"You're so fat, Lucy!" Natsu Dragneel, aged 5, yelled. He had spiky salmon hair and was wearing a white shirt and black pants. Standing on one foot, he stared at Lucy as if she were an eyesore to him, like an insect.

"I know right. Lose some weight!" Gray Fullbuster, also aged 5, snickered. He had spiky raven hair and was wearing a white shirt with brown pants. Until he stripped his shirt.

"Gray, your clothes!" Levy McGarden yelled, aged 5. She had short blue hair held back by an orange bandana and was wearing an orange sundress.

"Just leave them, Levy. You'll get involved," Lisanna Strauss whispered to Levy. Lisanna was 5 and had short white hair and big blue eyes that stood out. She was wearing a blue dress.

Lucy Heartfilia, aged 5, had blonde had and big brown, curious eyes. She was fairly overweight, didn't gave great grades, nor did she have a great family.

"Anyways, who cares about Gray. Why do you have this red ribbon in your hair? Makes your hair look all ugly," Natsu sneered, grabbing her ribbon. She yelped out in pain and Levy rushed to help her but Lisanna held her by the arm and shook her head. Levy nearly cried for Lucy, seeing how much pain she was in.

Natsu always loved to torment Lucy, but Gray… not so much. He did bully her, but not to the extent where he would actually physically harm Lucy as much as Natsu did.

"Oi, Gray, help me out!" Natsu yelled, still trying to yank the ribbon out of her hair.

"I – I've got to find my clothes…" Gray walked off in search of the shirt that he was now wearing. Natsu shrugged. "Suit yourself."

"Ouch!" Lucy yelled as Natsu finally yanked the ribbon out of her hair. She teared up as he smashed it with his foot.

"S – stop!" Lucy squeaked, pushing Natsu over. He fell to the ground and she picked the ribbon up with teary eyes, holding onto it as hard as she could.

"What was that for?!" Natsu yelled as he stood up, brushing the dirt off his shirt.

"My mum gave this to me! So stop!" She yelled back, trying to rub the dirt off the red ribbon.

"Well, why don't you get your mum to buy you a new one then?!" Natsu screamed at her.

"SHE'S GONE!" Lucy yelled back with all her might, running away. Natsu jumped back in shock. He didn't mean to go that far. How was he supposed to know that it was from her mum? How was he supposed to know that her mum was gone? He felt a sting in his chest when he thought of his mother's grave.

"Natsu! Were you bullying Lucy again?" A redheaded girl named Erza boomed, making Natsu shudder.

"N – No, I wasn't," he lied. Erza just nodded and walked off, hands crossed.

It was that damn Lucy's fault. Yeah, it was her fault.


"Miss, where's Lucy?" Natsu asked innocently the day after. "I'm sorry, dear. Lucy has gone to another school," the teacher answered sadly. Natsu just scoffed and walked back to his seat.

"What did the teacher say?" Gray asked, pretending not to care.

"She left the school, the damn wimp," Natsu snickered, grabbing a piece of paper and drawing a big red dragon. Gray frowned at him. He didn't have to go that far, did he? Since it didn't seem like he was going to see her ever again….


"Oi, Natsu!" Gray waved at Natsu, who grinned and ran up to Gray, Levy, Lisanna and a guy named Gajeel Redfox. He had long jet black hair, red eyes and mutiple metal studs aroud his face. All of them were the same age – 17 and were all seniors at Fairy Tail High.

"Is it time to go to class yet?" Lisanna asked, tugging on Natsu's sleeve.

"Yeah, I think so. Let's go!" Natsu yelled, fist pumping. Who wouldn't be excited? It was their first day as seniors, after all.

All 5 of them walked to class together, seeing as they all had the same classses.

"Alright class, im your new homeroom teacher, Sting Eucliffe. You can just call me Sting-sensei." A blonde haired 28 year old man with blue eyes walked in, making the girls squeal with delight.

"Kya! Sting-sensei is so hot!"

"I can't believe we have Sting-sensei!"


Sting grinned at all the girls squealing. He was proud to be popular in his proffession, of course.

Klik, klik, klik.

"Scuse' me, do you know where 1-B is?" A blonde girl asked a teacher. He pointed down the hall.

"You know you're not allowed to wear those, right?" The teacher, Rogue Cheney, asked. The girl nodded. He shrugged.

"Suit yourself then." She walked off, leaving the teacher to walk in his classroom. The girl looked down at her clothes.

She was wearing the usual uniform – a white shirt, red and blue striped tie with matching skirt and a just a few touches. She wore the usual black socks but instead of the black shoes, wore black converse. A metal belt was attached to the front of her skirt to the back, swishing with every step she took. She had a few piercings – one on her lip, two on her left ear, one on her right. She had mid-back length blonde hair that was dead straight and a big chest that she didn't look too proud of.

She finally spotted the classroom she was looking for. Spotting a roll on the classroom wall, she peered at it and raised an eyebrow at a few names – Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Levy McGarden, Erza Scarlet and Lisanna Strauss.

She smirked and slammed open the door, seeing the classroom full of people and a blonde haired, blue eyed teacher at his desk.

"Ah, the new student, right? Why don't you come up here and introduce yourself?" The teacher asked.

"Who is she?"

"Look at her uniform, it's all weird!"

"She looks scary!"

"Wow, she's hot!"

"She looks like a model!"

Lucy ignored the comments and walked up to the front of the classroom, sighing as if it were a bother to even stand up there and introduce herself in the first place.

"Nice to meet'cha. Lucy Heartfilia, a new student here. Aged 17."

Make sure to review & read / support my other stories: Valentine's Day, Darkness, Of Dragonslayers love and best friends, The proposal, Fairy Tail Academy and Replacement!

- hime