Title: The Attack of Bella Swan

Rating: T

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight. It belongs to Stephenie Meyer...the lucky!

Summary: While the Cullens(except for Carlisle and Esme) are out of town visiting the Denalis, Bella, who is assigned to work on a school project with a troubled teenager. One night after tricking Bella into working at his house, he assaults her. She winds up calling her vampire parents for help because Charlie is as usual helping out with a murder case in Port Angeles.

Chapter 1 – The Assignment

Bella POV

I had been gathering my books shortly after the bell rang, which meant it was finally the end of Biology, when I hear my teacher call me up to his desk. I sighed as I walked up to his desk and asked, "Yes, sit?" I glanced to the other student who was up there too and quickly suppressed a groan.

"Bella, since Edward won't be back for a few days, I'd like you to work on the assignment I just gave each lab team with Mr. Coleman here." The teacher said.

I couldn't believe my ears. Why me? Why did I have to get stuck with a troublemaker like Trey Coleman? I focused on my teacher and asked, "Sir, can't I get paired up with someone else since my real lab partner is out of town for a few weeks with his family?"

The teacher shook his head no and said, "This assignment is due next week so I'm afraid not, Miss Swan."

Trey seemed to be enjoying this, which only made me angrier.

I then turned and walked out of the classroom. I didn't notice he had followed me until I reached my locker. I was rummaging through my locker for the right books for my next class when he came up behind me with that stupid grin on his face. I didn't bother to turn in his direction before saying, "Just because I am stuck with you, it doesn't mean I will give in to you on going out with you. I am still with Edward."

Trey wasn't happy when he heard this. He slammed my locker door on my hand and said, "Look you little Bitch. You will be mine one way or another so don't push your luck. No one can save you." He growled and then added, "We'll meet after school at my house. I will take you home later. After today, I will take you to school and take you home afterwards. No more going to the Cullens. They are creepy anyway." He chuckled, glancing at my now swelled up hand. He shook his head and walked off.

I didn't wait around for him. I hurried to the office and asked to be allowed to go home after visiting the hospital to have my hand checked out. I was badly shaking from being so scared.

I drove one-handed to the hospital and parked out front in the emergency room parking lot. I hurried to the side door and walked in. I approached Carlisle's receptionist and asked for him. I then gave my name.

She sighed and nodded. She picked up the phone and dialed his office extention.

Carlisle was quick to come down and meet me. He noticed how scared I looked so he quickly took me up the stairs to his office. Once we arrived and he closed his office door, he asked, "Bella? What's wrong?" He took my uninjured hand in his cold right one as his eyes met mine.

"I am being harrassed at school." I said. "The guy got mad when I refused to do as he said so he slammed my hand in my locker door out of anger."

Carlisle gasped from shock and then let out a soft growl from his own anger. He pulled me closer and looped an arm around my shoulders to comfort me. "Sweetheart, I am just getting off work so you can come home with me."

I nodded and sighed. "Charlie is also away helping out in Port Angeles in solving a murder so I am home alone." I informed him.

"How about after we get your hand fixed up, we leave here and stop by your house to get your things? You can stay at my home until Charlie gets back." He suggested.

I quickly nodded in agreement. I was incredibly scared of Trey.

He had my hand x-rayed and grew even more angry when he had to break the news...my hand was broken in three places. So was my wrist. He fixed it up and placed a blue colored cast on it. He also made a two calls. One of them was to Charlie to let him know I'd be staying at the Cullen house until my cast was to come off...in about six weeks. The second call was to the school for two reasons. One was to report the incident with Trey Coleman. The other reason was to let them know that I was being kept out of school until further notice due to both my broken hand/wrist and due to my being too scared to come back to school for awhile.

The principal was notified and Trey was confronted about the incident, but he laughed it off and claimed I did it to myself as one of my usual clumsy porincipal didn't buy it and he was suspended from school for two months.

Meanwhile, Carlisle and I headed to Charlie's to pack some things for me. He had to help me since I was packing one-handed and I was in a lot of pain. I packed clothes, my toothbrush, toothpaste, and other necessities I needed. Then I let him carry my bag down the stairs and to his waiting car. He said he'd staop by later to get my truck and drive it home. Then we headed to the Cullen house.

His wife, Esme met us on the front porch when we pulled in and parked. She hurried over at vampire speed and hugged me as soon as I climbed out of Carlisle's car. "Oh Sweetheart." She said as she hugged me. "I couldn't believe that boy could be so evil to you. Are you okay?"

I hugged her back and said, "I'm a little shaken but I'll be okay." Thie was the truthas both Carlisle and Esme noticed so neither tried to say I was lying. It helped that I would no longer be staying at Charlie's alone. They led me inside to the kitchen. Carlisle continued inside carrying my bag. He took it up to my room while Esme surprised me with one of my favorite meals...mushroom ravlioli. I sat down and started to eat the meal while Esme got me a glass of white milk to drink.

After I finished my meal, I rose from my chair and walked with Esme into the livingroom, where Carlisle was sitting watching the news. I sat down next to him glumly and sighed softly.

Both of them glanced to me questioningly. Both had worried looks on their faces. It was Carlisle who asked, "What's wrong?"

"I can't help but think this is far from over." I admitted in a frightened voice.

Carlisle responded by hugging me close.