saw the blood, moving closer they saw the body of Dustin.

Green gasped as her hand flew to her mouth, "no."

Blue grimaced as Red looked down, Pika looking down as well.

Kevin knelt down to his body ad felt his neck, there was a pulse! But it was faint, and it looked to be too late. "Damn it!" he cursed, standing up and punching a crate.

"Is he?" Green asked, feeling the two Lati above her as they stared down at their 'trainer'

"No, he's still alive but his pulse is barely there." Kevin told her, frowning deeply.

"G-green?" Dustin choked, he was alive.

Green knelled down to him as everyone looked on, "yes?" she asked him, her eyes tearing up slightly.

"T-take c-care of Latios and Latias for me… please."

"O-of course." She choked out, trembling where she knelt.

The two Pokémon made themselves know and flew down to him, "La~!" they cried, watching the only person they had to a father figure slowly die.

"H-hey g-guys… looks like… I won't be able to be your Trainer after… all…" with that he coughed once as blood fell out of his mouth, "get out of this damn city… get…out…." With that, he breathed his last and fell still, his eyes held open and locked on the two small forms of Latias and Latios.

Dustin… was dead…

Green cried softly as the two Eon Dragon's held onto him, not wanting him to leave them. Latias shook him gently then nudged his head, but no response came from him. "La?"

"He's gone." Green told the small Red dragon as tears fell from her eyes, "I'm so sorry."

"We should keep going, honor his wish to get out of this city." Leon said, walking up and closing his eyes. "You did good Dustin, you helped us get this far…" with that everyone silently passed him As Leon laid his body down and placed a tarp over him and left to get more ammo, then go back upstairs.

It was time to get out of this hellhole…

"Orion ETA to LZ, two Mikes… get ready everyone."

The massive group of survivors stood on the rooftop, all of them armed and ready to fight off the Umbrella troops, everyone was dead, it was just them.

Kevin Ryman.

Cindy Lennox.

Mark Wilkins.

George Hamilton.

Jim Chapman.

David King

Alyssa Ashcroft.

Yoko Suzuki.

Leon Scott Kennedy.

Sherry Birkin.

Claire Redfield.




Green, and the Eon Dragons.

All of them were ready, for the final fight before leaving the city.

The Umbrella troops moved in, followed by Wolfpack who had hung back following orders from Lupo.

"We can't really trust Umbrella can we?" Victor finally spoke up after some time, his gun trained slightly on the back of one of the USS troops.

"No, we can't." Lupo said, thought turning back to what the ten said to her.

"its n-not too late to become the good guys…" he had told them…

Was it not too late? Could they just easily turn on the Umbrella troops and redeem themselves after all they've done?

"Awaiting orders, Ma'am." Beltway said, aiming his Juggernaut shotgun at the group of Umbrella troops.

"…kill them."

Back with Leon and the rest they heard the gun fire, they all took cover near the landing zone that was constructed. Several crates were placed around for cover with some sandbags in between, it was a good set up more or less.

As they readied themselves out came Wolfpack, their uniforms stained with the blood of their Umbrella partners they had betrayed. Lupo left one alive so she could question him, but something else caught her interest instead. Spectre told them he hacked into their communications and overheard orders to eliminate Wolfpack once the girl was retrieved, that was all she needed to stab him in the helmet.

Now they walked out into the open, their guns lowered with Lupo at the front. Leon aimed his Sniper Rifle at them, but did not fire yet. The two were at a standstill as Leon asked, "What do you want?!"

"… Umbrella wants us dead!" Lupo yelled back to them, "they were going to kill us as soon as we gave them the girl."

Sherry shivered at the mention of her, why did they want her in the first place?

"And?!" Leon asked, he hopped over the cover he was behind and aimed his pistol instead.

"…We… want to get back at… Umbrella." Spectre said showing a small data drive to him before tossing it over, "that contains some interesting…dirt on…Umbrella."

Leon looked it over, it was a simple Data drive with the logo of Umbrella on it, "how do you know I won't just kill you all and take this for myself?"

"We don't." Bertha said, staring at him through her lenses.

Leon thought for several moments… they could be useful in giving evidence and testimonies if they get out of the city, given their rank in umbrella it would be some valid information and judging from Spectre's gear he might have some useful intel and communicational data from Umbrella command. Leon nodded, "alright, you can come with us… but double cross us-"

"We won't…" Lupo assured him, "but if you think we're trying something funny… feel free to kill us. We're already dead if Umbrella gets to us, anyway."

As the group obtained Wolfpack down below back with Dustin's body, something stirred from the vents. The metallic airways shook slightly and the opening popped off as something small slithered out and hit the floor with a plop, it was the parasite that took over Hursh's body!

However, this one was different. It had an armored hide like before, jet black plates held onto a sticky body, but it was a dull glowing orange instead of purple. And it seemed longer then the purple one, and twice as deadly.

It slithered over to the blue tarp and clicked its mandibles together before going under it, it tasted the blood and quickly went over to the body's neck. It bit into the flesh and ripped open the skin before pushing its way inside and beginning the process of taking over the body. It attached itself to the spine and dug its head into the base of the brain, several small tentacle like objects curled around the spinal cord and dug into the nervous system and then took over, slowly pumping a venomous toxin into the body.

Soon Dustin's body shook slightly as the parasite shocked his heart and forced it to start working, his eyes then shot open. But instead of the dark brown hazel like color, it was replaced with a glowing red color. He growled deeply before throwing the tarp off of himself, he sat up and slowly stood up, his body shaking as it tried to reject the unknown entity.

He twitched violently as the parasite tried to maintain control and take over his body, but the young man's Aura was too strong and instead to the bug's surprise the Aura started to take it over. The Good and Bad Aura moved through his body, ridding it of the toxins the parasite was pumping into the body and purging it of the venom taking hold.

The glowing orange of the Parasite soon dulled to a bluish red hue, thus the parasite had been taken over by Dustin's aura. The body then started to heal itself, closing all of his wounds. He fell to his knees as his eyes took on a bright orange color, standing back up and cracking his limbs he looked over to a door leading upstairs, he ran for it.

Back on the rooftop the massive group of survivors was under fire from Umbrella troops, and there was a lot of them armed with heavy weaponry, LMGs and Grenade launchers, and some snipers as well.

Both sides fired off all they had, neither letting up as the undead swarmed below trying to find a way upstairs to feast on the only source of flesh in the entire city. But it wasn't only undead, packs of lickers roamed down below, some of them climbing up the walls and once they reached the top they were shot down by either a USS sniper or one of the survivors. Packs of feral dogs ran up the walls only to fall back down, and try it all over again.

"This is V-Raptor, coming in on vector approach. I've sighted the targets command, over."

"This is command, kill them all! LEAVE NONE STANDING!"

"Friendlies are down below sir, risk hitting them if I fire now."

"I don't care, they're expendable! KILL THEM NOW!"

"Roger, commencing attack run."

Out from behind a building flew in an apache attack chopper, outfitted with forty heat seeker missiles and four Vulcan cannons. It was an advanced model built by Umbrella's weaponry division. It was bigger than the original model, being an Apache V model it was able to hold a ton of ammunition and carry in small vehicles into battle, along with at least four personal.

Inside this massive attack gunship sat two pilots, both trained by Umbrella's black ops forces to kill without remorse. They flew up close, gaining the attention of several of the people below. "This is V-Raptor, firing Vulcan cannon in three, two, one."

The guns on the wings spun up, and every one of the survivors took cover behind the crates as the massive two foot bullets ripped up the rooftop and the unfortunate Umbrella troops who thought they were getting support. Their bodies stood no chance against the rounds, it tore them apart limb from limb and sprayed blood all over the wall they took cover by.

"Goddamn!" Jim screamed, "they killed their own guys!"

"Umbrella will do whatever it takes to make sure no one knows what happened here, even if it means killing their own men." Leon told him, watching as the soldiers were blown apart.

"USS troops have been eliminated, fifteen counted dead. Moving onto the survivors, over."

"Make sure they're dead, DO NOT LET THEM LIVE!"

"Roger command."

The gunship then turned its attention over to the survivors, who all in turn raised their weapons and fired on it. The bullets bouncing off the foot thick armor harmlessly, their weapons were ineffective against it.

"Shit! Our guns aren't making a dent in it!" Kevin yelled in frustration, how can that be?

"We're gunna die!" Jim screamed in fright as he ducked down, cowering at the sight of the pitch black chopper.

"Let's run for it!"

"Where?! We're surrounded by zombies! There is no place to run to!"

"For once Jim might actually be right."

"V-Raptor Firing heat seekers in three, two, one." The gunship them launched a volley of missiles at the survivors. The arch was wide and coming at them from all sides, ensuring no escape.

Time seemed to slow down for Kevin as the lights of the missiles flew at him and the others, looking around he saw his friends.

Leon held Claire and Sherry close to his body, his eyes held shut as the two held onto him for dear life. He swore he saw a tear in the red headed girl's eyes.

Jim cowered behind Mark, who looked on at the missiles. His stern gaze held firm, he had accepted his fate.

Alyssa and Cindy looked on as well, Cindy held a hand to her chest as she looked down. Alyssa crossed her arms and frowned deeply, but nevertheless lowered her head.

George held his arms at his sides, his gaze looking at every one of the survivors he had come to know as friends.

David had his arms crossed as well, his eyes boring holes into the pilots who fired on them.

Next to him stood Yoko, she held onto David and closed her eyes, he put an arm around her and held her close as they both awaited their death.

Red watched on, Pika as well… their eyes holding little to no emotion at all for what was about to happen.

Blue was terrified right now, his eyes locked on the incoming missiles.

Green held onto the two baby Pokémon next to her, she prayed to every god there was that they would be spared from this fate.

He figured this was the end for them… after all they've been through, J's Bar, the hive, Apple inn, the hospital, the collage, the zoo, the abandoned hospital, the subway, and the police station and finally here… this damned roof.

They've been through so much in the short two days they've been together, fighting off the undead and Umbrella. Meeting new people, and losing some… They bonded like a family, he wouldn't lie if you asked him… but he considered them a family, he never felt closer to anyone in his whole life, they were the family he never had.

"Well… I guess all I can say is… I love you guys." He thought as he closed his eyes and awaited for the blissful embrace of death… only it didn't come.

"Holy shit!"

"Isn't that…"

Kevin's eyes shot open as he saw the missiles explode in midair, blasting hot air towards him and the others. "What happened?!" he yelled over the explosion.

"Something destroyed the missiles!" The waitress exclaimed pointing to the location where the missiles were.

The missiles were indeed gone, but what happened to them? Looking around they didn't see anything, but took the opportunity to try and find better cover.

As they did that someone looked on at the chopper, having orange colored eyes. He crouched on the rooftop, hidden in the shadows as his eyes locked onto the wing. He soon crawled across the roof before shooting up and sprinting towards it, once he got enough speed he leapt off the roof, and onto the gunships's wing, causing it to tip slightly to the left.

"Command be advised we got a bogey on our wing, reading purge and parasite infected."

"What?! That is not possible, check your reading again."

"That's what it says command, we got an infected on our gunship."

"If that is true you are to subdue this specimen at all costs!"

"Roger, shaking bogey off and going in for the capture, over."

The chopper flew up and flying forward it spun in an attempt to shake off the infected Dustin, only he held on and grabbed onto the cockpit, with a primal yelled he head butted the glass once, then twice, then thrice, only making a small crack in it. He growled deeply as he stared inside at the pilots.

"Command be advised, bogey is a young male with glowing orange eyes and dark brown hair."

"This is Command, send me a video link!"

The pilot did as ordered as soon video from the pilot's point of view was being sent directly to the Umbrella headquarters, the man who had been commanding both Wolfpack and the chopper along with the whole USS watched as the infected teenager tried to bust his way into the cockpit, either head butting or slamming his fist against the bulletproof glass.

"Interesting." He murmured as something formed in Dustin's right hand, a sphere.

"Command he's trying to get i-" he was cut off when the glass shattered from the cockpit, a nice fist sized hole appeared on the glass as he jumped off.

He landed back onto the roof and growled at the chopper, the apache responded by firing its Vulcan cannon at him the bullets flying through the air and hitting the ground instead of the teen who was dodging with surprising speed and agility.

The pilot frowned under his mask, "Spry bastard." He thought as he kept firing.

Dustin moved so fast it was almost a blur, gravel was thrown up from both his rapid movements and the bullets being fired creating a cloud of shattered building material and dust. He ducked and weaved but even with his sudden burst of speed he couldn't dodge most of the bullet, some hit his body and threw him back against the wall.

As they fought Kevin and Leon had spotted two other choppers, UH-60s carrying more Umbrella troops. They landed on the far side of the building and proceeded to attack the survivors, drawing their attention away from the battle between man and machine.

The infected Teen ran away for a bit leading it away from the survivors as they fought against more USS troops, he led it over to a clear area with plenty of junk to hide behind, crates and vents jutting out of the rooftop, and some tower looking objects on the far side.

His eyes soon caught sight of a pole, long and made of steel. He darted over to it and gripped it, he pulled and pulled on it but it wouldn't budge, it was stuck in the concrete. Yelling in frustration he held up his hand and aimed it at the ground, another orange sphere was conjured up again and he threw it at the ground, a massive explosion soon followed.

The chopper's pilot checked his scanner, and he didn't see anything at first. Then the chopper suddenly lurched forward and down, when the head pilot looked he saw the infected human was on the front of the chopper again but this time he was armed with a long steel pole with a chunk of concrete on the end.

His whole body trembled but it was hard to tell as he clung onto the front of the chopper, he gripped the pole and raised it up before slamming it onto the glass cockpit. More cracks spider webbed across it as the pilot tried to shake him off, "Get him off!"

The parasite infected human grinned, showing bloody fanged teeth before he smashed the pole against the glass again, and again, determined to crack it open like an egg.

As they battled Kevin and Leon along with the others were holding off several hundred Umbrella troops… hundreds dropped in from UH-60's and Chinooks that just came out of nowhere, it would appear the commander had grown tired of sending in small teams, and instead opted to send in as many people as he had control of.

"Kill them all!"

The troops were packing the best possible weapons and armor, they were the best of the best the USS had to offer.

Up in the air on the chopper Dustin had grabbed a small missile of the wing, he ripped it away from its brothers and tossed it at the group of USS in hopes it would explode, but it didn't. It fell to the ground harmlessly as bullets flew through the air.

Leon spotted the missile and threw an incendiary grenade he got towards it, pulling the pin and praying it worked he tossed it across the open ground where it landed right next to the warhead, three seconds passed before fire exploded from it and quickly set the missile on fire. "GET DOWN!" He yelled.

The missile couldn't take the heat, the fire activated the warhead and caused it to explode, taking a good portion of the roof and USS with it.

Leon and Kevin took the advantage and opened fire on the dazed troops, putting bullets into their chests and heads and killing them one by one.

Back with the Apache Dustin had smashed open the cockpit, showing the terrified troops inside. The infected teen growled as he climbed inside, the pilot tried to shot him with his side arm but his hand was quickly broke, Dustin had snapped it before grabbing the pistol and shooting the pilot in the back seat, emptying the clip into his skull before getting punched in the stomach by the first pilot. He grabbed him by the helmet and smashed his own head into it.

He then quickly punched the pilot in the stomach several times before putting both his feet on him and kicking off him out the window and back onto the roof, the pilot didn't have enough time to regain control as the chopper spun out of control and crashed to the ground, killing several hundred undead as the missiles exploded with it.

On the roof everyone had managed to kill the USS thanks to the teenager's assistance, and now the fight… as finally over.

Dustin landed on the roof, making a dull thud sound against the gravel as he looked around. He turned his head towards the survivors, his orange eyes looked menacing to them as he stumbled towards them.

"D-Dustin?" Green asked, looking at the infected form of the teen she met not too long ago.

"Is he… infected?" George wondered, looking at him he dared not move any closer.

Dustin growled slightly as he continued walking forward. His walk was more of a limp, like his legs were about to give out on him. His eyes were locked on the last surviving group of people in the entire city, soon the light in his eyes started to fade and they turned back into the dark brown before he fell to the ground.

Green against the better wishes of her friend Blue ran over to the boy, she fell to her knees and slid next to him as he turned him over on to his back, "Dustin?" she asked checking his pulse, "He's alive!"

George took action running out of cover and darting over to the two, he knelt down and checked him. Indeed there was a pulse, nice and steady. "He's got a pulse!" he yelled to the others as he picked him up and carried him over to the others, "he's got a pulse, its faint but it's there."

"Well he be alright?" Cindy asked, checking the teen over as George placed him on two crates. "I thought he was dead."

"I thought he was to," Kevin said, looking the young man over, his wounds were gone but he was still covered in blood, "weird…"

"Survivors this is Orion, pop smoke so we can land, over."

Leon was already on it, he had gotten a flare and pulled the top off. He stood in a clear area and waved the chopper to them, "OVER HERE!" he yelled.

The chopper that was landing was a massive Chinook, United States painted on the side with the flag.

Everyone looked so relieved, they were finally getting out of the city!

"Everyone pack up… we're fucking leaving this shithole." Kevin said, he had been wanting to say that for so long now.

Everyone packed up what they had, which wasn't much and quickly got onto the chopper. Kevin and George helped carry Dustin onto the chopper, sitting him in one of the chairs and strapping him down. Wolfpack followed close behind, they had torn off their USS emblems and tossed them away before getting on, as well as taking off their helmet showing their faces to everyone.

Kevin sat near the exit as they took off, the feeling of vertigo hit him as he looked down on the massive horde of undead surrounding the building they were in just moments ago. He sighed before a smile graced his features, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and on it read S.T.A.R.S. Application, he tore it up before letting the piece fly out of his hand and into the morning sky. "Won't be needing that anymore."

Alyssa had taken to writing in her notebook, writing down the last bit of information before finally closing it and depositing it into her pocket with a smile.

Jim sat back and took off his hat before running a hand across blonde curly hair, "man… we made it!"

Cindy smiled as she watched everyone's face become one that wasn't either fear or dread, but instead happiness. Aside from Wolfpack that was, they kept their stern faces on.

Yoko sat next to David, the two of them glad to be out of the city finally after two days of pure terror and angst.

Mark felt relieved, like he had one another war. But this time he came out with his friends, not without.

George looked at a small piece of paper he had gotten from the collage off his dead colleague, detailing the specifications and blueprints to the daylight formula, he had to keep this safe should this virus somehow get out.

Red Blue and Green never looked happier, all three had smiles on their faces as they sat next to one another, another chapter to their grand adventures had been closed with a whole new one just beginning. Pika sat next to the Lati Pokémon, the two of them next to Dustin's unconscious body.

The chopper's back door closed, and flew off away from the city as a streak of light appeared near the city followed by four sudden explosions that decimated the city, blowing it up and effectively erasing all traces of undead monsters and evidence tracing it back to Umbrella.

But for now

This was the end of Raccoon City…

And the beginning of something else entirely…

Time Skip: Several days later

"Hey nimrod… how about you wake up, eh?" Tidus spoke.

"Fuck you asshole…" Dustin replied to the Latios in his head, he brought up a hand to his head as a bright light hit him… "Am… am I dead?" he asked as he opened his eyes, instead of being in hell like he thought he would be he stood on... clouds? Looking around he saw he was indeed a misty looking area, a dull fog wrapped around his ankles and he saw the sky all around.

"No.. you're not, not yet anyway." Tidus replied.

Dustin turned around and lo and behold there he was, the black Latios he had come to know and slightly hate. "Wait… I'm not? Then, what about when I was shot… I..I died man. I know I did."

"Yeah, you did die." The Latios stated, floating around his human counterpart, "but you were brought back."

Dustin chuckled bitterly, "I'm worth being brought back?"

"And why would you think you're not?"

"You live in my head, I think you would know why…" the human started, starting to walk in a random direction, Tidus followed close behind, "really look at me… do I look like I'm worth saving Tidus?"

Tidus flew up to him and looked him straight in the eye, "you are worth saving, and don't you dare think otherwise." He told him, "if you weren't then would the others brought you onto the chopper?" he asked getting closer to the human and making him back away some, "would they have lugged your injured body to the hospital to make sure you were alright? If you weren't then you'd be nothing but dust right now!"

Dustin looked down before sighing, "Tidus… who are you? I mean, who are you really?" Tidus was the one to back up now, "you acted all evil and menacing when I first met you, hell I thought you were going to kill me but here you are… actually caring enough to give a shit about me… someone you barely know... just who are you?"

Tidus looked away as the clouds and sky started to turn a bright white color, "time's up I'm afraid."

"Wait, you still owe me some answers!" he yelled, grabbing onto the Pokémon and latching on, "you ain't leaving till I get some boy!"

Tidus sighed, "I'm afraid you don't have a choice," he craned his head to look him in the eye, "but if it soothes you… next time we meet, I will tell you everything you wish to know…"

Dustin frowned as he got off the Dragon type, "I'll hold you to that Tidus."

"I know…"

Then everything went white, and he woke up.

Dustin awoke with a start, his breathes coming short gasps as he looked around the room he was in. A solid white room with one bed and two chairs, on top of the wall sat a TV and on it was detailing the tragedy of Raccoon City.

Looking to his left he saw Green, she woke up from Dustin's outburst and looked at him before hugging him, "You're awake!"

Dustin coughed lightly in response, "guess I am…" being hugged by her felt… odd.

Green pulled away, a sudden blush on her face at the sudden contact between the two, "I'm sorry, I was just-"

"Don't be… it's nice to get a hug after all that, well… a hug that doesn't get me bitten that is." He laughed lightly, looking around the room. "Where are we?"

"In a hospital in Michigan, called River Hope Hospital." She told him, then she made an Oh face then snapped her fingers, Dustin was about to ask why she did that when two shimmers appeared on the right side of the room and suddenly glomped him.

"La!~" the two Eon Dragon's Cried, happy to see him awake at long last.

"H-h-hey you guys," he laughed, "it's good to see you to."

"It's been two days since we left the city," The Blue eyed trainer told him, "two days since…"

"I get you… I'd rather not think about it but something tells me it's going to be a hot topic around the water cooler."

Their conversation was interrupted as the door opened and in walked George, instead of his brown suit he donned a simple black tee-shirt and jeans with black tennis shoes. "Oh, you're awake, that's good."

"Hey George," Dustin greeted, "how is everyone?"

"Doing great, waiting for you to get better actually," he said, coming into the room and looking at the chart at the foot of the bed, "after all that, you made a full recovery."

"So… can I leave?" the teen questioned, he wanted to get out of here and find a way back home.

"Yeah, you might want get some new clothes, your old one wore torn up from the gunfire… and, well…"

"I get ya."

With that Dustin had the four leave so he could change into some new clothes, a mall plastic sack was given to him by George with some a new attire in it. A black shirt like George's but for his size, a pair of jeans and a pair of running shoes colored dark blue with some red going across them in a stripe going around the sides and over the top, an odd choice to be given from the hospital but he was glad for it anyway.

He took off his hospital robe then put on the clothes he was given, after putting them on he looked at himself in the mirror he looked ready. "Nice."

"Very." Tidus added jokingly, "maybe I'll take a run at ya, if you're up for it."

"Shut your trap, Tidus!" he told him as his cheeks reddened, "I don't roll like that."

"I live inside your head, you said it yourself, I see everything~" he sung.

Dustin sighed as he turned around and left the room, as he did he walked into the hall until he came to a waiting room, inside it sat the Outbreak crew, Leon Claire and Sherry, as well as the Kanto Trainers. Most of them dressed vastly different than before.

Mark was wearing his casual clothes, consisting of light brown Khakis and a light gray shirt.

Jim wore a dark gray shirt and brown slacks with white tennis shoes.

David wore a black tank top and kept his gloves, and had one black pants and combat boots.

Alyssa donned a white pin stripe shirt and beige pants with black heels.

Cindy and Yoko both wore gray shirts and black pants with shoes.

Kevin donned a white tee shirt and jeans with cowboy boots.

Leon had gotten rid of his uniform and replaced it with a light blue shirt and brown slacks.

Claire had donned a red shirt and jeans, not much different from her old attire.

Sherry still wore her old clothing, a white blouse and a long skirt.

Red Blue and Green still wore their traveling clothes, though they were cleaned however. Pika sat on his lap asleep, he deserved it after all he went through.

When he came into the waiting room everyone looked happy to see him, "hey Dustin!" Cindy greeted, getting up and going over for a hug.

"Hey Cindy," the teen greeted back, after the brief hug he asked, "so how are you holding up?"

"Fine… I'm just very happy not to have to look over my shoulder for once."

"I know what you mean."

As everyone talked about random things Leon's phone rang, he picked it up and asked, "Hello?"

"Hello Mr. Kennedy?"


"We wish to discuss something with you concerning the girl Sherry Birkin and your Friend Claire Redfield."

"I understand…"

"There is a car waiting for you outside, bring them and we will begin our investigation into the matter you wished t speak of."

"Understood." With that done he closed his phone and looked at everyone, "looks like I have to leave, I'll e seeing you all on the other side." He said, gathering up Claire and Sherry Birkin.

"I have to go to," Kevin said aloud, "going to Miami tomorrow."

Everyone soon departed, going outside where they either called a cab or were given a ride by the government, as they all started to leave Dustin looked on, "looks like we all part ways eh?"

Kevin turned around, and looked at the teen with a smirk, "not forever ya know."

"We're all friends, and we're always together no matter where we are." Yoko said, walking up from behind Dustin and patting him on the shoulder.

"True." He said, looking up into the sky. "true…"

"Well Dustin," the former RPD officer started, "it was good meeting you, if it wasn't for you… I probably would have died back in that hospital back in Raccoon. Thank you." he thanked, holding out his hand.

Dustin smiled and took it, "you're welcome man."

After that Kevin walked over into the parking lot where he hopped onto a Harley colored black with silver lining the sides, he started it up before driving off down the road leaving a light trail of dust. Dustin watched as he soon disappeared over the horizon, headed to Miami.

Dustin stood outside in the front entrance, alone for now. He sighed, "so much happened is such a short time, and now we all split up… hmm."

"Dustin," Blue came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, "we got someone you should meet." He said.

"Oh really?" he asked, "who?"

Blue smirked, "you'll see."

The brown eyed teen shrugged and followed Blue behind the hospital where he spotted several cars, beside one stood Red and Green, along with another girl, but she looked astoundingly different. For one thing her hair was massive and long, and colored a bright pink. "Holy hell that's a lot of pink."

Green gestured to the girl, "Dustin, this is someone we think you will need to talk to."

Dustin smiled and held out his hand, "name's Dustin… and you are?"

The girl smiled brightly and took his hand, "my name… is Mew."


A/n: Sweet assnuggets… looky at all of these words.

Mew: sweet shits of the Saints, how many?

Dustchu: Officially 24,552… that's right. I brought you a long ass fucking chapter, chok full of action, minor romance and ass kicking on a massive level! :D

Dustin:… you killed me?

Dustchu: Hush, you're alive now. Anywho, I worked my ass of, it took me three days to write this. Three days to write like 18 or 19 thousand words to add onto the 5 I already had written up. I did my best, so I would hope I get some good reviews for this…

Thank you all for everything, for all of the reviews over the years and all of the support… it makes me happy to think I'm worth all of this… thank you all so much.

Mew: thank you

Dustin: Thank you guys, really.

Dustchu: So… this is the end of TOTD… but the beginning of something new and exciting! And also… I have finished both The Discovery, and The Trial of the Damned… that means only one thing… HOPE IS COMING BACK BABY!

BYE and stay tuned… cause things are about to get real up in here! :D

Your writer, fellow friend and the author

~ Dustchu