A Fine Line. A Grimmichi fanfiction.

Yaoi: Don't like don't read.

Summary: There is a fine line between best friends and lovers.

Genre: Romance and humour, but also a bit angst.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I'm not brilliant enough to come up with my own characters.





Grimmjow Jeagerjaques.

My best friend for 13 of my 17 years in this life.

My first real friend.

"Watch where you are going!" "Sorry…"

"What, wanna fight?"

"Not really."

"Okay let's be friends then!"

The boy who I can laugh with all day.

"How can you even make pancakes THIS black?"

"Well you cook then Ichi, since you're sooo awesome. Besides, black or not, the awesome mister Jeagerjaques' pancakes are delicious."

He proceeded to eat them… and spit them out.

The boy with whom I fight a lot.

"What did you just say? Imma kick ya head in Ichi!"

"I'd like to see you try, bitch!"

The boy who I have had sleep-overs with almost every week.

"He Grimm?"


"Stay with me."

"Of course."

The boy who stole my first kiss.

"He Ichi! You never guess what I did today! I kissed a girl!"

"What was it like?"

"Like this…"

The boy who I have had sex with multiple times.

"It's not like I am a virgin, Grimm."

"You are with guys."

"So are you."

"Shut up, will ya."


Ichigo was staring was staring at the window during homeroom, thinking about his best friend. He tends to do that a lot. He was looking down, seeing some girl holding hands with a boy.

'Where lies the line between best friends and lovers?'

It was a question which bothered him lately. He and Grimmjow were best friends. Had been that since they met when they were four years old. The guy was eccentric and a little weird, but Ichigo loved him to death. The thing was, if you thought about being best friends or being lovers, they were neither.

Best friends laugh a lot together. But so do lovers and so do they.

Lovers kiss. Best friends… not so much. But Grimmjow and Ichigo did.

Lovers liked being together and so did Grimmjow and Ichigo. But then again, best friends are always together too, aren't they?

Grimmjow and Ichigo slept in one bed often. Lovers certainly did that. Ichigo wasn't so sure if best friends were supposed to do that. Hell, they had sex lots of times. Best friends SURELY didn't do that.

But, they weren't all loveydovey like the couple Ichigo was looking at now. Of course, there were hugs when one was sad. Or sometimes even kisses. But most of the time not.

'So best friends with benefits then?' Ichigo sighed.

"Whatcha looking at Berry?"

Ichigo looked up in shock, to see blue eyes staring at his, one centimetre from his face.

"You're in my personal space again, Grimmjow."

"Like I care."

Ichigo laughed at that. 'The idiot.'

"Soooo… were you thinking about me?"

"I was thinking about what an utterly annoying prat you are." 'Well, that was partly true.'


Ichigo looked at his friend, who was sitting on his desk now looking outside, at the same couple Ichigo had been looking at.



Grimmjow looked at his best friend and grinned.

"Wanna sleep over tonight?"

Ichigo felt himself blush and was glad his classmates attention was somewhere else.

"Yeah sure, but, didn't you have some 'hot date with a D-cup'?" He quoted Grimmjow's own words.

"Yeah but I ditched her. I'm home alone. I'd rather grab some beer and play some games with you."

Ichigo smiled at him.

"Okay sure, shall I cook? Since you are alone. Wouldn't want you to eat black pancakes again."

"You'd make a lovely house wife."


When Grimmjow had Economy, Ichigo had a free period. He went to the rooftop, with some friends. He was sitting against the wall, munching on an apple and listening to a discussion between his friends. Keigo wanted to go to a new water park that night, but the others claimed it would be better the next day.

"There isn't that much time tonight Keigo!" Tatsuki was on the verge of screaming at the retarded boy, Ichigo noticed.

"Bu-but I heard there are lots of hot chicks there on Friday night!" Ichigo thought the hit on the boys head wasn't that necessary, but he kept his mouth shut.



"Won't you come with me tonight? Pretty please."

"No, I'm sleeping over at Grimmjow's."

"Again?" It was Renji this time, who answered. Ichigo shrugged. "Yeah, he asked me too. So what? Have always been doing that."

Rukia smiled at him. "Let them be Renji."

Little understanding Rukia. She had walked in on them one time at Ichigo's home. She didn't really care, but was upset about the fact nobody told her they were dating. Grimmjow (still half naked) had quickly explained they were just friends, but had some fun now and then. Rukia had been nodding, like she understood everything, but instead of watching Grimmjow, she had been looking at Ichigo. Ichigo realised she probably understood more than both of the boys themselves.

"Tomorrow we can go, though. Ichigo, invite Grimmjow too?" She asked him.

"Yeah sure. I'll text him, wait a sec." Ichigo quickly grabbed his IPhone. On the unlocking screen was a picture of a plush lion, who they called Kon. When Grimmjow and Ichigo were young, they had found it and 'adopted' it, as Grimmjow put it. Ichigo still had it in his room. On his background was a picture of the two of them. They were outside eating some ice cream. Their heads were pressed close, but they still barely fit in the frame. It was a funny picture. Ichigo opened his WhatsApp and quickly typed a message.

'Yo Grimm, the guys ask if we wanna go to that new pool tomoz?'

The boy got an immediate reply:

'Sure! I wanna see ma berry half naked.'

Ichigo shook his head 'pervert.'

"We're coming too."

He kept texting with his best friend while his other friends bickered about tomorrow.


"I'm gonna win this one. You'll see!"


"Let's bet…"

"You are gonna lose anyway."

Grimmjow and Ichigo had been being silly when they started Mario Card on the Wii that midday, but now, it was a full blown race, full of honour. The funny thing, at least to Ichigo, was that Grimmjow sucked at it.

Ichigo glanced at his side, looking at Grimmjow. The boy was biting his lip, blue eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Returning eyes to the screen, Ichigo was more determined to win than ever.

"Almost there Ichi!"

But Ichigo was smart, he fired the blue shield thingy, as he liked to call it, and just before the finish- line and because of that, Grimmjow got second.

And of course, Ichigo first.

"You BITCH! That's not fair! I'm gonna strangle you!" Grimmjow made a leap for Ichigo but the orange head quickly moved away.

"I'm hungry. What do you want to eat?"


"'Scuse me?"

"Never mind. Make me some meat."

"Sure sure."


"Y esited fawh tomowwow?"

"Swallow your food first please."

Swallowing his food, Grimmjow repeated his question. "Excited about tomorrow?"

"Nah, not really. I like swimming though."

"Yeah me too! Might be some really hot chicks there though. Would love to see Inoue in bikini too. Though she is way too dense for me."

"You, sir, are disgusting." Ichigo said, frowning. "If you are gonna talk about our friends like that, at least have the decency to stop eating."

"You prude."

"You know I'm not a prude, arse."

Grimmjow grinned at him. "I sure do don't I."

Ichigo swore, if he didn't have to leap across the table first, he would've killed the blue haired asshole. They were eating rice with chicken and green beans. While Ichigo was eating at least a little bit sophisticated, Grimmjow was practically hurling it into his mouth. 'Guess I should take it as a compliment.'


When Ichigo was half way his food, Grimmjow was done.

"So Berry, what are we gonna do tonight?"

"Dunno, you tell me. I'm pretty tired though."

"Let's just watch a movie tonight? You'll still be here tomorrow night won't you."

Ichigo smiled. They both didn't like being home alone, that was something they had in common. It was also a good excuse for all the sleepovers.

"Sure thing. Which movie?"

"Got some comedy around there somewhere, we'll see."


Grimmjow looked down at the boy now lying in his lap. Ichigo had crawled up to him during the movie, saying he was tired. He fell asleep about two minutes later. Grimmjow smiled, pushing some orange locks away. He sighed, moving slightly to reach for the remote. He turned off the television and looked down again. Suddenly he grinned. He moved his head down, ducking so he was close to Ichigo's ear.

"He, Ichi, wake up." He whispered. Ichigo mumbled in response. His grinned turned wider.

'Not waking up huh? Let's give it another try…'


Grimmjow had licked his ear. And if there was one thing the boy hated, it was something WET in his EAR.

"Stupid asshole, stop laughing."

"HAHAHA Ahhh shit, this never gets old."

"It does, bloody idiot. Let me sleep."

"Sure but you should move out of my lap first."

Ichigo blushed brightly at the sentence. He got up and stomped to the stairs, muttering something that sounded suspiciously much like 'Prick'.

When Grimmjow walked into his bedroom, the orange head was already asleep on his bed. Moving the boy to the side a bit, Grimmjow joined him. Somehow, Grimmjow didn't know how to lay and he was feeling slightly awkward.

Suddenly he felt Ichigo move slightly to the right, so their backs were touching. Just as suddenly, Grimmjow felt a lot better.

"Night Ichi."



Pfewww done! Wanted to do an AU for some time now, so here it is! Let me know what you think. Please be gentle :x

With love,