Hello everyone. it's a bit short but I'm happy with it. might have a few mistakes in it so sorry in advance.

Disclaimer: only own Silverflare so enjoy!

Chapter 2

If there was something that both Silverflare and Radar could agree on, it would be that this planet, this planet called Earth, was beautiful. During their drive, they could see that the planet was full of organic beings. There were flying creatures overhead and small ground ones scrambling for cover when they drew closer to their location.

Several joors had passed since they left the now ruin shuttle and the solar cycle has already ended. The planet's satellite shined brightly in the dark sky while the stars ran across the sky, doing its own dance. The sky, it was so clear. It wasn't covered by the storms that had taken over on Cybertron. Just seeing the sky was a rare treat. It was like a warning for them, one that they took no heed to until it was too late. A warning of something dark coming, a war.

Cybertron, my dear home. What has become of you? Has the war started and overcome you? Or has it ended and I am stranded here? No, my little ones are here as well so they must know what has become of you.

Silverflare thought from her shelter. She had come upon some sort of housing unit that had become abandoned and had just enough room for her to stretch out her limbs. She had come across the life forms of this planet and saw that they were about the same size as sparkling or perhaps a youngling in its first frame. They were so small and fragile to begin with. Just by the looks of them, she could tell that they break easily yet they are strange in war, well according to the packet Radar had given her.

Earth was the third planet from its star and the only planet that could sustain life. She figured that the fourth planet, Mars, also held life forms in its past life but its people either escape the dying planet or died along with it. The signs are all there, she could see them in the pictures the organics held, the indentations showed were large bodies of liquid used to reside and the tall formations of rock that once held amazing objects. The planet is dead and sooner or later, give take a couple megavorns or so, this planet will joined its fallen brother in due time.

The organic life forms, humans, are so similar to them. They each have their own culture and view of living. They have sparklings and younglings, or children as they call them, and die of old age. Yet they die too young. If humans were Cybertronians, they would be about a youngling in its first stage of its first frame. Very young compare to them, well compare to her anyway. According to what the humans say about their star, or sun, the silver caretaker made it look young in comparison. She was getting old and it won't be long till her joints start to ache.

"You're not old!" Radar stated, catching wind of her thoughts that were looping around her processor unit. "Just tired and worried about what has happen since we left."

Ah yes, can't forget about Radar. Silverflare chuckled lightly. The computer system seemed to entertain himself by searching through this World Wide Web that the humans had created in their boredom. That brought another thought to the silver femme. Compare to Cybertron, Earth is still a youngling in its technology. What the humans are inventing now has already been surpassed by them vorns ago, maybe even longer.

"Silverflare, you should recharge now." Radar commented. "You need all your strength for the next few orns. We're about to enter the United States soon and there's more 'humans' residing there so we need to be careful. But their culture is fascinating! I mean have you heard some of their music? It's very interesting even through some of it is loud and you can't even understand what they are saying but the beat is catching. Oh and what about their art? It's not as fascinating as the art Cybertron used to have but it sure is beautiful."

Silverflare smiled slightly as she lend against the wall. She could already feel her systems shutting down for the recharge cycle so she took comfort in listening to Radar's rumbling. It was soothing in a way, to know somebot, or system in this case, was with her.

Somewhere in his talking Radar realized that his mistress, so to speak, had already fallen into a light recharge. He knew that if he could, he would have smiled at the peaceful state her processor had taken.

"Recharge peacefully Silver or as the habitants would say, good night."

The streets that lie on the outskirts of Iacon were inhabitable by Cybertron standards yet the best bars reside there. As well as the low life of Crybertronians that dwell there in the shadows and runts of housing units that were more like pieces of rubble shoved together to make a certain type of living quarters to reside in but at least it was better than living on the streets. The mechs and femmes who lived on the streets weren't that bad, no they were kind if not a bit crazy.

The only downside about living near the best bars in Iacon was the drunken mechs who would exit out of those buildings. Their breath smelt of high grade and their glazed stare was all they needed to know that they needed to avoid them. The fights were awful for more than one life would be lost but they wouldn't care. One less bot to worry about they would say. But the worst was for the femmes. If the femmes didn't know a mech to defend her or how to defend herself, she became a pleasure bot for the mech that was attacking her, sometimes others come to join in. The result often left the femme broken even more then she was before so most learned how to read the signs and hide while they still can. Sadly, this was not the case for one femme.

She was a youngling, just in her first frame or so but she was smart for a youngling. No one knew where she came from, no one knew her designation but they knew she was smart. She had a shelter hidden behind some abandon buildings off west from the Ring and knew when to come out to search for energon but sometimes she would slip. They figured that she was glitched for she would twitch or abandon some good high grade energon for some contaminated mid-energon that would damage one's systems.

The youngling was searching for energon that orn when she heard them. There were three of them, all drunk when they spotted her. She froze and stared back at them. She didn't need to read their processors to know what the mechs were thinking, a new pleasure bot to play with.

"Wel' luk at wat we ha'e her'," a tall black mech said, lending against his friend. "A lit'le femm' to pla' wit'."

His friend, a dark blue mech with white stripe grin in agreement, his glance leering at her. "Yes indeed." He wasn't as drunk as his friend but the high grade was certainly affecting him if his walk had anything to say.

The third mech of their party was silent but his glance scared her. He was playing drunk for his friends and from what she could read in his optics, she didn't like what she was seeing.

There was a nanoklik of silence before the youngling hightailed out of there. She didn't want to stick around but the mechs weren't about to lose their new toy so easily.

"Hey! She's get'ing awa'!" the drunken mech shouted before giving chase, his friends following him.

The youngling could hear them as they ran after her, calling out orders for her to stop, that they wouldn't harm her. Empty promises from the broken and she wouldn't fall for that. She will not allow to be used once more.

Spotting a small tunnel in the wall to crawl in, she slipped inside and headed towards the other side. She had used this tunnel once so she can only hope that she reaches the end in time. The mechs that were chasing her cursed and ran around to catch her before she escaped. If she hurried, she could get away towards her shelter and hide within its maze like tunnels.

The tunnel was small and narrow and would scrape against her sensor panels, causing great amounts of pain to course through her tiny frame. She was tiny for her age and covered in dirt and grime. She was sure that her plating was silver in color but she couldn't tell anymore and her systems were weak. There was a reason for her to risk drinking contaminated mid-energon from the streets. She couldn't drink high grade for her systems would fail her, one by one. Either way, whatever choice she made, she would deactivate in a very slow and painful way.

Living on the streets wasn't her only option, no she had plenty of options to choose from but each one ended up with the same result, her becoming a pleasure bot for some mech. She could had chosen to follow her creators' path but she knew the reason they thrown her out onto the streets in the first place was for her to taste the freedom they couldn't, to be free without any contract binding her to place. If only they knew that freedom wasn't all that great to begin with.

The youngling reached the end of the tunnel but didn't exit out into the open. No, instead she flared out her wings as best as she could and expanded her sensor net around her, allowing her to feel the others outside. Her cracked visor showed their movements and positions around her and she could see and feel the three mechs in front of her, searching for her. How did they reach the other side so quickly?

"Wher's that femm'?" the black mech slurred out. "I need a good fra' her'."

"The only frag you get is from the brig in jail," a voice called out from behind the three.

The youngling tilted her head as the new voice. She could feel another but she couldn't see him, her vision was getting blurry again. Did she catch another virus?

"Who are you?" it was the one who gave her the creeps. He was glaring at whoever had spoken, waiting for an answer.

"Some random bot, now run along and you three won't get in trouble," the unknown mech answered, still not showing himself to her.

"Ha! From who? You?" it was the blue mech who spoke this time, laughing at the idea. "You wouldn't last a nanoklik fighting against us."

"Who said anything about fighting?"

The youngling back up in the tunnel. There was more bots coming. They were hiding from the three mechs and waiting. Who are they? Well, whoever they were, she didn't want any part of it. She couldn't afford getting injured again.

There was a loud fighting call before the drunken mech ran forward and tried to punch the unknown bot. the bot dodged and threw a punch back, hitting the drunken mech right in the face plates. The others joined in and soon, a full on battle started. The youngling could have sworn she heard some mech say Enforcers but that can't be right. Why would Enforcers bother coming here? She didn't know how long she hid there in the tunnel or how long the battle lasted but all she knew was that she was tired and something was moving in front of her. It looked like rubble but she wasn't sure but before she could think too much on the subject, she had fallen into stasis lock.

"It's a youngling."

"She's a bit small for her age though. We need to take her to a medic and fix her up a bit. She looks awful."


She was lying on something warm and soft. It was comfortable and felt lovely against her plating so she curled up into a ball and snuggled against the warm softness. Where was she?

Onlining her optics, she found herself staring at a blanket. She was warped in it and her plating was fixed and washed. Sitting up, she stared at her servo and wondered who did this. She felt better than before and didn't feel any pain so she knew she wasn't taken advantage of during her weaken state.

"Ah! You're awake!"

The youngling jumped in surprise, she didn't expect someone to be here. Glancing up, she was surprise to see an aqua femme sitting on a rocking chair, messing around with a datapad. She had a gentle smile on and gently stood up.

"The medic advised us to keep you warm for your systems were having trouble to keep you at the right temperature," she said as she reached over to cover the youngling up again with the blanket. "You were a mess when you arrived. Your frame was dirty and covered in grime while your systems were slowly shutting down one by one. If the Enforcers didn't found you, you would have been deactivated in a couple of orns.'

"Enforcers?" the youngling asked in confusion. "Why would they come down to the outskirts of Iacon? They never bother before so why now?"

"Didn't you hear? A care center is being built there and as well an orphanage and several other businesses. The Enforcers are cleaning out the streets as they say," the elder femme answered. "We're in the temporary care center in the Enforcers' base until the building is done. Then we move into the building with the other sparklings and younglings in our care."

"So you're a caretaker," the small femme stated.

The aqua femme nodded, a small smile on her faceplates. "Yes, and I'm the one who is going to take care of you until you are transfer to the orphanage. My designation is Wavestream. What's yours little one?"

The youngling frown, her sensor panels twitching. "Um, I believe my designation is Silverflare," she answered. "I don't really remember."

"Silverflare?" Wavestream asked, receiving a nod from the silver femme, she smiled. "Well, even if you aren't sure, that can be your designation is you want. The Enforcers will be filling out your paperwork and they would like a designation to go with it."

There was a klik of silence before the youngling spoke, her servos playing with the blanket she was wrapped in. "I would like to be known as Silverflare. I do like the designation."

Wavestream smiled. "Then Silverflare it is. By the way, you have a lovely optic color."

Silverflare flushed in embarrassment and hid under her blanket. She didn't even realize that her visor was off, probably getting fix since it was crack. Wavestream just laughed.

There was more organic stuff now, trees she believed what they were called. They surrounded the roads and created a peaceful yet mysterious atmosphere. You don't know what may come out at any moment from the trees and get you. She scared Radar at the thought and now he was searching through satellite images for any unusual activity. The only thing he found was a shuttle hovering near the crash site of their now destroyed shuttle.

"Radar, calm down," Silverflare said softly to the computer. "I was just kidding about something coming out and getting us. They don't even know what vehicle mode I have chosen so they'll be searching for a long time unless I revealed myself to them."

"Oh! It's like they're searching for a needle in a hay stack!" Radar said excitedly, confusing the silver femme a bit. What would a needle be doing in a stack of dried organic stuff? Strange.

"Um, sure," she answered lightly before pulling to a stop. Something was not right here. They were about to exit the 'forest' when she felt movement up ahead. She could tell there are several vehicles but the way they were station drew suspicion to her. They seem to be waiting for something and that could only mean trouble for her. "Radar, are there any reports concerning the area we are in?"

She could fear Radar searching through the World Wide Web when he let out a deep growl like sound throughout the comlink.

"Be careful Flare. There are reports about violence around this area. A bunch of jocks, bad organics that are coming into their adult frame, are committing crimes upon innocent people who come around this area. If they see you Flare, I don't know what they may do to you," Radar stated.

Silverflare hummed in agreement. "Understood, I'll be careful but I most cross this path to get a head."

"There must be another path somewhere" Radar complained.

"Radar, there's none around here," Silverflare replied. "If there was, you know I would take it."

Radar fell silent. He knew that Silverflare was telling the truth that didn't stop him from worrying. If the silver femme got hurt, he would fail his orders of keeping her safe. He had to keep her safe.

As if sensing his nervousness and panic, Silverflare slowly backed up, careful to not alert the organics of her presence. She was mentally retracing the route she had traveled on and could clearly recall spotting a fork in the road.

"Radar, retrace our route and tell me what the other road leads to. I don't care if it takes another orn or so to get to our unknown destination. I'm not taking a risk here," she ordered as she drove backwards. Her sensors were on high alert for any sudden movement. If Radar was worried then it was serious.


A joor later, the silver femme and the super computer were happily passing through some farmlands and close to reaching a small town that was located nearby. Radar had wanted her to test out some sort of programming that he had downloaded into her system a vorn ago before they had reached the planet. Something he calls a holoform?

Silverflare chuckled as she could feel Radar messing around with the programming, adjusting it to the correct settings and what not. After escaping the jocks, Radar relaxed a bit before chattering about like that of a youngling when it had seen something amazing. It was then that he stated that she should test out the holoform and see how she liked it, claiming that it could make her fit in with the habitants. She had agreed and now waited for Radar to finish so she could activate it before entering the town.

"Almost got it and done! Activate it! Please? Pretty please?" Radar pleaded.

Silverflare laughed. "Very well, let me looked at the programming first."

As soon as the statement was said, the silver femme was bombarded with the information. It surprised her at first but it soon passed and she was quickly scanning the information. Absolutely please by what she read, Silverflare activated the holoform. At first, it was nothing but pixels, dancing around in thin air. The former caretaker quickly focused on the driver's seat, making the pixels to form a solid shape and allow the color to appear. Details were added and some were taken away. At the end, Silverflare suddenly found herself starting straight at the road. She could feel her sensors focus on her surroundings but her sight was within her. It was like she was in her bipedal mode but at the same time, she was not.

Staring down at her servos, she was shock to see that instead of her silver servos, she was staring at pale pink ones. Drawing them up to her face, she glazed at them and rubbed her digits together. She was amazed at how soft and squishy they felt.

"Wow," Silverflare gasped before placing her squishy servos on her steering wheel. "I wonder what my holoform looks like."

An image appeared in her processor, answering her outspoken question. She could see the measurements and amount of data it took to make the holoform she was using. According to the diagrams, her form was about four foot nine and was a pale pink color, light peach with something call a like tan according to the notations. On top of the helm, or head, was cover with a bunch of black colored strands that ended just below her shoulders called hair. The former caretaker was pleased to see that there some silver highlights in it as well. The 'hair' was pushed off to the side, almost covering one of her indigo colored optics.

Satisfied with the appearance she had taken, she turned her attention to her coverings. Not knowing what exacting her holoform was using, she had to ask Radar for information. Radar then told her that she was wearing what the habitants called clothes. He even went into explaining what her holoform was wearing.

According to Radar, she was wearing dark blue bootcut jeans, a navy blue button up shirt with a silver spaghetti strip shirt underneath, a black demi jacket and a pair of black army boots. The femme couldn't help but wonder what was with all the dark colors she had on. Sadly, Radar wasn't done explaining, turns out that her holoform also had some accessories as well. On her holoform's digits were objects called nails that were painted a light lilac color and on her wrist was a silver bracelet with the old caretaker's symbol on it.

That brought back memories for the former caretaker. When one became a caretaker, they had to get two things done in their first orn working with the little ones. They had to get the caretaker programming downloaded into their frames and get the symbol as well. The symbol represented that you are a caretaker and depending on the image, it showed what type of caretaker you were and what position you held.

Silverflare's symbol was placed on her upper right shoulder. It's the symbol of a flared white rose. It shows that she holds the innocence of the little ones and gives them a new beginning, no matter what their past holds. She is unexpected but willing to take up a challenge if needed to. Her position as a caretaker is to handle the much more difficult sparklings and younglings that needed extra attention. It was a position she loved for that is how she started her career and met all the wonderful mechs she had raised.

"Silverflare, you're lost in your memories again," Radar teased.

"Oh hush you," she lightly snapped back at him. "I'm just remembering about my symbol that I had forgotten about. I lost it when I was running from the danger back on Cybertron. Quite painfully if I might add."

"How come?" Radar asked curiously.

"Well, once you become a caretaker, you get a symbol placed on you. Mine was on my upper right shoulder. When I was running from … well before I arrived to you in the shuttle, I got mine shot off," Silverflare stated softly. "That was why I used up a good amount of my medical supply, trying to shut the wound."

"Oh, that was why you were dripping energon when you arrived," Radar stated.

"Yup, amazed that I didn't leave a trail," Silverflare stated. "How long till we reached the town?"

"About another mile or so, according to human standards," Radar stated.

"I see," she responded.

Silence fell between for a klik before Silverflare sighed.



"How come femmes of this planet are so particular about their clothes? It seems torture to me from what you have told me."

"You haven't even seen the videos of how they react to a sale."

"Do I even want to know?"

"Not really. They scare me."

btw, what Silver is saying, if you haven't figure it out, is how shopping for clothes seems like torture from what Radar has told her in the packets of information he has given her so far. to tell you the truth, it also scares me how serious some people take it, especially on Black Friday.

anyway, hope you like the chapter! thanks for reading! R&R


ps. in what situation would you like the Autobots to find out who the femme is? which ones? I'm just curious in what you guys will say. happy holidays! byebye